Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.
An AR-15 is not a military grade weapon.
Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.
An AR-15 is not a military grade weapon.

It never fails to amaze me that these control freaks don't even bother to learn that an AR 15 is simply a semi automatic rifle with some doodads on it and not a military grade rifle
Why shouldn't she have been allowed to buy guns? She wasn't a criminal either.

This is the type of thinking that makes people come out against people in your movement.

Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.
How are you going to stop all of these mass killings ?

What is the plan ?

What is this "all these mass killings?" We had 4 last year and 2 of them were islamic terrorists.....

in a country with over 357,000,000 million guns, there were 8,124 gun murders in 2014.......from the FBI table 8 on homicide......and the majority of those were criminals murdering criminals.....

That means that less than 8,124 guns were used to commit murder, since many of those murders were committed by a one one criminal.....

So 356,991,876 million guns were not used in mass shootings or gun murder of any kind......

What is your point....? Do you understand the difference in those numbers?
They will lose.

Not necessarily. I would love to have a jury see the autopsy and crime scene photographs from Sandy Hook and have a Bushmaster executive try to explain away why giving a military grade weapon to people as crazy as the Lanza family was a good idea.

You stupid twit....

There are over 3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands.....

how many are used to commit mass shootings? Last year...2.

You anti gun nuts are insane.......
Let's do this again

This AR 15 "assault" rifle


Is exactly the same as this rifle. It shoots the exact same round at the exact same rate of fire with the exact same accuracy as this "ranch" rifle


The only difference is cosmetic
Make no mistake about it..............their agenda is to ban all guns here..............even though most of them deny it............

If they take the Supreme Court it will be a Kangaroo court and they will use Judicial Activism to get their way.......

Keep your powder dry...............they will be coming one day for all guns...................

and you'll meekly hand them over when they do.

Okay, time to talk seriously. This is about an industry and its conduct. There is no sane universe where giving Adam Lanza an AR-15 was EVER a good idea.

Yet the gun industry is doing exactly that, taking military grade weapons and intentionally marketing them to the most mentally unstable people in the country. They've pushed for weak gun laws to make it easy for Criminals to get them so people will be all scared and stuff and they can sell more, and they've made the streets more dangerous so that law enforcement wants more firepower, too.


3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands....the year of the Sandy Hook shooting how many were used in mass shootings....? 1.

So who are all these mentally unstable people getting these AR-15s.....if they are mentally unstable they sure as hell aren't showing it by their actions twit.
Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.
An AR-15 is not a military grade weapon.

However, the AR-15 is easily transformed into a full auto M-16 that is only 22 cal and the AK-47 is 30 cal.
Why shouldn't she have been allowed to buy guns? She wasn't a criminal either.

This is the type of thinking that makes people come out against people in your movement.

Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons
Should the families of those hit and killed by drunk drivers be able to sue the alcohol companies? Yes or no.

Given the Alcohol companies take reasonable precautions to keep people from driving drunk, no.

The gun industry goes out of its way to get guns to people like Nancy Lanza and Joker Holmes. This is a deliberate marketing decision. The more crime you have, the more people like ray and 2aguy who piss themselves over the thought of the scary negro breaking into their house want more guns, too.

You see, you have to ask yourself who gave Nancy the idea that she really needed an AR-15, a weapon designed to fight the Vietcong in the jungles of Vietnam. What could have possibly possessed her of the notion she needed that kind of firepower.

She wasn't buying it to defend herself from preschoolers.
Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.
An AR-15 is not a military grade weapon.

However, the AR-15 is easily transformed into a full auto M-16 that is only 22 cal and the AK-47 is 30 cal.

And that would be illegal.
I'm sure the ultimate goal here is to try to put gun manufacturers out of business.

Yes, yes, it is. or at least change the way they do business.

Let's look back at the tobacco companies. What we found out through the tobacco lawsuit was that the tobacco industry was intentionally increasing nicotine levels in cigarettes to make them more addictive and marketing the product intentionally to teens.

The gun industry does the same thing, except they hike addiction to fear instead of nicotine.

You see, the gun industry made a decision, when hunting started to decline as a sport in this country, to market their products to homeowners. If a study from the CDC found a gun in the home was 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, they got all funding for gun studies cut.

they sold bigger guns to bad people so other people would be scared and want more guns, too.

Now, i think that the Sandy Hook case might be weak because Nancy Lanza was only moderately crazy, as opposed to her son, who was completely around the bend.

The CDC did not find it was 43 times more likely....that is a lie that has been shown to be a lie everytime you post that lie....kellerman took data from the worst neighborhoods in the country, did not look at normal neighborhoods and then when he got caught, he had to change his data....and even lied then.....
Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.
An AR-15 is not a military grade weapon.

However, the AR-15 is easily transformed into a full auto M-16 that is only 22 cal and the AK-47 is 30 cal.
And people who do that are breaking the law. Most people who own a semiauto will never modify it
Why shouldn't she have been allowed to buy guns? She wasn't a criminal either.

This is the type of thinking that makes people come out against people in your movement.

Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

No, not everyone, just Joe and his kind.
Make no mistake about it..............their agenda is to ban all guns here..............even though most of them deny it............

If they take the Supreme Court it will be a Kangaroo court and they will use Judicial Activism to get their way.......

Keep your powder dry...............they will be coming one day for all guns...................

and you'll meekly hand them over when they do.

Okay, time to talk seriously. This is about an industry and its conduct. There is no sane universe where giving Adam Lanza an AR-15 was EVER a good idea.

Yet the gun industry is doing exactly that, taking military grade weapons and intentionally marketing them to the most mentally unstable people in the country. They've pushed for weak gun laws to make it easy for Criminals to get them so people will be all scared and stuff and they can sell more, and they've made the streets more dangerous so that law enforcement wants more firepower, too.

Most gun deaths aren't criminals. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments and accidents.

Adam Lanza was a completely law abiding citizen before he went on his rampage.

Hey moron.... our gun suicides went more people bought guns......your whole point about suicide is stupid....considering that Japan, China and South Korea ban access to guns to law abiding citizens...their criminals still get guns.....and their suicide rate is higher than ours....dittos France and othe European countries......
Make no mistake about it..............their agenda is to ban all guns here..............even though most of them deny it............

If they take the Supreme Court it will be a Kangaroo court and they will use Judicial Activism to get their way.......

Keep your powder dry...............they will be coming one day for all guns...................

and you'll meekly hand them over when they do.

Okay, time to talk seriously. This is about an industry and its conduct. There is no sane universe where giving Adam Lanza an AR-15 was EVER a good idea.

Yet the gun industry is doing exactly that, taking military grade weapons and intentionally marketing them to the most mentally unstable people in the country. They've pushed for weak gun laws to make it easy for Criminals to get them so people will be all scared and stuff and they can sell more, and they've made the streets more dangerous so that law enforcement wants more firepower, too.

No one gave lanza a gun....he committed murder to get his......twit. Perhaps we should make murder illegal....?
If we let liberals get their way, that won't be too far down the road.

Guns are made to shoot things, that's all they are made for. The gun manufacturer produced a product that is legal and did what it's supposed to do. How can you blame them for anything?

How they marketed it and who they sold it to. the AR-15 was designed to be used on a battlefield, not in a pre-school. If they only sold it to the military, like they were supposed to, this wouldn't be an issue.
Make no mistake about it..............their agenda is to ban all guns here..............even though most of them deny it............

If they take the Supreme Court it will be a Kangaroo court and they will use Judicial Activism to get their way.......

Keep your powder dry...............they will be coming one day for all guns...................

and you'll meekly hand them over when they do.

Okay, time to talk seriously. This is about an industry and its conduct. There is no sane universe where giving Adam Lanza an AR-15 was EVER a good idea.

Yet the gun industry is doing exactly that, taking military grade weapons and intentionally marketing them to the most mentally unstable people in the country. They've pushed for weak gun laws to make it easy for Criminals to get them so people will be all scared and stuff and they can sell more, and they've made the streets more dangerous so that law enforcement wants more firepower, too.


3,750,000 AR-15s in private hands....the year of the Sandy Hook shooting how many were used in mass shootings....? 1.

So who are all these mentally unstable people getting these AR-15s.....if they are mentally unstable they sure as hell aren't showing it by their actions twit.
Joe is back on track............saying his true take all guns like the leftist Boxer in California...................

Joe..............come and fucking take them...............

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