Sanctuary States and Cities = Secession From The Union

Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

So you'd be okay with a big tax hike so we could hire 750,000 ice agents and build ice offices in every major city in America?

That would make more sense !

You fools think every illegal got here by hopping across the rio grande?

Illegals are from every country and it's estimated that 40% enter legally and overstay . What does a wall do for that ?

Wouldnt it be far more cost effective to just have the police hold illegals until ICE picked them up?
The police hold criminals that have committed crimes in other jurisdictions for pick up all the time so what makes this any different?

They do for real crimes . Not piddley stuff.

And who pays to retain these people ? Who's on the hook for liability ? It's the cities
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

So you'd be okay with a big tax hike so we could hire 750,000 ice agents and build ice offices in every major city in America?

That would make more sense !

You fools think every illegal got here by hopping across the rio grande?

Illegals are from every country and it's estimated that 40% enter legally and overstay . What does a wall do for that ?

Wouldnt it be far more cost effective to just have the police hold illegals until ICE picked them up?
The police hold criminals that have committed crimes in other jurisdictions for pick up all the time so what makes this any different?

They do for real crimes . Not piddley stuff.

And who pays to retain these people ? Who's on the hook for liability ? It's the cities

Hey dumbass!! If they hand them over to ICE they wont be paying for incarcerating the little cockroach for his crimes.
In certain countries, anybody who is there illegally -- overstaying visa, sneaking over border, etc. -- is captured, mauled, maimed and permanently crippled before getting thrown out.

We hear that's nearly 100% effective.


Worth a try?

Know what we mean?
Well shit fire! Our right of free speech has been callously breached.

It's invidious RAAAAAAAY-SIZZUM.

Know what we mean?
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

So you'd be okay with a big tax hike so we could hire 750,000 ice agents and build ice offices in every major city in America?

That would make more sense !

You fools think every illegal got here by hopping across the rio grande?

Illegals are from every country and it's estimated that 40% enter legally and overstay . What does a wall do for that ?

A wall is not the cure-all for all our immigration problems, but it's a pretty good start. Already people are avoiding entering the country illegally and organizations that cater to illegals are finally fearful of our government. This is a good thing,

The problem with the illegal thing is that in the past, we've always made them feel welcome. I think Trump should also halt road funds to cities and states that allow illegals to obtain drivers licenses.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

They are, and that hasn't changed.

All the feds request is that the cities hold prisoners until ICE arrives to take the prisoner off their hands. It's no different than if a city had a drug king pin wanted by the feds or a person wanted for murder in a different state. You just don't let people like that go free.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?

We're not getting mad anymore......... we're getting even.
The federal government won the Civil War and settled the issue of states rights. There has never been an issue of "cities rights" in the history of the Nation even when New York City wanted to seceed from the Union and join the confederacy. Cities, like moonshiners, must obey federal law or risk arrest and incarceration. All President Trump needs to do is arrest the mayors of "sanctuary cities" and perp walk them into prison.The President has the right and the duty to enforce federal law.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

Indeed. So the Democrats screamed about the border states taking matters into their own hands.

Now, the foot is in the other shoe.

Hmmm no. It's the same foot. Immigration is for the Feds .

Not according to the recent whine of Democrat municipal leaders.
What everyone should be asking is....

Why haven't these mayors and other officials who took oaths of office who are blatantly violating Federal law been charged, arrested and put on trial?
Why are they allowed to be doing illegal things to put Americans at risk. Are they not terrorists in the truest sense ?

Stop playing with these people and lock them up already! Would you and I get away with openly bragging about violating Federal laws?

Where's the justice?
There is No question about this. The same scenario took place in The South Over Slavery and Abolition.

The United States should let them
cede and the pull all Federal Funding.

Seems like we are living in the 1850s & 60s again and it's The Same Old Dems at their same old tricks all over again!
California seems to be the most adamant about this....I say, let them go. Who needs them. Every time there is a natural disaster out there, they come screaming to DC with hat in hand looking for a hand out.
Is the California Republic prepared to: Start its own central bank? Establish a currency. Establish an authority to protect its borders? Spend billions on national defense? Establish a federal government? Establish a diplomatic corps to relate to the other 195 nations? Establish its own system of communications?
Mind everyone that in the interim, California must buy all of its water( gets most from the Colorado River) Buy electricity( main source, Colorado River) Oil/natural gas( Has no oil industry).
California may have the second largest economy in North America, but in actuality, once the reality of having to come up with the funding for all of the above, cannot support itself. Not without confiscatory taxation.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Once again you come on here and never seem to tire of being wrong.
BTW, when is the last time you invited some illegal to your dinner table? Asked them to live in your neighborhood?......Even associated with one of them as a friend?
You whiny little spineless jagoffs are good at telling others what they must tolerate as long as it does not affect YOU....
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .
That's a fucking cop out.
The fact is, local LEO is responsible for reporting ALL criminal activity. If the federal government maintains jurisdiction, the case is handed over to the federal authorities.
Just because the local LEO's are not federal officers, does not mean they get to ignore federal law.
Wrong again, you are. As usual....
There is No question about this. The same scenario took place in The South Over Slavery and Abolition.

The United States should let them
cede and the pull all Federal Funding.

Seems like we are living in the 1850s & 60s again and it's The Same Old Dems at their same old tricks all over again!
Y'all are just bunch of national socialists and don't know it. We have a Commerce Clause; why not resort to Capitalism to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders and generate revenue to help lower our tax burden, at the same time.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
10USC311 is also federal law. Sanctuary cities are all that stands between States overturning DC v. Heller on federal supremacy grounds.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
We have a God given right to own and bear weapons.

Illegal criminal fucktards do not have a right to sneak into our country in violation of our laws.

Get it yet, bubba?
I never understoold why Liberals Link Arms with Islam and Nations who hate us.

Oh I think I just answered my own question.
Sanctuary cities such as NYC and San Francisco would protect ISIS terrorist because they hate the United States of America.
The use of a Border Adjustment Tax and pro rated division of the national debt would stop the division quickly. The blue wall is high taxes and unstable finances makes secession spread far.

That, and so would enforcing the law Bill Clinton signed making it a felony punishable by up to five years in prison doe anybody to knowingly aiding an illegal alien in evading arrest, and if that criminal illegal alien commits a crime resulting in death to someone the sentence is life.

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