Sara Palin Thumps Hillary

Palin has religious and extreme wingnutty organizations buying up her books for like 5.00 a dozen.

Hillary's got large organizations buying her books in mega-quantities, too. She always has. All of them do. But this time around these buying fronts don't seem to be working.

She's written 3-4 of them now and the last two were a total snooze, too. "It Takes A Village" was pretty good, though. We'll see this Sunday if her book makes the NYT Bestseller list.
Naw. We already have the first queer president.



The guy so insecure with his sexuality he is named after slang terms for female genitalia.

Obama is the one pushing the queer agenda.

This is the kind of comment that shows everyone how you are a brainwashed dupe. Obama hasn't been the one pushing what you call the queer agenda. It has been pushed since before Obama arrived on the political scene. He is responding to the people pushing what you call the queer agenda. If anything, his response is late. He has not been an early leader in the gay rights issue. No one thinks he has except for the brainwashed dupes.

Palin has religious and extreme wingnutty organizations buying up her books for like 5.00 a dozen.

Hillary's got large organizations buying her books in mega-quantities, too. She always has. All of them do. But this time around these buying fronts don't seem to be working.

She's written 3-4 of them now and the last two were a total snooze, too. "It Takes A Village" was pretty good, though. We'll see this Sunday if her book makes the NYT Bestseller list.

Free Signed Books if you show up to Hilary in Costume!!!

Hillary - Brain dead, ancient, a liar, a crook, a murderer. Married to a impeached, disbarred, sexual offender.
I swear - the bigger the fuck-up... the more Libberhoids adore you.
There are still Conservatives clamoring for the wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin? Amazing!

The quitter governor is qualified to be the night manager at the Wassila Wendy's, but should be far away from any site where serious decisions are made.

Did you really want to discuss why Palin resigned?.........I didn't think so.
Because she isn't capable.
Sarah Paiin is a nortorious celebrity with a following of C-grade intellects whose desire to read it is based on anything but intellectual curiousity. Mrs. Clinton is a serious politian. The people who want to read her book have an intellectual curiousity about her.

An example of this is that serious literature does not sell nearly as well as grocery store pulp fiction. Flash and sparkle along with simplistic ideas sells. Thoughtful, serious reality not so much.

And, btw, I think you mean trumps, not thumps.: trump: to do better than (someone or something) in a contest, competition, etc.
Outside of your fantasy on the education of people who are conservative, you really should not correct other people when you can't even spell.

LOL...feeling a bit stupid there you pompous phony semi-intellectual, Esmeralda?

Typos are typos. Try to make something more of it if you want: just makes you look stupid.

Palin has religious and extreme wingnutty organizations buying up her books for like 5.00 a dozen.

Hillary's got large organizations buying her books in mega-quantities, too. She always has. All of them do. But this time around these buying fronts don't seem to be working.

She's written 3-4 of them now and the last two were a total snooze, too. "It Takes A Village" was pretty good, though. We'll see this Sunday if her book makes the NYT Bestseller list.

Please, Palin doesn't even write her own books. Have you lost it?
Sara Palin is an intelligent strong woman. Hillary? Well, when you spend your entire political career lying for and supporting a sexual predator and serial womanizer for political purposes then you're dependent and weak.

I'm no fan of Hillary but Monica L was not underage and has recently stated in Vanity Fair that she knew exactly what she was doing with Slick Willy in the Oval Office.

Lots of male politicians who experience power are womanizers but I can count on my hand the number of women seeking higher office who
1) have exploited their pregnant, unmarried teenage daughters on the political stage
2) forced the marriage of her pregnant daughter to legitimize her own campaign
and 3) decided to run for office after having a Downs syndrome baby that desperately needs its mother.....One.


Hillary was lying for Bill long before Monica. Your opinions about Palin are yours. The facts about Hillary are history.
Why are Conservatives so enthralled by these popular culture metrics? Book sales, viewership numbers, twitter followers. It's as if because their political ideas are so off the charts, they seek some validation through pop culture. If it is true that book sales makes for a political victory, if Fox News Neilson numbers are an indication of quality journalism, would it not follow that Lady Gaga is a greater musical artist than Mozart? Is the 21 Jumpstreet movie franchise a greater influence on the medium of film than Citizen Kane?

Run a candidate deemed sufficiently 'Conservative' in 2016 and then crow that his book sales were bigger than any Democrat candidate while you whine that he is playing celebrity golf instead of occupying the Oval Office.
Sarah Paiin is a nortorious celebrity with a following of C-grade intellects whose desire to read it is based on anything but intellectual curiousity. Mrs. Clinton is a serious politian. The people who want to read her book have an intellectual curiousity about her.

An example of this is that serious literature does not sell nearly as well as grocery store pulp fiction. Flash and sparkle along with simplistic ideas sells. Thoughtful, serious reality not so much.

And, btw, I think you mean trumps, not thumps.: trump: to do better than (someone or something) in a contest, competition, etc.
Outside of your fantasy on the education of people who are conservative, you really should not correct other people when you can't even spell.

It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that those are typos. :lol:
Educated people proof read. In addition, there is a spell checker built right into the browser you are using. Even the mobile browsers have them. It highlights the misspelled words with little red squiggly underlines.

An educated person would take the half second to check to see if even a dumb program can spell better than they can. So, speaking of half-brains. Perhaps you should go find that other half.

The point, which sailed over you head, is to tend to your own house before criticizing others.
R-wing operatives are funded by the RNC to buy up thousands of Palins books at a time just to drive up her phony book sales. I heard Limbaugh secretly bought over 100,000 books himself.
There are still Conservatives clamoring for the wit and wisdom of Sarah Palin? Amazing!

The quitter governor is qualified to be the night manager at the Wassila Wendy's, but should be far away from any site where serious decisions are made.

Did you really want to discuss why Palin resigned?.........I didn't think so.

All the fault of the liberal media, right?
Have you heard, you can buy Palin and Coulter books in gumball machines now...

True story.
Outside of your fantasy on the education of people who are conservative, you really should not correct other people when you can't even spell.

It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that those are typos. :lol:
Educated people proof read. In addition, there is a spell checker built right into the browser you are using. Even the mobile browsers have them. It highlights the misspelled words with little red squiggly underlines.

An educated person would take the half second to check to see if even a dumb program can spell better than they can. So, speaking of half-brains. Perhaps you should go find that other half.

The point, which sailed over you head, is to tend to your own house before criticizing others.

Read my other posts; you will see that was an exception. I was rushing. Make a big deal about it if you want; I know the reality. Making typographical errors is not the same thing as thinking the word trump is thump. You are showing a very pallid intellect yourself if you think making a big deal out of typos proves anything. No, your point did not sail over my head: your point was to attack some typos in the hopes of putting me down and supporting a fellow conservative by whatever means of which you could avail yourself. It's extremely transparent. Cheap shots. There is no spell check on my browser, btw. Oh, and I'm done with this idiotic crap. Won't respond to further ad hominem attacks.
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R-wing operatives are funded by the RNC to buy up thousands of Palins books at a time just to drive up her phony book sales. I heard Limbaugh secretly bought over 100,000 books himself.

Oh yeah? That's nothing. I heard that Hillary has spent her entire career lying for a sexual predator and serial womanizer just to keep him in power so she could gain political advantages.
It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that those are typos. :lol:
Educated people proof read. In addition, there is a spell checker built right into the browser you are using. Even the mobile browsers have them. It highlights the misspelled words with little red squiggly underlines.

An educated person would take the half second to check to see if even a dumb program can spell better than they can. So, speaking of half-brains. Perhaps you should go find that other half.

The point, which sailed over you head, is to tend to your own house before criticizing others.

Read my other posts; you will see that was an exception. I was rushing. Make a big deal about it if you want; I know the reality. Making typographical errors is not the same thing as thinking the word trump is thump. You are showing a very pallid intellect yourself if you think making a big deal out of typos proves anything. No, your point did not sail over my head: your point was to attack some typos in the hopes of putting me down and supporting a fellow conservative by whatever means of which you could avail yourself of. It's extremely transparent. Cheap shots. There is no spell check on my browser, btw.
As I said. Tend to your own house. Thinking that conservatives, or even GOP followers are not educated is vapid at best, outright and deliberate falsehood at its worse.

By the way....If you wish to have allowances made for your inconsistent spelling, then you make allowances for the misspelling of trump as a typo as well.

Or you realize that used in the slang, to 'thump' someone is to beat them soundly. For the word 'Thump" the operative in the definition is "to beat."

thump (th
mp)n.1. A blow with a blunt object.
2. The muffled sound produced by or as if by a blow with a blunt object; a thud.

v. thumped, thump·ing, thumps To beat with or as if with a blunt object so as to produce a muffled sound or thud.
2. Informal To beat soundly or thoroughly; drub.

v.intr.1. To hit or fall in such a way as to produce a thump; pound.
2. To walk with heavy steps; stump.
3. To throb audibly.
thump - definition of thump by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
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