Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Let them sue. Sounds like a tough case to win.

But why should gun makers have special laws protecting them from suits ??

They don't......they have protection from law suits that try to blame them for the illegal use of their guns by people who use them illegally.......if they have defective guns they can be sued like any other business......
WTF is this "supposed to" stuff?

Supposed to by who's ruling......yours????

Sorry Joe, but that's why we have lawmakers in this country; so we don't have tyranny because of people like you. I don't think companies that manufacture swimming polls should be allowed to sell them to households that have children. Children die from drowning all the time. I don't think any American should own a pit bull either. They kill and harm people all the time. There are plenty of other less violent breeds to own that are not nearly as dangerous.

Is that the path you think our country should be on?

Guy, 3/4 of the planet is covered in water, and we only have 3000 drownings a year.

We only have 45 deaths a year due to Dog Bites.

Your "other things are dangerous, too" act doesn't really fly here. Pools and Dogs aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

They're not? You mean out of the dozens of breeds, people buy pit bulls because of their kind nature?
no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.
Then she should have taken measures to avoid it.

SHE shouldn't have had a gun because of the person in her home to whom they were available.
Then she should have had him committed.

She tried...but the left wing regressives have made that almost impossible....

ok nut bar. now you know why we mostly laugh at you. :cuckoo:

and do learn what regressive means. it makes you sound more stupid than usual.

So....I showed that you were talking out of your ass on mass shootings...using Mother Jones as the source.

I showed that you were talking out of your ass on how many times guns are used for self defense...using bill clinton as the source.

I have cited the FBi, and the CDC showing that gun murder has been going down since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry fact, 13 million Americans now carry guns...and the gun murder rate has dropped....

And before you deflect with...."Causation," I am not talking about causation here....I am talking about the fact that more Americans carry guns...and own them....and the violent crime rate, the gun suicide rate and the gun murder rate and the gun accident rate have all gone down......

You have been shown to be talking out of your ass......which isn't even funny when Jim Carry does it....
People use guns to protect themselves from crime 1 - 2 million times a year. Many of those people could have been raped or killed. You math doesn't include those figures.

Yes, my figures do not include Unicorn farts, either.

DGU's are a lie. They almost never happen.

Except for all the research that shows they actually mean except for that...right?
Why don't you :anj_stfu:

Have they taken the guns yet dumb ass.............

Hey asshole, you are the one running your fucking mouth about how you gun nutters are going to bring hell and damnation down on those taking your guns.

Are you all mouth? Or are you going to do something about this?
Are you so.stupid you believe talking shit on message board is doing something about people taking your guns.

Or did Joe have it right the first time; you and 2a are pussies?
No I will not. I've seen your posts time and time again over my time on these in the past said you will get our guns. That is your agenda...........Now you are going the path they recommend to get us to register them.

I'm not buying that..........because I know your end game........we're gonna fight you gun grabbers every step of the way

You can fight. But as long as you keep letting the nuts have guns and kill the kiddies, I'm always going to have an argument.

Your agreeing with suing the manufacturer for a criminal using the product is asinine..............and nothing more.......This case will go to the upper courts...............and of course if you get the Supreme Court Hacks of your choice........they will ditch the constitution and call it legal in an effort to push your agenda...........They will not be judges for the Consititution........they will be Political hacks in a black robe....

Actually, there is a shitload of case law on the side of the plaintiffs on this one. If you knowingly sell a dangerous product, you can be held liable.

The gun industry made this situation when it decided Crazy Nancy was a key market. The real problem was the Congress passing a blanket immunity for the gun industry, which probably IS unconstitutional.

Guns are not dangerous to the owner. They are only dangerous to thugs trying to rob you or kill you. I can kill you with a baseball bat, and many people have been killed with them. Why aren't you lobbying to have them made illegal?

We know there are endless idiotic arguments you can use to attack guns, but they remain idiotic.

Not dangerous tonthe owner ? People accidently shoot Themsleves all the time !

There were 320,000,000 guns in private hands in 2013....there were 505 accidental gun deaths.......about 5,000 non fatal gun accidents....

you need to redefine "all the time."

Car accidental deaths...35,369 in 2013.........
No I will not. I've seen your posts time and time again over my time on these in the past said you will get our guns. That is your agenda...........Now you are going the path they recommend to get us to register them.

I'm not buying that..........because I know your end game........we're gonna fight you gun grabbers every step of the way

You can fight. But as long as you keep letting the nuts have guns and kill the kiddies, I'm always going to have an argument.

Your agreeing with suing the manufacturer for a criminal using the product is asinine..............and nothing more.......This case will go to the upper courts...............and of course if you get the Supreme Court Hacks of your choice........they will ditch the constitution and call it legal in an effort to push your agenda...........They will not be judges for the Consititution........they will be Political hacks in a black robe....

Actually, there is a shitload of case law on the side of the plaintiffs on this one. If you knowingly sell a dangerous product, you can be held liable.

The gun industry made this situation when it decided Crazy Nancy was a key market. The real problem was the Congress passing a blanket immunity for the gun industry, which probably IS unconstitutional.

Guns are not dangerous to the owner. They are only dangerous to thugs trying to rob you or kill you. I can kill you with a baseball bat, and many people have been killed with them. Why aren't you lobbying to have them made illegal?

We know there are endless idiotic arguments you can use to attack guns, but they remain idiotic.

Not dangerous tonthe owner ? People accidently shoot Themsleves all the time !

And people drown in their own backyard pools all the time too. Are the pool manufacturers responsible?

Accidental gun deaths.... 505.

Accidental drowning deaths... 3,000
I showed that you were talking out of your ass on how many times guns are used for self defense...using bill clinton as the source.

You loves you some Bill.Clinton. fortunately the stupid fucking survey you cling to has been proven wrong repeatedly and you stupid to understand the truth.
Why don't you :anj_stfu:

Have they taken the guns yet dumb ass.............

Hey asshole, you are the one running your fucking mouth about how you gun nutters are going to bring hell and damnation down on those taking your guns.

Are you all mouth? Or are you going to do something about this?
Are you so.stupid you believe talking shit on message board is doing something about people taking your guns.

Or did Joe have it right the first time; you and 2a are pussies?
Good bye bitch.......ignore land MF.............
Industries usually get sued for defective products.............Did the weapon misfire........................It works as described and as sold........................

How they use it is the people buying the guns problem......................This will get overturned...............Unless the Supers gets stacked with a Kangaroo Court.

Point was, selling a dangerous product with NO BACKGROUND CHECKS as to who might get their hands on them was defective as a business practice. Yes, the gun did EXACTLY what it was designed to do. Those 5.56 MM rounds blew a nice big holes into those preschoolers.. They never stood a fucking chance.

Again, Obama has been spending the last 8 years putting sane judges on the courts. With Scalia taking that well-deserved dirt nap, SCOTUS won't be stopping common sense gun laws anymore.

Poison is a dangerous product. You can walk into any hardware store and buy Strychnine. thousands of people are poisoned every year. When are you going to demand that poison be outlawed?

Accidental gun deaths in 2013...with over 320,000,000 million guns in private hands...


Accidental poisoning deaths in 2013...

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...

I don't own any guns myself, but I do recognize the importance of our rights and our right to own a weapon. This kind of stuff makes me so angry! :mad:
I also don't own a gun, but also recognize our libertarian right to have weapons ... as long as others can also maintain their rights to liberty/freedom/life.

I believe the issue is about the DEGREE of social harm the weapon can cause vs the need of the individual to have it.

yes.....and in that case you are also wrong....

a study by bill clinton's Department of Justice found that Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives......


8,124 gun 2014 which has been going down since the 90s.....and of those murders 90% of the murderers were career criminals and 80% of the victims were also career criminals.......

So the benefit of guns far outweighs the must agree...right?

Since 357,000,000 guns are now in private hands in that would mean that 356,991,876 million guns were not used to commit it would be just stupid to go after all those guns that weren't used to commit murder...right?

Exactly. Last week in a nearby community, some violent thug kidnapped his girlfriend and set her mothers house on fire. They got out of the Cleveland area for obvious reasons, and went to PA. He tried to break into somebody's home I'm assuming for a place to hide from the police. His plan would have worked fine if not for the armed homeowner who put a bullet in the SOB. The police came by and took him into custody.

Who knows what would have happened to that young girl if the homeowner was not armed. He not only saved his life, but hers as well.
I showed that you were talking out of your ass on how many times guns are used for self defense...using bill clinton as the source.

You loves you some Bill.Clinton. fortunately the stupid fucking survey you cling to has been proven wrong repeatedly and you stupid to understand the truth.

No.....bill clinton's gun research wasn't proven wrong...nor was the other 13 studies..........keep trying though....talking out of your ass is no way to argue a point....
Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.
No I will not. I've seen your posts time and time again over my time on these in the past said you will get our guns. That is your agenda...........Now you are going the path they recommend to get us to register them.

I'm not buying that..........because I know your end game........we're gonna fight you gun grabbers every step of the way

You can fight. But as long as you keep letting the nuts have guns and kill the kiddies, I'm always going to have an argument.

Your agreeing with suing the manufacturer for a criminal using the product is asinine..............and nothing more.......This case will go to the upper courts...............and of course if you get the Supreme Court Hacks of your choice........they will ditch the constitution and call it legal in an effort to push your agenda...........They will not be judges for the Consititution........they will be Political hacks in a black robe....

Actually, there is a shitload of case law on the side of the plaintiffs on this one. If you knowingly sell a dangerous product, you can be held liable.

The gun industry made this situation when it decided Crazy Nancy was a key market. The real problem was the Congress passing a blanket immunity for the gun industry, which probably IS unconstitutional.

Guns are not dangerous to the owner. They are only dangerous to thugs trying to rob you or kill you. I can kill you with a baseball bat, and many people have been killed with them. Why aren't you lobbying to have them made illegal?

We know there are endless idiotic arguments you can use to attack guns, but they remain idiotic.

Not dangerous tonthe owner ? People accidently shoot Themsleves all the time !

And people drown in their own backyard pools all the time too. Are the pool manufacturers responsible?

Accidental gun deaths in 2013....


Accidental drowning deaths in 2013..

Accidental drowning.....

Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.

Okay....3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands...... 2 were used by Sandy Hook and Colorado...

Sooooooooo, twit......3,749,998 were not used to commit mass shootings.......your point is stupid.
Exactly. Last week in a nearby community, some violent thug kidnapped his girlfriend and set her mothers house on fire. They got out of the Cleveland area for obvious reasons, and went to PA. He tried to break into somebody's home I'm assuming for a place to hide from the police. His plan would have worked fine if not for the armed homeowner who put a bullet in the SOB. The police came by and took him into custody.

Who knows what would have happened to that young girl if the homeowner was not armed. He not only saved his life, but hers as well.

we have 33,000 gun deaths a year in this country. Of those, only 200 a year involve citizens killing bad guys in justifiable homicides. (I don't count police shootings, because they can practically gun down a child in the street and have it called "Justified" if the child is black)

Sorry, DGU's dont happen often enough to justify the carnage.
A AR 15 is no different that the
Why shouldn't she have been allowed to buy guns? She wasn't a criminal either.

This is the type of thinking that makes people come out against people in your movement.

Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

Did she know he was dangerous? Did she think he would go on a murderous rampage?

I don't know that so please tell me how you know.

And then tell me how the gun manufacturer was liable for any deaths

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