Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

No, they sold it to a mentally unstable woman who took her son to gun ranges and let him play hours and hours of first person shooter video games.

But he didn't. He used a military grade .226 MM round to blow big holes into small children.

When you can kill someone with a vote, you might have an argument.

You keep lying, it isn't a military weapon, it isn't "military grade."

Voting democrat has killed thousands of young black men around the country, you doofus......
You keep lying, it isn't a military weapon, it isn't "military grade."

Voting democrat has killed thousands of young black men around the country, you doofus......

Wow, really? I'd ask the crazy logic you come with that one with, but never mind.

In other good news, they threw out George Zimmerman's attempt to sue Trayvon's parents...
Hey, I am just curious how this is being addressed by people like Dale Smith and other lunatics who think that Sandy Hook was a false flag event.

Was Remington in on it, too, settling for 65 million dollars?
Show me an ad where a gun is marketed to kill people.


Where I'm not a fan of the proliferation of cheap firearms...

The real guilty party is not going to see a courtroom.

And the rightful guilty party is the psychiatrist. Because when you give ADHD medication to Bipolar children it causes the mass murderer behavior. It's been indicated in every instance of mass slayings at schools.

Except that Adam Lanza wasn't ADHD nor Bipolar. He suffered from severe autism, for which he was given Celexa.

The gun manufacturer? They made an assault rifle. The mother bought it. And the son she tried to medicate into "good behavior" instead of adjusting her behavior to get better results and actually paying attention to what was happening with her got her killed with her own gun.

So has the psychiatrist ever been at least charged with malpractice? Ever seen the inside of a courtroom for this?

The medicines he proscribed are the absolute cause of the Sandy Hook massacre...

Nancy Lanza saw the psychiatrist a total of four times about Adam, and over the objections of her ex-husband, who was trying to get the kid help. Kind of hard to blame a psychiatrist when the parent doesn't do her part... Oh, and allows him access to a military grade weapon and lets him play first person shooter games for hours on end.
BAd move

MAybe we can hold the Jack Daniels Distillery and Every Brewery liable for all the drunk driving accidents and deaths from alcoholism too.

If you want to go that route, we already hold bars responsible for overserving their clients, that they are required to cut someone off if they appear too intoxicated.

It's hard to determine the make of the "SUV" that killed 5 and injured 40 in a Wisconsin parade in November 2021. Is that intentional by the news media? Wouldn't a lawsuit be just as legitimate regarding the manufacture of a vehicle used by a maniac to kill five and injure forty as a firearm used by a maniac?

Was the SUV marketted as a lethal weapon like the gun was?
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Except that Adam Lanza wasn't ADHD nor Bipolar. He suffered from severe autism, for which he was given Celexa.

Nancy Lanza saw the psychiatrist a total of four times about Adam, and over the objections of her ex-husband, who was trying to get the kid help. Kind of hard to blame a psychiatrist when the parent doesn't do her part... Oh, and allows him access to a military grade weapon and lets him play first person shooter games for hours on end.
What I read in that article was even worse than my original thoughts.
Misdiagnosis on top of poor mental health diagnosis. The kid likely hated taking the drugs...and the crazy mom just as crazy as her offspring. Both stewing in their own crazy. Celexa won't help with OCD. (Which can be a sign of Bipolar)
And the detectives were woefully inadequate in researching the kid's mental health. (As per the article)
The mom was a nutball as well. In complete denial of her own mental health issues and moreso of her son's. The onset of puberty is a huge clue that this was a form of juvenile Bipolar disorder left untreated into adult years and the wrong drugs administered.
Basically, the wrong drugs will put a bipolar patient in a depressive state that they do not cycle out of but they can keep OCD behaviors and psychotic features going to extremes. (The walls start talking to them everyone and everything is out to get them like germs)
Yale university can be good but often not. It takes a lot of sifting through crazy psychiatrist to get to one that accurately prescribed the right medication...and usually after visiting a dozen or more psychologists first.

You aren't going to stop a highly intelligent person who is determined to do what he did. (The kid was smart and really didn't need formal education...he was essentially skipping grades successfully) He had years of planning and obsessing about doing harm to others. Where that does point to Asperger's syndrome...the OCD and other symptoms still make me think BPD.

And the psychiatrist should have reported the mother for severe medical was extremely easy to throw up his hands and ignore everything...when a 5 minute phone call could have stopped everything. As a medical professional he was required to. But he was derelict in his duties.
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Except that Adam Lanza wasn't ADHD nor Bipolar. He suffered from severe autism, for which he was given Celexa.

Nancy Lanza saw the psychiatrist a total of four times about Adam, and over the objections of her ex-husband, who was trying to get the kid help. Kind of hard to blame a psychiatrist when the parent doesn't do her part... Oh, and allows him access to a military grade weapon and lets him play first person shooter games for hours on end.
The print is illegible
Where does it say anything about killing people?
If you want to go that route, we already hold bars responsible for overserving their clients, that they are required to cut someone off if they appear too intoxicated.

Was the SUV marketted as a lethal weapon like the gun was?
The bar is not the liquor manufacturer.

We should also hold car manufacturers responsible for all auto accidents and deaths

How about we hold cookie makers accountable for obesity and diabetes too?

And I have never seen a gun ad that said anything about killing people
You think the Red States aren't going to figure out there's Gold in them there hills?

I'm actually pleasently surprised Remington settled... because they could have gone with the argument that Nancy bought the gun, not Adam.

The suit wasn't about the gun, it was about advertising and it snookered a few prog judges into letting it continue. End Run.
What I read in that article was even worse than my original thoughts.
Misdiagnosis on top of poor mental health diagnosis. The kid likely hated taking the drugs...and the crazy mom just as crazy as her offspring. Both stewing in their own crazy. Celexa won't help with OCD. (Which can be a sign of Bipolar)
And the detectives were woefully inadequate in researching the kid's mental health. (As per the article)
The mom was a nutball as well. In complete denial of her own mental health issues and moreso of her son's. The onset of puberty is a huge clue that this was a form of juvenile Bipolar disorder left untreated into adult years and the wrong drugs administered.

Okay, but at the end of the day, Remington still marketed this gun with Nancy as a key target, as nuts as she was. Now, with sane parents who did their job, maybe he could have been helped, maybe not. But a nutty woman who was stocking up enough guns to fight off the Zombie apocalypse wasn't going to end well.

The suit wasn't about the gun, it was about advertising and it snookered a few prog judges into letting it continue. End Run.

Actually, it's about the marketing tactics of the gun industry. Our politicians might be too cowardly to stand up to the gun industry, but the courts are not.

Still trying to figure out why Remington settled this.

Didn't want a jury to see autopsy photos of what happens when a 5.56MM round hits a six year old.
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Except that Adam Lanza wasn't ADHD nor Bipolar. He suffered from severe autism, for which he was given Celexa.

Nancy Lanza saw the psychiatrist a total of four times about Adam, and over the objections of her ex-husband, who was trying to get the kid help. Kind of hard to blame a psychiatrist when the parent doesn't do her part... Oh, and allows him access to a military grade weapon and lets him play first person shooter games for hours on end.

So....? I fail to see where it say..."use our product to murder children....."

When they do that, then you have a fucking idiot.
Okay, but at the end of the day, Remington still marketed this gun with Nancy as a key target, as nuts as she was. Now, with sane parents who did their job, maybe he could have been helped, maybe not. But a nutty woman who was stocking up enough guns to fight off the Zombie apocalypse wasn't going to end well.

Actually, it's about the marketing tactics of the gun industry. Our politicians might be too cowardly to stand up to the gun industry, but the courts are not.

Didn't want a jury to see autopsy photos of what happens when a 5.56MM round hits a six year old.

Shit head, this didn't go to a court or a jury, the insurance companies settled out of idiot.
Still trying to figure out why Remington settled this.

They didn't.....the insurance companies involved did......Remington no longer exists as an entity........ like in many cases, the insurance companies didn't care about right or wrong, just limiting the damages from a run away jury....
So....? I fail to see where it say..."use our product to murder children....."

When they do that, then you have a fucking idiot.

You miss the point. The problem was that in a sane world, someone would have looked at Nancy Lanza, a woman with severe psychological issues, and said, "Nope, that person does not need a gun." Instead, Remington marketed to people like her specifically.

Shit head, this didn't go to a court or a jury, the insurance companies settled out of idiot.

Because they knew they would lose. What I like is that we are going to see all of Remington's internal memos, where they knew people they were selling to had no business owning guns, but they sold to them anyway..

They didn't.....the insurance companies involved did......Remington no longer exists as an entity........ like in many cases, the insurance companies didn't care about right or wrong, just limiting the damages from a run away jury....

Exactly. Now all the other gun makers have insurance companies looking at them sideways for the same reason.
You miss the point. The problem was that in a sane world, someone would have looked at Nancy Lanza, a woman with severe psychological issues, and said, "Nope, that person does not need a gun." Instead, Remington marketed to people like her specifically.

Because they knew they would lose. What I like is that we are going to see all of Remington's internal memos, where they knew people they were selling to had no business owning guns, but they sold to them anyway..

Exactly. Now all the other gun makers have insurance companies looking at them sideways for the same reason.
Remington sold to Licensed Retailers.
Do you have a sample of an ad where Remington encourages shooting up a school?
Remington sold to Licensed Retailers.
Do you have a sample of an ad where Remington encourages shooting up a school?

NO, but we have plenty of information that they intentionally and marketed to the mentally unstable.
NO, but we have plenty of information that they intentionally and marketed to the mentally unstable.
Any Links?
I work with a bunch of gun enthusiasts and they are all far more rational than you.
In fact, you're barely rational at all and we all know why you want to take weapons away from Whitey.
Any Links?
I work with a bunch of gun enthusiasts and they are all far more rational than you.
In fact, you're barely rational at all and we all know why you want to take weapons away from Whitey.

Um, so they don't go into a school mowing down preschoolers?

No, man, there are only two lines of thinking for the gun fetishists, the Stupid Reason and the Crazy Reason.

The stupid reason is they really think a gun makes them safer from scary dark people. They forget that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

(Eeek. Kellerman. Expecting 2TinyGuy to spooge the next six pages with claims that Kellerman withdrew his study when he did no such thing.)

The Crazy Reason is the people who think they need their guns to fight the government.
Um, so they don't go into a school mowing down preschoolers?
No, they don't.
I'm sorry to upset you.
In fact, they would stop someone like that but would never use a weapon to hold up a store unlike the thugs you sympathize with.

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