Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Yes, because I'm sure the first thing a criminal will do when he gets a hot gun or straw buyer to get a gun for him is look at those warning labels the way smokers and drinkers carefully do.

Again, guy, criminals aren't the problem here. Adam Lanza wasn't a criminal. he was a nut whose crazy mother had military grade weapons she never should have been allowed to buy.

Yes, moron, criminals are the criminals murder the majority of the 8,124 gun murder victims......not mass shooters....they barely kill 30 people a year.....according to Mother Jones.......

Mass shooters are not the guys only care because they make the news...while the democrats murdering peole in inner cities are only killing minorities.....which you only care about on election days.....
I would imagine that the manufacturers are nervous about having their marketing operations laid bare in a court room. We know that tobacco and alcohol have been massive conspiracies against the public and the marketing of both has been reined in.

From a distance America looks like a very violent society and I understand why people would want to have guns for self protection.

But to wave away concerns when toddlers get mown down in school is shocking.When does gun ownership become a problem ?
The gun lobby appears to be saying that nothing needs to be done. That is a breathtakingly complacent standpoint that is racking up its own body count every year.

It is obvious that something has to change. What can be done to head off another atrocity ?
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

Wrong ...... before they confiscated their guns their gun crime rates were incredibly low already because of cultural differences in their criminal sub fact, in Britain....after they confiscated guns their gun crime rate spiked, and then returned to the same level as before the confiscation...

And if fact...gun crime in Britain is up 4%...and they are now arming more police....

Australia...gun ownership levels are the same as they were before the confiscation...and they are seeing more gun crime...

they are catching up to us....

The only difference...our criminals pull the trigger more often to commit murder.......the criminals in Britain and Australia and Europe can get guns easily...they just don't commit murder.....
...Actually, I used to be a right winger, until I realized how they use bullshit issues like this to keep you voting against your own economic interests. When you don't have your gun and bible to cling to, maybe you'll start addressing the real problems.
Any further questions about Leftists, classmates?

NO, you'll probably remain clueless. You were clueless when Obama first made his comments, and you are clueless now.

Here's the thing. For 40 years, the Republicans have been waging a war on the Middle class, erasing all the progressive gains made between 1900 to 1970 that gave us the nice middle class your parents and grandparents enjoyed.

And for 40 years, they've been playing on your religious, sexual and racial fears to get you to vote for the stuff that is screwing you out of that lifestyle.

Ever notice taht the rich always get their tax cuts and trade treaties, but you fools never get abortion or gay marriage banned?

Now, on the subject of guns, the wealthy have done a briliant job there. They are selling you a product that you not only don't need, but is actually dangerous to you. (As a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy) and they've convinced you that this makes you free, even though it will not solve any of the problems in your life...
Talk about honesty, you have to quit listening to those voices in your head Joe. Who said anything about race? Are blacks the only Democrats in our country???

Guy, your racist characterizations speak for themselves. It's not a liberal soccer mom robbing you at the ATM, is it?
Whatever Joe.....................A lot of people are tired of your shit.......and those pushing these agenda's.........and those in Oregon were doing so to get litigation.................Most are not gonna go down quietly and we sure as hell aren't gonna line up for them..................

I keep waiting for you gun nutters to act. Every day the confiscation of our beloved guns continues to grow.

Buy all you fuckers do is run your mouths on a message board.

When on the fuck are you going to DO something about this travesty?

And writing shit to Joe isn't "doing" anything. Joe isn't going to take your guns. He's waiting just like me for you and 2a guy to put YOUR guns where your mouth is.

What are you guys waiting for. The situation is bad and getting worse.
Why is it that those who own firearms are nutters?

What are we going to do about this travesty? We elect people to do that job. If they fail at it would you like us to take matters into our own hands. We don't believe in vigilante justice.

Taking my tool/firearms is not going to do anything but piss us off and have us make sure we elect those who will not disarm us. In the event that it should happen you are still not getting them.

We are not putting our guns where our mouths are.

I am the military. I am the malitia and I am the NRA. And, I am a Democrat.
I would imagine that the manufacturers are nervous about having their marketing operations laid bare in a court room. We know that tobacco and alcohol have been massive conspiracies against the public and the marketing of both has been reined in.

From a distance America looks like a very violent society and I understand why people would want to have guns for self protection.

But to wave away concerns when toddlers get mown down in school is shocking.When does gun ownership become a problem ?
The gun lobby appears to be saying that nothing needs to be done. That is a breathtakingly complacent standpoint that is racking up its own body count every year.

It is obvious that something has to change. What can be done to head off another atrocity ?

How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
Looking at the poll numbers so far........Just like the last time............the Joe's of the world are losing badly on what people think over guns......

31 to 8 against JOE'S views.....................

Never changes does it Joe........Nobody agreed with you in the past either.......
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

Their murder rates were lower than ours before they confiscated their guns....their criminals simply don't commit murder as often...but that is changing...their drug gangs are getting more violent....
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

Here you go.....gun crime up 4% in Britain..the land of gun control....

Birmingham’s Gun Quarter could have name change to avoid crime link

Homicides in England and Wales up 14%

The police-recorded crime figures include a 9% rise in knife crime and a 4% rise in gun crime, which are thought to reflect a rise in gang violence largely in London and Manchester.

The rise in gun crime is the first recorded for eight years and includes a 10% rise in London.
The official statisticians say that a 36% rise in sexual offences, including the highest number of rapes since 2003 – at 33,341 – reflect a greater willingness of victims to come forward to report such crimes rather than a real surge in attacks.
I would imagine that the manufacturers are nervous about having their marketing operations laid bare in a court room. We know that tobacco and alcohol have been massive conspiracies against the public and the marketing of both has been reined in.

From a distance America looks like a very violent society and I understand why people would want to have guns for self protection.

But to wave away concerns when toddlers get mown down in school is shocking.When does gun ownership become a problem ?
The gun lobby appears to be saying that nothing needs to be done. That is a breathtakingly complacent standpoint that is racking up its own body count every year.

It is obvious that something has to change. What can be done to head off another atrocity ?

How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

Here you gun controlled Britain...

AK-47 rifles can be bought online and smuggled into the UK in game consoles

Criminals can order military firearms on the “dark web” and have them shipped here in bits. They even get instructions on how to assemble the weapons – the type used in the Tunisian beach massacre.
Our undercover reporters were shown several black market websites selling firearms. Chillingly, the explosive Semtex was also on sale.
We launched our probe after a man admitted importing a handgun he bought on an encrypted website.
Darren Hillyer, 38, posed as a woman who wanted revenge on a paedophile ex-lover. He ordered a 9mm Luger pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition, unaware he was dealing with an undercover officer from the National Crime Agency. Hillyer and another man will be sentenced at Bristol Crown Court next month.
In a separate bust, police in Australia seized a disassembled “Uzi-style pistol” in an Xbox case bound for the UK.

Seven charged after UK's 'largest ever seizure of firearms'

Seven people have been charged with firearms offences after a cache of weapons including automatic rifles and machine pistols was recovered in the largest seizure of its kind in the UK.
A total of six men and a woman are to appear before magistrates after the chilling stash of deadly weapons was discovered in holdalls and a suitcase.
Following an investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA) into the suspected importation of firearms, officers seized 22 automatic assault rifles, 9 Skorpion machine pistols, 58 magazines, 2 silencers and around 1,000 live rounds of ammunition following an operation on Tuesday afternoon.

UK terror attack feared amid warnings gangs are smuggling in submachine guns

Fears of a Tunisian style attack on the streets of Britain have been raised after it emerged that criminal gangs have been smuggling powerful submachine guns into the country.
Security chiefs are concerned that the weapons, capable of firing 1,000 rounds a minute, could fall into the hands of would be jihadists.
A report from the National Crime Agency (NCA) published last week into serious and organised crime in the UK, found evidence of an “increased threat” of Czech made Skorpion submachine guns being imported into the UK by street gangs in London and the south east.

Illegal immigrants, guns and drugs 'smuggled into Britain on light aircraft'

There are almost 20,000 light aircraft registered in the UK, and 47,000 Civil Aviation Authority-licensed pilots.

The agency said that organised criminals and terrorists use the aviation sector for crimes ranging from illegal immigration, importing hard drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines, and trafficking firearms.

Wrong ...... before they confiscated their guns their gun crime rates were incredibly low already because of cultural differences in their criminal sub fact, in Britain....after they confiscated guns their gun crime rate spiked, and then returned to the same level as before the confiscation...

And if fact...gun crime in Britain is up 4%...and they are now arming more police....

Australia...gun ownership levels are the same as they were before the confiscation...and they are seeing more gun crime...

they are catching up to us....

The only difference...our criminals pull the trigger more often to commit murder.......the criminals in Britain and Australia and Europe can get guns easily...they just don't commit murder.....

Again, total, utter crap. I am a NZer and have lived in Australia for 8 years. Also lived in Britain. Gun ownership rates have always been very low in these countries. Also, you have to go through much more stringent processes to own guns - police checks, sit a test for a license etc. BTW, I can still own a gun in all three countries if I wish, as long as I go through the process.

We are seeing fuck all gun crime down here compared to you. 90 percent of gun crime in Oz is gang and drug related.

Getting a gun in Britain and Oz is a lot harder than you think.

As for catching up, it will never happen in my lifetime
Their murder rates were lower than ours before they confiscated their guns....their criminals simply don't commit murder as often...but that is changing...their drug gangs are getting more violent....

In Australia - pre 1996 when the buy back occurred - there was a random mass shooting almost every year. Since 1996 there haven't been any. Not one.
Look Mr. NUT.............I'm just using a Cattle Prod on you so you will get back on your normal posting to show the people on this thread what you are.................You WANT ALL GUNS GONE............

And what the hell is this about upset over losing an election.................What the Fuck are you smoking....................

I said if you BAN ALL is that what your crystal ball tells you if we LOSE THIS ELECTION........Your side will BAN ALL GUNS when it creates a KANGAROO COURT...................

I'm not giving up my guns Joe...........Your little YOUR A PUSSY statements are for trolling purposes only............We aren't giving them up Joe....................I'm not alone on this..........

We even had a poll back then when you posted your BS back then.........and just about everybody on that thread was against you and thought you were a dumb ass.....

Doesn't look like that has changed now has it..................

Guy, you can go on all day, but at the end of the day, when the ATF SWAT team shows up at your door, you will meeklyhand over your guns and so will the rest of you nuts.

The thing is, you nuts are in the minority. Most people do not want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes wandering their streets with AR-15's.
Oh! Now we are talking going door to door? And do you think my firearms are going to be neaty lines up for confiscation?

They won't be here.

We want the Adam Lanza's and the Holme's put down like the rabid dogs they are.
I would imagine that the manufacturers are nervous about having their marketing operations laid bare in a court room. We know that tobacco and alcohol have been massive conspiracies against the public and the marketing of both has been reined in.

From a distance America looks like a very violent society and I understand why people would want to have guns for self protection.

But to wave away concerns when toddlers get mown down in school is shocking.When does gun ownership become a problem ?
The gun lobby appears to be saying that nothing needs to be done. That is a breathtakingly complacent standpoint that is racking up its own body count every year.

It is obvious that something has to change. What can be done to head off another atrocity ?

How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?

Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

Here you go.....gun crime up 4% in Britain..the land of gun control....

Birmingham’s Gun Quarter could have name change to avoid crime link

Homicides in England and Wales up 14%

The police-recorded crime figures include a 9% rise in knife crime and a 4% rise in gun crime, which are thought to reflect a rise in gang violence largely in London and Manchester.

The rise in gun crime is the first recorded for eight years and includes a 10% rise in London.
The official statisticians say that a 36% rise in sexual offences, including the highest number of rapes since 2003 – at 33,341 – reflect a greater willingness of victims to come forward to report such crimes rather than a real surge in attacks.

Hold on a sec, put it in perspective. If there were 100 gun murders in Britain last year, and there were 105 this year the rate has gone up 5 percent. If there were 9000 murders in the US last year and there were 9450 murders this year that is also 5 percent. Percentages are not relative to the actual numbers. 5 murders vs 450? Capice
Their murder rates were lower than ours before they confiscated their guns....their criminals simply don't commit murder as often...but that is changing...their drug gangs are getting more violent....

In Australia - pre 1996 when the buy back occurred - there was a random mass shooting almost every year. Since 1996 there haven't been any. Not one.

Wrong...there have been at least 3 and more than a few that would have been mass shootings if the shooter had simply decided to kill more people...last year you had two islamic terrorists with illegal guns......they could have gone to a mall, or a school...the one went to a starbucks, the other one, a 16 year old immigrant muslim shot a police office worker...had either one targeted a public place and just started shooting....they would have been mass shooters....

Not one gun law in Australia stopped the two of them last year....pure, dumb luck did......
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

Here you go.....gun crime up 4% in Britain..the land of gun control....

Birmingham’s Gun Quarter could have name change to avoid crime link

Homicides in England and Wales up 14%

The police-recorded crime figures include a 9% rise in knife crime and a 4% rise in gun crime, which are thought to reflect a rise in gang violence largely in London and Manchester.

The rise in gun crime is the first recorded for eight years and includes a 10% rise in London.
The official statisticians say that a 36% rise in sexual offences, including the highest number of rapes since 2003 – at 33,341 – reflect a greater willingness of victims to come forward to report such crimes rather than a real surge in attacks.

Hold on a sec, put it in perspective. If there were 100 gun murders in Britain last year, and there were 105 this year the rate has gone up 5 percent. If there were 9000 murders in the US last year and there were 9450 murders this year that is also 5 percent. Percentages are not relative to the actual numbers. 5 murders vs 450? Capice

Wrong.....Britain confiscated their guns and has extreme gun control....there shouldn't be a 4% increase in gun crime...also...they are finding more fully automatic weapons in the country and more criminals are shooting at police....I have posted those stories just this week....

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