Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

Um, so they don't go into a school mowing down preschoolers?

No, man, there are only two lines of thinking for the gun fetishists, the Stupid Reason and the Crazy Reason.

The stupid reason is they really think a gun makes them safer from scary dark people. They forget that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

(Eeek. Kellerman. Expecting 2TinyGuy to spooge the next six pages with claims that Kellerman withdrew his study when he did no such thing.)

The Crazy Reason is the people who think they need their guns to fight the government.
Actually, they're the same stupid, crazy reason.
But that's something that a medical professional should have reported to Child Services... especially in the case of juvenile medical neglect. Mental Health neglect in this instance was severe. Severe enough that it was definitely reportable and actionable. The mother couldn't have come across as sane...and with a child demonstrating the symptoms described... criminal. And the crazy psychiatrist didn't do his job. There's a reason he hid out in another country afterwards....he was very guilty of being unprofessional. Any and all of his colleagues would have called him out on it or quite possibly were and that's why he left the country.

Except Nancy wasn't on trial for being a bad mother... on account of her being dead. I guess Remington could have tried to shift the blame to her, but then the retort of the families' lawyers would have been "And you sold her a bunch of guns!"

Moron.......she was a normal human being. You hate her because she owned guns....

The insurance companies settled you moron....just like they do when you are involved in an accident that isn't your fault but the insurance company doesn't want to take the chance that assholes like you are on the jury and will simply rule to take the insurance company for all they have.....

Except in most of those cases, they settle because it's pretty clear who is at fault AND the money totals are less than the cost of litigation.

73 Million dollars is not chump change. My guess is the insurance companies looked at the reams of documents provided, realized the criminal and truly despicable behavior of Remington's executives, and settled.

You keep lying about Kellerman......
See, he can't help himself. You just say ' 43 times more likely and"


It is your political party that allows the murder of young black men in the cities they control.....your political party, the democrat party, the party that actually was created by slave rapists........the term you use to define the Founders of this country, but the political party you vote for and empower was created by two slave owners.....and in the cities they control, they allow young black men to be murdered, and young black children to have their lives ruined in the democrat party controlled public schools.....

There were no "Democrats" when the slave Rapists founded this country. There were Democratic-Republicans and Federalists. Seriously, dude, what retarded home school did you learn your history in.

If our side had our way, guns would be controlled and black schools would be adequately funded. Because we put people ahead of profits.
Actually, this thread is in the wrong forum – the issue has nothing to do with the Second Amendment; the issue doesn’t concern the regulation of firearms or the courts determining the constitutionality of firearm regulatory measures.

What the thread is about is the usual lies and demagoguery from the right – the lie that civil suits will be used to manifest a de facto ‘ban’ of assault weapons.

Remington settled because it realized it engaged in reckless, irresponsible advertising – Remington has only itself to blame.

But this applies only to Remington, not other makers of AR pattern rifles and carbines who haven’t engaged in reckless, irresponsible advertising – such as SA, whose AR 15 clone is call the Saint.
Actually, this thread is in the wrong forum – the issue has nothing to do with the Second Amendment; the issue doesn’t concern the regulation of firearms or the courts determining the constitutionality of firearm regulatory measures.

That's accurate . . .

It is only about the exploitation of a workaround law in one state that had such egregious consequences that no other state will ever consider enacting a similar one.

So, there is no worry about this cancer ever spreading or ever becoming an issue federally or even being repeated in Connecticut, since major gun makers are fleeing the state for those with a friendlier business and legal climate.
Except Nancy wasn't on trial for being a bad mother... on account of her being dead. I guess Remington could have tried to shift the blame to her, but then the retort of the families' lawyers would have been "And you sold her a bunch of guns!"

Except in most of those cases, they settle because it's pretty clear who is at fault AND the money totals are less than the cost of litigation.

73 Million dollars is not chump change. My guess is the insurance companies looked at the reams of documents provided, realized the criminal and truly despicable behavior of Remington's executives, and settled.

See, he can't help himself. You just say ' 43 times more likely and"

View attachment 603421

There were no "Democrats" when the slave Rapists founded this country. There were Democratic-Republicans and Federalists. Seriously, dude, what retarded home school did you learn your history in.

If our side had our way, guns would be controlled and black schools would be adequately funded. Because we put people ahead of profits.

Moron......the actual democrat party, the party you say you vote for, was created by two slave owners....actual slave owners.........

You morons have total control of the school systems in democrat party controlled cities......the slave rapist party, the democrat party, isn't educating black children in the schools they control....complete and total control.......

You slave rapist party, the democrat party, the home of racism in this country, is the political party releasing violent, known murderers back into black communities over and over again, leading to the murder of more blacks than anywhere else in this country.....communities you guys totally control.....
Actually, this thread is in the wrong forum – the issue has nothing to do with the Second Amendment; the issue doesn’t concern the regulation of firearms or the courts determining the constitutionality of firearm regulatory measures.

What the thread is about is the usual lies and demagoguery from the right – the lie that civil suits will be used to manifest a de facto ‘ban’ of assault weapons.

Remington settled because it realized it engaged in reckless, irresponsible advertising – Remington has only itself to blame.

But this applies only to Remington, not other makers of AR pattern rifles and carbines who haven’t engaged in reckless, irresponsible advertising – such as SA, whose AR 15 clone is call the Saint.

No...again, Remington did not settle, the insurance companies settled because they were afraid of assholes on a jury not ruling on the facts, but ruling on emotions......that is the truth, the fact and the reality.
The racist right arming themselves out of an unwarranted fear of black Americans is stupid and crazy.

The willfully ignorant right arming themselves to ‘fend off’ government ‘tyranny’ is stupid and crazy.

Moron........blacks and women are the biggest growth areas in gun ownership, you dumb shit....because the democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa, burned, looted and murdered Americans in primarily black neighborhoods...the democrat party did this......and then they began sending blm and antifa scouting parties into lily white, democrat party now left wing white women are now buying guns......
Except Nancy wasn't on trial for being a bad mother... on account of her being dead. I guess Remington could have tried to shift the blame to her, but then the retort of the families' lawyers would have been "And you sold her a bunch of guns
Oh but I do agree with you that Remington wasn't at fault for making and marketing their product.
And that sueing the mother was impossible...
That psychiatrist WAS AT FAULT. It was his responsibility to report the mother for being incompetent and medically neglecting her son. Especially when the father was the exact opposite.

But they targeted Remington because they couldn't leave the country unlike the truly guilty party that did.

Everyone ignores the truth in favor of a political agenda. Why isn't the whole mental health community saying anything....OH wait....they are busy promoting gender dysphoria as no longer being a mental disorder. Because that item is on their political agenda.

See how twisted the whole environment has become?
Oh but I do agree with you that Remington wasn't at fault for making and marketing their product.
I said nothing of the sort. I totally blame the gun industry for our current state of affairs. They have flooded our streets with guns and look at crazy people like Nancy Lanza as a key market.

That psychiatrist WAS AT FAULT. It was his responsibility to report the mother for being incompetent and medically neglecting her son. Especially when the father was the exact opposite.

That actually sounds like an argument between the parents. The shrink saw Adam a total of four times. She made a recommendation. Nancy ignored the recommendation because she was just as crazy as her son.

Everyone ignores the truth in favor of a political agenda. Why isn't the whole mental health community saying anything....OH wait....they are busy promoting gender dysphoria as no longer being a mental disorder. Because that item is on their political agenda.

See how twisted the whole environment has become?

Except Trans people aren't hurting anyone.

The Gun Culture is.
That's accurate . . .

It is only about the exploitation of a workaround law in one state that had such egregious consequences that no other state will ever consider enacting a similar one.

So, there is no worry about this cancer ever spreading or ever becoming an issue federally or even being repeated in Connecticut, since major gun makers are fleeing the state for those with a friendlier business and legal climate.

But they still have to SELL in blue states, that's the problem. Blue states where the judges will be just fine in allowing suits to go forward.

The gun industry might even have to adopt- gasp - responsible business practices.

No...again, Remington did not settle, the insurance companies settled because they were afraid of assholes on a jury not ruling on the facts, but ruling on emotions......that is the truth, the fact and the reality.

The truth and reality is that once the "Crisis Actors" got ahold of Remington's internal memos, they were well and screwed.

(Hey, Dale Smith I see you are still not commenting on this one. How is it that Remington paid a bunch of crisis actors for non-existent kids?)
But they still have to SELL in blue states, that's the problem. Blue states where the judges will be just fine in allowing suits to go forward.

This was a one-off.

Suits can't "go forward" if there is no law in that state to cite to pierce the federal PLCCA immunity. This settlement does not create a new general rule for the nation that carves out of the PLCCA a path to sue; the suit was withdrawn, it and its arguments no longer exist.

The gun industry might even have to adopt- gasp - responsible business practices.

That is a laughable over-reading of the situation. The CT supreme court decision that stood before the settlement, only said the lawsuit's interpretations were plausible and could proceed in CT. The court did not decide any question of the PLCAA’s applicability repelling the lawsuit, which would have depended on whether it could be proven that Remington knowingly violated CUTPA and whether the challenged conduct directly caused the harms the lawsuit claims. When the insurance companies settled, the case's status was that it had been remanded for discovery and further proceedings.

As I've told you repeatedly, no final legal determination on the viability or veracity of the "marketing" approach, or the applicability of the PLCCA federal immunity was ever set down by any court or agreed upon in the settlement.

The decision to settle was a business decision made by the insurance companies whereby The lawsuit WAS WITHDRAWN. It was not settled from any legal determination or acceptance of Remington's responsibility in the massacre.

Had nothing to do with the founding of this country on Slavery and Genocide. Thanks for playing.

They created the party that started a Civil War to keep slavery......and Andrew Jackson ......?

There was no Genocide...but thanks for playing
This was a one-off.

Suits can't "go forward" if there is no law in that state to cite to pierce the federal PLCCA immunity. This settlement does not create a new general rule for the nation that carves out of the PLCCA a path to sue; the suit was withdrawn, it and its arguments no longer exist.
Until the next set of victims sues on the same principles. The problem with PLCCA is that it has questionable legal foundations. It creates a carve out for one industry's recklessness in its business practices.

That is a laughable over-reading of the situation. The CT supreme court decision that stood before the settlement, only said the lawsuit's interpretations were plausible and could proceed in CT. The court did not decide any question of the PLCAA’s applicability repelling the lawsuit, which would have depended on whether it could be proven that Remington knowingly violated CUTPA and whether the challenged conduct directly caused the harms the lawsuit claims. When the insurance companies settled, the case's status was that it had been remanded for discovery and further proceedings.

At which point, Remington folded like a cheap suit when they realized that all the internal emails showing they knew they were targeting unstable people like Nancy Lanza came to light.

The decision to settle was a business decision made by the insurance companies whereby The lawsuit WAS WITHDRAWN. It was not settled from any legal determination or acceptance of Remington's responsibility in the massacre.

again, whistling past the graveyard. Only a matter of time before some of the other 39,000 victims of gun violence realize there's gold in them thar hills.
I said nothing of the sort. I totally blame the gun industry for our current state of affairs. They have flooded our streets with guns and look at crazy people like Nancy Lanza as a key market.

That actually sounds like an argument between the parents. The shrink saw Adam a total of four times. She made a recommendation. Nancy ignored the recommendation because she was just as crazy as her son.

Except Trans people aren't hurting anyone.

The Gun Culture is.

Trans people are pushing the sterilzation and mutilation of idiot...
They created the party that started a Civil War to keep slavery......and Andrew Jackson ......?

There was no Genocide...but thanks for playing

My Cherokee ancestors would disagree...

The problem was of course, when the racists were thrown out of the Democratic Party, the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.


Yeah, this is fucked up.

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