Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

Oh, please... Everyone spends less on their military now than they have in the past, including us.

They don't have the crime problems we have because they don't have stupid policies like, "Treating addiction like a crimes" and "letting any asshole who wants a gun have one becuase the Founding Slave Rapists said so."

Moron, you vote for the democrat party, the political party created by two slave moron.
I agree, it was too easy for this guy to get a gun.

Yet the gun industry makes guns relatively available.

Let's leave countries like the UK and Japan off to the side for the moment. Countries that realize that if you aren't a cop or a soldier, there's really no good reason for you to have a gun.

Let's take a country like Germany. You can buy a gun in Germany, but it isn't a "right", and people are scrutinized. Gun sellers know there will be consequences for them if they sell guns to the wrong people.

Germany? The country that took guns away from their citizens, then went on to murder 15 million innocent men, women and children? That is your example?
Germany? The country that took guns away from their citizens, then went on to murder 15 million innocent men, women and children? That is your example?

Nazi Germany never took guns away from GERMAN citizens. (they didn't consider the Jews to be citizens). The German people fought to the last old man and little boy for Hitler with those guns. In fact, Dwight D. Eisenhower had to order gun confiscation after the war because they were taking pot-shots at US Troops.
Nazi Germany never took guns away from GERMAN citizens. (they didn't consider the Jews to be citizens). The German people fought to the last old man and little boy for Hitler with those guns. In fact, Dwight D. Eisenhower had to order gun confiscation after the war because they were taking pot-shots at US Troops.

Yeah....they took guns away from the groups they planned on murdering, you idiot...the brown shirt blm/antifa types had guns...the Jews and the political enemies of the democrats.....I mean national socialists, had their guns taken, and then they were murdered......the national socialists and the governments of Europe disarmed their citizens, then murdered or allowed to be murdered 15 million men, women and idiot.

After they were disarmed, on the promise that giving up their guns would make them safer.
Yeah....they took guns away from the groups they planned on murdering,

Uh, no. They invaded the countries of the people they planned on murdering. Most of the people killed in the Holocaust WERE NOT GERMANS!!!

Fuck, are you dense.

If the government decides it wants to kill you, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.

The government has tanks. Tank beats gun.
Uh, no. They invaded the countries of the people they planned on murdering. Most of the people killed in the Holocaust WERE NOT GERMANS!!!

Fuck, are you dense.

If the government decides it wants to kill you, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.

The government has tanks. Tank beats gun.

Yes, you idiot…..the socialists murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children after their countries disarmed them in the 20s and 30s….all across Europe…..including the 6 million Jews……many of them Germans….
Yes, you idiot…..the socialists murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children after their countries disarmed them in the 20s and 30s….all across Europe…..including the 6 million Jews……many of them Germans….

And we genocided the Native Americans... so what is your point?

People tend to be shitty towards each other no matter what the economic or political system is.

Actually, most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were Polish. The next biggest were Russians. The Poles had plenty of guns before the war, it didn't do them a bit of good because the Germans had tanks.

Only 165,000 German Jews were killed. It's still awful and stuff, but it had nothing to do with gun control. German Jews actually were lucky, in that Hitler was willing to deport them to Palestine at that point.
And we genocided the Native Americans... so what is your point?

People tend to be shitty towards each other no matter what the economic or political system is.

Actually, most of the Jews killed in the Holocaust were Polish. The next biggest were Russians. The Poles had plenty of guns before the war, it didn't do them a bit of good because the Germans had tanks.

Only 165,000 German Jews were killed. It's still awful and stuff, but it had nothing to do with gun control. German Jews actually were lucky, in that Hitler was willing to deport them to Palestine at that point.
We didn’t commit genicide they died from viruses, you lying piece of crap.

Wow…….lucky German Jews……….did you even pause before you posted that?
We didn’t commit genicide they died from viruses, you lying piece of crap.

Wow…….lucky German Jews……….did you even pause before you posted that?

We totally committed Genocide. Hitler didn't come up with the idea of Concentration Camps on his own. He looked at American Indian Reservations and said, "What a neat idea!" We stole their land, we exterminated the American Bison to cut off their food supply.


(or the German equivalent, anyway).

Yes, German Jews were lucky. They had a six year period when they could get the hell out of Germany and most of them did. Of course, there really weren't a lot of Jews in Germany to start with, because German hatred of Jews didn't really start with Hitler any more than American Racism started with Trump.

Polish Jews, not so lucky.
Germany? The country that took guns away from their citizens, then went on to murder 15 million innocent men, women and children? That is your example?
This is a lie.

Hitler didn’t ‘confiscate’ guns.

And the idea that armed German Jews would have ‘prevented’ war and the Holocaust is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

Finally, a gun maker held liable. Who woulda thunk it.

Back to the two themes of the thread topic…

This has nothing to do with the Second Amendment.

Dishonest conservatives [redundant] are going to continue to propagate the lie that lawsuits will be used to ‘ban’ assault weapons.
Nazi Germany never took guns away from GERMAN citizens. (they didn't consider the Jews to be citizens). The German people fought to the last old man and little boy for Hitler with those guns. In fact, Dwight D. Eisenhower had to order gun confiscation after the war because they were taking pot-shots at US Troops.
They took guns away from the people they murdered en masse.
Oh, yes, those viruses like Smallpox from infected blankets...

That is a incident that may have happened at a fort where small pox was already in the area.......

And you posting about genocide when your country is responsible for colonialism, imperialism, the Trans-atlantic slave trade and many of the other evils of the about those crusades, the persecution of Catholics in Ireland...

That glass house of yours needs some work...
This is a lie.

Hitler didn’t ‘confiscate’ guns.

And the idea that armed German Jews would have ‘prevented’ war and the Holocaust is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

You guys keep posting that link without reading the freaking link....are you really this stupid?

The confiscation began before Hitler...using the same excuses you idiots use.....the German people would be safer if they gave up their guns...the government would protect them...

The German government then murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children after using the laws from the 1920s to confiscate guns from Jews and the political enemies of the nazis.......

We understand history, we know that mass murder is always preceded by first taking weapons away from the are a fool....

After its defeat in World War I, and agreeing to the harsh surrender terms laid out in the Treaty of Versailles, the German legislature in 1919 passed a law that effectively banned all private firearm possession, leading the government to confiscate guns already in circulation.

many more categories of people, including Nazi party members, were exempted from gun ownership regulations altogether,

The law did prohibit Jews and other persecuted classes from owning guns, but this should not be an indictment of gun control in general.

And the whole point to gun ownership is to keep political parties like the national socialists from using violence to gain power......the nazis used blm/antifa........I mean brown shirts, to beat and murder their early political opponents...and to intimidate regular citizens into not resisting them.....they took control of the police so that when their blm/antifa........I mean brownshirts, targeted people for beatings, destruction of businesses and murder....the police would not intervene, leaving the innocent people helpless in the face of the violent attacks by blm/antifa.....I mean brownshirts.....

Guns would have prevented this the way guns stopped blm and antifa from attacking that couple in Missouri......

This is also why blm and antifa mainly rampage through black and minority neighborhoods in democrat party controlled cities...they know that there are more guns in suburban neighborhoods....since the democrats have made it all but impossible for blacks and other poor minorities to get guns in the cities they control...
The lawsuit argued that Remington should not have sold such a dangerous weapon to the public
That is incorrect. The lawsuit argued that Remington's advertising caused Adam Lanza to go on a killing spree.

Remington must have agreed. They paid up $73 million to make the case go away.
Remington didn't pay anything. Their insurers foolishly settled.

Remington filed for bankruptcy in an attempt to escape responsibility from the lawsuit.
That is incorrect. They filed for bankruptcy because, under their then owners, they were producing a shoddy product.

Said bankruptcy had the effect of giving Remington new owners who care more about their customers.

The bankruptcy did also shield Remington from the lawsuit, but that was more of a side effect.
Remington actually settled the case in the worst possible way for gun manufacturers IMHO.
Remington didn't decide to settle. Their insurers did.

Here is why: while it is true Remington is in bankruptcy, it is Remington's 4 insurance carriers that will pay the 73 million. What do think those insurance carriers will do now? Raise their premiums of course. Those premiums will now skyrocket.
Presumably in the future gun makers will choose other insurers who are not so stupid as to pay $73 million to settle a frivolous lawsuit.

Remember the insurance companies settled for 73 million because they most likely believed that if this case went in front of a jury they would be dishing out between 100 million to a billion dollars in damages.
Actually no. $73 million was the limit of the insurance policies. The insurers paid the maximum that they ever could have paid on this lawsuit.

Gun manufacturers that can not afford the premiums will now go under. Banks will not lend money to businesses if they can not obtain insurance. Those that can pay the insurance will pass the additional costs on to you, the consumer. Of course, these insurance companies will also want to scrutinize the marketing activities of these companies more closely to prevent or as a defense to future law suits.
Yes, but as I said above, presumably in the future gun makers will choose other insurers who are not so stupid as to pay $73 million to settle a frivolous lawsuit.

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