Santa Fe school shooter's Antifa connection discovered

As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
All the shooters seem to be leftists, which means they support the liberal agenda, like disarming American citizens. I wonder why. And there are liberals here that are unable to make that connection. Hard to believe, huh?
"All of them", now who projecting lies? You that's who.
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
ANTIFA has always been about violence, Forcing other people to believe what they believe....

ANTIFA has no place in America.
I knew a guy that killed Nazis and brought back Mausers and Jewskin lampshades and Lugers from Germany. Oh! Did I mention Jew-filling ashtrays? Solid Gold.

Good for you. Has nothing to do with this thread.

Rightist moron shill that one :wink:

Yeah, you don't know a damn thing about how things were or are.

I'm not "rightist" per se, I'm just a real American. The shit you post is unAmerican, therefore, I don't like you.
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it


"flying both the Hammer and Sickle and Nazi iron cross on pieces of outerwear in his closet."

This isn't a leftist guy. This is guy who's looking to the EXTREMES for something, anything.

To claim that the Nazi iron cross is left wing is typical right wing bullshit.

"Pagourtzis attempted to explain the meaning of the symbols in the caption to the post, writing, “Duster Hammer and Sickle = Rebellion Rising Sun = Kamikaze Tactics Iron Cross = Bravery Baphomet = Evil Cthulhu = Power.”"

He's using Communism with Japanese traditionalism. This isn't left wing at all.

It's typical of partisans who will see things only in terms or left wing and right wing.

"The hammer and sickle pin worn by Pagourtzis is indicative of his possible involvement or support of the liberal terror group Antifa, "

No, it isn't. There's no link there AT ALL.

Read the shit before you post it, otherwise you might look silly.
Fuck face, Nazis have always been leftists. That’s why they call themselves socialist.
Yeah , you run wit dat....

We know that rightist have a monarchial base and love to exploit and abuse the serfs.
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it

What a ridiculous thread. Those symbols fit more with what Trump calls fine people

this is why you are laughed at

the sickle and hammer is not a Trump symbol ya jackass

Didn't say anything about a Trump symbol. The Iron cross is used a lot by Nazis, you know, like the ones that Trump thinks are fine people.

except the "iron cross" on the jacket is not a nazi era cross if you can show different post it jackass

Small difference, but what does it have to do with the claim the OP made? The connection to Nazis is obvious. What connection does it have with Antifa?
Socialism/communism/marxism/progressivism are all the same. They force people into their village that want nothing to do with it. They are evil fucking scum. Fuck your village
this is why you are laughed at

the sickle and hammer is not a Trump symbol ya jackass

Didn't say anything about a Trump symbol. The Iron cross is used a lot by Nazis, you know, like the ones that Trump thinks are fine people.

except the "iron cross" on the jacket is not a nazi era cross if you can show different post it jackass

Small difference, but what does it have to do with the claim the OP made? The connection to Nazis is obvious. What connection does it have with Antifa?

the connection to leftist communists is more then obvious ya jackass

But not right wing Nazis? Pretty selective aren't you?
Nazis = socialists
It’s called the national Socialist party for a reason all you guys are fucked in the head
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
All the shooters seem to be leftists, which means they support the liberal agenda, like disarming American citizens. I wonder why. And there are liberals here that are unable to make that connection. Hard to believe, huh?

the left tried to make this guy a rightie --LOL

take a close look at the collars of his jacket and the communist symbols on the left and right


It's like a hammer and sickle MUST make him a Communist but a Nazi Iron Cross doesn't make him a Nazi.

Go figure.
Socialism/communism same difference… Left-wing fuck ups
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
All the shooters seem to be leftists, which means they support the liberal agenda, like disarming American citizens. I wonder why. And there are liberals here that are unable to make that connection. Hard to believe, huh?

the left tried to make this guy a rightie --LOL

take a close look at the collars of his jacket and the communist symbols on the left and right


It's like a hammer and sickle MUST make him a Communist but a Nazi Iron Cross doesn't make him a Nazi.

Go figure.

well if you are going to count numbers

he has three leftist possibly 4 leftist symbols

the two commie symbols on the collar and the satanic symbol on the pocket making three

plus the iron cross of old socialist germany or take your pick a nazi cross which you have not proven

making it also a socialist symbol the National Socialist German Workers' Party

better go back and try harder

I still haven't seen where any of that is related to Antifa. Care to explain?
Violent behavior, socialism and progressivism… All fucked in the head obviously. You joined the party
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
All the shooters seem to be leftists, which means they support the liberal agenda, like disarming American citizens. I wonder why. And there are liberals here that are unable to make that connection. Hard to believe, huh?

No, all the shooters "appear leftist" because every time there's a shooting, some people, probably paid for by certain groups, potentially NRA, potentially Koch brothers, potentially white supremacists, who knows?, who tell you people it's a left winger, and you believe it every single fucking time, without a single thread of logical evidence.
Except they had FB pages that were captured before the libs could take them down and they were all leftist activists. Nice try though. :thup:
Those are fake.

Fake Facebook accounts and online lies multiply in hours after Santa Fe school shooting
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
All the shooters seem to be leftists, which means they support the liberal agenda, like disarming American citizens. I wonder why. And there are liberals here that are unable to make that connection. Hard to believe, huh?

the left tried to make this guy a rightie --LOL

take a close look at the collars of his jacket and the communist symbols on the left and right


It's like a hammer and sickle MUST make him a Communist but a Nazi Iron Cross doesn't make him a Nazi.

Go figure.
Socialism/communism same difference… Left-wing fuck ups

No. This isn't even Socialism compared to Communism for fuck's sake.

This is NATIONAL SOCIALISM compared to Communist.

It wouldn't hurt to look up the difference between Socialism and National Socialism, now, would it?
Antifa? He's a Nazi Fascist.

The Soviet Union used to be Commie Socialist, but Putin's Russia is Fascism pure and simple.

Many very fine people

All socialists/communists are fucked in the head… Obviously
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it


"flying both the Hammer and Sickle and Nazi iron cross on pieces of outerwear in his closet."

This isn't a leftist guy. This is guy who's looking to the EXTREMES for something, anything.

To claim that the Nazi iron cross is left wing is typical right wing bullshit.

"Pagourtzis attempted to explain the meaning of the symbols in the caption to the post, writing, “Duster Hammer and Sickle = Rebellion Rising Sun = Kamikaze Tactics Iron Cross = Bravery Baphomet = Evil Cthulhu = Power.”"

He's using Communism with Japanese traditionalism. This isn't left wing at all.

It's typical of partisans who will see things only in terms or left wing and right wing.

"The hammer and sickle pin worn by Pagourtzis is indicative of his possible involvement or support of the liberal terror group Antifa, "

No, it isn't. There's no link there AT ALL.

Read the shit before you post it, otherwise you might look silly.
Teenagers go through those "phases" of wanting to be "dark" or "bad ass." I doubt he was really into any of those ideologies, including Antifa.

Sad to say, but he was probably just a bad apple.
He was suicidal. Homicidal/suicidal unfortunately often go together. Other students say he was quiet, didn't really want to socialize. Maybe he was wicked shy? There really didn't seem to be any red flags. At least not as of last night. This a.m. it was all about the wedding, so I haven't heard anything else.

All the drama of shooting up a bunch of people was discussed for so long after Parkland. Do you remember hearing about the school shooting in KY shortly before or after Parkland? Me neither. They kept the lid on that so tight that I don't know if anyone ever heard about it. That's how all of them should go--not discussed endlessly on tv and the internet. It feeds too many kids dreams of bad ass glory.
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
All the shooters seem to be leftists, which means they support the liberal agenda, like disarming American citizens. I wonder why. And there are liberals here that are unable to make that connection. Hard to believe, huh?

the left tried to make this guy a rightie --LOL

take a close look at the collars of his jacket and the communist symbols on the left and right

It is conflicting symbolism.
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it
All the shooters seem to be leftists, which means they support the liberal agenda, like disarming American citizens. I wonder why. And there are liberals here that are unable to make that connection. Hard to believe, huh?

the left tried to make this guy a rightie --LOL

take a close look at the collars of his jacket and the communist symbols on the left and right


It's like a hammer and sickle MUST make him a Communist but a Nazi Iron Cross doesn't make him a Nazi.

Go figure.
Socialism/communism same difference… Left-wing fuck ups

No. This isn't even Socialism compared to Communism for fuck's sake.

This is NATIONAL SOCIALISM compared to Communist.

It wouldn't hurt to look up the difference between Socialism and National Socialism, now, would it?
All of them are about extreme government control over the individual....
So fuck your village
As I write this, the nation is still recovering from another horrific tragedy at a high school, this time in Santa Fe, Texas, where a young man has been arrested after opening fire and killing at least 10 individuals.
Santa Fe School Shooter's ANTIFA Connections Discovered!

No surprise there , act alike think alike, beat the hell out of people, kill them yep typical Trump hater give them the right time and place anyone of them would do it


"flying both the Hammer and Sickle and Nazi iron cross on pieces of outerwear in his closet."

This isn't a leftist guy. This is guy who's looking to the EXTREMES for something, anything.

To claim that the Nazi iron cross is left wing is typical right wing bullshit.

"Pagourtzis attempted to explain the meaning of the symbols in the caption to the post, writing, “Duster Hammer and Sickle = Rebellion Rising Sun = Kamikaze Tactics Iron Cross = Bravery Baphomet = Evil Cthulhu = Power.”"

He's using Communism with Japanese traditionalism. This isn't left wing at all.

It's typical of partisans who will see things only in terms or left wing and right wing.

"The hammer and sickle pin worn by Pagourtzis is indicative of his possible involvement or support of the liberal terror group Antifa, "

No, it isn't. There's no link there AT ALL.

Read the shit before you post it, otherwise you might look silly.
Teenagers go through those "phases" of wanting to be "dark" or "bad ass." I doubt he was really into any of those ideologies, including Antifa.

Sad to say, but he was probably just a bad apple.
He was suicidal. Homicidal/suicidal unfortunately often go together. Other students say he was quiet, didn't really want to socialize. Maybe he was wicked shy? There really didn't seem to be any red flags. At least not as of last night. This a.m. it was all about the wedding, so I haven't heard anything else.

All the drama of shooting up a bunch of people was discussed for so long after Parkland. Do you remember hearing about the school shooting in KY shortly before or after Parkland? Me neither. They kept the lid on that so tight that I don't know if anyone ever heard about it. That's how all of them should go--not discussed endlessly on tv and the internet. It feeds too many kids dreams of bad ass glory.
Yep, a perfect storm of medicated kids and socialism...
These mass shootings are all on progressives....The collective has fucked them up forever.

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