Sanders supporters... question...

There is nothing to discuss. You are trying to convince me of something he never said by using someone elses words. Sorry but I'm not dumb like you.
Will you believe LA Progressive? Lol
Bernie Wins on Medicare for All for Undocumented Immigrants
Before the debate on June 27, Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States. Then during the debate the 10 candidates on stage were asked if illegal immigrants were covered under the healthcare plans they favor – and all 10 raised their hands in favor of giving illegal immigrants free healthcare. This was amazing, given the history.
That says undocumented not illegal. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:
Are you that blind? -

Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States.

Yet, another link that's not credible.

Can you point to what in the Daily Caller story is wrong?
Sure. Where did the word "illegal" come out of Sanders mouth?
There is nothing to discuss. You are trying to convince me of something he never said by using someone elses words. Sorry but I'm not dumb like you.
Will you believe LA Progressive? Lol
Bernie Wins on Medicare for All for Undocumented Immigrants
Before the debate on June 27, Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States. Then during the debate the 10 candidates on stage were asked if illegal immigrants were covered under the healthcare plans they favor – and all 10 raised their hands in favor of giving illegal immigrants free healthcare. This was amazing, given the history.
That says undocumented not illegal. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:
Are you that blind? -

Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States.
So why cant you show me where he used the phrase "illegal"?
What is your purpose here? Because we both know exactly what he means. Your denial does nothing to change the facts.
My purpose is to figure out why repubs are so fucking gullible. You ok with that?
There is nothing to discuss. You are trying to convince me of something he never said by using someone elses words. Sorry but I'm not dumb like you.
Will you believe LA Progressive? Lol
Bernie Wins on Medicare for All for Undocumented Immigrants
Before the debate on June 27, Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States. Then during the debate the 10 candidates on stage were asked if illegal immigrants were covered under the healthcare plans they favor – and all 10 raised their hands in favor of giving illegal immigrants free healthcare. This was amazing, given the history.
That says undocumented not illegal. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:
Are you that blind? -

Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States.

Yet, another link that's not credible.

Can you point to what in the Daily Caller story is wrong?
Or the la progressive that pointed back to the link, or tge video showing what he said.
Will you believe LA Progressive? Lol
Bernie Wins on Medicare for All for Undocumented Immigrants
Before the debate on June 27, Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States. Then during the debate the 10 candidates on stage were asked if illegal immigrants were covered under the healthcare plans they favor – and all 10 raised their hands in favor of giving illegal immigrants free healthcare. This was amazing, given the history.
That says undocumented not illegal. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:
Are you that blind? -

Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States.
So why cant you show me where he used the phrase "illegal"?
What is your purpose here? Because we both know exactly what he means. Your denial does nothing to change the facts.
My purpose is to figure out why repubs are so fucking gullible. You ok with that?
You are a liar. Just because he uses the lefts pc term undocumented does not change its meaning-
Undocumented Alien
An alien who entered the United States illegally without the proper authorization and documents, or who entered the United States legally and has since violated the terms of his or her visa or overstayed the time limit. An undocumented alien is deportable if apprehended.
Will you believe LA Progressive? Lol
Bernie Wins on Medicare for All for Undocumented Immigrants
Before the debate on June 27, Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States. Then during the debate the 10 candidates on stage were asked if illegal immigrants were covered under the healthcare plans they favor – and all 10 raised their hands in favor of giving illegal immigrants free healthcare. This was amazing, given the history.
That says undocumented not illegal. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:
Are you that blind? -

Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States.

Yet, another link that's not credible.

Can you point to what in the Daily Caller story is wrong?
Sure. Where did the word "illegal" come out of Sanders mouth?

Ok, tell me the difference between "undocumented" and "Illegal" when we are talking about foreigners in the country illegally?
That says undocumented not illegal. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:
Are you that blind? -

Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States.

Yet, another link that's not credible.

Can you point to what in the Daily Caller story is wrong?
Sure. Where did the word "illegal" come out of Sanders mouth?

Ok, tell me the difference between "undocumented" and "Illegal" when we are talking about foreigners in the country illegally?

If you don't have papers at hand, lost them or something, then obviously you are "undocumented".

This is why the correct term is ILLEGAL and not this PC bullshit.

None of the Sanders supporters have yet told us how to put the two together.
That says undocumented not illegal. Damn youre stupid. :laugh:
Are you that blind? -

Bernie Sanders admitted that his Medicare for All plan would cover the nearly 11 million illegal immigrants present in the United States.

Yet, another link that's not credible.

Can you point to what in the Daily Caller story is wrong?
Sure. Where did the word "illegal" come out of Sanders mouth?

Ok, tell me the difference between "undocumented" and "Illegal" when we are talking about foreigners in the country illegally?
I already told you. Do your homework and read the thread.
How do you fit these two together?

1. Free health care for illegals.
2. Open border.

Easy as pie to fit together.

Any one who can make it past the border get Cadillac level health care

BTW, one of my brothers lives in the Great State of South Carolina and intends to vote for Crazy Bernie this week.

His reasoning is that Crazy Bernie was cheated out of the nomination in 2016, and is entitled to it.

The rich international businessmen that own both parties are the ones pushing for open borders.

How does that tie into the false claim that illegal immigrants would get free healthcare?

Reagan’s COBRA...They’ve been getting it for decades.

You idiot. COBRA is paid for by employers and employees after they fire you for no good reason or you leave. You cant get it unless you have paid taxes from your income.

The rich international businessmen that own both parties are the ones pushing for open borders.

How does that tie into the false claim that illegal immigrants would get free healthcare?

Reagan’s COBRA...They’ve been getting it for decades.

You idiot. COBRA is paid for by employers and employees after they fire you for no good reason or you leave. You cant get it unless you have paid taxes from your income.

That is only 1 aspect of the legislation.
Don’t feel bad as I used to also think that’s all it was.
Today’s Post-employment COBRA benefits have been severely watered down since the 80s; but not for trespassers.

The rich international businessmen that own both parties are the ones pushing for open borders.

How does that tie into the false claim that illegal immigrants would get free healthcare?

Reagan’s COBRA...They’ve been getting it for decades.

You idiot. COBRA is paid for by employers and employees after they fire you for no good reason or you leave. You cant get it unless you have paid taxes from your income.

That is only 1 aspect of the legislation.
Don’t feel bad as I used to also think that’s all it was.
Today’s Post-employment COBRA benefits have been severely watered down since the 80s; but not for trespassers.

So youre claiming that an illegal immigrant can get COBRA? Show me the facts. No way am I buying that. Illegal immigrants get deported.

The rich international businessmen that own both parties are the ones pushing for open borders.

How does that tie into the false claim that illegal immigrants would get free healthcare?

Reagan’s COBRA...They’ve been getting it for decades.

You idiot. COBRA is paid for by employers and employees after they fire you for no good reason or you leave. You cant get it unless you have paid taxes from your income.

That is only 1 aspect of the legislation.
Don’t feel bad as I used to also think that’s all it was.
Today’s Post-employment COBRA benefits have been severely watered down since the 80s; but not for trespassers.

So youre claiming that an illegal immigrant can get COBRA? Show me the facts. No way am I buying that. Illegal immigrants get deported.

Visit the ER of the closest hospital and read the Large Print that displays the COBRA section of legislation that states that no one entering that ER can be denied appropriate treatment for whatever ails them.
I spent plenty of time in 4 different ERs with my in-laws watching patient in-take and seeing dozens of not very well dressed people speaking Spanish and not being able to produce documents validating their identity who were then taken into the ER.
How does that tie into the false claim that illegal immigrants would get free healthcare?
Reagan’s COBRA...They’ve been getting it for decades.
You idiot. COBRA is paid for by employers and employees after they fire you for no good reason or you leave. You cant get it unless you have paid taxes from your income.
That is only 1 aspect of the legislation.
Don’t feel bad as I used to also think that’s all it was.
Today’s Post-employment COBRA benefits have been severely watered down since the 80s; but not for trespassers.
So youre claiming that an illegal immigrant can get COBRA? Show me the facts. No way am I buying that. Illegal immigrants get deported.
Visit the ER of the closest hospital and read the Large Print that displays the COBRA section of legislation that states that no one entering that ER can be denied appropriate treatment for whatever ails them.
I spent plenty of time in 4 different ERs with my in-laws watching patient in-take and seeing dozens of not very well dressed people speaking Spanish and not being able to produce documents validating their identity who were then taken into the ER.
You cant walk into the ER and be seen unless its an emergency. You cant go get a prescription filled for your rash in the ER.
Reagan’s COBRA...They’ve been getting it for decades.
You idiot. COBRA is paid for by employers and employees after they fire you for no good reason or you leave. You cant get it unless you have paid taxes from your income.
That is only 1 aspect of the legislation.
Don’t feel bad as I used to also think that’s all it was.
Today’s Post-employment COBRA benefits have been severely watered down since the 80s; but not for trespassers.
So youre claiming that an illegal immigrant can get COBRA? Show me the facts. No way am I buying that. Illegal immigrants get deported.
Visit the ER of the closest hospital and read the Large Print that displays the COBRA section of legislation that states that no one entering that ER can be denied appropriate treatment for whatever ails them.
I spent plenty of time in 4 different ERs with my in-laws watching patient in-take and seeing dozens of not very well dressed people speaking Spanish and not being able to produce documents validating their identity who were then taken into the ER.
You cant walk into the ER and be seen unless its an emergency. You cant go get a prescription filled for your rash in the ER.
You are incorrect.
I know you can’t accept anything posted by a Honky so visit an ER and observe.
How do you fit these two together?

1. Free health care for illegals.
2. Open border.
Logical coherence is not a goal for these folks, the acquisition of power is. They don't meet your logical arguments, they yell and dismiss them. Authoritarian Socialism is a ideology of brute force and hate, and the hate and violence often starts against the Jewish People, then inflamed being being able to indulge it, moves on to other groups.

Democrats Debate: Senator Sanders Emerges in the Garb of Ant-Semitism

The rest of the Democrats on the stage when Israel was brought up in Charleston kept silent as Senator Sanders’ libeled its elected premier. It took none other than Israel’s foreign minister, Yisrael Katz, to put Senator Sanders’ dishonest, ad hominem remarks on Israel into proper relief — as so “horrifying” that those who support the Jewish state would be unable to support Senator Sanders for president.

If elected, Mr. Sanders would be America’s first Jewish president. “You recently called a very prominent, well-known American Israel lobby a platform for, quote, ‘bigotry,’” Mr. Garrett said. He then asked, among other things, whether Mr. Sanders would “move the U.S. embassy back to Tel Aviv?”

“Let me just — the answer is, it’s something that we would take into consideration,” Mr. Sanders burbled, adding: “I am very proud of being Jewish. I actually lived in Israel for some months. But what I happen to believe is that, right now, sadly, tragically, in Israel, through Bibi Netanyahu, you have a reactionary racist who is now running that country.”​

In reaction to which the Democratic audience broke into applause.

It was a breathtaking moment. What Mr. Sanders vowed to take into consideration reversing a move of the American embassy to Jerusalem that was carried out by President Trump on the basis of an almost unanimous decision of the United States Congress. The vote was 374 to 37 in the House and Vice President Biden, who was a sponsor of the legislation, was cowed in Charleston into embarrassed silence.

The kibbutz Sanders belonged to was Shaar Haamakim.

The kibbutz belonged to an extremist Stalinist Israeli political party called Mapam that in the 1950s was a communist, Soviet-affiliated faction. Kibbutz members had admired Joseph Stalin until his death. They celebrated May Day with red flags.

Mr. Sanders’ kibbutz wanted to control the means of production, taking from each according to his abilities and giving to each according to his needs.

None of the Democrats on the stages of Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa or Nevada confronted Mr. Sanders on this.

The rich international businessmen that own both parties are the ones pushing for open borders.

How does that tie into the false claim that illegal immigrants would get free healthcare?

Bernie does not support open borders as claimed. That is the wet dream of rich international business elites.

Do you think the Main Stream Media covers Biden fairly or are they in the tank for Biden?

I figured Biden would get a traditional bounce out of South Carolina, but instead he got the Mega Super Duper Happy Fun Ball bounced!

Do you think the DNC has rigged this against Bernie in order to hand it to Biden? The guy blew every debate, has no organization, just called his sister his wife, I mean, Come On!

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