Sarah Brady has died this point you fascists are losing...
Who is a fascist?

How does advocacy for National Standards for firearms Registration and Licensure equate to fascism?

...Get ahead of it....or get steam rolled by it.....
Perhaps it's time to call your bluff.

Because it gives power and control to a central government....the height of fascism/socialism....
So, giving power to a Central Government is fascism?


I suggest you revisit you definition.
You know Condor....nothing you have said makes any sense.....registration will do nothing to diminish gun crime in this country...and yet you push it.....AR-15s are one of the least used guns in crime and mass shootings, killing fewer people than hands or fists, or knives and clubs....and that is actually all categories of long guns which means AR-15s kill even fewer people.....
and yet you anti gunners are obsesssed with AR-15s...

It hints at deeper reasoning problems...............
...No it won't....felons don't have to register illegal guns...per the Supreme Court, and they won't register stolen guns after they steal them from the people who registered no...registration will do absolutely nothing to prevent gun crime or mass all....
I have already attempted to convey to you the idea that any comprehensive reform of Gun Law on the Federal level will involve a jettisoning of existing law and rulings.

I do not seem to be making any progress in driving that idea home.

And the Automatic Gainsay is getting a little tiresome.

Somebody else with more patience will be of better service in working with you to increase your reading comprehension skills.

Thank you for your time.
"Hell, the gun-phobic Euros regulate guns much more vigorously than any such approach being proposed in this country, and their governments have never made a move to seize guns en masse from their citizenry, so, given that precedent in a far more heavily regulated environment, and given our own tradition of a Right to Bear Arms, there is no rational basis for believing that it would happen here."

Bullshit. You are either in denial, blind, or deliberately spouting propaganda. The problem-and it should be obvious to anyone paying attention-is that once licensing or registration become legal requirements the issuing authority can make the requirements impossible to meet or charge fees so high that only the very rich can afford them. Legalized discrimination.

And the Brits and Australians did just that......and they had lower gun murder rates than we did at the time of their bans...and after the bans....their violent crime against citizens increased.....
...No it won't....felons don't have to register illegal guns...per the Supreme Court, and they won't register stolen guns after they steal them from the people who registered no...registration will do absolutely nothing to prevent gun crime or mass all....
I have already attempted to convey to you the idea that any comprehensive reform of Gun Law on the Federal level will involve a jettisoning of existing law and rulings.

I do not seem to be making any progress in driving that idea home.

And the Automatic Gainsay is getting a little tiresome.

Somebody else with more patience will be of better service in working with you to increase your reading comprehension skills.

Thank you for your time.

Hmmmm....and with that attitude....fuck brainless twit..............with all due respect....moron......
Criminals with guns kill people.

Paranoids with guns kill people.

Psychotics with guns kill people.

Sociopaths with guns kill people.

Jealous husbands and wives with guns kill people.

Children playing with guns kill people.

And on and on and on.

National Standards for gun registration and licensure and sale and transfer and transport and disposal and education and training are a necessary step forward and an idea whose time has come.

Might as well play King Canute trying to sweep back the sea with a broom.

It's coming.

The question is, whether you (Gun Owners) have the sense to get out in front of it, to have a considerable input into and impact upon the dialogue, and the outcome.

In the long run, you can't stop it from happening, but you can have one helluva strong voice in how it looks when the dust settles.

Your choice.
All of those things can be said of baseball bats, knives and treelimbs.

Yet, two thirds of our murders are from guns......not baseball bats, knives or tree limbs

Why the focus on AR-15s then.....they kill less people than hands and feet, knives and clubs....yet you gun grabbers are obsessed with them......I mean if you care about the tools that kill people that is......

AR-15/ are great if you want to kill a classroom full of first graders

Don't ya agree?

Not can do the same with a couple of pistols and they conceal much more easily, you could carry several semi-automatic pistols and ride a public bus to your gun free killing site............or revolvers and nobody expects to ban those...those are on the end of the bucket list for gun grabbers....

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

All of those things can be said of baseball bats, knives and treelimbs.

Yet, two thirds of our murders are from guns......not baseball bats, knives or tree limbs

Why the focus on AR-15s then.....they kill less people than hands and feet, knives and clubs....yet you gun grabbers are obsessed with them......I mean if you care about the tools that kill people that is......

AR-15/ are great if you want to kill a classroom full of first graders

Don't ya agree?

Not can do the same with a couple of pistols and they conceal much more easily, you could carry several semi-automatic pistols and ride a public bus to your gun free killing site............or revolvers and nobody expects to ban those...those are on the end of the bucket list for gun grabbers....

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......
6 revolvers in holsters and tucked into a belt do the same thing.....and are under the radar with the gun banners.....
AR-15/ are great if you want to kill a classroom full of first graders

Don't ya agree?

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card


Seems to me for your argument here to work you would need to demonstrate how Adam Lanza's Mother was swayed by the "Man Card" advertising ploy you show above.

Is it your argument that Adam Lanza stole his Mom's "Man Card" when he stole her gun?
Yet, two thirds of our murders are from guns......not baseball bats, knives or tree limbs

Why the focus on AR-15s then.....they kill less people than hands and feet, knives and clubs....yet you gun grabbers are obsessed with them......I mean if you care about the tools that kill people that is......

AR-15/ are great if you want to kill a classroom full of first graders

Don't ya agree?

Not can do the same with a couple of pistols and they conceal much more easily, you could carry several semi-automatic pistols and ride a public bus to your gun free killing site............or revolvers and nobody expects to ban those...those are on the end of the bucket list for gun grabbers....

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......

But then...

You need a Bushmaster because

1. It makes you look like a badasses
2. They make a good hunting rifle
3. It will impress the guys at the range
4. You want to shoot up a classroom full of six year olds
Why the focus on AR-15s then.....they kill less people than hands and feet, knives and clubs....yet you gun grabbers are obsessed with them......I mean if you care about the tools that kill people that is......

AR-15/ are great if you want to kill a classroom full of first graders

Don't ya agree?

Not can do the same with a couple of pistols and they conceal much more easily, you could carry several semi-automatic pistols and ride a public bus to your gun free killing site............or revolvers and nobody expects to ban those...those are on the end of the bucket list for gun grabbers....

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......

But then...

You need a Bushmaster because

1. It makes you look like a badasses
2. They make a good hunting rifle
3. It will impress the guys at the range
4. You want to shoot up a classroom full of six year olds

Actually, you need an AR-15 because it is the civilian model of the gun we give our employees in the police and military....and it makes a great home defense weapon....the light bullet doesn't penetrate the walls of a home so you don't need to worry about hitting a neighbor if you have to use it......the rifle is a platform that allows you to use a laser or light if you want it which makes shooting at night, in your home easier......the 3 points of contact on the rifle, two hands and your shoulder mean you can shoot criminals and miss less often, and the light recoil means both you and your wife and in a real emergency, your kids can use it to fight off criminals....

So yes...and AR-15 is a good defensive tool....

And....when the democrat run city you may live in explodes in racial violence because of democrat governing policies...such as Ferguson...and people are raping and AR-15 is a great tool to keep them away from you and your shown by the fact that businesses without them were looted and burned....while the ones protected by AR-15s were left alone....
AR-15/ are great if you want to kill a classroom full of first graders

Don't ya agree?

Not can do the same with a couple of pistols and they conceal much more easily, you could carry several semi-automatic pistols and ride a public bus to your gun free killing site............or revolvers and nobody expects to ban those...those are on the end of the bucket list for gun grabbers....

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......

But then...

You need a Bushmaster because

1. It makes you look like a badasses
2. They make a good hunting rifle
3. It will impress the guys at the range
4. You want to shoot up a classroom full of six year olds

Actually, you need an AR-15 because it is the civilian model of the gun we give our employees in the police and military....and it makes a great home defense weapon....the light bullet doesn't penetrate the walls of a home so you don't need to worry about hitting a neighbor if you have to use it......the rifle is a platform that allows you to use a laser or light if you want it which makes shooting at night, in your home easier......the 3 points of contact on the rifle, two hands and your shoulder mean you can shoot criminals and miss less often, and the light recoil means both you and your wife and in a real emergency, your kids can use it to fight off criminals....

So yes...and AR-15 is a good defensive tool....

And....when the democrat run city you may live in explodes in racial violence because of democrat governing policies...such as Ferguson...and people are raping and AR-15 is a great tool to keep them away from you and your shown by the fact that businesses without them were looted and burned....while the ones protected by AR-15s were left alone.... last point...since you anti-gun nuts have demonized the have created an intimidation factor that happens when a criminal enters your home and he sees you pointing the "demon" gun at him........he knows you have 30 rounds and that you are serious because you actually bought an AR-15.....

So thanks for saves lives......
AR-15/ are great if you want to kill a classroom full of first graders

Don't ya agree?

Not can do the same with a couple of pistols and they conceal much more easily, you could carry several semi-automatic pistols and ride a public bus to your gun free killing site............or revolvers and nobody expects to ban those...those are on the end of the bucket list for gun grabbers....

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......

But then...

You need a Bushmaster because

1. It makes you look like a badasses
2. They make a good hunting rifle
3. It will impress the guys at the range
4. You want to shoot up a classroom full of six year olds

Actually, you need an AR-15 because it is the civilian model of the gun we give our employees in the police and military....and it makes a great home defense weapon....the light bullet doesn't penetrate the walls of a home so you don't need to worry about hitting a neighbor if you have to use it......the rifle is a platform that allows you to use a laser or light if you want it which makes shooting at night, in your home easier......the 3 points of contact on the rifle, two hands and your shoulder mean you can shoot criminals and miss less often, and the light recoil means both you and your wife and in a real emergency, your kids can use it to fight off criminals....

So yes...and AR-15 is a good defensive tool....

And....when the democrat run city you may live in explodes in racial violence because of democrat governing policies...such as Ferguson...and people are raping and AR-15 is a great tool to keep them away from you and your shown by the fact that businesses without them were looted and burned....while the ones protected by AR-15s were left alone....

I don't believe your last paragraph

More reason why asshole gun nuts should not get guns like this

"We need them in case the negroes start rioting"
Not can do the same with a couple of pistols and they conceal much more easily, you could carry several semi-automatic pistols and ride a public bus to your gun free killing site............or revolvers and nobody expects to ban those...those are on the end of the bucket list for gun grabbers....

Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......

But then...

You need a Bushmaster because

1. It makes you look like a badasses
2. They make a good hunting rifle
3. It will impress the guys at the range
4. You want to shoot up a classroom full of six year olds

Actually, you need an AR-15 because it is the civilian model of the gun we give our employees in the police and military....and it makes a great home defense weapon....the light bullet doesn't penetrate the walls of a home so you don't need to worry about hitting a neighbor if you have to use it......the rifle is a platform that allows you to use a laser or light if you want it which makes shooting at night, in your home easier......the 3 points of contact on the rifle, two hands and your shoulder mean you can shoot criminals and miss less often, and the light recoil means both you and your wife and in a real emergency, your kids can use it to fight off criminals....

So yes...and AR-15 is a good defensive tool....

And....when the democrat run city you may live in explodes in racial violence because of democrat governing policies...such as Ferguson...and people are raping and AR-15 is a great tool to keep them away from you and your shown by the fact that businesses without them were looted and burned....while the ones protected by AR-15s were left alone....

I don't believe your last paragraph

More reason why asshole gun nuts should not get guns like this

"We need them in case the negroes start rioting"

Always with the minorities with you gun grabbers........I never said minorities...I said democrat run cities...and that is beyond color.....and Ferguson happened recently...and since you lefties think history only starts when you wake up in the morning I thought it would be the best chance for you to remember that it actually happened.....I mean you guys don't even remember 9/11 what hope of anything beyond Ferguson.........
"I have already attempted to convey to you the idea that any comprehensive reform of Gun Law on the Federal level will involve a jettisoning of existing law and rulings".

You're going to jettison Supreme Court rulings? Fail.
Come on....get with the program

You want to kill a classroom full of six year olds, you want to look like a bad ass doing it
You want to look like Rambo
A couple of pistols won't do

Give me my Bushmaster or lose your man card

And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......

But then...

You need a Bushmaster because

1. It makes you look like a badasses
2. They make a good hunting rifle
3. It will impress the guys at the range
4. You want to shoot up a classroom full of six year olds

Actually, you need an AR-15 because it is the civilian model of the gun we give our employees in the police and military....and it makes a great home defense weapon....the light bullet doesn't penetrate the walls of a home so you don't need to worry about hitting a neighbor if you have to use it......the rifle is a platform that allows you to use a laser or light if you want it which makes shooting at night, in your home easier......the 3 points of contact on the rifle, two hands and your shoulder mean you can shoot criminals and miss less often, and the light recoil means both you and your wife and in a real emergency, your kids can use it to fight off criminals....

So yes...and AR-15 is a good defensive tool....

And....when the democrat run city you may live in explodes in racial violence because of democrat governing policies...such as Ferguson...and people are raping and AR-15 is a great tool to keep them away from you and your shown by the fact that businesses without them were looted and burned....while the ones protected by AR-15s were left alone....

I don't believe your last paragraph

More reason why asshole gun nuts should not get guns like this

"We need them in case the negroes start rioting"

Always with the minorities with you gun grabbers........I never said minorities...I said democrat run cities...and that is beyond color.....and Ferguson happened recently...and since you lefties think history only starts when you wake up in the morning I thought it would be the best chance for you to remember that it actually happened.....I mean you guys don't even remember 9/11 what hope of anything beyond Ferguson.........

Doesn't take much for the racist fantasies of gun nuts such as yourself to come out
"I have already attempted to convey to you the idea that any comprehensive reform of Gun Law on the Federal level will involve a jettisoning of existing law and rulings".

You're going to jettison Supreme Court rulings? Fail.

Oh....the last part of his post didn't make reads...."will involve a jettisoning of existing law and rulings..........and any notion of personal freedom and liberty and will require human beings to become drones in the borg collective and to become mindless parts of the borg collective..........slavery is freedom...freedom is slavery.......

I don't know why it didn't post with the rest of his statement.....:biggrin:
Personally, I don't give a damn if it's legal to own full-auto M-16s and M-4s and AK-47s and whatever; anything in the reasonable range of a handgun or rifle of any kind.

I also have zero objection to high-capacity magazine and ammunition of every kind by the bushel-basket-full.

But I would want each and every Gun Owner to undergo a thorough vetting (criminal background check and mental health), registration, licensing, education (safety and usage and handling and transport and sale-transfer and disposition and theft protocols) and to periodically undergo re-certification much along the lines of testing to renew a drivers license.

If we can do it with our cars and boats and planes, we can do it with our guns.

And, given the extent of gun-crime and gun-centric terrorism rampant in the country at present, that's a controlled and sensible reaction and precaution for moving forward without infringing upon the rights of our citizenry to bear arms as guaranteed in the Constitution.

Rights usually carry responsibilities with them, and, sometimes, the degree and extent of responsibility must change, as the times and circumstances change and demand.

So long as we remain true to the assurance of the Right to Bear Arms in the US Constitution, a standardizing and enforcement of related responsibilities is a reasonable approach.
And it is because of the media that these nuts are choosing the AR-15.......but then...they want to make it popular with the nut job killers.....they can't ban it if it isn't used by the nuts.......

But then...

You need a Bushmaster because

1. It makes you look like a badasses
2. They make a good hunting rifle
3. It will impress the guys at the range
4. You want to shoot up a classroom full of six year olds

Actually, you need an AR-15 because it is the civilian model of the gun we give our employees in the police and military....and it makes a great home defense weapon....the light bullet doesn't penetrate the walls of a home so you don't need to worry about hitting a neighbor if you have to use it......the rifle is a platform that allows you to use a laser or light if you want it which makes shooting at night, in your home easier......the 3 points of contact on the rifle, two hands and your shoulder mean you can shoot criminals and miss less often, and the light recoil means both you and your wife and in a real emergency, your kids can use it to fight off criminals....

So yes...and AR-15 is a good defensive tool....

And....when the democrat run city you may live in explodes in racial violence because of democrat governing policies...such as Ferguson...and people are raping and AR-15 is a great tool to keep them away from you and your shown by the fact that businesses without them were looted and burned....while the ones protected by AR-15s were left alone....

I don't believe your last paragraph

More reason why asshole gun nuts should not get guns like this

"We need them in case the negroes start rioting"

Always with the minorities with you gun grabbers........I never said minorities...I said democrat run cities...and that is beyond color.....and Ferguson happened recently...and since you lefties think history only starts when you wake up in the morning I thought it would be the best chance for you to remember that it actually happened.....I mean you guys don't even remember 9/11 what hope of anything beyond Ferguson.........

Doesn't take much for the racist fantasies of gun nuts such as yourself to come out

And is only you gun nuts that talk about killing minorities and mentioning the race of the people involved........yes....the guys who focus solely on the color of the skin of the people they talk about...aren't the racists......right?
Personally, I don't give a damn if it's legal to own full-auto M-16s and M-4s and AK-47s and whatever; anything in the reasonable range of a handgun or rifle of any kind.

I also have zero objection to high-capacity magazine and ammunition of every kind by the bushel-basket-full.

But I would want each and every Gun Owner to undergo a thorough vetting (criminal background check and mental health), registration, licensing, education (safety and usage and handling and transport and sale-transfer and disposition and theft protocols) and to periodically undergo re-certification much along the lines of testing to renew a drivers license.

If we can do it with our cars and boats and planes, we can do it with our guns.

And, given the extent of gun-crime and gun-centric terrorism rampant in the country at present, that's a controlled and sensible reaction and precaution for moving forward without infringing upon the rights of our citizenry to bear arms as guaranteed in the Constitution.

Rights usually carry responsibilities with them, and, sometimes, the degree and extent of responsibility must change, as the times and circumstances change and demand.

So long as we remain true to the assurance of the Right to Bear Arms in the US Constitution, a standardizing and enforcement of related responsibilities is a reasonable approach.

There is no need...again.....if someone is caught committing a crime with a gun....arrest them...right? No need for a registration or licensing scheme.....if a felon is caught with a gun...they are already on file as felons....arrest them...again, no need for registration or licensing.......that would violatet their constitutional rights anyway...right?

And, given the extent of gun-crime and gun-centric terrorism rampant in the country at present, that's a controlled and sensible reaction and precaution for moving forward without infringing upon the rights of our citizenry to bear arms as guaranteed in the Constitution.

Actually, gun murder rate is going down, not up...with more people buying and carrying guns....and the gun accident rate is going down, not up...with over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense.........and mass public shootings are not going up...but have remained constant...even with more Americans buying and carrying guns....

So reason to register or license guns........the system already works without it......

Besides it being a massive undermining of personal freedom that is.....

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