Sara Palin Thumps Hillary

Sara Palin has never had to lie and support a sexual predator and serial womanizer for political purposes. Sara Palin is the strong woman. Hillary is a liar and weak dependent woman who supported her sick husband for political power. Hillary Clinton is guilty of perpetuating the war on women.

Everyone knows Sarah Palin is a media-whore... that's all.

I can tell you're pretty smart. Harvard?
Hillary's not a strong independent woman. A strong independent woman doesn't spend her career lying and defending a sexual predator and serial womanizer for political purposes. A strong independent woman dumps the jerk.

The decisions she's made for herself are really none of anyone's business. You're just looking for things to complain about.

Then vote for the phoney lying bitch.

I will vote for Hillary, who on the Republican side could beat her? She is out polling everyone including Chris Christie and Republicans can't stand him.

HA! You mean Sarah, the quitter? At least Hillary didn't quit her Senate seat. She was asked to be Secretary of State. I doubt Sarah can spell that position.

I read your signature and broke out in uncontrolled laughter. Here you are defending a woman who lied for and defended a sexual predator and serial womanizer. Talk about hypocrisy......

Sarah Palin Took a 75% Pay Cut To Get Her Job Back at Fox News

My how the mighty have fallen. It turns out that Sarah Palin had to give up a whole lot of money to get her job back at Fox News. The Wasilla Washout had to surrender about $750,000/year.

Back in January, Palin turned down a new contract from Fox News because the money wasn’t good enough. Howard Kurtz reported then that,”The new contract offered by Fox, say people familiar with the situation, would have provided only a fraction of the million-dollar-a-year salary. It was then, they say, that Palin turned it down and both sides agreed to call it quits. A friendly announcement was planned for Friday, but a source close to Palin leaked the news in the afternoon to Real Clear Politics, saying the former Alaska governor “decided not to renew the arrangement” and ‘remains focused on broadening her message of common-sense conservatism.’”

It was widely reported that Sarah Palin took a pay cut to come back to Fox News. What wasn’t known was how large of a cut she took. Now we know, and boy did Roger Ailes sock it to Palin.

In a report on TV Guide’s list of the highest paid people on television, TVNewser revealed how big of pay cut Palin had to take in order to get her Fox News gig back, “Other notable names: Megyn Kelly’s new deal is estimated to be worth $6 million a year, twice what Hoda Kotb draws, and more than three times as much as ABC’s Josh Elliott. Ann Curry is still one of the highest-paid reporters at NBC, drawing $5 million a year, while Sarah Palin’s new FNC contract is believed to be in the $250,000 range.”
Hillary has always had a great sense of humor, she is so smart and she always has interesting things to talk about.

Palin's big asset was that she was pretty. Now as she ages, she looks like a big hair, bobble headed doll on a stick thin body.

That picture of her with her family is quite old. That baby is about 5 or 6 now.

Hillary's not a strong independent woman. A strong independent woman doesn't spend her career lying and defending a sexual predator and serial womanizer for political purposes. A strong independent woman dumps the jerk.

a sexual predator? not in this or any other lifetime. and if you're referring to monica, you poor little winger, monica went to DC to get her "presidential kneepads" so don't go crying for her too much.

you people are so funny. looks like we'll have to get used to another eight years of fauxrage and hysteria from imbeciles like you.

and you can diminish Hillary all you want with your rightwing misogynist BS, but really, she was one of the top 100 lawyers in the US before her husband was president, was a senator, secretary of state and probably accomplishes more in 15 minutes of her day than palin will achieve in a lifetime.

Two words: Bimbo Eruptions. They define the title and area of responsibility of the position the Hildebeast created and appointed a gal pal to fill during the junkyard dog's first presidential campaign. And of course that was a few years before she anointed the vast right-wing conspiracy as responsible for the lies about junkyard having an affair with a White House intern.

In the words of the late William Sapphire (sp?), Hillary is a congenital liar.
Hillary's not a strong independent woman. A strong independent woman doesn't spend her career lying and defending a sexual predator and serial womanizer for political purposes. A strong independent woman dumps the jerk.

a sexual predator? not in this or any other lifetime. and if you're referring to monica, you poor little winger, monica went to DC to get her "presidential kneepads" so don't go crying for her too much.

you people are so funny. looks like we'll have to get used to another eight years of fauxrage and hysteria from imbeciles like you.

and you can diminish Hillary all you want with your rightwing misogynist BS, but really, she was one of the top 100 lawyers in the US before her husband was president, was a senator, secretary of state and probably accomplishes more in 15 minutes of her day than palin will achieve in a lifetime.

Two words: Bimbo Eruptions. They define the title and area of responsibility of the position the Hildebeast created and appointed a gal pal to fill during the junkyard dog's first presidential campaign. And of course that was a few years before she anointed the vast right-wing conspiracy as responsible for the lies about junkyard having an affair with a White House intern.

In the words of the late William Sapphire (sp?), Hillary is a congenital liar.

your opinion was dismissed the second the word bimbo appeared in your post.
Sarah Paiin is a nortorious celebrity with a following of C-grade intellects whose desire to read it is based on anything but intellectual curiousity. Mrs. Clinton is a serious politian. The people who want to read her book have an intellectual curiousity about her.

An example of this is that serious literature does not sell nearly as well as grocery store pulp fiction. Flash and sparkle along with simplistic ideas sells. Thoughtful, serious reality not so much.

Did you read either book?

Do you have any common sense? Basic reasoning abilities? I do.

So that a NO I haven't read shit and I'm just pulling this out of my ass. Typical commie.
Palin has religious and extreme wingnutty organizations buying up her books for like 5.00 a dozen.

Hillary's got large organizations buying her books in mega-quantities, too. She always has. All of them do. But this time around these buying fronts don't seem to be working.

She's written 3-4 of them now and the last two were a total snooze, too. "It Takes A Village" was pretty good, though. We'll see this Sunday if her book makes the NYT Bestseller list.

Please, Palin doesn't even write her own books. Have you lost it?

Palin doesn't read so I know she doesn't write.

HA! You mean Sarah, the quitter? At least Hillary didn't quit her Senate seat. She was asked to be Secretary of State. I doubt Sarah can spell that position.

The quitter??
Like Obama and Biden?
Quitter like that??

Obama and Biden resigned from office? No shit? Wow, I'd better turn on the news!
Outside of your fantasy on the education of people who are conservative, you really should not correct other people when you can't even spell.

LOL...feeling a bit stupid there you pompous phony semi-intellectual, Esmeralda?

Typos are typos. Try to make something more of it if you want: just makes you look stupid.

What's it say about the individual who has yet to figure out that spell check is available?
Did you read either book?

Do you have any common sense? Basic reasoning abilities? I do.

So that a NO I haven't read shit and I'm just pulling this out of my ass. Typical commie.

If someone told you that you needed to read the National Inquirer every day so as to ascertain it was a tabloid instead of a serious newspaper, would you say, sure I need to read that tripe every day because it isn't obvious by just looking at it that it's a tabloid.

I'm not going to waste my time reading garbage when I know it's garbage. All I have to do is listen to Palin talking to know I have no need to read her book in order to ascertain what level of intellectual interest it will have for me. She’s a fool. And the people who think she is something great are fools as well.
Do you have any common sense? Basic reasoning abilities? I do.

So that a NO I haven't read shit and I'm just pulling this out of my ass. Typical commie.

If someone told you that you needed to read the National Inquirer every day so as to ascertain it was a tabloid instead of a serious newspaper, would you say, sure I need to read that tripe every day because it isn't obvious by just looking at it that it's a tabloid.

I'm not going to waste my time reading garbage when I know it's garbage. All I have to do is listen to Palin talking to know I have no need to read her book in order to ascertain what level of intellectual interest it will have for me. She’s a fool. And the people who think she is something great are fools as well.

So what about the book by the hildabeast, does the same apply, or did you not notice that question was whether you've read EITHER book?

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