Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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All we have to do is advertise your views on guns to the public and it would sell a million more guns.........

Yes, because my opinion carries so much weight.

Guy, only 22% of the population owns guns. You are in the minority. And even a lot of gun owners think people like you who want to shoot government officials are kind of nuts.
You've been trying to take them for decades..........and we still own them............Your still a loser because some in this country still believe in the Constitution not so much.
Based on what (very) little that I understand of the case so far, the families have absolutely zero hope for a legal victory... zero.

The plaintiffs' attorneys appear to be feeding on the emotions and grief of the families and holding out the prospect of victories that have no chance of materializing.

They aren't looking for a legal victory...they are looking for millions of dollars in legal fees for the gun company defending itself......
No, a gun gives you protection from violent Democrats. Like I stated before, the only way we can get rid of guns is if we get rid of liberals first. If we can get rid of Democrats, our violent crime rate would drop by at least 80%.

But as long as we do have Democrats, we need guns to protect ourselves.

Why don't you just say the N'word like you really want to, guy. It would be more honest.

Talk about honesty, you have to quit listening to those voices in your head Joe. Who said anything about race? Are blacks the only Democrats in our country???
The sandy hook pawns-er parents-suing Bushmaster need to be bankrupted by the court for filing such a moronic law suit and their attorneys need to be destroyed with massive fines as well. The idiot judge who allowed that suit to go forward did so because that twit said there is a "question of fact" as to whether a legal product is legal. She should be run out of office and disbarred

She should be impeached and removed from office...end this left wing judicial activism fast....
You've been trying to take them for decades..........and we still own them............Your still a loser because some in this country still believe in the Constitution not so much.

Actually, I used to be a right winger, until I realized how they use bullshit issues like this to keep you voting against your own economic interests. When you don't have your gun and bible to cling to, maybe you'll start addressing the real problems.
Based on what (very) little that I understand of the case so far, the families have absolutely zero hope for a legal victory... zero.

The plaintiffs' attorneys appear to be feeding on the emotions and grief of the families and holding out the prospect of victories that have no chance of materializing.

They aren't looking for a legal victory...they are looking for millions of dollars in legal fees for the gun company defending itself......
That would be the defendant's attorneys, not the plaintiff's.
Twit.......the 2a in my title is for the 2nd Amendment...I am not obsessed with guns as you can see from how rarely I post in the firearm focus is on Civil Rights and Freedom...and the ability of normal, innocent, law abiding people to be safe from harm from street criminals and socialist governments....killers both......

Guy, private gun ownership doesn't stop crime (We have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world) or government that lose their minds (which usually means the people have lost their minds, they just blame the government afterwards for giving them what they wanted.)
Most killing are committed by gang members. They kill each other off, and these killings are a blessing to the community.

We have 16,000 homicides a year in this country, of which only 1800 a year a gang related. Most of the rest are domestic arguments that got out of hand.

Wrong.....8,124 gun murders in 2014...gun murder is committed by criminals with multiple convictions 90% of the time and the victims, 80% of them also have multiple criminal convictions..twit.

that means in a country of 320,000,000 people...about 1,642 are innocent people who are murdered........
You've been trying to take them for decades..........and we still own them............Your still a loser because some in this country still believe in the Constitution not so much.

Actually, I used to be a right winger, until I realized how they use bullshit issues like this to keep you voting against your own economic interests. When you don't have your gun and bible to cling to, maybe you'll start addressing the real problems.
Says the poster child for gun control who will vote for the Hildabeast......yeah she has your back man............when pigs fly........
Based on what (very) little that I understand of the case so far, the families have absolutely zero hope for a legal victory... zero.

The plaintiffs' attorneys appear to be feeding on the emotions and grief of the families and holding out the prospect of victories that have no chance of materializing.

They aren't looking for a legal victory...they are looking for millions of dollars in legal fees for the gun company defending itself......
That would be the defendant's attorneys, not the plaintiff's.

I mean they want to force the gun company to spend all that money in their defense.......
...Actually, I used to be a right winger, until I realized how they use bullshit issues like this to keep you voting against your own economic interests. When you don't have your gun and bible to cling to, maybe you'll start addressing the real problems.
Any further questions about Leftists, classmates?
The type of handgun that Lanza allegedly used ejects shells.....and they fly up....if you believe this 19 year old shrimp had a semi automatic and then used it to kill himself? That is your deal......
Shells don't eject into your face with any regularity, who could sell such a gun? I did have a .45acp round hit my forehead once, but only once. Were you doing the gansta sideways shooting?

Lanza used a handgun, not the AR. Yes, you can put a semi-auto round through your skull, why wouldn't you be able to?

As far as the OP, I believe the suit would only apply to Connecticut manufacturer, like Bushmaster (last I heard). Many of them are fleeing the north due to this sort of hostility. I don't see how a Connecticut ruling could effect another state. But as said, the suit will be a big loser for the idiots, the weapon, even if used, wasn't defective.

Based on what, your personal theory?

Coroner Confirms: No Assault Weapon Used in Sandy Hook Shooting | Conservative Byte
An AR-15, or the so-called “Assault Weapon”, was not used in the school shooting. The shooter even tried weeks earlier to buy a rifle but was turned down in the background check. So he had to kill his Mother to steal her rifle. There were initial reports, right after the shooting, that police found the AR-15 in his car, NOT IN THE SCHOOL. The rifle was not used. The shooter went into the school with 4 handguns, NOT an Assault Rifle as the media has charged.

"Ballistic evidence located in classroom 8 is described in the Appendix at page A134, which includes a total of twenty-four rounds of 5.56 mm ammunition found, of which ten rounds were in one PMAG 30 magazine, thirteen rounds were in another such magazine and one live round was on the floor. There was a third empty PMAG 30 magazine seized. There were a total ofeighty expended 5.56 mm casings seized from classroom 8. "
Twit.......the 2a in my title is for the 2nd Amendment...I am not obsessed with guns as you can see from how rarely I post in the firearm focus is on Civil Rights and Freedom...and the ability of normal, innocent, law abiding people to be safe from harm from street criminals and socialist governments....killers both......

Guy, private gun ownership doesn't stop crime (We have the highest crime rate in the industrialized world) or government that lose their minds (which usually means the people have lost their minds, they just blame the government afterwards for giving them what they wanted.)

The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

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