Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Can I sue a newspaper if it wrote a story that caused harm? Imagine the bandwagon lawyers who would line up out the door of the court house to sue any newspaper in the world. One would wonder if industries that are involved in our constitutional rights don't deserve some protection from lawsuits.

People sue newspapers all the time .

Yes, they do sue newspapers all the time, but they don't sue the company that manufactured the paper.

Are the sandy hook people suing the steel companies supplying the gun people?

If we let liberals get their way, that won't be too far down the road.

Guns are made to shoot things, that's all they are made for. The gun manufacturer produced a product that is legal and did what it's supposed to do. How can you blame them for anything?
Make no mistake about it..............their agenda is to ban all guns here..............even though most of them deny it............

If they take the Supreme Court it will be a Kangaroo court and they will use Judicial Activism to get their way.......

Keep your powder dry...............they will be coming one day for all guns...................

and you'll meekly hand them over when they do.

Okay, time to talk seriously. This is about an industry and its conduct. There is no sane universe where giving Adam Lanza an AR-15 was EVER a good idea.

Yet the gun industry is doing exactly that, taking military grade weapons and intentionally marketing them to the most mentally unstable people in the country. They've pushed for weak gun laws to make it easy for Criminals to get them so people will be all scared and stuff and they can sell more, and they've made the streets more dangerous so that law enforcement wants more firepower, too.
Meekly hand them over?

I don't think so.

As a matter of fact, I'm probably going to buy some guns as a result of all this idiocy. I haven't owned a gun for about 10 years, but I see a time in the future when the Stalinists among us will win the battle against freedom. I plan on taking down as many of them as possible before they pack me off to the Gulag.

You still have time.

If Trump wins the election, you probably don't have to worry. If Hillary wins, you can kiss your guns goodbye.

When she pries them from my cold dead fingers.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Nope. Not one. And no they don't. There is no legal precedent anywhere in the world for suing a manufacturer for the criminal misuse of their product. It was tried in Israel a few years back but the judge there rightfully reasoned that to allow such a abuse of the legal system would lead to the collapse of that legal system and ultimately the social fabric of the country.

So, if your goal is to cause the destruction of the legal system, congrats. You are well on your way.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

How are companies marketing their product? Do you see gun billboards on the highway? Do you see gun commercials on your television or on the radio?

The only people that are subject to gun advertising are those who are in the NRA, deal with a gun shop, or register their firearm with the manufacturer. Other than that, there is no gun advertising in this country.
Lanza's mother was considered mentally unstable? Have any link to that?

As far as I remember, she was a legal gun owner; bought her guns from gun dealers in a state that has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country.

Well, she was a prepper... So yeah, she was nuts.

"State with the most restrictive gun laws" is like "Leper with the most fingers"
I'm prepared for floods, earthquakes, power outages and potential extreme emergencies.

I'm also prepared to feed my family. By using a firearm.

So being prepared makes you a nut?

Just don't let Joe in if the time comes. Lol. :lol:
He lacks cojones
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

So they lose their suit. What are u bitching about ?
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

So do alcohol companies. Alcohol is a killer and not a constitutional right. I notice that you avoid my direct questions and try to gloss over them. You are very transparent, anti-rights SOB. You aren't fooling anyone.
Can I sue a newspaper if it wrote a story that caused harm? Imagine the bandwagon lawyers who would line up out the door of the court house to sue any newspaper in the world. One would wonder if industries that are involved in our constitutional rights don't deserve some protection from lawsuits.

People sue newspapers all the time .

Yes, they do sue newspapers all the time, but they don't sue the company that manufactured the paper.

Are the sandy hook people suing the steel companies supplying the gun people?

How about the builders of the school? Had it not been for the school being there the asshole wouldn't have had such a target rich environment. Heck. I think they should sue all of the taxpayers of the State. It is their fault that the building was funded in the first place.

How about the fact that schools are "advertised" as gun free zones, which would attract these loons to begin with? Talk about advertising that you have a bunch of defenseless sitting ducks.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???! have to buy them gonna outlaw the mags too..................
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

If his bitch mom lived, should she have faced charges?
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

If his bitch mom lived, should she have faced charges?

Oh, picking on a dead lady. Real classy.

Answer my questions first.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?
If someone drowns in my pool and I am found negligent or reckless then yes there is a valid lawsuit.

When I put the pool in I had to install a fence around the pool or the property. Both were installed.

If you enter my property and drown in my pool without my consent I cannot be held accountable.

If you break into my home and steal my gun and use it to commit a crime how are either I or the manufacturer culpable?
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

If his bitch mom lived, should she have faced charges?
No respect for the dead.
Can I sue a newspaper if it wrote a story that caused harm? Imagine the bandwagon lawyers who would line up out the door of the court house to sue any newspaper in the world. One would wonder if industries that are involved in our constitutional rights don't deserve some protection from lawsuits.

People sue newspapers all the time .

Yes, they do sue newspapers all the time, but they don't sue the company that manufactured the paper.

Are the sandy hook people suing the steel companies supplying the gun people?

How about the builders of the school? Had it not been for the school being there the asshole wouldn't have had such a target rich environment. Heck. I think they should sue all of the taxpayers of the State. It is their fault that the building was funded in the first place.

They should be sued for making it a gun-free zone and turning all the students into targets.
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

If his bitch mom lived, should she have faced charges?

Why don't you just admit that you don't care about the "dead children"? If you did, you would be demanding that bans be put on alcohol and drugs.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Because we know how scumbags like you operate. You will use the courts to sue the gun manufacturers into bankruptcy thereby depriving us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

Do you actually expect us to treat douche bags like you as if you were decent honorable people?

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