Sandy Hook families can sue gun manufacturers.

Should crime victims be able to sue gun manufacturers?

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rustic the cartoon man.

You want a tissue?

Rusty are you all for wannabe gang bangers having great weapons?

Cause if gang bangers couldn't arm themselves, we would be sliding down that slippery slope. Let's arm everybody so that no one slips.

Right rusty?
rustic the cartoon man.

You want a tissue?

Rusty are you all for wannabe gang bangers having great weapons?

Cause if gang bangers couldn't arm themselves, we would be sliding down that slippery slope. Let's arm everybody so that no one slips.

Right rusty?
Do you know what law-abiding is?? LOL
rustic the cartoon man.

You want a tissue?

Rusty are you all for wannabe gang bangers having great weapons?

Cause if gang bangers couldn't arm themselves, we would be sliding down that slippery slope. Let's arm everybody so that no one slips.

Right rusty?
It would be a good ruling if there were malfunctions and guns suddenly started killing people on their own but that's never happened in the history of ever.
Do you know what law-abiding is?? LOL

A gang banger wannabe has broken what laws rusty. LOL

Besides that, every gun owner out there has broken a law. What does that mean rusty?

Do you want to slide down that slope or not?

Laws are only for the law-abiding… Criminals do not obey laws thus - they are called criminals.
Putting more repetitive laws on the books will do nothing but waste time and money, anyway gun violence is a non-issue in this country. Criminal behavior is a whole different story... Dumbass

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