Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

Yes, AFTER she showed him how to use them.
AFTER she took him to a gun range
AFTER she let him play violent video games for hours
AFTER she started talking openly about having him committed without securing her guns first.

Wow, what a state of denial. Her guns were secured, yet your mind just won't accept that.
Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.

She didn't know he was dangerous.....he was a nonviolent, detached kid.......

everyone knew he was unstable. that's why his father had nothing to do with him. but please, continue to mischaracterize him.

Or his father abandoned his kid because he was an asshole
Okay....3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands...... 2 were used by Sandy Hook and Colorado...

Sooooooooo, twit......3,749,998 were not used to commit mass shootings.......your point is stupid.

Are you seeing someone for your OCD? How many gun posts do you do a day? How many message boards are you on.
How many are you trolling........saying you want all guns banned in the United States skippy.............
Just for the many AR-15s are in private hands....according to Slate.....please...tell me how Slate is a right wing, pro gun, NRA site.....

How Many Assault Weapons Are There in America? How Much Would It Cost the Government To Buy Them Back?

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal.
Okay....3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands...... 2 were used by Sandy Hook and Colorado...

Sooooooooo, twit......3,749,998 were not used to commit mass shootings.......your point is stupid.

Are you seeing someone for your OCD? How many gun posts do you do a day? How many message boards are you on.

How many times does somebody present facts to you and you refuse to accept them?
Exactly. Last week in a nearby community, some violent thug kidnapped his girlfriend and set her mothers house on fire. They got out of the Cleveland area for obvious reasons, and went to PA. He tried to break into somebody's home I'm assuming for a place to hide from the police. His plan would have worked fine if not for the armed homeowner who put a bullet in the SOB. The police came by and took him into custody.

Who knows what would have happened to that young girl if the homeowner was not armed. He not only saved his life, but hers as well.

we have 33,000 gun deaths a year in this country. Of those, only 200 a year involve citizens killing bad guys in justifiable homicides. (I don't count police shootings, because they can practically gun down a child in the street and have it called "Justified" if the child is black)

Sorry, DGU's dont happen often enough to justify the carnage.

Here we go again

Suicides don't count our suicide rate is virtually the same as many other countries who have strict gun control

And gun use in self defense does NOT have to result in anyone dying or even being shot
Then she should have taken measures to avoid it.

SHE shouldn't have had a gun because of the person in her home to whom they were available.
Then she should have had him committed.

She tried...but the left wing regressives have made that almost impossible....

ok nut bar. now you know why we mostly laugh at you. :cuckoo:

and do learn what regressive means. it makes you sound more stupid than usual.

So....I showed that you were talking out of your ass on mass shootings...using Mother Jones as the source.

I showed that you were talking out of your ass on how many times guns are used for self defense...using bill clinton as the source.

I have cited the FBi, and the CDC showing that gun murder has been going down since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry fact, 13 million Americans now carry guns...and the gun murder rate has dropped....

And before you deflect with...."Causation," I am not talking about causation here....I am talking about the fact that more Americans carry guns...and own them....and the violent crime rate, the gun suicide rate and the gun murder rate and the gun accident rate have all gone down......

You have been shown to be talking out of your ass......which isn't even funny when Jim Carry does it....

why do you think mother jones disputes what we know about mass shootings?

and why are you using somethings a source which a) i would never use; and b) yu would dismiss if anyone else used it; an c) why so you think it invalidates what we know?

so we not make theft and murder illegal even though criminals still commit theft and murder illegal?

finally, heller specifically permits reasonable regulation.
How many are you trolling........saying you want all guns banned in the United States skippy.............

1) I only visit this site on a regular basis.
2) I talk about other topics other than guns.
3) I don't flood threads with cut and paste NRA Talking points that he must have a file for somewhere.

Seriously, check out 2AgUY'S Posting history... It's pages and pages of gun posts. The guy is obsessed with guns.
Just for the many AR-15s are in private hands....according to Slate.....please...tell me how Slate is a right wing, pro gun, NRA site.....

How Many Assault Weapons Are There in America? How Much Would It Cost the Government To Buy Them Back?

Add everything together, make all the necessary caveats, carry the two, and we reach the conclusion that there are somewhere around 3,750,000 AR-15-type rifles in the United States today. If there are around 310 million firearms in the USA today, that means these auto-loading assault-style rifles make up around 1 percent of the total arsenal.

More people are killed with fists, feet and blunt objects than by all rifles and shotguns combined
Why is Joe not DEMANDING that alcohol be banned?

Are u saying we don't regulate alcohol? Cause we do.

And you can use a bar for overserving a drunk who then kills someone in a car accident .

But gun companies get special protection??

Nope....not special protection...actual protection.....if they sell a gun to someone who passes all the laws of the country, and then takes that gun and commits a crime...the gun maker did not do anything wrong. Therefore they should not be sued.....and nuiscance suits to put them out of business is what the anti gunners are just drooling over.....
More Political Correctness from the Obama Administration.
There was no malfunction with the guns, The guns performed as advertised.
Therefor there is no reason to sue the gun manufacturers. It would be like the families of drunk driving victims being able to sue the car manufacturers,
The families can sue the shooter but most of the time they don't have the deep pockets like the manufacturers do.

Well....the Dems should hurry up and organize lawsuits against pencil manufacturers, car companies, and those who make utensils....

....after all, pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
Here we go again

Suicides don't count our suicide rate is virtually the same as many other countries who have strict gun control

And gun use in self defense does NOT have to result in anyone dying or even being shot

So I guess I should go over and tell my neighbors wife who shot himself a couple years ago that it's okay, his death didn't count because it was a suicide....

Yeah, that will go over well.
Guy, most people would agree Nancy Lanza never should have been allowed to buy a military grade weapon, and no one would want a crazy nut like Nancy living on their block.

No, I don't think "most" people would agree. What she purchased were legal weapons no different than you going to the store and buying a gallon of milk. She did nothing wrong. Her weapons were locked up in a gun cabinet (the way you libs always preach people should do) and the only time her son had legal access to those firearms was under her supervision.

Everyone seems to forget that her son killed her so he could take the weapons

no one has forgotten that. SHE gave him access to them even knowing he was dangerous.
Then she should have taken measures to avoid it.

SHE shouldn't have had a gun because of the person in her home to whom they were available.

Since when does any right hinge on such circumstances?
How many are you trolling........saying you want all guns banned in the United States skippy.............

1) I only visit this site on a regular basis.
2) I talk about other topics other than guns.
3) I don't flood threads with cut and paste NRA Talking points that he must have a file for somewhere.

Seriously, check out 2AgUY'S Posting history... It's pages and pages of gun posts. The guy is obsessed with guns.

Twit.......the 2a in my title is for the 2nd Amendment...I am not obsessed with guns as you can see from how rarely I post in the firearm focus is on Civil Rights and Freedom...and the ability of normal, innocent, law abiding people to be safe from harm from street criminals and socialist governments....killers both......

you are obsessed with the point you have sexual fantasies about them and can't think of a gun without thinking of a man's need help.
Here we go again

Suicides don't count our suicide rate is virtually the same as many other countries who have strict gun control

And gun use in self defense does NOT have to result in anyone dying or even being shot

So I guess I should go over and tell my neighbors wife who shot himself a couple years ago that it's okay, his death didn't count because it was a suicide....

Yeah, that will go over well. go do that....since if he didn't have the gun he would have hung himself...the most popular way to commit suicide around the world.
Nope....not special protection...actual protection.....if they sell a gun to someone who passes all the laws of the country, and then takes that gun and commits a crime...the gun maker did not do anything wrong. Therefore they should not be sued.....and nuiscance suits to put them out of business is what the anti gunners are just drooling over.....

They sold guns to manifestly irresponsible people. Yeah, that is wrong.

Like Isaid, put it in front of a jury. Have some Bushmaster Exec try to explain away Sandy Hook crime photos... that will be fun to watch.
Here we go again

Suicides don't count our suicide rate is virtually the same as many other countries who have strict gun control

And gun use in self defense does NOT have to result in anyone dying or even being shot

So I guess I should go over and tell my neighbors wife who shot himself a couple years ago that it's okay, his death didn't count because it was a suicide....

Yeah, that will go over well.

Suicide is not a crime it is a choice. It's not up to you to make choices for other people even though you have a pathological need to do so
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Because you can sue them out of existence even if they can win in court.....fighting law suits based on false claims can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.......if not millions......and you don't get that back if you win....and that is the way the left wants to attack gun rights....

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