Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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First....they need to end gun free zones......gun free zones are the targets of guys like this....every mass shooting we have had was in a gun free zone. The shooter at Sandy Hook also had attended the middle school and the high school...and had scouted all 3 locations....why did he choose Sandy hook....because the middle school and the high school had armed security....

The same goes for the Colorado theater shooter...picked a gun free zone theater over an airport because he had in his notes the airport had armed security...

The same goes or the Santa barbara shooter who wanted to shoot up an outdoor fair but knew there would be armed police there.....

the same for the Carolina church shooter...he wanted to shoot up a university but decided not to because of the armed he chose the unarmed church...

And recently, an isis inspired jihadi was caught...he said he was going to shoot up a mega church, with 6,000 people...because he knew guns were not allowed there......

Gun free zones have to end.
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

Here is some more information to put actual perspective on the mass shooting situation here in the States...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 73.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental drowning.....3,391

Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2015..... 37

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 72 deaths by mass shooters.

How many guns are there in American hands....357 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 13 million.

Can you see that in a country with 357,000,000 milllion guns in private hands and 13 million people actually carrying guns for self defense.....what the actual mass shooting rate is actually like?
What about preventing the killers access to guns ?

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.
If you knowingly sell a dangerous product, you can be held liable.
And when guns are demonstrated to be an unsafe product, should police departments across the country discard them and use a product that's safe?
Why is it that those who own firearms are nutters?

What are we going to do about this travesty? We elect people to do that job. If they fail at it would you like us to take matters into our own hands. We don't believe in vigilante justice.

Taking my tool/firearms is not going to do anything but piss us off and have us make sure we elect those who will not disarm us. In the event that it should happen you are still not getting them.

We are not putting our guns where our mouths are.

I am the military. I am the malitia and I am the NRA. And, I am a Democrat.

It's not the fact you have guns that makes you a nutter. It's the WHY you want the guns that makes you a nutter.

The two reasons why you guys want guns are 1) To protect yourself against criminals and 2) to fight the government.

The first one is just stupid. The fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household through suicide, accident or domestic argument than a bad guy, who rarely breaks in when someone is home and even if he does, will have the advantage of surprise and planning on his side.

The second one is even dumber. The government is ALWAYS going to have more guns, better guns and be better trained with them. In fact, even with the gun industry marketing to the Nancy Lanzas of the world. the fact is, 40% of gun sales are STILL to government agencies.
We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.
Cumbria shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cumbria shootings was a killing spree that occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, Derrick Bird, killed 12 people and injured 11 others before killing himself inCumbria, England. Along with the 1987 Hungerford massacre, the 1989 Monkseaton shootings, and the 1996 Dunblane school massacre, it is one of the worst criminal acts involving firearms in British history.

The series of attacks began in mid-morning in Lamplugh and moved to Frizington,Whitehaven, Egremont, Gosforth, and Seascale, sparking a major manhunt by theCumbria Constabulary, with assistance from Civil Nuclear Constabulary officers.

Bird, a 52-year-old local taxi driver, was later found dead in a wooded area, having abandoned his vehicle in the village of Boot. Two weapons that appeared to have been used in the shootings were recovered. A total of 30 different crime scenes were investigated. The event was the worst shooting incident in Britain since the Dunblane school massacre, in which 18 people died.
I would imagine that the manufacturers are nervous about having their marketing operations laid bare in a court room. We know that tobacco and alcohol have been massive conspiracies against the public and the marketing of both has been reined in.

From a distance America looks like a very violent society and I understand why people would want to have guns for self protection.

But to wave away concerns when toddlers get mown down in school is shocking.When does gun ownership become a problem ?
The gun lobby appears to be saying that nothing needs to be done. That is a breathtakingly complacent standpoint that is racking up its own body count every year.

It is obvious that something has to change. What can be done to head off another atrocity ?
What is shocking is for you to believe we just wave away the concerns of children being mowed down in schools.

Gun ownership is not the problem Tommy. It is mental illness and criminals committing these crimes.

We are not being complacent.

Those of us who are gun owners want those like you who categorize us with those who commit these crimes to stop blaming us for someone else's misdeeds.
We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.

But the British gun murder rate has always been lower than the U.S. even before the confisction.....that is because of different criminal cultures influenced by the greater society. I am not saying that British criminals are nicer, or non violent......I remember the story of thieves holding a hot iron to a old woman's stomach to get her to give up her belonings......but British criminals, in the past, have simply not been prone to committing murder......after have far more knife crime than we do...and you can kill with a knife if you want to.....

Britain is not safer than the U.S.....even according to left wing poitifact, Britain is 2 x as violent as the United States.....we have more murder....but the majority of that murder is isolated to very specific areas of our inner cities.....controlled by drug gangs.........we can go to school and theaters too..........

And that whole row with a neighbor leading to shootings....that isn't true. The people who shoot their neighbor over a row....are the same people with a history of violence that you see in gun murder.....

If you control for violent past behavior, past criminal record, drug and alcohol abuse........then you find that gun murder in the home is not based on a gun in the home.....

Normal people without violent criminal histories and without drug and alcohol abuse and a gun in the home...are not shooting their wives or neighbors over "rows."

Again....357,000,000 guns in private hands

8,124 gun murders, 90% of the killers have criminal records.......

80% of the victims are also criminals...

That means that people shot are not neighbors fighting over a fence line.......
Why is it that those who own firearms are nutters?

What are we going to do about this travesty? We elect people to do that job. If they fail at it would you like us to take matters into our own hands. We don't believe in vigilante justice.

Taking my tool/firearms is not going to do anything but piss us off and have us make sure we elect those who will not disarm us. In the event that it should happen you are still not getting them.

We are not putting our guns where our mouths are.

I am the military. I am the malitia and I am the NRA. And, I am a Democrat.

It's not the fact you have guns that makes you a nutter. It's the WHY you want the guns that makes you a nutter.

The two reasons why you guys want guns are 1) To protect yourself against criminals and 2) to fight the government.

The first one is just stupid. The fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household through suicide, accident or domestic argument than a bad guy, who rarely breaks in when someone is home and even if he does, will have the advantage of surprise and planning on his side.

The second one is even dumber. The government is ALWAYS going to have more guns, better guns and be better trained with them. In fact, even with the gun industry marketing to the Nancy Lanzas of the world. the fact is, 40% of gun sales are STILL to government agencies.
We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.

If gun laws work....why is it that your gun crime rate, until last year, was the same after the confiscation as it was before? And last year there was a 4% increase in gun crime.

Also....Britain is now arming more police who were previously unarmed....and incidents of criminals shooting at police with fully automatic, and fully illegal weapons, has increased?

I posted those stories too......

Murder rates are not effected by access to guns....murder rates are controlled by the criminal sub cultures attitude about murder.....
We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.


Firearms: cheap, easy to get and on a street near you

Just £200 for a gun in London
You're afraid to go out at night?

That's on you ,Slick.

What does that have to do with my firearms?

The fact your "pusher" has flooded the streets with weapons.
Americans love Guns, God, Tits and Ass.........and not in that order.............

Go to Europe where your castrated ass needs to be........they will accept you there.

Here......not so much as you demand we fucking comply to your Views............not gonna happen.
Meh, I've heard about the "hoax" theory before. I don't really believe that. But, having said that, just because some loon freaks out and kills people, that is no reason to take rights or restrict rights regarding law abiding citizens. You don't blame the tool. It isn't the fault of the tool used.

I fired the same type of gun that Lanza allegedly used......the shells fly up in your face which is why you wear googles at the firing range. It took me five minutes to empty a 12 bullet clip when I was aiming at a target 15 feet away and only hit the target 7 times and I got the webbing between my thumb and forefinger caught inbetween the barrel....bleed like a stuck expect me to believe that this kid that suffered from a form of autism was able to get off over 100 shots with pinpoint accuracy in a ten minute span??? I don't buy this shit at all...I don;'t believe ANYTHING about Sandy Hoax.......

Utter and complete bullshit. You hilighted your ignorance on the issue in the first ten words you wrote. In the picture you will see two fire arms, both are mine and the evil looking black rifle is the exact same model Lanzas used which is an XM15A2 Mforgery. The ONLY way shells will hit the shooter is if they are shooting gangsta style and maybe not tnen. In one minute I can dump two 40 round magazines in thirty seconds bump firing I can do it in about half that time. In a space the size of a class room I'm pretty positive I cold hit targets pretty good. Lanzas and his mother were shooters so he would have a clue even if he was autistic on how to shoot the weapon. What's bull shit is polititions using dead kids for political purposes . The only thing worse are the conspiracy weirdos and Alex Jones types using the dead kids to sell CD's and tshirts.

We already have that....we have federally mandated background checks at all licensed gun sellers.....and the criminals ignore them by simply getting people with clean records to buy guns for them...or they steal the guns....recently they have been driving trucks and construction vehicles into the doors of gun stores to gain access......

Keep in mind....there are over 357,000,000 guns in private hands in the United States....and only 8,124 gun murders...that means that fewer than 8,124 guns are used for murder (since often one gun is used for multiple murders) so 356,991,876 million guns in the hands of law abiding people are not used to commit murder....

And on top of that, Americans actually use guns to stop crime...1,500,000 times a year according to a study conducted by bill clinton's Department of Justice...

So if you compare total number of guns.....357,000,000 to gun murders, 8,124 vs. guns used for self defense....1,500,000 million....the picture is completely different than our press would have you believe.

Also, the people committing the murder are not normal people who own guns....90% are criminals who have illegal guns who murder other criminals 80% of the murder victims...who have long criminal histories....

So if you take 80% of the 8,124 gun murders....that is about 1643 innocent people......and those are still concentrated in tiny, multi block areas of our inner cities....

So you have to see all the facts.....rather than the hype about guns in America.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.

Your criminals want more guns...and they are getting them.....immigrant gangs are now fighting for drug territory and they are bringing in fully automatic weapons to do it....what you are seeing is what we had back in the 90s in is now happening in Britain...

4/19/16 auto weapons increase

Rise in sub-machine guns on London streets

Scotland Yard today said police are seizing more deadly automatic weapons from criminals in London as detectives revealed that an innocent bystander was gunned down with a suspected Skorpion sub-machine gun last month .

New figures seen by the Standard show that police seized 18 sub-machine guns from criminals in the capital last year, compared to 13 similar weapons in 2014.

Police also revealed that sub-machine guns had been fired in London 11 times in the last 12 months, compared to seven times the year before.

In October last year three plain clothes officers escaped injury despite being shot at by a sub-machine gun - also thought to be a Skorpion - when they were carrying out inquiries in Willesden.

Today police said there had been a “worrying” increase in the use of automatic weapons but they were seizing more of the weapons from criminals.
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.


Firearms: cheap, easy to get and on a street near you

Just £200 for a gun in London

Where did you find that that the right date or is it a story from another year? Great find......I am, of course, stealing it....
You are skirting around my question. This youngster was not a criminal as far as I am aware. And yet he had access to a highly efficient killing machine. How could that be prevented ?

I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.


Firearms: cheap, easy to get and on a street near you

Just £200 for a gun in London

I am going to post a quote from your make it easier for the viewing audience...I hope you don't mind......

Just £200 for a gun in London
by JUSTIN DAVENPORT, Evening Standard

Guns are regularly changing hands in London for only £200, highlighting the frightening spiral in violent crime, says Met Commissioner Sir John Stevens today.

He adds that prices are tumbling because gangs have been importing huge numbers of weapons as they become ever more ruthless.

An astonishing 600 guns are being recovered by police every year, but they admit this might be a fraction of the true number on the streets. For a little extra cash, criminals can even get hold of the fearsome Uzi sub-machinegun.

Sir John says there is clear evidence that gun gangs are spreading across London whereas a few years ago they were confined to a handful of boroughs such as Lambeth, Hackney and Brent.

Now police officers are being stationed in countries such as Romania to provide intelligence on drug and gun-smuggling routes into Britain.

The Commissioner spoke out in an interview with the Evening Standard after a fortnight of escalating violence in which estate agent Tim Robinson was murdered outside his Battersea home and a gangster was left dead outside a police station in a bullet-riddled car.

He also announced that an extra 50 detectives are to be redeployed to fight gun crime in the capital. Thirty officers will be seconded to Operation Trident, the unit which deals with black-on-black shootings, while the other 20 will work within the Serious and Organised Crime Group targeting other gun-carrying criminals.

Read more: Just £200 for a gun in London
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I did have to eliminate his targets...since even in Britain a 19 year old was able to get a glock pistol, and ammunition through the mail. You have to make schools non gun that they are not targets for attack. The psychology of all of these mass shooters is the desire to large numbers. They seek out gun free zones to do their killing. If they know that there are normal people, carrying guns for self defense...and that they will never know when a normal person with a gun is on the premises of school...a parent dropping off kids...or and armed police officer or security guard....they will not attack that building......I have shown you how just the threat of an armed resistor makes them change targets.

As to highly efficient killing machines......the worst mass shooter in Britain used a shotgun......the killings in Sandy Hook could just as easily been done with a pump action shotgun....he targeted the lower grade levels because those kids would not be able to fight back....he could have gone to the 6th grade...but they are bigger kids........keep in mind..even that influenced his choice of victim.....and it only took 5 soon as he heard the police sirens....he stopped shooting and committed suicide. The one thing we have learned.....immediate armed response to these attacks stops them cold....the killer either surrenders immediately...the colorado shooter, or they commit suicide..Sandy Hook.
I understand what you are saying but essentially you are just shifting the target. How do you stop him getting a gun ?

You can't. if a criminal wants a gun, or a mass shooter wants a gun, they will get it....

What stopped the 19 year old in Britain from getting his gun, ammunition and explosives? Nothing. How was he stopped? Your gun control laws? No. He was stopped because he posted on the internet.........sadly, the next one won't do that...and you will have a mass shooting......
But the British gun laws do actually work in that we have a lot lower murder rate than the US. There are guns but they are harder to get. Britain is a lot safer than the US. We can go the cinema,take our kids to school and have a row with a neighbour without getting shot.


Firearms: cheap, easy to get and on a street near you

Just £200 for a gun in London

Where did you find that that the right date or is it a story from another year? Great find......I am, of course, stealing it....

it is yours to use my friend
Why is it that those who own firearms are nutters?

What are we going to do about this travesty? We elect people to do that job. If they fail at it would you like us to take matters into our own hands. We don't believe in vigilante justice.

Taking my tool/firearms is not going to do anything but piss us off and have us make sure we elect those who will not disarm us. In the event that it should happen you are still not getting them.

We are not putting our guns where our mouths are.

I am the military. I am the malitia and I am the NRA. And, I am a Democrat.

It's not the fact you have guns that makes you a nutter. It's the WHY you want the guns that makes you a nutter.

The two reasons why you guys want guns are 1) To protect yourself against criminals and 2) to fight the government.

The first one is just stupid. The fact is, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household through suicide, accident or domestic argument than a bad guy, who rarely breaks in when someone is home and even if he does, will have the advantage of surprise and planning on his side.

The second one is even dumber. The government is ALWAYS going to have more guns, better guns and be better trained with them. In fact, even with the gun industry marketing to the Nancy Lanzas of the world. the fact is, 40% of gun sales are STILL to government agencies.
And I had to use that to defend my daughter and grand child from a drug addict who broke into her home. Luckily she lives close enough for me to be there before the police.

I could have put him down but chose to hold him until the police arrived. I didn't want to clean up the mess, not have my daughter living in her home where her father killed someone.

Joe. Never in my life did I expect to have to use my firearms but it was there when I needed it.

That does not make me a nutter.

When I make references to confiscation by the government I am in no way saying I will use my firearms against our government. There are those who will when they start going door to door.

That puts me in a position to choose sides as I can guarantee that there will be a Civil War and I will be put right in the middle and will have to make that choice.

That does not make many of us nutters.

That makes us prepared for what may come in the event this occurs.

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