Sarah Brady has died

Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

Hey, you got me again with the avatar change.

Slick move.

Hat's off to ya, now I can go back to mainly ignoring you.
I'm still trying to grasp what's the leftist fascination with guns? Seems they're obsessed by such a minor issue in the grand scheme of things


It has something to do with assasinations, massacres and the highest murder rate in the industrialized world

Perhaps you should focus on those who assassinate, massacre, and murder. I've owned and been around guns as long as I can remember. I have no intention of doing any of that yet the laws you support would affect me as if I was one of them.

Maybe we already do

We have the largest prison population in the world, a death penalty and still boast the highest murder rate in the free world

Doesn't seem to be working does it?

It works on those getting the death penalty as they can't do again what they did to earn that punishment. It would work if the prisons were run like prisons and people that receive a 20 year sentence did 20 years instead of being paroled early because they suddenly reformed themselves.
Hasn't done a thing to reduce our horrific murder rate

Actually, you are really wrong.......more Americans own and carry guns today....and in fact, our gun murder rate is going down, not up...all the stats show that......and our gun accident rate is going down, not up....

so you are wrong....

And if the anti gunners focused on stopping gun crime instead of focusing on disarming the people who don't commit gun crime we would lower that rate even more....

but they don't care about gun crime.....they care about regular people owning guns......there is a huge difference....
The twists and turns of this example of paranoid and convoluted logic are far too tortuous for a sane man to want to bother trying to untangle.

Not to mention the juvenile attempt to put words into the mouth of a colleague, who neither articulated such a thing, nor established conditions implying such a thing, to a reasonable man.

Violators of Registration and Licensing laws will become known over time as those arms are detected on their persons when out-and-about in the world, and, of course, existing records of sales and transfers and - in some jurisdictions - existing registration and licensing databases - and reports to authorities - will serve to unmask a great many violators.

There is neither a need nor a mandate nor an empowerment to conduct house-to-house searches for firearms, and, under any circumstance wherein there is sufficient evidence of violation to merit a search warrant, that would be undertaken in a manner identical to any other legal home search already provided for in the Constitution and subsequent statute.

Suit yourself. No skin off my nose.

You too.

sadly you appear to be a fascist
How so?

What aspect of advocacy for Gun Registration and Gun Owner Licensure and the establishment of National Standards or any related enforcment in accordance with the Constitution and through the Rule of Law strikes you as Fascist in nature?

I really wanna know.

There is no need for gun registration......if someone commits a crime with a gun you arrest them....if you catch a felon in possession of a gun, you arrest registration needed......

What don't you understand about that simple process....

Why are you so obsessed with registration? It is not needed and doesn't stop crime or mass why do it at all.....?

We have a death penalty and the largest prison population in the world. Still we have the highest murder rate in the free world

Doesn't seem to be working

The rest of the world uses prevention not punishment after the fact

We are the country with the most guns, but our violence rate only takes us to 90 on the most violent countries please...try to be more accurate......

Hey....let's play a game

You name nations that have a worse murder rate than us and I'll name countries with a better murder rate

Then we can discuss what country you would rather live in

Do you want to start with Somalia or Nigeria?
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......
...You are so wrong......there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, they can't do it in Europe or even Japan when their criminals decide they want guns...
True. You cannot prevent someone from obtaining a gun, when they are so fiercely determined to do so. But what you CAN do is to slow 'em down and make it vastly more difficult to do so, by several orders of magnitude, so that FAR FEWER asswipes get their hands on guns than they would in a wide-open environment. Which is what we see over there.

...And as to gun registration....there is absolutely no need for it.....criminals are not legally required to do it according to the Supreme Court,and if they don't have to then law abiding citizens don't have to either...
The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

...And we are the owners of this country....we pay for the police and military, not the other way around....if we give our employees guns, then we get to own those same guns....
Nolo contendere.

No contest,.

No objection.

Just register your guns, and obtain a license for them.

Problem solved.

...And registration will lead to confiscation and banning once the anti gunners get the political power and the right number of people murdered that they can drag in front of cameras.....and then like Britain and Australia...they will collect the guns.... No fucking way.......

We have the Second Amendment to protect our Right to Bear Arms.

The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

Doesn't mean a thing.....they report the gun stolen if they knowingly purchased it for a gang member, and if it is stolen....then doesn't matter who owned it since they didn't use it for a crime.......again...pointless and useless...

And on top of all of this....actual police say that the cost, the lost man hours and the infrastructure would be so vast to keep track of 320 million guns through all the hands they would pass that it would be impossible to do....and cost too much money to do......

So this is a fail on all levels......
And for every cop that you can find, who says it's a waste of time, you can find another who holds a different opinion.

As to the cost of registration and licensure and enforcement, it's already being done, to some extent or another, in a number of States...

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're on the Losing Side of an old argument and you're now behind the curve with the sentiments and Will of the American People at-large.

Why not get out in front of the thing yourselves, and be seen to be every bit as proactive and concerned as your fellow citizens, and help to tailor the message and the outcomes for the best possible yield in accordance with your baseline (point-of-depature) views, rather than taking a stand that can easily be circumvented by modern interpretation of Constitutional Law (as may already be seen in so many States) and coming off looking intransigent and unrealistic as the Nation and its People move forward in time?

Why not set the Standards nationwide, to be as liberal and generous and unrestrictive as practicable, so that each and every citizen of the United States enjoys the same degree of Exercise of Constitutional Rights, coast to coast, while being seen as socially proactive and concerned and broadly responsible and accountable, to your side's own benefit?

It's going to happen... it's happening already on the State level... and strong and genuine and sincere collaboration on the part of the Gun Rights community would go a long way towards actually relaxing restrictions on some of your number in some overly-stringent States while leveling the playing field so that all of us are treated the same in this context.

But, it is the fate of Man, and the fate of overly-rigid minds, that the Middle Ground is ignored as the Saving Grace that it is, when a concept like Gun Rights is under pressure.
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

People misusing all sorts of things kill people. When should I expect you to support registration of all things that have been used to murder?
sadly you appear to be a fascist
How so?

What aspect of advocacy for Gun Registration and Gun Owner Licensure and the establishment of National Standards or any related enforcment in accordance with the Constitution and through the Rule of Law strikes you as Fascist in nature?

I really wanna know.

There is no need for gun registration......if someone commits a crime with a gun you arrest them....if you catch a felon in possession of a gun, you arrest registration needed......

What don't you understand about that simple process....

Why are you so obsessed with registration? It is not needed and doesn't stop crime or mass why do it at all.....?

We have a death penalty and the largest prison population in the world. Still we have the highest murder rate in the free world

Doesn't seem to be working

The rest of the world uses prevention not punishment after the fact

We are the country with the most guns, but our violence rate only takes us to 90 on the most violent countries please...try to be more accurate......

Hey....let's play a game

You name nations that have a worse murder rate than us and I'll name countries with a better murder rate

Then we can discuss what country you would rather live in

Do you want to start with Somalia or Nigeria?

How about russia.....or if you are a woman Sweden...the rape capitol of the world........
...You are so wrong......there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, they can't do it in Europe or even Japan when their criminals decide they want guns...
True. You cannot prevent someone from obtaining a gun, when they are so fiercely determined to do so. But what you CAN do is to slow 'em down and make it vastly more difficult to do so, by several orders of magnitude, so that FAR FEWER asswipes get their hands on guns than they would in a wide-open environment. Which is what we see over there.

...And as to gun registration....there is absolutely no need for it.....criminals are not legally required to do it according to the Supreme Court,and if they don't have to then law abiding citizens don't have to either...
The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

...And we are the owners of this country....we pay for the police and military, not the other way around....if we give our employees guns, then we get to own those same guns....
Nolo contendere.

No contest,.

No objection.

Just register your guns, and obtain a license for them.

Problem solved.

...And registration will lead to confiscation and banning once the anti gunners get the political power and the right number of people murdered that they can drag in front of cameras.....and then like Britain and Australia...they will collect the guns.... No fucking way.......

We have the Second Amendment to protect our Right to Bear Arms.

The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

Doesn't mean a thing.....they report the gun stolen if they knowingly purchased it for a gang member, and if it is stolen....then doesn't matter who owned it since they didn't use it for a crime.......again...pointless and useless...

And on top of all of this....actual police say that the cost, the lost man hours and the infrastructure would be so vast to keep track of 320 million guns through all the hands they would pass that it would be impossible to do....and cost too much money to do......

So this is a fail on all levels......
And for every cop that you can find, who says it's a waste of time, you can find another who holds a different opinion.

As to the cost of registration and licensure and enforcement, it's already being done, to some extent or another, in a number of States...

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're on the Losing Side of an old argument and you're now behind the curve with the sentiments and Will of the American People at-large.

Why not get out in front of the thing yourselves, and be seen to be every bit as proactive and concerned as your fellow citizens, and help to tailor the message and the outcomes for the best possible yield in accordance with your baseline (point-of-depature) views, rather than taking a stand that can easily be circumvented by modern interpretation of Constitutional Law (as may already be seen in so many States) and coming off looking intransigent and unrealistic as the Nation and its People move forward in time?

Why not set the Standards nationwide, to be as liberal and generous and unrestrictive as practicable, so that each and every citizen of the United States enjoys the same degree of Exercise of Constitutional Rights, coast to coast, while being seen as socially proactive and concerned and broadly responsible and accountable, to your side's own benefit?

It's going to happen... it's happening already on the State level... and strong and genuine and sincere collaboration on the part of the Gun Rights community would go a long way towards actually relaxing restrictions on some of your number in some overly-stringent States while leveling the playing field so that all of us are treated the same in this context.

But, it is the fate of Man, and the fate of overly-rigid minds, that the Middle Ground is ignored as the Saving Grace that it is, when a concept like Gun Rights is under pressure.

Actually, you are wrong.....more states are passing laws that don't require you to get a permit to carry a gun........just passed in Kansas and more states are looking at it.....
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......

Not true, justifiable homicide, such as self-defence, is not criminal.
It has something to do with assasinations, massacres and the highest murder rate in the industrialized world

Perhaps you should focus on those who assassinate, massacre, and murder. I've owned and been around guns as long as I can remember. I have no intention of doing any of that yet the laws you support would affect me as if I was one of them.

Maybe we already do

We have the largest prison population in the world, a death penalty and still boast the highest murder rate in the free world

Doesn't seem to be working does it?

It works on those getting the death penalty as they can't do again what they did to earn that punishment. It would work if the prisons were run like prisons and people that receive a 20 year sentence did 20 years instead of being paroled early because they suddenly reformed themselves.
Hasn't done a thing to reduce our horrific murder rate

Actually, you are really wrong.......more Americans own and carry guns today....and in fact, our gun murder rate is going down, not up...all the stats show that......and our gun accident rate is going down, not up....

so you are wrong....

And if the anti gunners focused on stopping gun crime instead of focusing on disarming the people who don't commit gun crime we would lower that rate even more....

but they don't care about gun crime.....they care about regular people owning guns......there is a huge difference....


The laws proposed by the gun haters center around having those of us who have no intention of using our guns in a criminal manner. I had a gun stolen out of my LOCKED car about a year ago. It was in the glove box at my State's laws say. My vehicle was locked sitting in my driveway. A CRIMINAL broke into the car, likely not looking for a gun as it couldn't be seen, went into the glove box and stole the gun along with other things in the LOCKED car. Wonder what laws the gun haters think will cause that criminal to register the stolen gun.
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......

Yup...and they are just good ole second amendment gun lovers up until they pull the trigger

Then they become criminals
...You are so wrong......there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, they can't do it in Europe or even Japan when their criminals decide they want guns...
True. You cannot prevent someone from obtaining a gun, when they are so fiercely determined to do so. But what you CAN do is to slow 'em down and make it vastly more difficult to do so, by several orders of magnitude, so that FAR FEWER asswipes get their hands on guns than they would in a wide-open environment. Which is what we see over there.

...And as to gun registration....there is absolutely no need for it.....criminals are not legally required to do it according to the Supreme Court,and if they don't have to then law abiding citizens don't have to either...
The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

...And we are the owners of this country....we pay for the police and military, not the other way around....if we give our employees guns, then we get to own those same guns....
Nolo contendere.

No contest,.

No objection.

Just register your guns, and obtain a license for them.

Problem solved.

...And registration will lead to confiscation and banning once the anti gunners get the political power and the right number of people murdered that they can drag in front of cameras.....and then like Britain and Australia...they will collect the guns.... No fucking way.......

We have the Second Amendment to protect our Right to Bear Arms.

The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

Doesn't mean a thing.....they report the gun stolen if they knowingly purchased it for a gang member, and if it is stolen....then doesn't matter who owned it since they didn't use it for a crime.......again...pointless and useless...

And on top of all of this....actual police say that the cost, the lost man hours and the infrastructure would be so vast to keep track of 320 million guns through all the hands they would pass that it would be impossible to do....and cost too much money to do......

So this is a fail on all levels......
And for every cop that you can find, who says it's a waste of time, you can find another who holds a different opinion.

As to the cost of registration and licensure and enforcement, it's already being done, to some extent or another, in a number of States...

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're on the Losing Side of an old argument and you're now behind the curve with the sentiments and Will of the American People at-large.

Why not get out in front of the thing yourselves, and be seen to be every bit as proactive and concerned as your fellow citizens, and help to tailor the message and the outcomes for the best possible yield in accordance with your baseline (point-of-depature) views, rather than taking a stand that can easily be circumvented by modern interpretation of Constitutional Law (as may already be seen in so many States) and coming off looking intransigent and unrealistic as the Nation and its People move forward in time?

Why not set the Standards nationwide, to be as liberal and generous and unrestrictive as practicable, so that each and every citizen of the United States enjoys the same degree of Exercise of Constitutional Rights, coast to coast, while being seen as socially proactive and concerned and broadly responsible and accountable, to your side's own benefit?

It's going to happen... it's happening already on the State level... and strong and genuine and sincere collaboration on the part of the Gun Rights community would go a long way towards actually relaxing restrictions on some of your number in some overly-stringent States while leveling the playing field so that all of us are treated the same in this context.

But, it is the fate of Man, and the fate of overly-rigid minds, that the Middle Ground is ignored as the Saving Grace that it is, when a concept like Gun Rights is under pressure. isn't our first trip to the rodeo........we give them this...and then they come back for more...and little by little, as we try to meet in the middle...the middle is more and more what they want and nothing that we want......
...You are so wrong......there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, they can't do it in Europe or even Japan when their criminals decide they want guns...
True. You cannot prevent someone from obtaining a gun, when they are so fiercely determined to do so. But what you CAN do is to slow 'em down and make it vastly more difficult to do so, by several orders of magnitude, so that FAR FEWER asswipes get their hands on guns than they would in a wide-open environment. Which is what we see over there.

...And as to gun registration....there is absolutely no need for it.....criminals are not legally required to do it according to the Supreme Court,and if they don't have to then law abiding citizens don't have to either...
The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

...And we are the owners of this country....we pay for the police and military, not the other way around....if we give our employees guns, then we get to own those same guns....
Nolo contendere.

No contest,.

No objection.

Just register your guns, and obtain a license for them.

Problem solved.

...And registration will lead to confiscation and banning once the anti gunners get the political power and the right number of people murdered that they can drag in front of cameras.....and then like Britain and Australia...they will collect the guns.... No fucking way.......

We have the Second Amendment to protect our Right to Bear Arms.

The point behind registration is to show a paper trail of ownership and possession, so that if-and-when a gun gets into the hands of a criminal we know who from.

Doesn't mean a thing.....they report the gun stolen if they knowingly purchased it for a gang member, and if it is stolen....then doesn't matter who owned it since they didn't use it for a crime.......again...pointless and useless...

And on top of all of this....actual police say that the cost, the lost man hours and the infrastructure would be so vast to keep track of 320 million guns through all the hands they would pass that it would be impossible to do....and cost too much money to do......

So this is a fail on all levels......
And for every cop that you can find, who says it's a waste of time, you can find another who holds a different opinion.

As to the cost of registration and licensure and enforcement, it's already being done, to some extent or another, in a number of States...

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You're on the Losing Side of an old argument and you're now behind the curve with the sentiments and Will of the American People at-large.

Why not get out in front of the thing yourselves, and be seen to be every bit as proactive and concerned as your fellow citizens, and help to tailor the message and the outcomes for the best possible yield in accordance with your baseline (point-of-depature) views, rather than taking a stand that can easily be circumvented by modern interpretation of Constitutional Law (as may already be seen in so many States) and coming off looking intransigent and unrealistic as the Nation and its People move forward in time?

Why not set the Standards nationwide, to be as liberal and generous and unrestrictive as practicable, so that each and every citizen of the United States enjoys the same degree of Exercise of Constitutional Rights, coast to coast, while being seen as socially proactive and concerned and broadly responsible and accountable, to your side's own benefit?

It's going to happen... it's happening already on the State level... and strong and genuine and sincere collaboration on the part of the Gun Rights community would go a long way towards actually relaxing restrictions on some of your number in some overly-stringent States while leveling the playing field so that all of us are treated the same in this context.

But, it is the fate of Man, and the fate of overly-rigid minds, that the Middle Ground is ignored as the Saving Grace that it is, when a concept like Gun Rights is under pressure.

Actually, you are wrong.....more states are passing laws that don't require you to get a permit to carry a gun........just passed in Kansas and more states are looking at it.....

This country is about to swing so far back to the right that libs will demand free gun stamps just to shoot themselves.
How so?

What aspect of advocacy for Gun Registration and Gun Owner Licensure and the establishment of National Standards or any related enforcment in accordance with the Constitution and through the Rule of Law strikes you as Fascist in nature?

I really wanna know.

There is no need for gun registration......if someone commits a crime with a gun you arrest them....if you catch a felon in possession of a gun, you arrest registration needed......

What don't you understand about that simple process....

Why are you so obsessed with registration? It is not needed and doesn't stop crime or mass why do it at all.....?

We have a death penalty and the largest prison population in the world. Still we have the highest murder rate in the free world

Doesn't seem to be working

The rest of the world uses prevention not punishment after the fact

We are the country with the most guns, but our violence rate only takes us to 90 on the most violent countries please...try to be more accurate......

Hey....let's play a game

You name nations that have a worse murder rate than us and I'll name countries with a better murder rate

Then we can discuss what country you would rather live in

Do you want to start with Somalia or Nigeria?

How about russia.....or if you are a woman Sweden...the rape capitol of the world........

Good one

You go live in Russia

I'll take Sweden, Canada, Japan or England any day
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......
Criminals with guns kill people.

Paranoids with guns kill people.

Psychotics with guns kill people.

Sociopaths with guns kill people.

Jealous husbands and wives with guns kill people.

Children playing with guns kill people.

And on and on and on.

National Standards for gun registration and licensure and sale and transfer and transport and disposal and education and training are a necessary step forward and an idea whose time has come.

Might as well play King Canute trying to sweep back the sea with a broom.

It's coming.

The question is, whether you (Gun Owners) have the sense to get out in front of it, to have a considerable input into and impact upon the dialogue, and the outcome.

In the long run, you can't stop it from happening, but you can have one helluva strong voice in how it looks when the dust settles.

Your choice.
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......

Yup...and they are just good ole second amendment gun lovers up until they pull the trigger

Then they become criminals

Yup...and they are just good ole second amendment gun lovers up until they pull the trigger

Then they become criminals

And then you arrest them...and no registration was needed...thanks for agreeing with me.........

You guys want Tom Cruise "Minority Report" pre-crime where you can stop murder before it happens.......but you can't....just like all other crime, you catch the people who break the law and put them in prison...

why is it that you want to try to do it differently for gun crime.....vs. knife murder or bat murder....
There is no need for gun registration......if someone commits a crime with a gun you arrest them....if you catch a felon in possession of a gun, you arrest registration needed......

What don't you understand about that simple process....

Why are you so obsessed with registration? It is not needed and doesn't stop crime or mass why do it at all.....?

We have a death penalty and the largest prison population in the world. Still we have the highest murder rate in the free world

Doesn't seem to be working

The rest of the world uses prevention not punishment after the fact

We are the country with the most guns, but our violence rate only takes us to 90 on the most violent countries please...try to be more accurate......

Hey....let's play a game

You name nations that have a worse murder rate than us and I'll name countries with a better murder rate

Then we can discuss what country you would rather live in

Do you want to start with Somalia or Nigeria?

How about russia.....or if you are a woman Sweden...the rape capitol of the world........

Good one

You go live in Russia

I'll take Sweden, Canada, Japan or England any day

You realize that the Japanese have a low gun murder rate not because of a lack of guns...but because they live in a police state.......if you hate the concept of New York Style stop and frisk.....that is the policy in the whole country...and it applies to your home....and if you are arrested, they will beat you if they want and the judges allow please....look up your sources......

Canada....their gangs are getting more and more guns...

And is twice as violent as the United States...they had less gun murder than we did before the confiscation, and now they have twice the violence they traded extremely rare public shootings...for everyday violence against their people.......morons.....
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......
Criminals with guns kill people.

Paranoids with guns kill people.

Psychotics with guns kill people.

Sociopaths with guns kill people.

Jealous husbands and wives with guns kill people.

Children playing with guns kill people.

And on and on and on.

National Standards for gun registration and licensure and sale and transfer and transport and disposal and education and training are a necessary step forward and an idea whose time has come.

Might as well play King Canute trying to sweep back the sea with a broom.

It's coming.

The question is, whether you (Gun Owners) have the sense to get out in front of it, to have a considerable input into and impact upon the dialogue, and the outcome.

In the long run, you can't stop it from happening, but you can have one helluva strong voice in how it looks when the dust settles.

Your choice.

Criminals with guns kill people.

Paranoids with guns kill people.

Psychotics with guns kill people.

Sociopaths with guns kill people.

Jealous husbands and wives with guns kill people.

Children playing with guns kill people.

And on and on and on.

Do you even realize that not one category on that list would be stopped by 1) background checks 2) universal background checks 3) GUN REGISTRATION 4) magazine limits..........

Not one......most of the mass public shooters either passed background checks or stole their guns or bought them illegally

Criminals who count for most of the 8-9,000 gun murders do not get background checks for their guns and are Constitutionally protected from registering their illegal guns......

So what is the fucking point to anything you are proposing.......

Do you still not get it..........of course you don't....because you can't get past stage 1 thinking....

Please...explain how any of those categories of killers would be stopped by gun registration......
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......
Criminals with guns kill people.

Paranoids with guns kill people.

Psychotics with guns kill people.

Sociopaths with guns kill people.

Jealous husbands and wives with guns kill people.

Children playing with guns kill people.

And on and on and on.

National Standards for gun registration and licensure and sale and transfer and transport and disposal and education and training are a necessary step forward and an idea whose time has come.

Might as well play King Canute trying to sweep back the sea with a broom.

It's coming.

The question is, whether you (Gun Owners) have the sense to get out in front of it, to have a considerable input into and impact upon the dialogue, and the outcome.

In the long run, you can't stop it from happening, but you can have one helluva strong voice in how it looks when the dust settles.

Your choice. this point you fascists are losing....states are beginning to withdraw permits for concealed carry...and citizens are carrying guns without them.......MacDonald and Heller put a real crimp in you confiscation plans.......and more blacks, women and other minorities are beginning to buy and own guns for protection, thereby weakening your hold on them.......

So...a counter proposal.....join us....and reduce your can have a say in how quickly we create a national concealed carry reciprocity fast states enact carry without permits laws....

Get ahead of it....or get steam rolled by it.....
Lost in the rhetoric is the fact that Hinckley intended to murder the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. If Sara Brady wanted to take up an issue it should have been the ludicrous insanity defense that got Hinckley off the hook. The media loved the image of the alleged fascination Hinckley had with actress Jodie Foster but it may have been fabricated by the defense. Hinckley may have suffered from depression and he may have abused drugs but the guy was elected president of his high school twice and was as sane as the high school golf coach who threatened to burn the pizza place because she was angry about the Indiana religious preservation law.

They don't care about gun can tell this is true because nothing they propose would actually deal with actual gun crime.....they care about guns.....that is why everything they propose is directed at gun ownership and not gun crime......

Guns don't kill people....people with guns kill people

No, people with guns don't kill people.....criminals with guns kill people......
Criminals with guns kill people.

Paranoids with guns kill people.

Psychotics with guns kill people.

Sociopaths with guns kill people.

Jealous husbands and wives with guns kill people.

Children playing with guns kill people.

And on and on and on.

National Standards for gun registration and licensure and sale and transfer and transport and disposal and education and training are a necessary step forward and an idea whose time has come.

Might as well play King Canute trying to sweep back the sea with a broom.

It's coming.

The question is, whether you (Gun Owners) have the sense to get out in front of it, to have a considerable input into and impact upon the dialogue, and the outcome.

In the long run, you can't stop it from happening, but you can have one helluva strong voice in how it looks when the dust settles.

Your choice.
All of those things can be said of baseball bats, knives and treelimbs.

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