Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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forks, knives, baseball bats, hand guns, hunting rifles, etc, all have other legal purposes.

there is no other legal purpose for assault weapons than massive deadly assault.

certain types of weapons should require higher regulation of who can own them and for what lawful purpose.

whoever applies for a legit lawful purpose should be required to achieve certain high standards of training, etc...
Point of information..An AR15 is not a military assault rifle. It's simply a hunting rifle on a military style stock.
An AR15 has many uses just like the items in your list do. Hunting, target shooting, home defense, keeping bears out of your cabin, competitions, and many more.

BTW, if they sent you into combat with an AR15 you would be quick to define the differences.
If someone is speding and loses control of their car crashes and kills someone is the automobile industry liable for making the car to fast?
If your drinking in your house and you fall and hurt or even kill yourself are the alcohol distributors liable for making a product that impairs judgement?
When you start down this road of trying to hold a business responsible for how those buy there products use them where does it end?
kids I grew up with who went to cushy wealthy private schools and who spent most of their time at a country club were able to score cocaine and weapons if they wanted them
Then you would know an "ar" is not a military grade weapon? It's just a sporting rifle...
Get your out of your ass and educate yourself... Lol

Sure, the AR15 is a "sporting rifle" if you want to either have instant deer ground meat, OR kill as many people as possible just for "sport"......
Ha! Ground meat? You do know most ARs use a .22 caliber round?? Get your head out of your ass... Lol
Meh. It is just proof that most people that argue against guns have no idea what they are talking about. The mere mention of a 'military' style weapon just blows their mind.
And THAT is what this is really all about. Its why the NRA has paid so much money to R congress slime.

It is astounding that all these people put corporate profit over the lives of children but that's what they care about.
Its not about profits. That's just a talking point. It's not about the chiildren either. That's just a crutch to inflame the issue. The problem is not the guns. That's just a scape goat to avoid addressing the social problems that are a political hot potato for the left. I'm from the Chicago area where we have the tightest gun laws in the nation and I can tell you as FACT that guns do NOT kill people. These fools are killing each other with what ever they can find. All the gun laws do here is keep me from going into the city proper because I refuse to be a victom. If I have no choice but to go I will go as a government manufactured newly created criminal. Because I would rather explain it in court then be dead in the street. All gun control does is create criminals. If you take self defense away from your law abiding citizens you create victoms. Criminals love gun control laws its like a wolf in with the sheep. Criminals dont follow the laws...hello? That's why we call them criminals? Remember?

And hell no they cant sue the gun manufacturer.. What are you new?
My dad gave us guns. Seriously, christmas 1987 I got a marlin model 60 and one of those buckets of a buttload of bullets. Still have that here some place. I can't day I got special treatment, but I can day I never felt the urge to shoot anyone I was mad at. It was a very weird idea.yup my folks were hippies.
Societies that do not allow guns have a much smaller problem with criminals getting guns.

That's a lie. Give us one such society, and I'll educate you on how a black market works, because you can't regulate them with gun laws. People will still get guns regardless.

You can keep repeating that tired talking point, but doing so doesn't make it so.

Japan, end of story.
One of the problems is that many times good people who own guns become bad people when something sets them off.
That's ludicrous straw man fallacy, guns don't make people turn bad...or else they would kill with other weapons

I didn't say the gun made them turn bad, but what do you do when a law abiding citizen who has never committed a crime decides to shoot his entire family? This happens quite frequently.

Someone who murders his own family was never "good people."

And your thought that not having a gun means they give up and don't kill their family is based on what exactly?

It means it's not as easy for them to do it. Here is a simple fact that gun lovers refuse to admit. Countries that do not allow guns have much much lower homicide rates than we do in the US. That is just a fact that cannot be ignored. More guns equate to more deaths.
Thats just a flat out lie. Australias murders went down for a year or so then they went right back up. Now the weapon of choice seams to be a hammer. As it did with all the other countries I have seen the statistics on.I call BS on this one.
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it also exists in the minds of those who blindly put corporate profits over concerns for public safety.

And THAT is what this is really all about. Its why the NRA has paid so much money to R congress slime.

It is astounding that all these people put corporate profit over the lives of children but that's what they care about.

There are 310 million guns in the United States, hundreds of millions more in the rest of the world. And you're going to keep them from criminals how exactly?

You're the ones murdering children, all you do is prevent people from protecting themselves. Honest citizens follow the law. The funny thing about criminals is they don't follow the law. You didn't see that one coming. But there was a hint. They are criminals ...

Societies that do not allow guns have a much smaller problem with criminals getting guns. Sure, they can in some cases, but it is very difficult.

Tell that to the folks in Paris.

France's murder rate is well below ours as are all OECD countries.
Societies that do not allow guns have a much smaller problem with criminals getting guns.

That's a lie. Give us one such society, and I'll educate you on how a black market works, because you can't regulate them with gun laws. People will still get guns regardless.

You can keep repeating that tired talking point, but doing so doesn't make it so.

Japan, end of story.
Japan is an island bone head.. And the murder rate is up in Japan not down.
One of the problems is that many times good people who own guns become bad people when something sets them off.
That's ludicrous straw man fallacy, guns don't make people turn bad...or else they would kill with other weapons

I didn't say the gun made them turn bad, but what do you do when a law abiding citizen who has never committed a crime decides to shoot his entire family? This happens quite frequently.

Someone who murders his own family was never "good people."

And your thought that not having a gun means they give up and don't kill their family is based on what exactly?

It means it's not as easy for them to do it. Here is a simple fact that gun lovers refuse to admit. Countries that do not allow guns have much much lower homicide rates than we do in the US. That is just a fact that cannot be ignored. More guns equate to more deaths.
Thats just a flat out lie. Australias murders went down for a year or so then they went right back up. Now the weapon of choice seams to be a hammer. As it did with all the other countries I have seen the statistics on.I call BS on this one.

Australia's murder rate is more than six times that of the US.
it also exists in the minds of those who blindly put corporate profits over concerns for public safety.

And THAT is what this is really all about. Its why the NRA has paid so much money to R congress slime.

It is astounding that all these people put corporate profit over the lives of children but that's what they care about.

There are 310 million guns in the United States, hundreds of millions more in the rest of the world. And you're going to keep them from criminals how exactly?

You're the ones murdering children, all you do is prevent people from protecting themselves. Honest citizens follow the law. The funny thing about criminals is they don't follow the law. You didn't see that one coming. But there was a hint. They are criminals ...

Societies that do not allow guns have a much smaller problem with criminals getting guns. Sure, they can in some cases, but it is very difficult.

Tell that to the folks in Paris.

France's murder rate is well below ours as are all OECD countries.
No you want to compare apples to oranges because your argument dosent have a leg to stand on...OKHow many people died in that night club because no one had the means to fight back? How did the criminals get the guns to kill all those people? There are no guns in France remember? And just to stay on point gun crime went down but knife murders went up in france. How is no guns for citizens to defend themselves better? Stop trying to blame the hammer because you bent the nail.
it also exists in the minds of those who blindly put corporate profits over concerns for public safety.

And THAT is what this is really all about. Its why the NRA has paid so much money to R congress slime.

It is astounding that all these people put corporate profit over the lives of children but that's what they care about.

There are 310 million guns in the United States, hundreds of millions more in the rest of the world. And you're going to keep them from criminals how exactly?

You're the ones murdering children, all you do is prevent people from protecting themselves. Honest citizens follow the law. The funny thing about criminals is they don't follow the law. You didn't see that one coming. But there was a hint. They are criminals ...

Societies that do not allow guns have a much smaller problem with criminals getting guns. Sure, they can in some cases, but it is very difficult.

Tell that to the folks in Paris.

France's murder rate is well below ours as are all OECD countries.

You claimed getting guns was very difficult, which wasn't the case for the terrorist, which proves even there, a determined criminal can get what ever they want. It has nothing to do with the over all murder rate, which by the way is climbing in the EU and going down in the US.
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Societies that do not allow guns have a much smaller problem with criminals getting guns.

That's a lie. Give us one such society, and I'll educate you on how a black market works, because you can't regulate them with gun laws. People will still get guns regardless.

You can keep repeating that tired talking point, but doing so doesn't make it so.

Japan, end of story.

Alas, we ignore history. The history of Japan banning weapons began in the Tokugawa era when the Shogunate placed strict controls over the few gunsmiths in the country, and again beginning with the Meiji era against Bunun and Atayai aborigines and during the Taishō and early Shōwa periods ending in 1933. In the aboriginal's case, the Japanese instilled strict, targeted gun laws against them, confiscated or impounded their firearms, and sparked several armed insurrections in the process, most notably the Dafen incident.

In 1915, the Bunun aboriginals were fed up with the Japanese government's policy (implemented a year earlier) calling for all aboriginal firearms to be impounded when hunting expeditions ended. Their leader, Raho Ari started a rebellion in Dafen by which his clan slaughtered an entire police platoon. It would go on like this for the next 18 years. Over the 37 year time frame from 1896 to 1933, 7,081 Japanese had died (4,422 civilians dead). Also during that time period, over 29,000 aboriginal firearms were confiscated. Now, keep in mind, that in order for the Japanese government to instill the strict gun/sword control laws they have now, they had to kill or wound thousands of people in the past in order to do it. Is that what you want our government to do?

The Japanese gun law begins by saying "No one shall possess a firearm or firearms or a sword or swords." This law reflects centuries of repulsion to the concept of civilians owning firearms, beginning from the Edo, Tokugawa and Meiji periods on.

What you're advocating for is gun confiscation, pure and simple, possibly by force. This is the most brazen defense of gun confiscation I have ever seen to date on this board and it only took four words. You can't honestly believe America's hundreds of millions of gunowners will willingly or peacefully hand over their firearms because you want them to?
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