Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.
An AR-15 is not a military grade weapon.

However, the AR-15 is easily transformed into a full auto M-16 that is only 22 cal and the AK-47 is 30 cal.
Which then makes it illegal. Otherwise it is not a chosen weapon of the military.
So the fuck what...............You will punish law abiding citizens who haven't done a damn thing wrong with guns..............You can pass any law you want..........doesn't make it go away.........

By your own rhetoric...........There are laws against speeding...........Naw nobody will violate that..............LOL

I think you've stumbled into a good analogy. No, Speeding laws will never be entirely obeyed. But they are better than someone barrelling at 80MPH through a school zone, eh?

By your logic, we should have no speed limits, because the Founding Slave Rapists wanted us to run down government Bureaucrats some day or something, so those kids should be on their own when some lunatic drives through at 80 MPH even if most people have the common sense to only drive at 25. And the guy who does barrel down through there at 80MPH should keep doing it until he turns a kid into street pizza, and then we'll do something about it.

Okay moron....a quick primer on laws and how they work, especially in relation to guns and gun it...learn something...

If Only Gun Control Worked, Every Pro-Gun Group Wishes It Did

This is the great flaw with law. It doesn’t work. It gives you legal options after the action, and it deters good people, sometimes, but it doesn’t do much other good. Gun control deters no one intent on evil acts. Only some of us understand this unfortunately. If laws against armed bank robbery worked, we’d have no armed bank robbers, right?

The constantly vilified supposedly evil gun lobby (the NRA) fervently wishes those laws worked. Every one of their five million members wishes gun-control laws—the 20,000 we hear are already on the books—worked as advertised.

There isn’t any criminal act you can commit with a firearm that isn’t already illegal.

If only those laws did something to stop crime! We’d be safer, and the left wouldn’t be out there, all alone you might have noticed, pressing for still more laws to do what those laws aren’t doing.

The worst part—new gun laws being proposed don’t even confront crime. They don’t have to, because the crimes are already outlawed. But I repeat myself. The new laws make crimes out of things that aren’t crime—by banning legal activity Americans do every day. Look at gun-transfer laws, pitched as more background checks* for example, the current rallying cry of more-gun-law proponents.
Hey moron.... our gun suicides went more people bought guns......your whole point about suicide is stupid....

Dick Tiny, we are having a nice conversation here, we don't need you spamming 30 pages of NRA propaganda. me one link I use from the NRA....they should actually use what I have.....they would be more effective.....twit.
No one gave lanza a gun....he committed murder to get his......twit. Perhaps we should make murder illegal....?

Or we don't sell it to a woman who thinks the best way to treat a child with a serious mental disorder is to take him to the shooting range, show him how to use a gun, and then let him play violent videogames for hours on end.

And if someone had bothered to do any kind of background check on her, they'd have found it out, just like the news media found it out within DAYS of looking into it.
Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.
An AR-15 is not a military grade weapon.

However, the AR-15 is easily transformed into a full auto M-16 that is only 22 cal and the AK-47 is 30 cal.
Huh? What does the size have to do with anything and where did you get the idea going full auto was easy?
Should the families of those hit and killed by drunk drivers be able to sue the alcohol companies? Yes or no.

Given the Alcohol companies take reasonable precautions to keep people from driving drunk, no.

The gun industry goes out of its way to get guns to people like Nancy Lanza and Joker Holmes. This is a deliberate marketing decision. The more crime you have, the more people like ray and 2aguy who piss themselves over the thought of the scary negro breaking into their house want more guns, too.

You see, you have to ask yourself who gave Nancy the idea that she really needed an AR-15, a weapon designed to fight the Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam. What could have possibly possessed her of the notion she needed that kind of firepower.

She wasn't buying it to defend herself from preschoolers.
And you want to take law abiding citizens weapons away from them because of that nut bag.....................As I just said come and take them Joe..............................You want a Civil War go ahead.....
Dramatize the subject.............try to picture a splat on the ground from a speeder.............and say............See IT'S THE SAME THING......

No the hell it isn't..........

That speeder..................did that guy in the other car doing the speed limit and stopping for the want to TAKE HIS CAR..............because some asshole speed though a school zone and killed children....................

We don't get rid of CARS to solve the problem Mr. Genius.

And we don't really need to. We can and do regulate the use of cars effectively.

We don't regulate the use of guns, which is why you get a Lanza or a Mercer or a Holmes who everyone in their lives knew was batshit crazy but they were able to get a gun, anyway.


in 2013....320,000,000 million guns in private hands...

Accidental gun deaths.... 505

Accidental car deaths... 35,000
If we let liberals get their way, that won't be too far down the road.

Guns are made to shoot things, that's all they are made for. The gun manufacturer produced a product that is legal and did what it's supposed to do. How can you blame them for anything?

How they marketed it and who they sold it to. the AR-15 was designed to be used on a battlefield, not in a pre-school. If they only sold it to the military, like they were supposed to, this wouldn't be an issue.

WTF is this "supposed to" stuff?

Supposed to by who's ruling......yours????

Sorry Joe, but that's why we have lawmakers in this country; so we don't have tyranny because of people like you. I don't think companies that manufacture swimming polls should be allowed to sell them to households that have children. Children die from drowning all the time. I don't think any American should own a pit bull either. They kill and harm people all the time. There are plenty of other less violent breeds to own that are not nearly as dangerous.

Is that the path you think our country should be on?
Okay moron....a quick primer on laws and how they work, especially in relation to guns and gun it...learn something...

Guy, I'm about 30 seconds from putting you on ignore because all you do is spam these threads instead of having a nice discussion.

Please do never have a nice always get crazy because your sex toy doll won't have sex with you begin to fantasize about sex with guns...which is both dangerous, and just nuts.........get help really, really need it.
Guns are one of the safest products out there....ban kills more people....

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental drowning.....3,391

Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in a country with 74.2 million children in 2010...

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Gun Suicide: 21,175

Non gun suicide: 19,974

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...

Nope. Not one. And no they don't. There is no legal precedent anywhere in the world for suing a manufacturer for the criminal misuse of their product. It was tried in Israel a few years back but the judge there rightfully reasoned that to allow such a abuse of the legal system would lead to the collapse of that legal system and ultimately the social fabric of the country.

So, if your goal is to cause the destruction of the legal system, congrats. You are well on your way.

Again, you are ignoring the tobacco settlement as a precedent.

The Tobacco industry WAS encouraging the illegal use of it's products. They were intentionally marketing their product to underaged children because they knew from research nobody starts smoking when they are 30. The lawsuits bore this out when they looked at internal documents.

Now, here you have a gun industry that is intentionally allowing criminals to get guns, so that guys like 2AGuy and Ray piss themselves at the thought of a scary Negro and want a gun, too. The market to nuts like Nancy Lanza who think the Zombie apocolypse is coming. And when someone says, "Hey, maybe we need some sensible gun control", they double down on "Obama's gonna take your guns" to boost sales.

I simply cannot think of a more manifestly irresponsible industry.
320,000,000 million guns in private hands in 2013.....

505 accidental gun deaths.

Accidental car deaths...35,369

If you have a car and a gun....get rid of the car, carry the gun...and take the bus.
An armchair psychiatrist I see. You determined Lanza's mother to be unstable therefore she must have been.

The woman had 8 guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. She was prepping like the Zombies were coming.

This is a prime example why the public shouldn't be allowed to say who is sane enough to own a gun and who isn't. Lanza may have made stupid decisions, but I would hardly call that unstable. She was separated from her son and couldn't get through to him. The only thing they had in common was the fascination of guns, so she used that in effort to try and connect with him. Patients with his mental condition seldom if ever get violent.

Uh, yeah, somehow stockpiling your house with guns doesn't seem like a good idea when you have a violent anti-social person living there.

Moron...the kid wasn't all...until the killing...moron. He was passive and non aggressive......and picked Sandy Hook because it was a gun free the school district should be sued for creating a killing zone.
If we let liberals get their way, that won't be too far down the road.

Guns are made to shoot things, that's all they are made for. The gun manufacturer produced a product that is legal and did what it's supposed to do. How can you blame them for anything?

How they marketed it and who they sold it to. the AR-15 was designed to be used on a battlefield, not in a pre-school. If they only sold it to the military, like they were supposed to, this wouldn't be an issue.
It was rejected as it had a tendency to overheat.

Lanza may have made stupid decisions, but I would hardly call that unstable. She was separated from her son and couldn't get through to him. The only thing they had in common was the fascination of guns, so she used that in effort to try and connect with him. Patients with his mental condition seldom if ever get violent.
That "fascination of guns" cost her her life, and that's OK if she endangers only her own life.
When her "fascination" leads to the slaughter of dozens of young children, then it's a wake-up call.
.'s not. again...3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands......1 was used to kill at Sandy Hook.......only anti-gun nuts label that a problem.

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