Sandy Hook Parents, Remington agree to $73 million settlement

This thread would have a fraction of posts if people read the link in the op.

It explains where Remington fell foul.
He had a stroke, you dumbass.....and your hitler buddies paraded him around to justify their Reichstag fire moment...

He had a stroke after being involved in a violent altercation with rioters...
another win for the good guys. have reality dyslexia.........the good guys for you are the ones who are really the bad guys.......lawyers and foolish parents who seek to make money off the deaths of their children by persecuting innocent people who had no role in their children's deaths...

That is evil....not good.
Moron, he had the stroke over a day idiot.....
You mean after he got the shit beaten out of him by protestors... um, yeah... that's what happens when you go through a traumatic experience. have reality dyslexia.........the good guys for you are the ones who are really the bad guys.......lawyers and foolish parents who seek to make money off the deaths of their children by persecuting innocent people who had no role in their children's deaths...

That is evil....not good.

Except the gun industry isn't "innocent". They put profit over people's lives. They made it easy for the bad guys to get guns, opposing even the most benign gun control measure that would have kept guns out of the hands of people like Adam Lanza.

These other industries better get on board and defend the gun companies....because this won't stop at the gun companies..........

Actually, other industries are already liable. Only the gun industry had to run to Congress to get special protections for their negligence have reality dyslexia.........the good guys for you are the ones who are really the bad guys.......lawyers and foolish parents who seek to make money off the deaths of their children by persecuting innocent people who had no role in their children's deaths...

That is evil....not good.

I guess since Adam Lanza didn't state a motive when he mowed down 26 people, you would think he should get no jail time too?
In a case that was settled out of court?

i didn't realize it was settled outa court - BECAUSE it was gonna go to trial. oh well ... remington pussied out, cause they were gonna get slammed even harder.

You better quit while you're behind, lest you risk making it even more clear you have no ide what you;re talking about.

it matters not - cause remington lost.

lost bigley & the precedent has been set. whine all YOU want, 'cause it's now a done deal.

accept it. now go shoot something to soothe 'yer' loss

last i read, it was gonna go to court. my bad, but either way - they lost bigley.

& now the door has been opened for other future cases

The insurance companies made a business decision. The insurance companies had no horse in the race, no reason to fight / defend against the lawsuit on its merits. All they wanted to do was get out from under the financial burden of open-ended litigation of the lawsuit and (possible to likely) emotionally driven, jury awarded compensation to the plaintiffs, far exceeding the settlement.

Upon writing the checks and giving the corporate documents to the plaintiffs (from a company that no longer exists), the lawsuit is WITHDRAWN.

No entity was found legally responsible under the claims of the lawsuit -- there is no legal decision or agreement that the claims of the lawsuit were proven / sustained. After the requirements of the settlement are satisfied, the claims made in the suit, as legal arguments, evaporate.

No "precedent" is created, no grounds for lawsuits were created that extend to other states. The settlement is legally just a "go away" surrender to fancy lawyering extortion, nothing else.

All that can be said to survive is a new litigation being filed in CT, under the specific law cited in CT, against a gun company chartered / incorporated / registered in CT.

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Except the gun industry isn't "innocent". They put profit over people's lives. They made it easy for the bad guys to get guns, opposing even the most benign gun control measure that would have kept guns out of the hands of people like Adam Lanza.

In Connecticut, it's illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to possess a handgun. Lanza had a Glock 20SF handgun.

Connecticut already has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Please, pray tell, what "benign gun control measure" would've kept Lanza from obtaining that handgun? Furthermore, Connecticut does not allow private ownership of so-called "assault weapons" except by law enforcement officers. Given that's the case, how on earth did he ever get a hold of that Bushmaster?

The fact of that matter is that someone's who's determined enough can get pretty much whatever he wants. The sad reality is that laws only impact the law-abiding...
You mean after he got the shit beaten out of him by protestors... um, yeah... that's what happens when you go through a traumatic experience.

Except the gun industry isn't "innocent". They put profit over people's lives. They made it easy for the bad guys to get guns, opposing even the most benign gun control measure that would have kept guns out of the hands of people like Adam Lanza.

Actually, other industries are already liable. Only the gun industry had to run to Congress to get special protections for their negligence

Moron...dying over a day later had nothing to do with his stroke...not going to the gym did him in....

The gun industry didn't pull the trigger you asshole.....and it is your party, the democrat party, the party created by two slave owners, that keeps releasing violent gun offenders, the ones who are doing almost all of the and your party keep letting them out to shoot more people....

The gun industry has no special protections you lying asshole....if they put out a defective product they can already be sued....
I guess since Adam Lanza didn't state a motive when he mowed down 26 people, you would think he should get no jail time too?

Again...once you state the motive in the amber guyger case, you will be able to take this refuse to tell us the motive, even with the trial over....which shows that this was a lynching of a police officer...
The most pathetic part of all of this is that the parents said that, in the long run "it was never about the money", yet they turned down a settlement offer of $33 million dollars...
No it's not. Some one must be held responsible. They're the one with the money and the NRA are in theirs sites next.
I hope they screw the arse off both of them. This is just the beginning.
Thank you for further illustrating your ignorance, bigotry, and irrational fear.

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