Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

So if my child gets killed with a stolen vehicle and the driver dies I can sue the vehicle maker?

Sounds like just about every sports car advertisement every published.
And yet, Ford, Chevy, etc aren't liable when some drunk guy steals one and kills a bunch of people with it.
Can you show me a Ford ad which says their cars are the ultimate machines for the mass killing of humans?

Please and thank you.
That's an absolutely disgusting outcome...
My question is, Should the maker of the knife used by the BMX stabber, be sued for the use as a weapon? Or the truck company in France that allowed all those people in Nice France to be run over? I got it, lets sue the shit out of the Democrat Party for allowing not only diseased murderers and child molesters to come across the southern border, but release them into the country along with the criminals of the US. Sue the shit out of the voters also for aiding and abetting the Democrats for being such evil fucks.

oh. no. The parents reached a settlement with the insurance companies..not the gun manufacturers. There the left wing lying media goes spinning so their little kool aid drinkers can feel some joy in mudville seeing as Hilliary is looking like chopped meat.
They should of sued the county and the Fed's for failing to put the creep into a mental institution because his mom warned them something bad was going to happen, but no, our government failed those children again.

The FBI Reportedly Knew of Adam Lanza’s Plans Four Years Before Sandy Hook Shooting
The documents reveal what the FBI’s behavioral analysis unit classified as “careful, methodical planning and preparation.” The bureau lists that behavior as part of the reason further action wasn’t taken to prevent Lanza from killing 20 first-grade students and six adults during a 2012 rampage at the Newtown, Connecticut school.
One entry details a man whose name was redacted specifically alerting authorities about a conversation in which Lanza said he had an assault rifle and planned to kill his mother as well as children at Sandy Hook. According to the document, the man reported the conversation to the Newtown Police Department in 2008, only to be told “Lanza’s mother owned the guns and that there was nothing N.P.D. could do about it.”
So they dont put the mentally ill person away, he kills his mother, than all those at Sandy Hook. Fucking worthless is our government, shame that doesnt happen to our progs who visit this site.
They should of sued the county and the Fed's for failing to put the creep into a mental institution because his mom warned them something bad was going to happen, but no, our government failed those children again.

The FBI Reportedly Knew of Adam Lanza’s Plans Four Years Before Sandy Hook Shooting

So they dont put the mentally ill person away, he kills his mother, than all those at Sandy Hook. Fucking worthless is our government, shame that doesnt happen to our progs who visit this site.
What, exactly would you like to happen to the progs who visit this site?
Please be specific.
That's an absolutely disgusting outcome...
The lawsuit argued that Remington should not have sold such a dangerous weapon to the public

Remington must have agreed. They paid up $73 million to make the case go away.

“For the insurance and banking industries, it’s time to recognize the financial cost of underwriting companies that elevate profit by escalating risk. Our hope is that this victory will be the first boulder in the avalanche that forces that change.”

Remington filed for bankruptcy in an attempt to escape responsibility from the lawsuit.
Calling the parents of murdered children "despicable shitheads" is as low as you can get.

He was referring to the leech lawyers pushing this scam.


But, by all means, allow your mock outrage to alter the facts.
He was referring to the leech lawyers pushing this scam.


But, by all means, allow your mock outrage to alter the facts.
LOL...try again, Booboo. It was clear what he meant. The persons who "brought the suit" were the parents not the lawyers, dimwit.
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I agree, but at the end of the day they chose to settle, so it’s on them
Remington actually settled the case in the worst possible way for gun manufacturers IMHO. Here is why: while it is true Remington is in bankruptcy, it is Remington's 4 insurance carriers that will pay the 73 million. What do think those insurance carriers will do now? Raise their premiums of course. Those premiums will now skyrocket. (Remember the insurance companies settled for 73 million because they most likely believed that if this case went in front of a jury they would be dishing out between 100 million to a billion dollars in damages). Gun manufacturers that can not afford the premiums will now go under. Banks will not lend money to businesses if they can not obtain insurance. Those that can pay the insurance will pass the additional costs on to you, the consumer. Of course, these insurance companies will also want to scrutinize the marketing activities of these companies more closely to prevent or as a defense to future law suits.
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The lawsuit argued that Remington should not have sold such a dangerous weapon to the public

Remington must have agreed. They paid up $73 million to make the case go away.

“For the insurance and banking industries, it’s time to recognize the financial cost of underwriting companies that elevate profit by escalating risk. Our hope is that this victory will be the first boulder in the avalanche that forces that change.”

Remington filed for bankruptcy in an attempt to escape responsibility from the lawsuit.
Firearms are not dangerous weapons.

The danger is from the shitheads that would use firearms for illegal dangerous things.

Just like my swimming pool is not dangerous. But some deranged asshole could use it to drown a child.
I agree, but at the end of the day they chose to settle, so it’s on them

Probably figured for more money, it was worth fighting, but for that amount, it would cost them at least as much to fight the suit (and maybe lose), so why battle.

But you are right, having done so, now there is legal precedent for yet more suits like it.

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