Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

That's "ads" you dummy. Lol.
More Political Correctness from the Obama Administration.
There was no malfunction with the guns, The guns performed as advertised.
Therefor there is no reason to sue the gun manufacturers. It would be like the families of drunk driving victims being able to sue the car manufacturers,
The families can sue the shooter but most of the time they don't have the deep pockets like the manufacturers do.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

Ever look in Newsweek? Do they have gun adds? No? There sure are a lot of alcohol adds.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

Anti rights ?! I'm pro rights . Pro people being able to take their claims to court without having congress issue protection for thier pet industry .
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

Anti rights ?! I'm pro rights . Pro people being able to take their claims to court without having congress issue protection for thier pet industry .

No, you're not. You are anti freedom based on your desire to see the legal system fucked up beyond recognition with a bunch of stupid lawsuits.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

I'm sure people have . Alcholhol companies get shit all the time for marketing to underage people .
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

Ever look in Newsweek? Do they have gun adds? No? There sure are a lot of alcohol adds.

Yes or no, do gun mags have adds??

Cause yall flapped you mouths that gun makers don't advertise . Now all of a sudden it's "Newsweek ".

Who's the one avoiding questions ????
Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Sandy Hook families can sue gun industry

BRIDGEPORT — Gun-safety advocates hailed a judge’s ruling that victims’ families can sue the manufacturer of the military-style rifle used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

hey called the Thursday decision by Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellisa landmark in the fight against the epidemic of mass shootings.

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said it was an “important win” for the Newtown families and other victims.

“They deserve their day in court and we are pleased that at least for now they'll get it, despite the defendants' best efforts to derail this case,” Gross said. “Victims of gun violence are not second-class citizens.”

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who became the state’s leading advocate for gun-control reforms after the Newtown school massacre, said firearms companies should not be allowed blanket immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits.

“I look at this as a moral victory,” Malloy said.

Gun makers, dealers and sellers had claimed the Newtown families did not have legal standing.

But Bellis ruled that the 2005 federal law shielding gun makers from liability does not override the claims by the Sandy Hook families that the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle is a military-style rifle that should never have been marketed to civilians.

The judge’s decisions comes in the middle of a contentious race for the nation’s presidency, in which the Sandy Hook families’ lawsuit has become pivotal.

Bellis ordered participating lawyers to her courtroom Tuesday for a conference to prepare for trial. An appeal of the decision, however, could delay the issue.

Josh Koskoff, the attorney from the Bridgeport-based Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the Newtown families, said he was pleased with Bellis’s ruling.

“We are thrilled that the gun companies’ motion to dismiss was denied,” Koskoff said in a statement. “The families look forward to continuing their fight in court.”

Attorneys for the defendant gun makers, distributors and dealer did not respond for requests for comment on Thursday.Michael Bazinet, public affairs director for the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation, said the organization is reviewing the decision and has no comment at this time.

U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, both Democrats, met with gun safety advocates Thursday and called for the repeal of the laws protecting the gun industry from lawsuits.

“It is a historic and seismic step to open the courthouse doors for gun violence survivors and others who have legitimate legal complaints against the gun industry,” said Blumenthal. “It is a powerful impetus and momentum for ongoing reform efforts to stop gun violence that is an epidemic and public health crisis in our nation.”

This next election is there will probably be 3 Supremes nominated.............Here in a lower court..............they say they can now sue the gun manufacturers..................incredible.......

A company is only liable if the product harms while used as intended. No gun manufacturer ever suggested that people murder. Of course, we have nutjobs, like Sharpton, believing that white people should never shoot blacks even if it's clearly self-defense.

This is a bold attempt to put the gun industry out of business. It's illegal, immoral and typical leftwing tactics.

I supposed the families of 9/11 can sue the airline now. That won't happen any more than knife companies or auto companies will ever be held liable for deaths.

It's a problem with peoples' minds. The left is never interested in getting to the core of the problem. They love problems that they can offer their controlling solutions to solve. Violent people will always walk the earth. If liberals get their way, we will all be at the mercy of those without hearts or a conscience.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

Anti rights ?! I'm pro rights . Pro people being able to take their claims to court without having congress issue protection for thier pet industry .

There is no "special protections." Just like any other industry if the product is DEFECTIVE, then a lawsuit can be brought. If a person intentionally misuses the product, then there is no lawsuit.

You still haven't answered my direct question to you. So, if someone drinks and drives and kills someone, should the car manufacturers and the alcohol manufacturers be sued?
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

Ever look in Newsweek? Do they have gun adds? No? There sure are a lot of alcohol adds.

Yes or no, do gun mags have adds??

Cause yall flapped you mouths that gun makers don't advertise . Now all of a sudden it's "Newsweek ".

Who's the one avoiding questions ????

You are the one avoiding questions.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

I'm sure people have . Alcholhol companies get shit all the time for marketing to underage people .

You need to learn how to spell, first of all, tiny Timmy.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

Ever look in Newsweek? Do they have gun adds? No? There sure are a lot of alcohol adds.

Yes or no, do gun mags have adds??

Cause yall flapped you mouths that gun makers don't advertise . Now all of a sudden it's "Newsweek ".

Who's the one avoiding questions ????

No, they don't have "adds."
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

Anti rights ?! I'm pro rights . Pro people being able to take their claims to court without having congress issue protection for thier pet industry .

Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

Ever look in Newsweek? Do they have gun adds? No? There sure are a lot of alcohol adds.

Yes or no, do gun mags have adds??

Cause yall flapped you mouths that gun makers don't advertise . Now all of a sudden it's "Newsweek ".

Who's the one avoiding questions ????

Hmmm, let me see. Does a magazine dedicated to the shooting interests have gun maker advertisements. Why yes, yes it does. A FOCUSED periodical does indeed have ads for those who want to learn about guns. Now, riddle me this simpleton. Are there gun advertisements in any mainstream media outlet?
I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

Anti rights ?! I'm pro rights . Pro people being able to take their claims to court without having congress issue protection for thier pet industry .


Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.

I'm sure people have . Alcholhol companies get shit all the time for marketing to underage people .

Alcohol companies market to underage people? Can you show me one of those advertisements?
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

If his bitch mom lived, should she have faced charges?

Face charges for what, getting shot and having her keys stolen from her so her son could gain access to her secured firearms?
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