Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Can I sue a newspaper if it wrote a story that caused harm? Imagine the bandwagon lawyers who would line up out the door of the court house to sue any newspaper in the world. One would wonder if industries that are involved in our constitutional rights don't deserve some protection from lawsuits.

People sue newspapers all the time .

Yes, they do sue newspapers all the time, but they don't sue the company that manufactured the paper.

Are the sandy hook people suing the steel companies supplying the gun people?

How about the builders of the school? Had it not been for the school being there the asshole wouldn't have had such a target rich environment. Heck. I think they should sue all of the taxpayers of the State. It is their fault that the building was funded in the first place.

They did not have armed security like the middle school and high school did...they are criminally culpable.....and should be sued...right?
How many are you trolling........saying you want all guns banned in the United States skippy.............

1) I only visit this site on a regular basis.
2) I talk about other topics other than guns.
3) I don't flood threads with cut and paste NRA Talking points that he must have a file for somewhere.

Seriously, check out 2AgUY'S Posting history... It's pages and pages of gun posts. The guy is obsessed with guns.
2aguy didn't start this thread.....

I DID.............

And it is a LEGAL twist to the argument...............A Federal Judge has allowed the people to sue the Gun Manufacturers...........which is why I posted it.....

It is current and a NEW LEGAL CHALLENGE........It is not the same old same old..............

To that point................I think it's BS to sue the manufacturer of guns when it is the individual that did the crime................I've never seen a gun walk out and shoot something by itself.........Have you..........

You on the other hand..........always jump on these threads and TROLL that you will TAKE ALL GUNS......even though you attempted to water down that fact early on.........

I'm on 2aguys side here.........NOT YOURS...........He's posting facts..........and you keep posting your.

Listen guy.......look buddy...........and with very little to back anything up.............You would take weapons from Law abiding citizens for the acts of CRIMINALS.........and that is just BS........
More Political Correctness from the Obama Administration.
There was no malfunction with the guns, The guns performed as advertised.
Therefor there is no reason to sue the gun manufacturers. It would be like the families of drunk driving victims being able to sue the car manufacturers,
The families can sue the shooter but most of the time they don't have the deep pockets like the manufacturers do.

Well....the Dems should hurry up and organize lawsuits against pencil manufacturers, car companies, and those who make utensils....

....after all, pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.

And don't forget this wonderful internet. Thousands of people get scammed out of money every year because of the internet. Young people have committed suicide because of things others have said on Facebook. Hell, your identity can get stolen by simply sending your tax form to the IRS through the internet. Murderers have set up sellers of merchandise only so they can kill them. Hundreds have used this device to download pictures and movies of children having sex.

Maybe people should be able to sue Apple and Microsoft.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

How are companies marketing their product? Do you see gun billboards on the highway? Do you see gun commercials on your television or on the radio?

The only people that are subject to gun advertising are those who are in the NRA, deal with a gun shop, or register their firearm with the manufacturer. Other than that, there is no gun advertising in this country.

We should not surrender though.....guns are not evil, they are not illegal....there should be advertising for them...and they should not be them that space in the fight is giving them an edge......Gun makers should be able to sell their legal, constitutionally protected product on t.v. the radio and wherever else they want.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Because you can sue them out of existence even if they can win in court.....fighting law suits based on false claims can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.......if not millions......and you don't get that back if you win....and that is the way the left wants to attack gun rights....

Which is why if Republicans get into the White House and keep the Congress, they should pass a law of Loser Pays. You can sue for anything you desire, but if you lose the case, you are liable for all the expenses of the defendant. You'd see how fast lawsuits like this would stop.
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

So they lose their suit. What are u bitching about ?

And the gun makers lose milliions defending themselves against law suits that should have been stopped by a responsible judge...there is no merit in the case...but the left wing, anti gun judge sees this as an opportunity to destroy he let the case go forward....they also hope to have a Supreme Court in place should the case make it all the way there...then they can destroy every gun maker in the country.
More Political Correctness from the Obama Administration.
There was no malfunction with the guns, The guns performed as advertised.
Therefor there is no reason to sue the gun manufacturers. It would be like the families of drunk driving victims being able to sue the car manufacturers,
The families can sue the shooter but most of the time they don't have the deep pockets like the manufacturers do.

Well....the Dems should hurry up and organize lawsuits against pencil manufacturers, car companies, and those who make utensils....

....after all, pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.

And don't forget this wonderful internet. Thousands of people get scammed out of money every year because of the internet. Young people have committed suicide because of things others have said on Facebook. Hell, your identity can get stolen by simply sending your tax form to the IRS through the internet. Murderers have set up sellers of merchandise only so they can kill them. Hundreds have used this device to download pictures and movies of children having sex.

Maybe people should be able to sue Apple and Microsoft.

I certainly get your point, Ray.....
...but the fascists already have their foot on the throat of the free dissemination of information, the internet....

"Net Neutrality: Strangling the Information Highway with Red Tape"
Net Neutrality: Strangling the Information Highway with Red Tape – Capital Research Center

The future is.....past.
Nope....not special protection...actual protection.....if they sell a gun to someone who passes all the laws of the country, and then takes that gun and commits a crime...the gun maker did not do anything wrong. Therefore they should not be sued.....and nuiscance suits to put them out of business is what the anti gunners are just drooling over.....

They sold guns to manifestly irresponsible people. Yeah, that is wrong.

Like Isaid, put it in front of a jury. Have some Bushmaster Exec try to explain away Sandy Hook crime photos... that will be fun to watch.
First off, unless the Gun manufacturers have a factory outlet, they do not sell guns directly to the public, they sell guns to retail stores which then sell the guns.
So your argument is false to begin with. So how can you use you argument to sue Colt when they had nothing to do with the individual sale of the gun?
And the gun makers lose milliions defending themselves against law suits that should have been stopped by a responsible judge...there is no merit in the case...but the left wing, anti gun judge sees this as an opportunity to destroy he let the case go forward....they also hope to have a Supreme Court in place should the case make it all the way there...then they can destroy every gun maker in the country.

And this would be a bad thing, why?

This is an industry that thrives off of death and fear. They've flooded our streets with weapons to the point where most of us are afraid to go out at night. Now some of their victims are going to put them out of business.
Yes, when you don't have a coherent answer, go back to your dick obsession. When you do that, we know you lost the debate.

Actually, that's really the answer at the end of the day.

You want a gun because you feel inadequate. The gun gives you the illusion you can compensate for your inadequacies.
There are other threads for your transgender feelings to be posted Joe................Not here dumb ass.........
The Lanza boy obtained weapons ILLEGALLY. It was not the fault of the manufacturers of the weapon. We do in fact have laws about weapons and who can have them. Felons are not allowed to own guns. Just like drunk drivers who have had their drivers licenses suspended due to drinking and driving are not allowed to drive cars, but they still do sometimes. I guess the state/city is responsible for that.

If his bitch mom lived, should she have faced charges?

No....she was murdered to get her guns....he stole the guns from her, the lawful owner. Should a rape victim be arrested for prostitution? Since she had sex with a stranger.....?
Yes, when you don't have a coherent answer, go back to your dick obsession. When you do that, we know you lost the debate.

Actually, that's really the answer at the end of the day.

You want a gun because you feel inadequate. The gun gives you the illusion you can compensate for your inadequacies.

No, a gun gives you protection from violent Democrats. Like I stated before, the only way we can get rid of guns is if we get rid of liberals first. If we can get rid of Democrats, our violent crime rate would drop by at least 80%.

But as long as we do have Democrats, we need guns to protect ourselves.
And the gun makers lose milliions defending themselves against law suits that should have been stopped by a responsible judge...there is no merit in the case...but the left wing, anti gun judge sees this as an opportunity to destroy he let the case go forward....they also hope to have a Supreme Court in place should the case make it all the way there...then they can destroy every gun maker in the country.

And this would be a bad thing, why?

This is an industry that thrives off of death and fear. They've flooded our streets with weapons to the point where most of us are afraid to go out at night. Now some of their victims are going to put them out of business.
All we have to do is advertise your views on guns to the public and it would sell a million more guns.........
No, a gun gives you protection from violent Democrats. Like I stated before, the only way we can get rid of guns is if we get rid of liberals first. If we can get rid of Democrats, our violent crime rate would drop by at least 80%.

But as long as we do have Democrats, we need guns to protect ourselves.

Why don't you just say the N'word like you really want to, guy. It would be more honest.
And the gun makers lose milliions defending themselves against law suits that should have been stopped by a responsible judge...there is no merit in the case...but the left wing, anti gun judge sees this as an opportunity to destroy he let the case go forward....they also hope to have a Supreme Court in place should the case make it all the way there...then they can destroy every gun maker in the country.

And this would be a bad thing, why?

This is an industry that thrives off of death and fear. They've flooded our streets with weapons to the point where most of us are afraid to go out at night. Now some of their victims are going to put them out of business.

Where do you get your statistics, just because you maybe afraid to go out at night does not mean that most people feel the same way.
Do we sue the pool manufacturers when someone's child drowns in their own backyard pool?

I'm sure people have .

The point is that they have the opportunity . The sandy hook suit hinges on the gun companies marketing of their product . I think they will lose.

But the point is they have the ABILITY to go to court . But u have congress passing laws to protect gun makers from lawsuits . Why not leave them tonthe courts like every other biz ?

Post a link. I don't believe you. There are no commercials on television about guns. However, there are PLENTY on about alcohol and the "joys" of drinking. My father died as a direct result of alcohol. Should I be able to sue the alcohol manufacturers? Yes or no.

I know a boy who was killed by a hit and run drunk driver. The guy was also driving after a suspended license. Should we be able to sue the manufacturer's of alcohol and the city as well, since this guy was driving when he shouldn't have been?

Ever look in a Gun magazine ? Do they not have adds ???!

Ever look in Newsweek? Do they have gun adds? No? There sure are a lot of alcohol adds.

Yes or no, do gun mags have adds??

Cause yall flapped you mouths that gun makers don't advertise . Now all of a sudden it's "Newsweek ".

Who's the one avoiding questions ????

Who cares if they advertise......guns are a legal, constitutionally protected product......see...this is why we can't give them this space in the fight......they want to attack the First Amendment and the Second amendment........

They have a right to advertise guns.......and not be sued for people who use their products illegallly.

Wow, what a state of denial. Her guns were secured, yet your mind just won't accept that.

Obviously, they weren't secure if he got to them.
He killed her dumb ass................He lived in the house dumb he couldn't eventually figure out how to get into the safe.......

You are just pushing your agenda via tragedy...............and the manufacturers didn't pull that danged trigger..................

Your a political hack..........who DEMANDS others OBEY YOUR FEELINGS when we DISAGREE......And are a poster child for gun sales.

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