Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

Because I am tired of sharing my streets with gun toting maniacs...

So your solution is to write new laws on the sale and possession of firearms to be enforced on people who aren't the problem, making new criminals were they didn't exist before . . . While refusing to prosecute those who have proven they can not abide by society's rules.

So you argue we can't arrest our way out of the gun violence problem so we should make new laws, broadening the scope of arrestable offenses?

It seems you want to stop giving chemo to actual cancer patients and instead give it to the healthy, in the hopes the cancer sufferers get better.

yes, I tend to lose composure when I see small children being wheeled out in body bags because some dickless wonder like you needs to compensate for his "shortcomings".

Goddamn, just when I thought you couldn't stoop any lower to show you truly are the lowest form of passive, anti-social human garbage! You really should not scream your projection so loudly; if your deep-seated self-hatred of your latent homosexuality is so strong and your desire to be violent, even genocidal is even deeper, you should seek help . . .

Except we know gun control works just fine- in the UK, France, Germany, Canada, Japan.

All originally enacted for political control. Whatever crime control their disarmament laws seem to impart, is only evidence that long-subjugated and controlled populations are compliant and well behaved. We do see when nations allow people to be introduced who do not abide or respect the traditions, culture and morality of the fatherland, prohibitory gun laws are useless and gun crime rises.

You mean- places where people actually live?

Well, there is a reason why the urban areas vote Democrat! That electorate reliably votes for people who will reward anti-social /criminal behavior, e.g., Larry Krasner being reelected in Philly last November and Alvin Bragg elected in Manhattan.

Hey, I admit, banning guns and putting the criminal gun industry out of business will only solve part of the problem.

Your focus on doing that, excuses and emboldens criminals and generates a disdain for the law, in criminals and regular citizens alike.

We also need police reform, we need legal reform, we need treatment programs for addiction and mental illness, and we need poverty relief that is meaningful.

And if any of that worked or if it was ever a true priority, it would have been implemented years ago in places leftists have held absolute power for decades. You would be heralding the overwhelming proof of the results of those policies citing dozens of studies.

Instead we have complete chaos in Democrat run, hug-a-thug hellholes with woke mayors and Soros backed, cop-hating-social-justice-let-em-loose DA's . . .

Look at Minneapolis, a leftist, socially conscious city if there ever was one . . . If ever a police force existed that should have been operating without deviation within the social justice rulebook, that should have been it.

Every possible top down reform, written by leftist academics and restorative justice warriors was implemented by -promise-everything-deliver-nothing- liberal politicians and their politically correct appointees in the police command structure.

Of course what we see in practice is a Derick Chauvin as a training officer and ill-trained cops still doing no-knock warrants and still killing innocent POC's, even in their beds.

How is that possible?

And won't do much good if the other gun companies are sued out of existence. There might be a point where the government will have to take them over just to keep a supply of weapons for the military and law enforcement.


Uh, sorry, guy, when an insurance company pays the max, and turns over all the documents of the now defunct company, the company LOST. Lost big time.

Not in any legal sense. No liability or responsibility was assigned to or accepted by any party on the "defense" side. In fact, the cause of action (the arguments made by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit) will be withdrawn and dismissed "with prejudice", meaning they can never be revived or pointed to as establishing any principle or practice in law.

While there isn't a "loser" in any honest definition of the word, that doesn't mean there isn't a winner . . . The insurance companies simply cried uncle under the weight of highly motivated, extortive litigation -- as is done many times a day across the country . . . And the lawyers get to walk away with a check for $30 million or so.

Those carriers are going to go back to the other gun makers and jack up their policies to the roof. They'll be spending more on insurance than they will on metal and manufacturing.

Which will be passed on to the consumer. Even if gun prices double, don't worry, there will still be demand and sales . . . maybe not 3 million a month but whatever, cost has never been a factor for me. You policies will only impact the less forutnate and arguably the people who need the RKBA / self defense the most. Yay you!

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We lock up 2 million people. We lock up so many people we have to create a whole Parole Industry to keep track of the ones we don't have cells for.

If guns and prisons brought us security, we'd have the safest streets in teh world, not the most deadly.

The democrat party keeps releasing the most violent, repeat gun offenders.......the political party you vote for...the political party created by slave about they just stop letting out the actual killers who shoot people...we could start there.......
So your solution is to write new laws on the sale and possession of firearms to be enforced on people who aren't the problem, making new criminals were they didn't exist before . . . While refusing to prosecute those who have proven they can not abide by society's rules.

the vast majority of gun homicides are domestic violence, not gang violence. In fact, according to the National Gang Center, only about 1800-2300 homicides a year can be classified as "Gang Related" (which of course, means anyone involved having belonged to a gang any time in his life.)

I don't think anyone should be thrown in jail for having a gun after we outlaw them. Just take the fucking gun and slap them with a fine.

So you argue we can't arrest our way out of the gun violence problem so we should make new laws, broadening the scope of arrestable offenses?

Not what I argued at all. The guns are the problem here, not the anti-social behavior of poor people.

Goddamn, just when I thought you couldn't stoop any lower to show you truly are the lowest form of passive, anti-social human garbage! You really should not scream your projection so loudly; if your deep-seated self-hatred of your latent homosexuality is so strong and your desire to be violent, even genocidal is even deeper, you should seek help . . .

Wow... you guys get really upset when we point out you gun nuts all were cursed by God in that department.

All originally enacted for political control. Whatever crime control their disarmament laws seem to impart, is only evidence that long-subjugated and controlled populations are compliant and well behaved. We do see when nations allow people to be introduced who do not abide or respect the traditions, culture and morality of the fatherland, prohibitory gun laws are useless and gun crime rises.

Sorry, man, we live in more of a police state than the rest of the Free World... Trigger happy cops, prisons as far as the eye can see, active shooter drills, etc. And they don't have anywhere near our crime levels.

And if any of that worked or if it was ever a true priority, it would have been implemented years ago in places leftists have held absolute power for decades. You would be heralding the overwhelming proof of the results of those policies citing dozens of studies.

Again, works fine in the European countries. No guns, few prisons, they treat addiction as a medical issue, they have extensive programs for mental health treatment. To say a city which can't even have a gun law can't get these problems under control is silly when you can simply get guns in the town next door.

Chicago Police traced over 800 guns to ONE gun store in Indiana.... You really think that gun store doesn't know exactly what is going on? Do you think they would change their practices if they got sued a couple of times?

Look at Minneapolis, a leftist, socially conscious city if there ever was one . . . If ever a police force existed that should have been operating without deviation within the social justice rulebook, that should have been it.

Every possible top down reform, written by leftist academics and restorative justice warriors was implemented by -promise-everything-deliver-nothing- liberal politicians and their politically correct appointees in the police command structure.

Of course what we see in practice is a Derick Chauvin as a training officer and ill-trained cops still doing no-knock warrants and still killing innocent POC's, even in their beds.

Okay, let's look at that. Why are American cops so awful?

Here's the thing. British cops kill less than 5 people a year compared to American cops, who kill nearly a thousand. Why, because cops don't have to approach every traffic stop as a potential shootout. They know it's very unlikely they will encounter a gun in a traffic stop or a domestic disturbance.

Which will be passed on to the consumer. Even if gun prices double, don't worry, there will still be demand and sales . . . maybe not 3 million a month but whatever, cost has never been a factor for me. You policies will only impact the less forutnate and arguably the people who need the RKBA / self defense the most. Yay you!

Nobody NEEDS a gun. And I have no problem making guns prohibitively expensive.

Look at cigarettes....

the vast majority of gun homicides are domestic violence, not gang violence. In fact, according to the National Gang Center, only about 1800-2300 homicides a year can be classified as "Gang Related" (which of course, means anyone involved having belonged to a gang any time in his life.)

I don't think anyone should be thrown in jail for having a gun after we outlaw them. Just take the fucking gun and slap them with a fine.

Not what I argued at all. The guns are the problem here, not the anti-social behavior of poor people.

Wow... you guys get really upset when we point out you gun nuts all were cursed by God in that department.

Sorry, man, we live in more of a police state than the rest of the Free World... Trigger happy cops, prisons as far as the eye can see, active shooter drills, etc. And they don't have anywhere near our crime levels.

Again, works fine in the European countries. No guns, few prisons, they treat addiction as a medical issue, they have extensive programs for mental health treatment. To say a city which can't even have a gun law can't get these problems under control is silly when you can simply get guns in the town next door.

Chicago Police traced over 800 guns to ONE gun store in Indiana.... You really think that gun store doesn't know exactly what is going on? Do you think they would change their practices if they got sued a couple of times?

Okay, let's look at that. Why are American cops so awful?

Here's the thing. British cops kill less than 5 people a year compared to American cops, who kill nearly a thousand. Why, because cops don't have to approach every traffic stop as a potential shootout. They know it's very unlikely they will encounter a gun in a traffic stop or a domestic disturbance.

Nobody NEEDS a gun. And I have no problem making guns prohibitively expensive.

Look at cigarettes....

View attachment 608865

You keep lying.....

Even in domestic violence, the killers are criminals who should be in jail who kill their baby mommas....also, the stats you use lie.....

The British cops haven't had to deal with violent criminals who are willing to kill.......the 2nd World War wreched their societies for decades, something we didn't have to contend with, so the democrat here were able to destroy poor families with their "Great Society," creating fatherless homes that bred criminals....violent criminals....our violent criminals began gunning up in the 1960s......British criminals are gunning up that their welfare state has finally ruined their nuclear families and created fatherless homes....add in violent immigrant males who now control the British illegal drug trade and you have violence ramping up in merry old idiot....
the vast majority of gun homicides are domestic violence, not gang violence. In fact, according to the National Gang Center, only about 1800-2300 homicides a year can be classified as "Gang Related" (which of course, means anyone involved having belonged to a gang any time in his life.)

I don't think anyone should be thrown in jail for having a gun after we outlaw them. Just take the fucking gun and slap them with a fine.

Not what I argued at all. The guns are the problem here, not the anti-social behavior of poor people.

Wow... you guys get really upset when we point out you gun nuts all were cursed by God in that department.

Sorry, man, we live in more of a police state than the rest of the Free World... Trigger happy cops, prisons as far as the eye can see, active shooter drills, etc. And they don't have anywhere near our crime levels.

Again, works fine in the European countries. No guns, few prisons, they treat addiction as a medical issue, they have extensive programs for mental health treatment. To say a city which can't even have a gun law can't get these problems under control is silly when you can simply get guns in the town next door.

Chicago Police traced over 800 guns to ONE gun store in Indiana.... You really think that gun store doesn't know exactly what is going on? Do you think they would change their practices if they got sued a couple of times?

Okay, let's look at that. Why are American cops so awful?

Here's the thing. British cops kill less than 5 people a year compared to American cops, who kill nearly a thousand. Why, because cops don't have to approach every traffic stop as a potential shootout. They know it's very unlikely they will encounter a gun in a traffic stop or a domestic disturbance.

Nobody NEEDS a gun. And I have no problem making guns prohibitively expensive.

Look at cigarettes....

View attachment 608865

Chicago Police traced over 800 guns to ONE gun store in Indiana.... You really think that gun store doesn't know exactly what is going on? Do you think they would change their practices if they got sued a couple of times?

Then explain why Indiana doesn't have the same murder problem that Chicago morons can never explain why the states where the criminals go to buy their guns don't have the same levels of gun murder that the democrat controlled cities do.....

And that gun store can't deny the baby mommas buying those guns for their gang banger baby daddy's when those baby mommas, and mothers and grandmothers of gang members who buy the guns, can pass the Federally mandated background checks.....

Had they denied those women their guns, you would be calling them lying sack of crap.....
You keep lying.....

Even in domestic violence, the killers are criminals who should be in jail who kill their baby mommas....also, the stats you use lie.....

Ah, yes, if it's just the darkies killing each other, that's okay, and OH MY GOD, SOMEONE JUST SHOT UP A PRESCHOOL OF WHITE KIDS!!!!

Maybe if we got as upset about all the gun violence, we'd have banned guns by now.

The British cops haven't had to deal with violent criminals who are willing to kill.......

the 2nd World War wreched their societies for decades, something we didn't have to contend with, so the democrat here were able to destroy poor families with their "Great Society," creating fatherless homes that bred criminals....violent criminals....our violent criminals began gunning up in the 1960s......

No one ever killed someone by screaming "I didn't have a DAD!"
They usually need a gun to do that.

Take away the guns, we can all safely say, "Stop being a whiner".

British criminals are gunning up that their welfare state has finally ruined their nuclear families and created fatherless homes....add in violent immigrant males who now control the British illegal drug trade and you have violence ramping up in merry old idiot....

You've been saying that for a decade, Guy.

The British still have less than 60 gun homicides a year.

And that gun store can't deny the baby mommas buying those guns for their gang banger baby daddy's when those baby mommas, and mothers and grandmothers of gang members who buy the guns, can pass the Federally mandated background checks.....

Sure they can. "You don't live in this town and I don't trust your fake ID" Done.

Again, let the victims of gun violence start selling the gun sellers, you'd be AMAZED how quickly they clean up their act.
Ah, yes, if it's just the darkies killing each other, that's okay, and OH MY GOD, SOMEONE JUST SHOT UP A PRESCHOOL OF WHITE KIDS!!!!

Maybe if we got as upset about all the gun violence, we'd have banned guns by now.


No one ever killed someone by screaming "I didn't have a DAD!"
They usually need a gun to do that.

Take away the guns, we can all safely say, "Stop being a whiner".

You've been saying that for a decade, Guy.

The British still have less than 60 gun homicides a year.

Sure they can. "You don't live in this town and I don't trust your fake ID" Done.

Again, let the victims of gun violence start selling the gun sellers, you'd be AMAZED how quickly they clean up their act.

Yeah...tell the Ukrainians your plans for gun idiot....

And you know, you are the only one using the word "Darkies," to describe and the political party you vote for, the democrat party, the party created by slave rapists.........use blacks as tools to gain money and power, and then don't care when they are really are vile.
the vast majority of gun homicides are domestic violence,

Why do you lie?

not gang violence. In fact, according to the National Gang Center, only about 1800-2300 homicides a year can be classified as "Gang Related" (which of course, means anyone involved having belonged to a gang any time in his life.)

I never made any statement about what percentage of murders are gang related. What exactly do you think your muttering is rebutting?

I don't think anyone should be thrown in jail for having a gun after we outlaw them. Just take the fucking gun and slap them with a fine.

And if they refuse to pay the fine? Do you understand that there are a significant percentage of people who will never accept the proposition that the government has any legitimate power to "outlaw" guns?

What do you do with those who do not comply?

There is no doubt in California a majority of citizens have no affection for guns or respect for anyone who believes they possess a right to own one, and the government responds to that mandate passing laws at will on guns. Thing is, the vast majority of citizens who own "banned" (but grandfathered) guns, have refused to comply with laws mandating registration. Whatchagonnado?

Not what I argued at all. The guns are the problem here, not the anti-social behavior of poor people.

Of course that's what you argue . . . How do you separate the "problem" gun from the person owning it in the law?

It seems as though you want to avoid inconveniencing criminals; you just want to target and impact "law-abiding" people who think they have a right to own a gun (well, law-abiding until you get done with them) . . .

You really are fucked up.

Wow... you guys get really upset when we point out you gun nuts all were cursed by God in that department.

It's just disgust a you leftist pieces of shit who demonize people who defend rights more than the actual perpetrators of criminal violence. You obviously feel deep hate and assign to others the violent tendencies you feel (projection).

Sorry, man, we live in more of a police state than the rest of the Free World...

I agree. I don't agree that the solution is absolving criminals and abandoning law and order.

Trigger happy cops, prisons as far as the eye can see, active shooter drills, etc. And they don't have anywhere near our crime levels.

For all crime? You might wanna check on that.

Again, works fine in the European countries.

As I said, the gun control in those nations was first enacted for political control (someitmes cenuries ago) and then augmented, justified in modern times as crime control. You lefists are trying to reverse engineer that in the USA, enact gun control predicated on crime, but the end gme for gun control is always political control.

Unfortunately for you and your ilk, in the USA such effort is prohibited by law and rejected by the population.

To say a city which can't even have a gun law can't get these problems under control is silly when you can simply get guns in the town next door.

Unfortunately for you and your ilk, in the USA laws are applied equally and rights are respected everywhere. There is no "rights free" zone in the USA where more restrictive laws are allowed.

Chicago Police traced over 800 guns to ONE gun store in Indiana.... You really think that gun store doesn't know exactly what is going on? Do you think they would change their practices if they got sued a couple of times?

Well, if you and your ilk are correct and a new "precedent" is set and now a new cause of action to sue a company is recognized for just doing business following the applicable laws, you might someday see such an outcome. Bring it on!

Okay, let's look at that. Why are American cops so awful?

Bad cops are cultivated and nurtured, bad behavior is not corrected and a deeply entrenched corrupt command structure resists reform.

Recent social pressure has only made bad leadership less responsive and has polluted young people's minds; bad cops will never be replaced by people who want policing to be something different.

Fundamental, institutional change must start and be enforced in the ranks and as long as Black youth and young adults consider police their sworn enemy, that will never happen. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy; the only people who want to be police are the Derek Chauvin's who want to make sure "thugs" get what they deserve and unremarkably, amass an unpunished cop “rap sheet” of multiple excessive force complaints and are actually entrusted to teach rookies the same tactics.

The amazing thing is, the reforms BLM and other SJW's demand are already written (as I mentioned before) but are ineffectual, mostly because of the stranglehold public unions have on Democrats in government.

Philly is a perfect example, can’t piss of the police union because that means the firemen and then blue-collar and then white collar city workers all threaten political backlash. We see political leadership bending over backwards to circumstances and situations that could never be justified or suffered under any other condition except for politicians and police command wilting to union pressure (and I'm saying that as a union member for 42 years and counting).

Here's the thing. British cops kill less than 5 people a year compared to American cops, who kill nearly a thousand.

Care to talk about Jamaica?
There's a nation with strict gun control, it's had it since the Gun Court Act of 1974. Kingston now has a homicide rate over 170/100K; every year Amnesty International condemns the nation for its extra-judicial police killings. On an island of 2.8 million people, police killed 168 people in 2017.

All good in the pursuit of strict gun control right? Hey Mon, it'll work next year, no problem!

Why, because cops don't have to approach every traffic stop as a potential shootout. They know it's very unlikely they will encounter a gun in a traffic stop or a domestic disturbance.

What law and what enforcement actions will change that, what will make bad guys stop carrying guns and using them without hesitation?

Nobody NEEDS a gun. And I have no problem making guns prohibitively expensive.

You will never price violent criminals who need a gun, out of the market.

You have adopted the stupidest public safety argument ever made . . . If we can make good people helpless, that will make bad people harmless.
Yeah...tell the Ukrainians your plans for gun idiot....

And you know, you are the only one using the word "Darkies," to describe and the political party you vote for,

I'm just translating your thoughts... whenever you guys try to excuse the absolute CARNAGE your fetish inflicts onthis country, you blame the darkies... I mean, you use code words like "inner city", but we all know what you really mean.

Ukraine is showing why you gun fetishists are full of shit. Tank beats gun. Bomber beats gun. Thermobaric Charge Beats gun.
And if they refuse to pay the fine? Do you understand that there are a significant percentage of people who will never accept the proposition that the government has any legitimate power to "outlaw" guns?

You place a lien against their taxes, just like you do anyone else who refuses to pay a fine.

There is no doubt in California a majority of citizens have no affection for guns or respect for anyone who believes they possess a right to own one, and the government responds to that mandate passing laws at will on guns. Thing is, the vast majority of citizens who own "banned" (but grandfathered) guns, have refused to comply with laws mandating registration. Whatchagonnado?

Well, a lot of things. First, I am a little less worried about guns that have been sitting in someone's closet for years. Whenever you have a "Celebration of Second Amendment Rights*" at a Preschool or a Movie Theater by a Lanza or a Holmes, it's almost always a recently purchased gun. So just keeping NEW guns out of circulation by suing the gun makers into compliance and making them really hard to get would be a big help.

(*- Called a "Mass Shooting" by normal people)

We can also use "red flag" laws to get family and neighbors to rat out these people and take their guns.

It seems as though you want to avoid inconveniencing criminals; you just want to target and impact "law-abiding" people who think they have a right to own a gun (well, law-abiding until you get done with them) . . .

Most murder is domestic violence. The "law abiding" are part of the problem, either because they are shooting their friends and family, or because they are providing an easy source for the criminals. 500K guns are stolen from "law abiding" citizens every year.

It's just disgust a you leftist pieces of shit who demonize people who defend rights more than the actual perpetrators of criminal violence. You obviously feel deep hate and assign to others the violent tendencies you feel (projection).
Except you guys are the perpetrators of violence. By making guns as easy to get as you have, you've made it too easy for people who shouldn't have them to get them.

For all crime? You might wanna check on that.

I have. Stop reading NRA propaganda.

Well, if you and your ilk are correct and a new "precedent" is set and now a new cause of action to sue a company is recognized for just doing business following the applicable laws, you might someday see such an outcome. Bring it on!

If we had an industry that was selling dangerous products to unstable people, I'd have no problem putting them out of business, too. If you want to talk about a precedent, it was the tobacco companies, where after internal documents were reviewed, we figured out that they were intentionally marketing to children and intentionally formulating cigarettes to make them more addictive. Eventually, they reached agreements to knock that shit off, and as a result, we are seeing Youth Smoking down to 8%. We make smokers stand outside in the cold, and have banned indoor smoking everywhere. Nearly everyone is fine with that.

(This is the part where you whine about "Freedom" and "rights"....)

Fundamental, institutional change must start and be enforced in the ranks and as long as Black youth and young adults consider police their sworn enemy, that will never happen. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy; the only people who want to be police are the Derek Chauvin's who want to make sure "thugs" get what they deserve and unremarkably, amass an unpunished cop “rap sheet” of multiple excessive force complaints and are actually entrusted to teach rookies the same tactics.

Actually, a lot of progress has been made. The fact that Chauvin not only went to jail for 22 years but the three idiots who stood there and watched him do it are also going to prison, will make a lot of the thugs think twice about their career choices.

Philly is a perfect example, can’t piss of the police union because that means the firemen and then blue-collar and then white collar city workers all threaten political backlash. We see political leadership bending over backwards to circumstances and situations that could never be justified or suffered under any other condition except for politicians and police command wilting to union pressure (and I'm saying that as a union member for 42 years and counting).

I do see police unions as part of the problem. Doesn't mean you throw up your hands and live with it.

Care to talk about Jamaica?

Nope. I only compare America to OTHER G-7 nations, and compared to them, we are doing awfully.

You will never price violent criminals who need a gun, out of the market.

You have adopted the stupidest public safety argument ever made . . . If we can make good people helpless, that will make bad people harmless.

Gun fetishists aren't "good people". Most of them are racists, and nearly all of htem are fucking nuts. Again, most murder is domestic violence, not "crime".
I'm just translating your thoughts... whenever you guys try to excuse the absolute CARNAGE your fetish inflicts onthis country, you blame the darkies... I mean, you use code words like "inner city", but we all know what you really mean.

Ukraine is showing why you gun fetishists are full of shit. Tank beats gun. Bomber beats gun. Thermobaric Charge Beats gun.

No....we blame the democrat party, the party you vote for...the party that has attacked the police, the party that unleashed their brownshirts, blm and antifa to burn, loot and murder in primarily black neighborhoods for 7 months, the party that keeps releasing violent gun offenders, over and over again, back into the very black communities where they kill and kill over and over again, communities under the total control of the democrat party.........

The democrat party is creating the carnage, not American gun owners....
No....we blame the democrat party, the party you vote for...the party that has attacked the police

Dude, you are moving into slogan territory, and not rational debate.

We have 300 million guns out there and 2 million people in prison. Yet we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

One could LOGICALLY conclude that guns and prisons don't make us safer.

While "locking up the darkies" gives you a chubby, the reality is we don't have prison space to lock people up for "merely having a gun".

When 64% of unemployed men have a criminal record, then you have created a self-perpetuating Prison-Industrial Complex.

We tried it your way, and things have gotten worse, not better.
Dude, you are moving into slogan territory, and not rational debate.

We have 300 million guns out there and 2 million people in prison. Yet we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

One could LOGICALLY conclude that guns and prisons don't make us safer.

While "locking up the darkies" gives you a chubby, the reality is we don't have prison space to lock people up for "merely having a gun".

When 64% of unemployed men have a criminal record, then you have created a self-perpetuating Prison-Industrial Complex.

We tried it your way, and things have gotten worse, not better.

No....when the democrat party keeps releasing the most violent of the violent criminals, over and over again, an intelligent person would say our problem is the democrat party releasing the most violent of the violent criminals over and over again.....that doesn't happen in Japan....or Europe...yet.......

When the democrat party attacks the police to the point they will no longer proactively stop intelligent person would say that our problem is the democrat party attacking the police to the point they can't, and won't, do their jobs...which allows violent criminals in democrat party controlled cities to rape, rob and murder without anyone stopping them....

You are an idiot.
No....when the democrat party keeps releasing the most violent of the violent criminals, over and over again

You keep repeating the same point, over and over again.

The Prison-Industrial Complex does not make us safer. Other countries don't lock up millions of people and they don't have anywhere near our crime levels.
You keep repeating the same point, over and over again.

The Prison-Industrial Complex does not make us safer. Other countries don't lock up millions of people and they don't have anywhere near our crime levels.

Othere countries don't have the violent criminals we have...but they are getting them.....their welfare states and immigration policies, as well as relying on their leftist criminal justice beliefs control their police and judicial systems are putting them on the same path we are on.....
Othere countries don't have the violent criminals we have...


They don't let people live in grinding poverty.
They treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one.
They have programs to treat mental illness
They don't let the gun companies flood their streets with guns.

but they are getting them.....their welfare states and immigration policies, as well as relying on their leftist criminal justice beliefs control their police and judicial systems are putting them on the same path we are on.....

Except they've been following this "Leftist" policies since the end of World War II. And while we have been regressing they have been progressing. It's why you don't see lots of people emigrating here from Western Europe anymore. They are vastly better off where they are.

They don't let people live in grinding poverty.
They treat addiction as a medical problem, not a criminal one.
They have programs to treat mental illness
They don't let the gun companies flood their streets with guns.

Except they've been following this "Leftist" policies since the end of World War II. And while we have been regressing they have been progressing. It's why you don't see lots of people emigrating here from Western Europe anymore. They are vastly better off where they are.

They have only been able to sustain those policies because we paid for their national defense, their medical and technological innovation, and we kept Russia from turning Britain into a sattelite......

Remove the U.S....and their country goes to crap faster than it is now...
They have only been able to sustain those policies because we paid for their national defense, their medical and technological innovation, and we kept Russia from turning Britain into a sattelite......

Remove the U.S....and their country goes to crap faster than it is now...

Oh, please... Everyone spends less on their military now than they have in the past, including us.

They don't have the crime problems we have because they don't have stupid policies like, "Treating addiction like a crimes" and "letting any asshole who wants a gun have one becuase the Founding Slave Rapists said so."
They don't have the crime problems we have because they don't have stupid policies like, . . .

LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — We’re learning new details about the suspect charged in the shooting that left one dead and 13 others injured at a local hookah lounge.​
It turns out the suspect, Lee Wilson, has a significant criminal history.​
He’s been arrested more than 80 times since 1995 and has nine prior felony convictions.​
The most recent was in 2020.​

Yes, . . . stupid policies indeed.

LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — We’re learning new details about the suspect charged in the shooting that left one dead and 13 others injured at a local hookah lounge.It turns out the suspect, Lee Wilson, has a significant criminal history.He’s been arrested more than 80 times since 1995 and has nine prior felony convictions.The most recent was in 2020.

I agree, it was too easy for this guy to get a gun.

Yet the gun industry makes guns relatively available.

Let's leave countries like the UK and Japan off to the side for the moment. Countries that realize that if you aren't a cop or a soldier, there's really no good reason for you to have a gun.

Let's take a country like Germany. You can buy a gun in Germany, but it isn't a "right", and people are scrutinized. Gun sellers know there will be consequences for them if they sell guns to the wrong people.

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