Sanders Quits

Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Yet you think Sniffy Joe a good man for potus.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".

Biden is a better choice than trump.

I know the truth and Caitlyn Johnson is not it.
Clearly you don’t know the truth. Biden is no better than Don, and might be much worse. I know that’s hard for anyone like you who believes what you hear from the MSM, to accept the truth.

You believe Ears was a good potus. LOL. Nothing could be more ignorant. Biden is worse than Ears, which makes him maybe the worst candidate since say oh, Dishonest Abe.
Obama was a good president. He saved us from a depression and created the economy trump took credit for during his first 2 years.
You are a warmongering corporatists big government lover just like Ears and dumb Don. Biden is even worse.
Obama inherited 2 wars and I don't listen to whites talking about how wrong big government is when it was big government that has allowed whites to have what they do today.
He inherited two wars and made it seven. He could have given the American people Medicare For All, but instead chose to enrich his donors in big insurance, HC, and Pharma, while screwing the people. Blew up the deficit to enrich his donors on Wall Street and the MIC. Made W’s tax cuts permanent and expanded W’s Patriot Act, further screwing the American people.

Does this make me a racist NOW?
Obama wanted single payer insurance.
But the RW media was engaging in a fear campaign telling people it was a Government takeover and socialism

Plan B was to go with Health Exchanges.

The RW media still screamed that everyone was going to have to give up their insurance plan and take Obamacare. To which Obama replied.......If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

And that turned out to be a huge lie....Probably the most damning thing ever to be uttered by a President....

Lets examine who told the huge lie

98 percent of Americans ended up keeping their insurance.

Obama was wrong about 2 percent of the population
The RW smear campaign that claimed everyone would be forced to take Obamacare was wrong about 98 percent of the population

Let's use one of your trusted sites here....

"President Obama gave ad-makers plenty of fodder last year when his promise — “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” — clearly was proven false."

Quit while you're behind....

From your own link.

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

Worst case, 4.7 million losing coverage out of 330 million Americans is less than 2 percent

Quit while you are behind

Ah the AP.....We all know who they're in the tank for.....

I quoted your link

If you have credible data that more than 4.7 million were forced to change plans, you are welcome to provide it.
Donald trump is 73 years old, he slurs his words frequently which is a sign of cognitive decline. He has the attention span of a gnat and as we see more clearly every day, he is totally incompetent. Stop pretending trump is a young man with a sharp mind when he a elderly cheeseburger guzzling, diet coke swilling old man whose mind is rapidly deteriorating.
You got photographic evidence of him feeling up young girls? I've got plenty of creepy Joe. Wanna go pic for pic?

There is the photographs of Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein. Actually dozens of photographs over many years, all of which you're probably in denial of what a real estate entrepreneur has in common with Epstein.

Probably no more so than your own denial about the documented Clinton involvement with the reprobate....
Donald trump is 73 years old, he slurs his words frequently which is a sign of cognitive decline. He has the attention span of a gnat and as we see more clearly every day, he is totally incompetent. Stop pretending trump is a young man with a sharp mind when he a elderly cheeseburger guzzling, diet coke swilling old man whose mind is rapidly deteriorating.
You got photographic evidence of him feeling up young girls? I've got plenty of creepy Joe. Wanna go pic for pic?

There is the photographs of Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein. Actually dozens of photographs over many years, all of which you're probably in denial of what a real estate entrepreneur has in common with Epstein.
If Conservatives want to play the Glass Houses game, we can easily compare pictures of Biden sniffing hair to Trump molesting a young Ivanka and bragging about grabbing pussies
Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Yet you think Sniffy Joe a good man for potus.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".

Biden is a better choice than trump.

I know the truth and Caitlyn Johnson is not it.
Clearly you don’t know the truth. Biden is no better than Don, and might be much worse. I know that’s hard for anyone like you who believes what you hear from the MSM, to accept the truth.

You believe Ears was a good potus. LOL. Nothing could be more ignorant. Biden is worse than Ears, which makes him maybe the worst candidate since say oh, Dishonest Abe.
Obama was a good president. He saved us from a depression and created the economy trump took credit for during his first 2 years.
You are a warmongering corporatists big government lover just like Ears and dumb Don. Biden is even worse.
Obama inherited 2 wars and I don't listen to whites talking about how wrong big government is when it was big government that has allowed whites to have what they do today.
He inherited two wars and made it seven. He could have given the American people Medicare For All, but instead chose to enrich his donors in big insurance, HC, and Pharma, while screwing the people. Blew up the deficit to enrich his donors on Wall Street and the MIC. Made W’s tax cuts permanent and expanded W’s Patriot Act, further screwing the American people.

Does this make me a racist NOW?
Obama wanted single payer insurance.
But the RW media was engaging in a fear campaign telling people it was a Government takeover and socialism

Plan B was to go with Health Exchanges.

The RW media still screamed that everyone was going to have to give up their insurance plan and take Obamacare. To which Obama replied.......If you like your plan, you can keep your plan

And that turned out to be a huge lie....Probably the most damning thing ever to be uttered by a President....

Lets examine who told the huge lie

98 percent of Americans ended up keeping their insurance.

Obama was wrong about 2 percent of the population
The RW smear campaign that claimed everyone would be forced to take Obamacare was wrong about 98 percent of the population

Let's use one of your trusted sites here....

"President Obama gave ad-makers plenty of fodder last year when his promise — “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” — clearly was proven false."

Quit while you're behind....

From your own link.

The most commonly used figure is 4.7 million, based on reporting by the Associated Press last December. But there’s reason to doubt the accuracy of that figure. An analysis of a more recent poll by researchers at the Urban Institute puts the figure at somewhere around 2.6 million.

Worst case, 4.7 million losing coverage out of 330 million Americans is less than 2 percent

Quit while you are behind

Ah the AP.....We all know who they're in the tank for.....

I quoted your link

If you have credible data that more than 4.7 million were forced to change plans, you are welcome to provide it.

Look, Obama himself admitted that wasn't the case that people could keep their doctors, and insurance plans....That you want to ignore that in favor of fact checks covering for that fact even after they admitted as much is your problem....

Obamacare destroyed insurance in this country...It was a huge give away to large insurance companies, and employers who moved as mine did at the time to disallow spouses from coverage through one of the family's employers or the other, forcing the spouse to accept inferior coverage through their employer at addition cost to the household budget of the couple....That my friend was a slap in the face, and just one reason that his plan was pure crap....
Republican Rutherford Hayes made a deal that ended reconstruction so he could win an election. Republican justices were key in nullifying the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. 4 republican votes out of 7 for cast in favor of separate but equal were republican. The lily white movement were republicans that purged blacks from the [arty and started the movement of blacks into the democratic party beginning in the early 1900's.

The change of the republican party was a slow steady progression. From reconstruction until the new deal, the republicans were the party that elected blacks to congress. The party of Lincoln that freed the slaves also elevated them into positions of power.

But that changed, with the fundamental shift happening in the 1960's. That's when african-american representation in congress shifted from republican to democrat. Until today where the congressional black caucus could hold their republican division meeting in a broom closet, while practicing social distancing.
Donald trump is 73 years old, he slurs his words frequently which is a sign of cognitive decline. He has the attention span of a gnat and as we see more clearly every day, he is totally incompetent. Stop pretending trump is a young man with a sharp mind when he a elderly cheeseburger guzzling, diet coke swilling old man whose mind is rapidly deteriorating.
You got photographic evidence of him feeling up young girls? I've got plenty of creepy Joe. Wanna go pic for pic?

There is the photographs of Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein. Actually dozens of photographs over many years, all of which you're probably in denial of what a real estate entrepreneur has in common with Epstein.
If Conservatives want to play the Glass Houses game, we can easily compare pictures of Biden sniffing hair to Trump molesting a young Ivanka and bragging about grabbing pussies

Oh please....You people are disgusting....We all know how the Democrat party applauds sexual predators...
Well who was it that freed the slaves then ???? Black Santa Clause ?? LOL
It was the republican party of the 1800's. A party that held up until the late 1960's, when they flipped ideologies. In the early 1960's the democrats controlled the south, by the 1980's they had flipped republican. Not because the people changed, but because the parties changed.
Republican Rutherford Hayes made a deal that ended reconstruction so he could win an election. Republican justices were key in nullifying the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. 4 republican votes out of 7 for cast in favor of separate but equal were republican. The lily white movement were republicans that purged blacks from the [arty and started the movement of blacks into the democratic party beginning in the early 1900's.
Ok, and what we see today in Chicago and elsewhere pertaining to gangs, prison sentences, black on black crime, deteriorated neighborhoods, poverty sprawl, and on and on and on says what to you ?????????? Do you think that your side (meaning your radical side) has held up it's end of the bargain completely ?? Be truthful now. It could be justified that seperate but equal may have been right in some cases (not all cases on a volunteer basis), otherwise by what is being seen today or is found in some cases or in some areas of the country, should the data be ignored ?

Look, just like with whites you got your good and your bad, and blacks are no different. And when you get a concentration of the bad, and then the race that each bad group that is formed is from (does nothing to call them out on their bad), then we end up with a huge problem where the bad side ends up making it bad for the rest if not careful right ??

Seen this many times, and it serves the country very badly. You seem to think that the whites are bad for the most part, and that there are whites that think the same about blacks. Fair enough.

Me, well I judge each man or woman by his or her own actions (not by their skin color), but it does hurt to see the bad not being called out by a group, otherwise if the data shows very bad statistics going on within a group. Now your gripe is white privilege based upon years of what you claim are "special treatments" for the white race, where as it was able to hold itself together by these special treatments that it had allotted itself, but is this true or was it there character and belief system to overcome adversity, and to call out it's bad whenever it's badside would raise it's ugly head that got them where they are today ?? Has the blacks (as a whole) followed suit ?? What or who after all this time is truly holding some blacks back, is it the whites or is it their ownselves in some cases ?? The blame game just goes on an on forever doesn't it ?
There is the photographs of Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein. Actually dozens of photographs over many years, all of which you're probably in denial of what a real estate entrepreneur has in common with Epstein.
Probably no more so than your own denial about the documented Clinton involvement with the reprobate....
May I remind you, that Clinton isn't running for president. Anything that "I did not have sex with that woman" doesn't impact those currently running for office.
Unless you want to include President Trump who claimed he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels.
Republican Rutherford Hayes made a deal that ended reconstruction so he could win an election. Republican justices were key in nullifying the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. 4 republican votes out of 7 for cast in favor of separate but equal were republican. The lily white movement were republicans that purged blacks from the [arty and started the movement of blacks into the democratic party beginning in the early 1900's.

The change of the republican party was a slow steady progression. From reconstruction until the new deal, the republicans were the party that elected blacks to congress. The party of Lincoln that freed the slaves also elevated them into positions of power.

But that changed, with the fundamental shift happening in the 1960's. That's when african-american representation in congress shifted from republican to democrat. Until today where the congressional black caucus could hold their republican division meeting in a broom closet, while practicing social distancing.

The CBC is a racist organization.....

As of April 2011, the CBC consisted of 5 officers and 38 additional members. 42 are Democrats, and 24 of them were also members of the radical Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives. After the 2010 mid-term elections, black Republicans Allen West of Florida and Tim Scott of South Carolina were allowed to become members despite the objections of several members saying "they did not represent the interests of African-Americans." Rep West joined saying he wanted to be in touch first hand with "the goings on of the group", while Rep. Scott declined saying, the "CBC does not represent the interests of conservative Americans, nor the interests of hard working black families as a whole."

In the 1990s Republican Congressman J.C. Watts of Oklahoma refused CBC membership and described unnamed black Democratic leaders as "race-hustling poverty pimps."
There is the photographs of Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein. Actually dozens of photographs over many years, all of which you're probably in denial of what a real estate entrepreneur has in common with Epstein.
Probably no more so than your own denial about the documented Clinton involvement with the reprobate....
May I remind you, that Clinton isn't running for president. Anything that "I did not have sex with that woman" doesn't impact those currently running for office.
Unless you want to include President Trump who claimed he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels.

Oh how convenient for you...That way you get to smear without challange....pft....Do better.
If Conservatives want to play the Glass Houses game, we can easily compare pictures of Biden sniffing hair to Trump molesting a young Ivanka and bragging about grabbing pussies

I find it more telling that 16 women were willing to accuse President Trump of molesting them, and although candidate Trump promised to sue each and every one of them for defamation as soon as the election was over, President Trump never filed suit. Knowing that such a lawsuit would include "discovery" under which the party being sued would get to question President Trump "under oath".

We can only guess what would happen should anyone get to question President Trump "under oath", under penalty of perjury.
"no way of gaining the nomination " is baloney.

You're presuming Biden will last and concessions from establishment preserving losers are indeed for quitters. Biden will either crash and burn before November due to dementia or he will simply lose to Trump or he will win and sell us out to his corporate backers. Which potential outcome gets you excited?

Biden is the only Democrat who can realistically defeat Trump. Sanders was sure to lose.

Add Cuomo to the ticket and Trump can’t win.
No, Cuomo is not going to win it for him. He needs a lady on the ticket.
Strategies on the left, put a lady on the ticket just for the purpose of votes or attracting people to vote strictly identity politics. This is as stupid as it gets, and if the nation keeps falling for such idiocy, then this nation will just get weaker and weaker until it is challenged by another nation who wants the title of world leader.

How about doing it like a job interview, where as one qualifies or not ??? Dam this gender bullcrap, and this race bullcrap when electing anyone to public office in this country now. Elect the qualified who will represent the nation intelligently, ethically, responsibly, and blindly when it comes to gender or race. Character 1st, and everything else will follow.

Most of us know the D Party is all about identity politics. Apparently it works on D voters, or they wouldn’t do it.

My guess is Sniffy picks Kamala as his running mate. It’s a twofer, meaning female and black. Plus she might be bi-sexual too. Making it a threefer.

The added benefit for Sniffy is Kamala is easy on the eyes and easy in general. Remember how she got her start?

No, probably not, as she is a big loser. He will attempt to go for a very prominent unscaved celebrity type woman like an Opera and/or the like, and yes the D's would require her to be black without a doubt.

If the American people don't see through the bullcrap, and very importantly vote qualifications instead of this need to identify with or over this identity bullcrap and/or to even vote for someone like a Joe Biden into the position because he's a good ole boy, then this nation is done.
Harris is qualified. And you trump supporters need to understand that if we re elect him, that's when this nation is done.
She’s about as qualified as Ears and Biden. Meaning she’s a good corporatist who loves money, Wall Street, the MIC and war, and will gladly do the bidding of the billionaires.
She is more qualified than trump, whose dick most of you have gladly sucked and who happens to be a billionaire.
An educated man you call yourself eh ? With words like that it appears that you can't control your badside, so maybe you should join in with the badside instead of acting all educated when your mouth speaks differently.
If Conservatives want to play the Glass Houses game, we can easily compare pictures of Biden sniffing hair to Trump molesting a young Ivanka and bragging about grabbing pussies

I find it more telling that 16 women were willing to accuse President Trump of molesting them, and although candidate Trump promised to sue each and every one of them for defamation as soon as the election was over, President Trump never filed suit. Knowing that such a lawsuit would include "discovery" under which the party being sued would get to question President Trump "under oath".

We can only guess what would happen should anyone get to question President Trump "under oath", under penalty of perjury.
Trump has been very adept at avoiding testimony under oath
In the 1990s Republican Congressman J.C. Watts of Oklahoma refused CBC membership and described unnamed black Democratic leaders as "race-hustling poverty pimps."
From 1995 until 1997, Watts was only one of two black Republicans in Congress (along with Gary Franks of Connecticut). From 1997 until 2003, Watts was the only black Republican Congressman. There would not be another until the elections of Tim Scott and Allen West in 2011.

From the man who for most of his congressional career had the theme song "One is the loneliest number"
Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Yet you think Sniffy Joe a good man for potus.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".

Biden is a better choice than trump.

I know the truth and Caitlyn Johnson is not it.
Clearly you don’t know the truth. Biden is no better than Don, and might be much worse. I know that’s hard for anyone like you who believes what you hear from the MSM, to accept the truth.

You believe Ears was a good potus. LOL. Nothing could be more ignorant. Biden is worse than Ears, which makes him maybe the worst candidate since say oh, Dishonest Abe.
Obama was a good president. He saved us from a depression and created the economy trump took credit for during his first 2 years.
You are a warmongering corporatists big government lover just like Ears and dumb Don. Biden is even worse.
Obama inherited 2 wars and I don't listen to whites talking about how wrong big government is when it was big government that has allowed whites to have what they do today.
He inherited two wars and made it seven. He could have given the American people Medicare For All, but instead chose to enrich his donors in big insurance, HC, and Pharma, while screwing the people. Blew up the deficit to enrich his donors on Wall Street and the MIC. Made W’s tax cuts permanent and expanded W’s Patriot Act, further screwing the American people.

Does this make me a racist NOW?
You say him, him, him as if there is no base or voters behind him. Since when did we no longer have a representative government ? I know that there is corruption, but for the most part the voters still control the situation, and especially when it comes to dinner table issues and job's, and more so "job security".
May I remind you, that Clinton isn't running for president. Anything that "I did not have sex with that woman" doesn't impact those currently running for office.
Unless you want to include President Trump who claimed he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels.

Oh how convenient for you...That way you get to smear without challange....pft....Do better.

The idea of blaming somebody who isn't running for office, for deeds from decades ago, being any way germane to the current conversation shows you have no argument.
If Conservatives want to play the Glass Houses game, we can easily compare pictures of Biden sniffing hair to Trump molesting a young Ivanka and bragging about grabbing pussies

I find it more telling that 16 women were willing to accuse President Trump of molesting them, and although candidate Trump promised to sue each and every one of them for defamation as soon as the election was over, President Trump never filed suit. Knowing that such a lawsuit would include "discovery" under which the party being sued would get to question President Trump "under oath".

We can only guess what would happen should anyone get to question President Trump "under oath", under penalty of perjury.
He sued Stormy and won, and her idiot lawyer is in jail. Next.
Have a 401K? Mutual funds? What's acceptable, some cash under your pillow with a gun?
Bernie owned stocks in things he claimed to oppose. We need to stop falling for rhetoric. Bernie had major issues that would have killed him in the general. Like the paper he wrote about women fantasizing about being raped. Now don't get me wrong, I do support his fight against wealth inequality but a president must be more than that. He could put his money in the local bank. Don't rant about Wall Street then help stockbrokers get rich by handing them your money.
Yet you think Sniffy Joe a good man for potus.

This is most accurate. From Caitlin Johnstone...know the truth!!!

Without being raised in a media environment saturated with establishment propaganda it would never occur to anyone to call a violent authoritarian extremist like Joe Biden a "moderate".

Biden is a better choice than trump.

I know the truth and Caitlyn Johnson is not it.
Clearly you don’t know the truth. Biden is no better than Don, and might be much worse. I know that’s hard for anyone like you who believes what you hear from the MSM, to accept the truth.

You believe Ears was a good potus. LOL. Nothing could be more ignorant. Biden is worse than Ears, which makes him maybe the worst candidate since say oh, Dishonest Abe.
Obama was a good president. He saved us from a depression and created the economy trump took credit for during his first 2 years.
You are a warmongering corporatists big government lover just like Ears and dumb Don. Biden is even worse.
Obama inherited 2 wars and I don't listen to whites talking about how wrong big government is when it was big government that has allowed whites to have what they do today.
He inherited two wars and made it seven. He could have given the American people Medicare For All, but instead chose to enrich his donors in big insurance, HC, and Pharma, while screwing the people. Blew up the deficit to enrich his donors on Wall Street and the MIC. Made W’s tax cuts permanent and expanded W’s Patriot Act, further screwing the American people.

Does this make me a racist NOW?
You say him, him, him as if there is no base or voters behind him. Since when did we no longer have a representative government ? I know that there is corruption, but for the most part the voters still control the situation, and especially when it comes to dinner table issues and job's, and more so "job security".
You’re dreaming. We live in an Oligarchy. The extreme rich run the show. If you think voting for one of two assholes is representative government, you’re naive. It’s no different with Congress.
Knowing that such a lawsuit would include "discovery" under which the party being sued would get to question President Trump "under oath".

We can only guess what would happen should anyone get to question President Trump "under oath", under penalty of perjury.
Trump has been very adept at avoiding testimony under oath
Donald Trump did not completely avoid testimony. The last times in which Trump was deposed in lawsuits against him, showed him telling dozens of lies. That's probably when his lawyers changed strategy to have Trump avoid it in the future.
Amazing how close Bernie came to winning the nomination. Biden was on the ropes, if other candidates had not dropped out, Bernie would have won Super Tuesday
The other candidates prematurely drop out due to the Machinery's huge right foot being applied to their necks and the scales. Reducing our choices to those we'll be allowed to have. That's the rigging, obviously. The real purpose of effectively having only one major political party. Anyone's fine.. so long as most billionaires feel no threat. So practically no one is fine.

That is some real whinny ass BS right there....Look, if you need half a dozen others polling at <5% to stay in to have a chance, then I got news for ya...You have no chance anyway....Face it, the real reason you're upset is that the left has NO viable answer to President Trump.
We have an answer to trump. Biden. And you're going to learn that the hard way. Why you guys think trump is so unbeatable is delusional.
Sniffy won’t do anything different from dumb Don but the MSM will tell you how wonderful he is, and you will dutifully believe.

Why would you support Biden? He’s a racist.
LOL! Maybe the media tells you what to believe, but I know about Biden. A racist doesn't work under the command of a black person. Biden will be far different than trump.
Yeah like "man you gotta have an Indian accent to go into a convenient store now".

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