Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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I would imagine that the manufacturers are nervous about having their marketing operations laid bare in a court room. We know that tobacco and alcohol have been massive conspiracies against the public and the marketing of both has been reined in.

From a distance America looks like a very violent society and I understand why people would want to have guns for self protection.

But to wave away concerns when toddlers get mown down in school is shocking.When does gun ownership become a problem ?
The gun lobby appears to be saying that nothing needs to be done. That is a breathtakingly complacent standpoint that is racking up its own body count every year.

It is obvious that something has to change. What can be done to head off another atrocity ?

How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?

Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?
The violent crime rate has been going down as more Americans own and carry guns...that is a fact.....and the states with the most people carrying guns have seen the greatest decrease in violent crime.

Total utter crap. Credible links please. Europe, Australia, Canada and NZ have never ever had the gun ownership rates that the US have had and their violent crime resulting in death stats are WAY below that of the US. Try again....

Here you go twit....

Gun found every two days in Melbourne s red zone

Police are discovering guns in cars every two days in Melbourne's north-west, which has been dubbed the "red zone" by officers concerned about a growing gangster culture in the region.

The alarming figure, obtained from The Police Association, follows anecdotal and statistical evidence of a burgeoning gun culture among young men in the city's north-western fringe.

Police working in the large region, which includes Broadmeadows, Sunshine and Werribee, have reported:

  • Firearm-related incidents, such as drive-by shootings, every six days.
  • An increasing trend of children as young as 16 carrying guns.
  • Regularly finding guns in cars, including sawn-off shotguns and an automatic machine gun, during routine car intercepts.
  • Guns stolen from rural homes being used in violent crime in the north-west. Some 530 guns were stolen in rural Victoria in 2013.
It comes as the Crime Statistics Agency released figures on Thursday showing an almost threefold jump in firearm offences in the north-west over the past five years, from 581 in the year to March 2011 to 1332 in the 12 months to April 2015.
A similar trend was reported statewide, with firearm offences rising more than 50 per cent to 13,626.
The figures follow recent high-profile shootings in which two men have been killed - one in Keysborough, the other in Altona Meadows - and significant gun seizures by police. In March, an automatic machine gun was found during a car intercept in Sunbury, and in February, an M16 assault rifle and Thureon machine gun were seized in raids on homes in the city's west.
You've been trying to take them for decades..........and we still own them............Your still a loser because some in this country still believe in the Constitution not so much.

Actually, I used to be a right winger, until I realized how they use bullshit issues like this to keep you voting against your own economic interests. When you don't have your gun and bible to cling to, maybe you'll start addressing the real problems.
The bitter clingers meme!?

Owning firearms are against my economic interests?

How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?

Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?
Only in the movies does this work............X-Men is a comic book fiction movie and scenes like this don't exist.
How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?

Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
...Actually, I used to be a right winger, until I realized how they use bullshit issues like this to keep you voting against your own economic interests. When you don't have your gun and bible to cling to, maybe you'll start addressing the real problems.
Any further questions about Leftists, classmates?


Who let them control the narrative?
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?

Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?
Throughout history there have been people like Joe..................Demanding those who don't agree with them ACCEPT their views and when they don't get their way they use the law against the people through back doors to make people ACCEPT their OPINIONS whether the rest agree or not.

They use incidents to express their Opinions to use the dead for their agenda..........

They would FORCE those who disagree to comply.......and then say,"It's For Your own good.".......

These on the bottom of the meme are like Joe........

Law abiding citizens who have not committed a crime should not be punished for the acts of criminals.

People like Joe have always pushed for gun registration which is a precursor for eventually taking the guns.......The Gov't needs a list of gun owners so when it bans them they know who has them.

It happened in Canada that way.........and WHY we should oppose them at every single step.

This new Liberal Hack Judge decision is an affront to the 2nd Amendment. This Judge should be Impeached by the people for this decision............

This will never end..........The Joe's of the world will push it forever...............until they get their OPINIONS into law.
How often do kids get mowed down in schools...? do you realize that the worst school shootings have happened in Europe? the land of gun control...

The gun lobby knowst he truth....

320,000,000 million guns in private hands.....

505 accidental gun deaths vs. 35,000 accidental car deaths.

1.500,000 million times guns are used for self defense vs. 8,124 gun murders which are majority criminal on criminal crimes...

And as more Americans own and carry guns....our violent crime rate has been going down, and our gun murder rate has been going down, and our gun suicide rate has gone down.....

So the facts, the truth and the reality are on the side of the gun rights activists....
So nothing needs to be done then ? There isnt one little thing that could help ?

Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

here is just one set of facts on gun criminals and murder...notice...the source is left wing politifact....

85 percent of shooting suspects and victims in Milwaukee have

Non-fatal shootings:

In non-fatal shootings in 2011, 97 percent of the 177 suspects and 86 percent of the 473 victims had at least one prior arrest. The report doesn’t say how many.

However, O’Brien said a closer analysis of non-fatal shootings during a six-week period in July and August 2011, when non-fatal shootings increased, found that suspects had an average of 7.5 prior arrests and victims had an average of about six. O’Brien said that based on her past studies, she would expect that the rest of the suspects and victims in the non-fatal shootings in 2011 had a similar number of prior arrests.

So, more than 85 percent of the people involved in non-fatal shootings had at least one prior arrest. And there’s a strong indication, though not complete numbers, that most people involved in the non-fatal shootings had at least several prior arrests.


For all homicides in 2011 -- those involving guns and those that didn’t -- 57 percent of the 72 suspects and 62 percent of the 66 homicide victims had at least six prior arrests.

O’Brien said that based on past studies she has done, most homicides involve guns and it’s unlikely that arrest records would vary greatly between the people involved in shooting homicides versus non-shooting homicides.

So, a clear majority, but less than 85 percent, of the people involved in fatal shootings likely had at least six prior arrests; although, again, the study doesn’t provide hard numbers on that point.

We asked James Alan Fox, a criminology, law and public policy professor at Northeastern University in Boston, about Flynn’s claim. He said from a national perspective, most shootings involve people with an arrest history, although he couldn’t say how extensive that history is for the typical shooting suspect or victim.

Our rating

Flynn said 85 percent of Milwaukee shootings "are people with extensive criminal records shooting other people with extensive criminal records."

The thrust of his statement -- that the vast majority of shooting suspects and victims have a criminal history, is accurate. But he made a specific statistical claim that isn’t fully supported by the study he cites. And as compared with charges or convictions, prior arrests as a measure of a person’s criminal record is on the lower end of the scale.
Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
Yes.....this is what would actually help......when someone commits a crime with a gun....especially a felon caught in illegal possession of a gun, put them in prison for a long time. The problem we actually have is that prosecutors and judges are not putting violent criminals, charged on illegal gun possession, and other crimes, in jail for long periods of time. The prosectuors are throwing out the gun charges as bargaining chips.....when they could get 10 years for just the possession by a is just nuts.

Normal people are not using guns to commit crimes.....but the legal system is not dealing with actual violent gun criminals.....I posted before that the criminals who shot up the Back of the Yards neighborhood park....had both had previous gun possession and violent crime convictions...they should have been in jail for at least 10 years.....the prosecutors and the judge redirected them to "Boot camps" and they were out in under 3 years...and months after their release they shot up a park in Chicago.....

The gang member, convicted felon, who shot the girl in Obama's chicago neighborhood....he had been arrested as a felon on a felony weapons possession charge...was out in 3 days pending trial, and used a gun to accidentally shoot the girl not a month later.......

We can do a lot to reduce the gun violence we have...we just have to focus on the actual problem...actual criminals.
Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

This British mass shooter was stopped by dumb luck......even in Great Britain...where you have confiscated guns and have extreme gun control...this 19 year old got a pistol and could have killed just as many grade schoolers in Britain if he had chosen do you limit his access....?

had he just not posted his intent on line....he would have committed a mass guys got lucky...your gun laws didn't stop him....

Newcastle teenager Liam Lyburd found guilty of planning college massacre

teenager has been convicted of planning a massacre at his former college after stockpiling pipe bombs, a semi-automatic pistol and 94 hollow-point expanding bullets.

Liam Lyburd, 19, from Newcastle upon Tyne, followed online instructions to build the bombs, and bought the 9mm Glock handgun and bullets from a marketplace on the darknet.

Police found the weapons when they raided his home in November. The prosecution claimed he had planned to carry out a massacre at Newcastle College, a large further education institution with more than 18,000 students.

Lyburd studied there for about a month in September 2012. Police began investigating after reports of comments he posted online in which he discussed plans to massacre students. He had praised US high school shooters and the Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Breivik.

British teen sentenced to life for planned school attack

As noted by the BBC, Lyburd gathered a cache that included a Glock 19, three 33-round magazines, 94 hollow-point bullets, CS gas, five pipe bombs and two other improvised explosive devices despite the country’s long history of civilian arms control.

The internet-savvy teen obtained the Glock and other items through Evolution Marketplace, a successor to the Silk Road, a long-time “dark web” site in which users could buy and sell everything from illegal narcotics to munitions using Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

In court, Lyburd testified that buying the Glock was so easy it was “like buying a bar of chocolate.”

He obtained funds for his purchases through a complex extortion scheme in which he used online malware to infect computers, which he in turn held for ransom from their owners.

Your solution would not have had any effect on the Sandy Hook child massacre. What can be done to prevent events like these ?

First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?
First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
Bush Master, which was owned by the Cerberus group, was the ones who were "profiteering" here. They took a weapon designed for a battlefield and sold it to a mentally unstable woman who was unable to control her mentally unstable son.

No they didn't.
First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

Keep in mind....our mass shootings.....are rare.....I know they are hyped...but we had 4 last year....and 2 of those were islamic terrorists...I have posted the exact number of mass shootings each year from the list generated by left wing, anti gun Mother Jones......
First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

you cant stop them

not even if you abuse my right to firearms and abolish them

the best thing you can do is to be prepared for them

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