Santorum out: PRess Sudeenly Nice to Him!


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!
lol, they are thankful that he's stopping his campaign of forced religious bullshit

I love the "Voters like me that determine election" delusion

Isn't it the spare tire saying "wherever I go, the car goes!"
So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

Pretty harsh words from who claims to have "independent logic". Maybe lefties don't even realize that they are substituting hatred for logic.
So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

Romney will surely get a bump after the RNC rally..but I can't see it lasting. The Republicans have alienated almost every group imaginable..with the exception of White Evangelical Voters. Even people that can't stand Obama in no way want to go back to Bush's policies. And Romney is picking over Bush's leftovers for his "cabinet".
another thread by another moron..

Hmmm. Zero on any issues, topics etc... Well there is always a noticable pattern among the more ignorant on either extreme.


I love the "Voters like me that determine election" delusion

Isn't it the spare tire saying "wherever I go, the car goes!"

Hmmm. Zero on any issues, topics etc... Well there is always a noticable pattern among the more ignorant on either extreme.

So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

Pretty harsh words from who claims to have "independent logic". Maybe lefties don't even realize that they are substituting hatred for logic.

So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

Romney will surely get a bump after the RNC rally..but I can't see it lasting. The Republicans have alienated almost every group imaginable..with the exception of White Evangelical Voters. Even people that can't stand Obama in no way want to go back to Bush's policies. And Romney is picking over Bush's leftovers for his "cabinet".

Wait. You're discussing the facts cited, the issue and topic!
Well I suppose it was bound to happen eventually. The whole board can't be ignorant whackjobs with Zero to say.

I think it will be a very close race. Like I said, Romney will go back to the Middle. A lot of Indies and Mods are frustrated with Obama. It's a matter of whether Romney can get to The Center without seeming to be any more hypocritical than he already seems to those not already devoted to The Cause.
So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

Excuse me? When did Santorum ever say that only Christians could vote? Is there some reason reporters shouldn't be nice to him? Did they turn on Hillary when she lost to Obama? Kerry when he lost to Gore?

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

When did Romney chase Santorum? The man has never once repudiated RomneyCare, despite abundant opportunities to do so. That means he never even left the left side of the spectrum.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

That depends on which polls you pay attention to. One of these days you ought to put some of the skills you claim to have to work analyzing why USA Today polls a higher percentage of Democrats in their polls than have ever existed anywhere, or when, in the universe, even 2008.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

It sure would be nice for him to go toward the center, I doubt he will. Talking RomneyCare now would make him look really stupid, even more stupid than you.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

When in the last 20 years has birth control not been OK?

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

Mildly liberal centrist? Do you realize how far left you have to be to see Romney as mildly liberal?

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

Ever see a flea circus? Fleas have a better memory than you.
Romney will surely get a bump after the RNC rally..but I can't see it lasting. The Republicans have alienated almost every group imaginable..with the exception of White Evangelical Voters. Even people that can't stand Obama in no way want to go back to Bush's policies. And Romney is picking over Bush's leftovers for his "cabinet".

They've probably alienated White Evangelicals by nominating the Mormon.

Romney's going to go through the motions, but at some point, the RNC is going to abandon him and concentrate on Congress.
The RNC should concentrate on Congress regardless of the Presidential campaign. And I encourage everyone to get active in the local elections.
I personally have mixed feelings about Santorum.

I voted for him because he was the last viable "Not Romney" left before the GOP goes through with the cult suicide pact and nominates Romney.

I'm not comfortable with his religious zealotry, being an atheist.

But I respect that, like Mike Huckabee, he was a Republican who got it that the worst part about a recession is not that the rich have to cut back on their Polo Ponies.... it's that people with real jobs and families are suffering.
I personally have mixed feelings about Santorum.

I voted for him because he was the last viable "Not Romney" left before the GOP goes through with the cult suicide pact and nominates Romney.

I'm not comfortable with his religious zealotry, being an atheist.

But I respect that, like Mike Huckabee, he was a Republican who got it that the worst part about a recession is not that the rich have to cut back on their Polo Ponies.... it's that people with real jobs and families are suffering.

Joe you aren't really still trying to convince us that you won't vote for Obama are you?? :confused:
I personally have mixed feelings about Santorum.

I voted for him because he was the last viable "Not Romney" left before the GOP goes through with the cult suicide pact and nominates Romney.

I'm not comfortable with his religious zealotry, being an atheist.

But I respect that, like Mike Huckabee, he was a Republican who got it that the worst part about a recession is not that the rich have to cut back on their Polo Ponies.... it's that people with real jobs and families are suffering.

Joe you aren't really still trying to convince us that you won't vote for Obama are you?? :confused:

I would have preferred not to, but once you jokers nominated Rawmoney, there wasn't any issue, was there?

I mean, if you jokers don't like him, why should I?
So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

YEAH--now maybe we can get off of birth control contraceptives and back to REAL issues!
Glad this 15th century nut-case has decided to go back into his cave.
YEAH--now maybe we can get off of birth control contraceptives and back to REAL issues!
Glad this 15th century nut-case has decided to go back into his cave.

Ummm... yeah. What real issues were those again? Mitt doesn't have enough mansions?
YEAH--now maybe we can get off of birth control contraceptives and back to REAL issues!
Glad this 15th century nut-case has decided to go back into his cave.

Ummm... yeah. What real issues were those again? Mitt doesn't have enough mansions?

If he wants to build more houses and put more people to work, Im all in favor of him doing it.
So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

Romney will surely get a bump after the RNC rally..but I can't see it lasting. The Republicans have alienated almost every group imaginable..with the exception of White Evangelical Voters. Even people that can't stand Obama in no way want to go back to Bush's policies. And Romney is picking over Bush's leftovers for his "cabinet".

Obama's policies are Bush's policies. Obama's first SecDef was Bush's SecDef.

Yeah, you nailed it. :lol:
So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

You can bet Obama's poll numbers will drop now. With Santorum out of this race--we will no longer be discussing his 15th century Roman Catholic beliefs--(birth control contraceptives)--and we're back to real issues--not what is in Rick Santorum's statements and beliefs. In fact, Romney has a real record of being a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE--but is moderate on social views--which makes the perfect candidate to attract women and independents.
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So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

Excuse me? When did Santorum ever say that only Christians could vote? Is there some reason reporters shouldn't be nice to him? Did they turn on Hillary when she lost to Obama? Kerry when he lost to Gore?

You misunderstood. The jest was that Santorum was turning off everyone but Fundamentalists.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

When did Romney chase Santorum? The man has never once repudiated RomneyCare, despite abundant opportunities to do so. That means he never even left the left side of the spectrum.

When Santorum started talking about the blip with the Catholics, Romney followed suit. Obama put it to bed quickly for the Dems but Santorum wouldn't let it go - and Mitt followed. If you don't think this had a negative effect, you aren't paying attention. Mitt lost 13 points and Obama gained 10 during all that bs.
Same with gays. Santorum talked about things no one cared about and Mitt followed. This happened with a LOT of issues and took Mitt away from The Center and more importantly, distracted him from the economy etc...

That depends on which polls you pay attention to. One of these days you ought to put some of the skills you claim to have to work analyzing why USA Today polls a higher percentage of Democrats in their polls than have ever existed anywhere, or when, in the universe, even 2008.

I specified Real Clear Politics. They average ALL the pols, Conserv and Lib. All the pollsters can claim to be accurate because they change their stats during the last month. RCP is the only one that has been accurate more than four months in advance.

It sure would be nice for him to go toward the center, I doubt he will. Talking RomneyCare now would make him look really stupid, even more stupid than you.

Hmmm. Petty insults. I don't start them but I do return fire. In your case it's not even worth the bother. Romney will move back toward center.

When in the last 20 years has birth control not been OK?

According to Santorum, it still isn't "okay" and leads to sex that is "wrong". You really should try to get informed.

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

Mildly liberal centrist? Do you realize how far left you have to be to see Romney as mildly liberal?

This is too funny! The poster above is claiming Romney is Conservative and probably won't move to center!

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

Ever see a flea circus? Fleas have a better memory than you.

Ah. So nothing on the issue, no specifics on the topic. Zero. Some Conservatives are just too weak and too easy. If it wasn't for the intelligent ones I know irl, I would think they were all ignorant whackjobs.

another thread by another moron..

You are half right, it is the same moron.

Ah. So nothing on the issue, no specifics on the topic. Zero. Some Conservatives are just too weak and too easy. If it wasn't for the intelligent ones I know irl, I would think they were all ignorant whackjobs.

So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

YEAH--now maybe we can get off of birth control contraceptives and back to REAL issues!
Glad this 15th century nut-case has decided to go back into his cave.

YEAH--now maybe we can get off of birth control contraceptives and back to REAL issues!
Glad this 15th century nut-case has decided to go back into his cave.

You contradict all your Conservative compatriots above, sir. They say Romney is Conservative but too Liberal and that he never got off message.

Ummm... yeah. What real issues were those again? Mitt doesn't have enough mansions?

If he wants to build more houses and put more people to work, Im all in favor of him doing it.

So now that this whackjob has finally realized that married couples prefer not to churn out a dozen babies and so they won't vote for him, non-fundamentalist Christians are also allowed to vote and so on... FOX, CNN and even MSNBC are being nice to him! The gal on MSNBC commented on how he came from obscurity to a position where, for a least a while, he posed a real threat to Romney.

This is the best thing that can happen for Romney. He no longer has to chase Santorum off into the Far Right and away from the voters (like me) who determine elections. If Gingrich stays in and continues his Far Right appeal to the Conservative Base, Romney can actually use that to contrast himself - and gain ground with Moderates and Independents who don't notice he's said the opposite during the previous few months.

Obama has been gaining a lead over Romney during the last two months (he's gone from a .5% lead to a 5.3% lead on RCP Average of all polls). I'll bet this narrows the gap.

So now Romney can gently begin the transition to Mitt-Flop v.3.1 - and go back to The Center and away from that rather inconvenient Right Wing. After all, it's not like Right Wingers are going to vote for Obama under any circumstances, so screw 'em.

Birth Control will become okay again. He will go out of his way to praise women and make sure they know their rights will not be violated under his administration. if he's smart, he might even make someone like Susana Martinez his running mate! Gays, while not being worthy of marriage, will at least be considered human beings. Minorites will be um, well, hmmm. Dogs will be allowed to ride IN the car!

And so it will continue until he is closer to Mitt v.1.1 The Mildly Liberal Centrist. And all the Republicans and Conservatives (with the possible exception of Ron Paul supporters) will vote for him anyway.

As Americans have the memory of a flea, 2012 should be a very close race!

You can bet Obama's poll numbers will drop now. With Santorum out of this race--we will no longer be discussing his 15th century Roman Catholic beliefs--(birth control contraceptives)--and we're back to real issues--not what is in Rick Santorum's statements and beliefs. In fact, Romney has a real record of being a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE--but is moderate on social views--which makes the perfect candidate to attract women and independents.

Hmmm. After all these posts from Conservatives, an intelligent one that actually addresses the topic.
I think you're right. I think Romney will fare batter now that he's not fighting his own party members.
The problem is he WAS moderate (what the whackjobs call Flaming Liberal) on social issues. Then he changed direction to appease the party base. A second flip-flop is really going to be lacking credibility. Also, women tend to have better political memories than men - especially when it comes to women's issues.
He's still toast with minorities. They're expected to be a full 30% of the vote this year.
But he does have a real chance.
I think this one will be very close.

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