Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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Inevitably, gun proponents and the NRA will claim that the latest ruling allowing families of the Sandy Hook massacre of children, is a ridiculous ruling.....They will follow up with various scenarios that were someone to be killed by a knife or a rope, that knives and rope manufacturers could ALSO be sued....but when making such comparisons they show both their prejudices and downright stupidity.

Guns are manufactured virtually SOLELY for the purpose of killing....whereas knives or ropes have much different purposes and the flooding of some high-crime areas with weapons whose main purpose is killing of maiming is totally unacceptable.

This ruling is a small but necessary first step toward restoring sanity. The Sandy Hook massacre could not have been as lethal with knives or ropes. Let us join the rest of the sane, and progressive world community where those weapons (mostly made for military purposes) do NOT make their way into deranged and evil hands.
The anti-Constitutional stance of the left on clear display for all to see.

Anyone with a double digit IQ or the ability to think for themselves knows what this is about.

"The anti-Constitutional stance of the left on clear display for all to see."

Not true at all.

The only people who talk about banning are the gun nutters.

They are instructed to do that as a smoke screen to hide the real issues - which are being discussed in this thread.
You're dimmer than humanly possible.

the amount of unconstitutional gun laws is staggering, but you pretend that this isn't about abolishing guns all you want, being truthful with yourself must be impossible by now as well.
My dad gave us guns. Seriously, christmas 1987 I got a marlin model 60 and one of those buckets of a buttload of bullets. Still have that here some place. I can't day I got special treatment, but I can day I never felt the urge to shoot anyone I was mad at. It was a very weird idea.yup my folks were hippies.

Every time I walk out of my house armed, I pray I don't have to use it. Anti-gun Nazis really believe that people who carry are itching to pull that trigger on another human being.

My first gun was purchased after my apartment was robbed, and the people that did it were connected and very dangerous. I made sure they knew I was then armed. They thought I didn't know who robbed me, but I knew quite well who did it.

They used to come around and I didn't want these people here. They asked strange questions about me and my activities. I told them that I had a friend come over from time to time and pick up my car so it looked like I wasn't home. I told them I was going to get even with the MF's that robbed me even if I have to take time off of work to set them up.

They quit coming around and I haven't seen them since. That was 30 years ago.
Then let's have a tax to vote too
How about a free speech tax

How about a search and seizure tax
or a tax to invoke the fifth amendment

If you can't pay any of these taxes on your Constitutional right s then tough shit you can't exercise them

Again, there's no constitutional right to weapon ownership. Sorry, I know you want to think there is, but there isn't.

Scalia's taking a dirt nap, and your bizarro interpretation of the MILITIA AMENDMENT is done.
Every time I walk out of my house armed, I pray I don't have to use it. Anti-gun Nazis really believe that people who carry are itching to pull that trigger on another human being.

My first gun was purchased after my apartment was robbed, and the people that did it were connected and very dangerous. I made sure they knew I was then armed. They thought I didn't know who robbed me, but I knew quite well who did it.

They used to come around and I didn't want these people here. They asked strange questions about me and my activities. I told them that I had a friend come over from time to time and pick up my car so it looked like I wasn't home. I told them I was going to get even with the MF's that robbed me even if I have to take time off of work to set them up.

They quit coming around and I haven't seen them since. That was 30 years ago.

So it sounds to me like you scared your probably innocent neighbors away, and got that reputation as "the crazy guy who might shoot your kids".
You know with background checks, of course a criminal wouldn't think of getting a gun without going through a background check first, and, of course, when he takes the LEGAL route to obtain his weapon that he plans to commit crimes with . . . we want to make it more expensive for him to so. Outlawing particular guns are definitely going to help deter criminals from getting those guns because they wouldn't THINK of breaking a law.

If no one is manufacturing new guns and old guns are removed from the street, criminals will have a hard time getting them.

Like they do in the UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Canada. YOu know, the countries that don't seem to have these sorts of problems.
so adam would have got them from someone else....

The guy had no job, no money, and frankly, probably would have looked just seedy enough to make even most gun dealers look at him twice.

But I'd be all for suing whoever gave him a gun.
gun dealer?....the dealer im talking about sells out of the trunk of his car....

Well, that guy we can throw in jail. But again, Lanza had NO MONEY to pay that guy.
better idea-put the assholes who filed the lawsuit into the poor house and bankrupt the ass wart attorneys who filed that crap.

How were they responsible for what happened at Sandy Hook?

Bushmaster sold a military grade weapon to a crazy woman. Her crazy son took that weapon and killed 26 kids and teachers.

They really, really need to be held accountable.
Can someone,anyone explain the basis for a lawsuit against a gun manufacturer other then the gun malfunctioned
or failed to perform as advertised?....

If the gun worked properly how can the manufacturer be held liable....for anything?....

again, you need to go back to the Tobacco Lawsuit. It wasn't the design of the product that was the issue, it was the business practices of the industry.

The thing was, Bushmaster sold a military grade weapon to a woman who was mentally unstable with a son who was outright crazy. They pushed to sell increasingly dangerous weapons to unstable people.

That's why they are liable.
Then let's have a tax to vote too
How about a free speech tax

How about a search and seizure tax
or a tax to invoke the fifth amendment

If you can't pay any of these taxes on your Constitutional right s then tough shit you can't exercise them

Again, there's no constitutional right to weapon ownership. Sorry, I know you want to think there is, but there isn't.

Scalia's taking a dirt nap, and your bizarro interpretation of the MILITIA AMENDMENT is done.
The peoples right to keep (own) and bear arms shall not be infringed

The militia does not have any rights the PEOPLE hold the right to keep and bear arms

Just because you say something doesn't make it so.

in March 2007 the federal appeals court overturned that ruling, striking down the D.C. gun law. Judge Lawrence Silberman wrote for the 2-1 majority:

U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (2007): The Amendment does not protect “the right of militiamen to keep and bear arms,” but rather “the right of the people.” The operative clause, properly read, protects the ownership and use of weaponry beyond that needed to preserve the state militias.
There is a case where a Gun maker can be sued!

That is if the weapon in question is intended for illegal use.
Good luck trying to prove that one.
Can someone,anyone explain the basis for a lawsuit against a gun manufacturer other then the gun malfunctioned
or failed to perform as advertised?....

If the gun worked properly how can the manufacturer be held liable....for anything?....

again, you need to go back to the Tobacco Lawsuit. It wasn't the design of the product that was the issue, it was the business practices of the industry.

The thing was, Bushmaster sold a military grade weapon to a woman who was mentally unstable with a son who was outright crazy. They pushed to sell increasingly dangerous weapons to unstable people.

That's why they are liable.
Do you even know what a "military grade" weapon is??
An AR15 is not a military grade weapon, it's a sporting rifle. Dumbfuck

...owning a firearm is a right, the same cannot be said for tobacco silly boy, no go hide. Lol
Can someone,anyone explain the basis for a lawsuit against a gun manufacturer other then the gun malfunctioned
or failed to perform as advertised?....

If the gun worked properly how can the manufacturer be held liable....for anything?....

again, you need to go back to the Tobacco Lawsuit. It wasn't the design of the product that was the issue, it was the business practices of the industry.

The thing was, Bushmaster sold a military grade weapon to a woman who was mentally unstable with a son who was outright crazy. They pushed to sell increasingly dangerous weapons to unstable people.

That's why they are liable.

You dumbass bleeding hearts need to learn the difference between a sporting rifle and a military grade rifle...

Joe can't help it though he's as dumb as bag of hammers, that's what happens when you're living in your moms basement… LOL
How is no guns for citizens to defend themselves better?

Find EXACTLY where any of us stated "no guns for citizens"???

You right wing morons use the same lame script...try thinking on your own.....its fun.

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