Sanders Quits

They represent the same thing in terms of presenting no threat to the establishment. Neither will lift a finger to get money out of politics, for one obvious example. Bernie has been beaten down lately, but represents quite the departure still.
Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Yet you think Sniffy Joe a good man for potus.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".
They represent the same thing in terms of presenting no threat to the establishment. Neither will lift a finger to get money out of politics, for one obvious example. Bernie has been beaten down lately, but represents quite the departure still.
No they do not. And I do think that Biden is more apt to get the money out than trump. It was that notion of they are all the same that gave us trump. Getting money out of politics is important but as a black man, I see there are other things that are just as important if not more. And I believe you see the same things but our lists might be numbered different.
Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Yet you think Sniffy Joe a good man for potus.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".

Biden is a better choice than trump.

I know the truth and Caitlyn Johnson is not it.
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped.
Fucking amazing if that's the best dirty laundry one can dig up from his long, public life. Trump and Biden by comparison? Get serious.
They represent the same thing in terms of presenting no threat to the establishment. Neither will lift a finger to get money out of politics, for one obvious example. Bernie has been beaten down lately, but represents quite the departure still.
No they do not. And I do think that Biden is more apt to get the money out than trump. It was that notion of they are all the same that gave us trump. Getting money out of politics is important but as a black man, I see there are other things that are just as important if not more. And I believe you see the same things but our lists might be numbered different.
Granted other than "It was that notion of they are all the same that gave us trump." Hillary was, like Biden, too much the same. eta: Obviously not the same as Trump at the time, but too much like Slick or GWB for that matter. Establishment, dynastic hired guns, talented at pretending to give a shit.
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Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Yet you think Sniffy Joe a good man for potus.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".

Biden is a better choice than trump.

I know the truth and Caitlyn Johnson is not it.
Clearly you don’t know the truth. Biden is no better than Don, and might be much worse. I know that’s hard for anyone like you who believes what you hear from the MSM, to accept the truth.

You believe Ears was a good potus. LOL. Nothing could be more ignorant. Biden is worse than Ears, which makes him maybe the worst candidate since say oh, Dishonest Abe.
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies of the left, just put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics (figures). This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

No, probably not, as she is a big loser. He will attempt to go for a very prominent unscaved celebrity type woman like an Opera and/or the like, and yes the D's would require her to be black without a doubt.

If the American people don't see through the bullcrap, and very importantly vote qualifications instead of this need to identify with or over this identity bullcrap and/or to even vote for someone like a Joe Biden into the position because he's a good ole boy, then this nation is done.
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped.
Fucking amazing if that's the best dirty laundry one can dig up from his long, public life. Trump and Biden by comparison? Get serious.
I think that standing on stage with sandanistas denouncing America would not have helped him in this election. Nor would his choice to relocate toxic waste to a mostly Hispanic town. You guys who support sanders act almost as bad as trump supporters, but the thing you aren't is racist so I can support that. He voted for the crime bill and no matter the reason, he did it. Bernie is not perfect and I would have supported him if he was the nominee, but Bernie is a yuppie and he had to hire black staff in 2016 because he knew so little about the black community. So what we had was 3 old white men, all born during Jim Crow running for president.

And really, to think women fantasize about being raped is a pretty serious problem.
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

Why do you continue with that old tired lie about the democratic party when republicans have blatantly employed identity politics since Goldwater. And you call Biden names but you support a man accused by 19 women of sexual assault or rape?

I could care less about Kamala Harris sex life. Men like you are dumb asses. You want sex then you denigrate women who like sex. That's dumb. And let's not talk about sleeping your way up when the first lady was broke as a motherfucking joke then she started fucking trump and he liked it so much she now gets some of his money.
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

No, probably not, as she is a big loser. He will attempt to go for a very prominent unscaved celebrity type woman like an Opera and/or the like, and yes the D's would require her to be black without a doubt.

If the American people don't see through the bullcrap, and very importantly vote qualifications instead of this need to identify with or over this identity bullcrap and/or to even vote for someone like a Joe Biden into the position because he's a good ole boy, then this nation is done.
Harris is qualified. And you trump supporters need to understand that if we re elect him, that's when this nation is done.
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

Why do you continue with that old tired lie about the democratic party when republicans have blatantly employed identity politics since Goldwater. And you call Biden names but you support a man accused by 19 women of sexual assault or rape?

I could care less about Kamala Harris sex life. Men like you are dumb asses. You want sex then you denigrate women who like sex. That's dumb. And let's not talk about sleeping your way up when the first lady was broke as a motherfucking joke then she started fucking trump and he liked it so much she now gets some of his money.
You completely misunderstood and misrepresented my post. STOP IT!

The difference between us is I know the D and R party suck equally. You know only that the R party sucks. Hence, you are only half as smart as me.

Am I a racist now too?
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies of the left, just put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics (figures). This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.
Kamala Harris was California AG, before she became a senator. The only justice department bigger than that one is the US DOJ. Harris is more qualified to be president than trump, and the way she shut down barr, she is more qualified to be US AG than he was.

So don't come with the white boy we need to see qualification shit when you're supporting an unqualified white inheritance baby with zero experience and want to give him a second term
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

No, probably not, as she is a big loser. He will attempt to go for a very prominent unscaved celebrity type woman like an Opera and/or the like, and yes the D's would require her to be black without a doubt.

If the American people don't see through the bullcrap, and very importantly vote qualifications instead of this need to identify with or over this identity bullcrap and/or to even vote for someone like a Joe Biden into the position because he's a good ole boy, then this nation is done.
Harris is qualified. And you trump supporters need to understand that if we re elect him, that's when this nation is done.
She’s about as qualified as Ears and Biden. Meaning she’s a good corporatist who loves money, Wall Street, the MIC and war, and will gladly do the bidding of the billionaires.
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

Why do you continue with that old tired lie about the democratic party when republicans have blatantly employed identity politics since Goldwater. And you call Biden names but you support a man accused by 19 women of sexual assault or rape?

I could care less about Kamala Harris sex life. Men like you are dumb asses. You want sex then you denigrate women who like sex. That's dumb. And let's not talk about sleeping your way up when the first lady was broke as a motherfucking joke then she started fucking trump and he liked it so much she now gets some of his money.
You completely misunderstood and misrepresented my post. STOP IT!

The difference between us is I know the D and R party suck equally. You know only that the R party sucks. Hence, you are only half as smart as me.

Am I a racist now too?
You been a racist since you first told me how I should be grateful for whites freeing the slaves. I didn't misinterpret anything and this both sides are equally bad is a lie.

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