Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

This decision is not good for 2nd amendment rights and people who want to own assault rifles.
What about automobiles, and the many people killed each year by cars?. How are automobiles marketed. This settlement is absurd. What about knives?, and knife manufactures? This settlements makes no sense. The gun grabbers are absurd.Insane.
This decision is not good for 2nd amendment rights and people who want to own assault rifles.
What about automobiles, and the many people killed each year by cars?. How are automobiles marketed. This settlement is absurd. What about knives?, and knife manufactures? This settlements makes no sense. The gun grabbers are absurd.Insane.

Yup. If you are the victim of a violent crime sue EVERYONE who had a part, however small. Bankrupt enough of these idiots and they will stop this shit out of self preservation.
It's hard to determine the make of the "SUV" that killed 5 and injured 40 in a Wisconsin parade in November 2021. Is that intentional by the news media? Wouldn't a lawsuit be just as legitimate regarding the manufacture of a vehicle used by a maniac to kill five and injure forty as a firearm used by a maniac?
Is the SUV marketed to kill?
Yup. If you are the victim of a violent crime sue EVERYONE who had a part, however small. Bankrupt enough of these idiots and they will stop this shit out of self preservation.
Sure…why not. After all you’ve already passed laws that do just that.
It's not a huge deal. Remington agreed to pay it and some people get the $. It affects nothing. Settlements happen all the time.
Where I'm not a fan of the proliferation of cheap firearms...

The real guilty party is not going to see a courtroom.

And the rightful guilty party is the psychiatrist. Because when you give ADHD medication to Bipolar children it causes the mass murderer behavior. It's been indicated in every instance of mass slayings at schools.

The gun manufacturer? They made an assault rifle. The mother bought it. And the son she tried to medicate into "good behavior" instead of adjusting her behavior to get better results and actually paying attention to what was happening with her got her killed with her own gun.

So has the psychiatrist ever been at least charged with malpractice? Ever seen the inside of a courtroom for this?

The medicines he proscribed are the absolute cause of the Sandy Hook massacre...
I am sure this doesnt matter to you, but you bedwetting pussies are setting disturbing precedents because of your greed and hackery.

That if the Gun Industry sells an arsenal to a family like the Lanzas, they will be held responsible. I'm all for it.

Here's the problem. The gun industry decided their business is not based on the guy who bought a gun during a spike in crime and stuck it back in his closet and forgot about it.

Their key market is people like Nancy Lanza and her son, and it's only a matter of time before those people go off.
Another end run attempt around the Constitution.

Lesson to gun manufacturers, move out of Blue States.

You think the Red States aren't going to figure out there's Gold in them there hills?

I'm actually pleasently surprised Remington settled... because they could have gone with the argument that Nancy bought the gun, not Adam.
That if the Gun Industry sells an arsenal to a family like the Lanzas, they will be held responsible. I'm all for it.

Here's the problem. The gun industry decided their business is not based on the guy who bought a gun during a spike in crime and stuck it back in his closet and forgot about it.

Their key market is people like Nancy Lanza and her son, and it's only a matter of time before those people go off.

You are such an support violent criminals, and then want to destroy innocent are vile.
This decision is not good for 2nd amendment rights and people who want to own assault rifles.
What about automobiles, and the many people killed each year by cars?. How are automobiles marketed. This settlement is absurd. What about knives?, and knife manufactures? This settlements makes no sense. The gun grabbers are absurd.Insane.

If you want to go there, let's regulate guns like cars... Licenses, insurance, registrations and a lot of cops dedicated to enforcing their use.
You are such an support violent criminals, and then want to destroy innocent are vile.

Remington isn't innocent. Remington took advantage of a mentally ill woman's fears to sell her a military grade weapon her son used to kill her and 26 other people.
Remington isn't innocent. Remington took advantage of a mentally ill woman's fears to sell her a military grade weapon her son used to kill her and 26 other people.

What a crock of shit........the parents used the deaths of their children to fleece the gun company........

The rifle was stolen, he didn't even fucking buy it......and it isn't a military weapon, you lying sack of shit.......

He could have killed those people with pistols or shotguns you moron...

Virginia tech...2 pistols....32 killed

Luby's Cafe....24 killed, 2 pistols....
If you want to go there, let's regulate guns like cars... Licenses, insurance, registrations and a lot of cops dedicated to enforcing their use.

And we should regulate voting and publishing the same way.......a license to vote, only 250 dollars to register before an election, and lots and lots of cops investigating democrat party voter fraud........

Dittos publishing books, magazines, write books, columns, or onliine, you need to get a license and register with the Federal government....failure to do so will get the new 1st Amendment police sent to your home to arrest you...
What a crock of shit........the parents used the deaths of their children to fleece the gun company........

The rifle was stolen, he didn't even fucking buy it......and it isn't a military weapon, you lying sack of shit.......
No, they sold it to a mentally unstable woman who took her son to gun ranges and let him play hours and hours of first person shooter video games.

He could have killed those people with pistols or shotguns you moron...
But he didn't. He used a military grade .226 MM round to blow big holes into small children.

And we should regulate voting and publishing the same way
When you can kill someone with a vote, you might have an argument.

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