Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

Trans people are pushing the sterilzation and mutilation of idiot...

Uh, guy, we have a million trans people in this country and only perform 11,000 sex-reassignment surgeries a year. If a minor is getting the surgery, it's a pretty clear case.
Everyone ignores the truth in favor of a political agenda. Why isn't the whole mental health community saying anything....OH wait....they are busy promoting gender dysphoria as no longer being a mental disorder. Because that item is on their political agenda.
This is a lie.

The mental health community isn’t advancing the lie that being transgender is a ‘mental illness’ because those transgender are in fact not ‘mentally ill,’ having nothing to do with a ‘political agenda.’

The only political agenda being advanced is that of the bigoted right, motivated by an unwarranted fear and hatred of transgender Americans.
Moron........blacks and women are the biggest growth areas in gun ownership, you dumb shit....because the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, burned, looted and murdered Americans in primarily black neighborhoods...the democrat party did this......and then they began sending blm and antifa scouting parties into lily white, democrat party now left wing white women are now buying guns......
Racism is a form of mental illness; it is therefore crazy for racist conservatives to arm themselves out of an unwarranted fear of black Americans.

And it’s stupid to arm oneself out of a baseless fear of ‘government tyranny’ – it’s also ignorant and wrongheaded.

There is nothing in the history, text, or case law of the Second Amendment that authorizes private citizens to ‘take up arms’ against a lawfully elected government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical’ – the Framers did not amend the Constitution to facilitate the destruction of the Republic they has just created.
My Cherokee ancestors would disagree...

The problem was of course, when the racists were thrown out of the Democratic Party, the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

View attachment 603963
Yeah, this is fucked up.

The racists were never thrown out of the democrat party.....and that photo of the blm, antifa, democrat party thug holding that flag is vile assholes will do anything to take power.......
This is a lie.

The mental health community isn’t advancing the lie that being transgender is a ‘mental illness’ because those transgender are in fact not ‘mentally ill,’ having nothing to do with a ‘political agenda.’

The only political agenda being advanced is that of the bigoted right, motivated by an unwarranted fear and hatred of transgender Americans.

The transgenders are, in fact, mentally ill.....pretending they are not is not helping them......and it creates higher rates of suicide in that community when you allow them to go untreated....
The racists were never thrown out of the democrat party.....and that photo of the blm, antifa, democrat party thug holding that flag is vile assholes will do anything to take power.......

Wait, are you really trying to claim that the Jan 6 Rioters were Antifa? Are you really that mentally ill and divorced from reality.

No wonder you fear mental health checks for gun owners. I doubt you'd pass.
Wait, are you really trying to claim that the Jan 6 Rioters were Antifa? Are you really that mentally ill and divorced from reality.

No wonder you fear mental health checks for gun owners. I doubt you'd pass.

The ones fighting the police were....the rest were people who were invited or allowed into the building by the capitol police, likely under orders from pelosi.....they walked around, as we saw in the video, and took selfies, then left.....the DOJ has been hiding 1400 hours of video from the defendants.....
Wait, are you really trying to claim that the Jan 6 Rioters were Antifa? Are you really that mentally ill and divorced from reality.

No wonder you fear mental health checks for gun owners. I doubt you'd pass.

You ignore the truth that you happily support the democrat party, the political party of actual slave rapists...
The ones fighting the police were....the rest were people who were invited or allowed into the building by the capitol police, likely under orders from pelosi.....they walked around, as we saw in the video, and took selfies, then left.....the DOJ has been hiding 1400 hours of video from the defendants.....

You ignore the truth that you happily support the democrat party, the political party of actual slave rapists...

Wow, you are living in your own universe, aren't you? I mean this is so retarded, I don't know what to say.

Look, man, you guys need to OWN Jan. 6. Be proud of it.
Wow, you are living in your own universe, aren't you? I mean this is so retarded, I don't know what to say.

Look, man, you guys need to OWN Jan. 6. Be proud of it.

Blm and antifa burned, looted and killed in black neighborhoods for 7 supported that.......Trump had massive rallies since 2015 with no violence other than the violence created by guys like bob craemer a democrat operative caught on under cover video admitting to sending in thugs to start fights at Trump rallies........ who sent in thugs to start fights.......years of non violence by Trump supporters, 7 months of burning, looting and killing by democrat party brown shirts who you support...

Then you want to tell us that Trump supporters attacked the police...

The facts, truth and reality show you are an idiot....
Blm and antifa burned, looted and killed in black neighborhoods for 7 supported that.......

Hardly. Just realized that if you have people ask nicely for something for 10 years, eventually, they get tired of asking nicely.

Trump had massive rallies since 2015 with no violence other than the violence created by guys like bob craemer a democrat operative caught on under cover video admitting to sending in thugs to start fights at Trump rallies........ who sent in thugs to start fights.......years of non violence by Trump supporters, 7 months of burning, looting and killing by democrat party brown shirts who you support...

Hey, who were the Trumpsters going to beat up at those rallies, each other? The point was, Trump spent hours getting his mutant followers worked up until they stormed the capitol.

Then you want to tell us that Trump supporters attacked the police...

Uh, we know that because all the ones who were arrested were in fact, Trump Supporters.

Now, unless these Antifa folks are fucking ninjas, you just come off as a crazy person.

But let's just limit it to the guy who was carrying a CONFEDERATE FLAG (the flag of racists and traitors) into the hallowed halls of the US Capitol.

Who was that guy?

“Defendant Kevin Seefried told law enforcement that he had traveled with his family from Delaware to the District of Columbia to hear President Trump speak and that he and Hunter Seefried participated in a march from the White House to the Capitol led by an individual with a bull horn,” Pattillo wrote.
Hardly. Just realized that if you have people ask nicely for something for 10 years, eventually, they get tired of asking nicely.

Hey, who were the Trumpsters going to beat up at those rallies, each other? The point was, Trump spent hours getting his mutant followers worked up until they stormed the capitol.

Uh, we know that because all the ones who were arrested were in fact, Trump Supporters.

Now, unless these Antifa folks are fucking ninjas, you just come off as a crazy person.

But let's just limit it to the guy who was carrying a CONFEDERATE FLAG (the flag of racists and traitors) into the hallowed halls of the US Capitol.

Who was that guy?

“Defendant Kevin Seefried told law enforcement that he had traveled with his family from Delaware to the District of Columbia to hear President Trump speak and that he and Hunter Seefried participated in a march from the White House to the Capitol led by an individual with a bull horn,” Pattillo wrote.

How is telling them to peacefully go to the capitol geting them worked up? Blm, antifa....7 months of violence, burning, looting and killing...with threats they would do more and worse if Trump won............Trump supporters 6 years of massive rallies of over 70, 000 violence....

You are selling crap....sell it to biden voters...

The guy with the flag, likely blm/antifa thug....planted there for the specific purpose of giving the democrat party media a photo.......just like bob craemer, the democrat party operative who sent thugs in to start violence at Trump rallies....which he admitted to doing on video...
How is telling them to peacefully go to the capitol geting them worked up? Blm, antifa....7 months of violence, burning, looting and killing...with threats they would do more and worse if Trump won............Trump supporters 6 years of massive rallies of over 70, 000 violence....

93% of BLM protests were peaceful, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project

During those whole 7 months of riots, only 25 people were killed, many of them demonstrators.

In one day of Trump Insurrection(TM) five people were killed and 140 Capitol Police officers injured.

The guy with the flag, likely blm/antifa thug....planted there for the specific purpose of giving the democrat party media a photo.......just like bob craemer, the democrat party operative who sent thugs in to start violence at Trump rallies....which he admitted to doing on video...

So the Antifa Ninja snuck in there and put the Confederate flag into the hands of a known Trump supporter... got it.

Hey, maybe you and Dale Smith need to have a Love Connection. He thinks all the Sandy Hook Parents were Crisis Actors!!!
93% of BLM protests were peaceful, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project

During those whole 7 months of riots, only 25 people were killed, many of them demonstrators.

In one day of Trump Insurrection(TM) five people were killed and 140 Capitol Police officers injured.

So the Antifa Ninja snuck in there and put the Confederate flag into the hands of a known Trump supporter... got it.

Hey, maybe you and Dale Smith need to have a Love Connection. He thinks all the Sandy Hook Parents were Crisis Actors!!!

The blm/antifa riots burned, looted and killed Americans......for 7 months......

Over 40 people were killed...the only person killed on Jan. 6 was an unarmed woman, shot without warning....

You just lied about people killed at the Trump rally....and you don't think you will be called out?
The racists were never thrown out of the democrat party.....and that photo of the blm, antifa, democrat party thug holding that flag is vile assholes will do anything to take power.......
No one is going to ‘ban’ guns, no one is going to ‘confiscate’ guns – those are ridiculous lies propagated by the right.

And no one is going to use civil suits against gun makers to ‘ban’ AR 15s – that’s another ridiculous rightwing lie.

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