Sarah Brady has died

Her husband took the bullet that was meant to kill your hero, Ronnie (Blessed Be His Name) Ray-Gun.

Just like Gabby Giffords, they both lost the lives they had worked for, planned for, hoped for - just because of a gun loon.

So, I guess In shouldn't be surprised that asshole RW Pootin loving traitors wouldn't know who they are, or care.
Giffords shot by a democrat.
Brady shot by a democrat.
Wow, you are really looney tunes. :cuckoo:

Regardless of political affiliation, they were shot by those exercising their second amendment rights
Indeed they were.

Just as millions upon millions of Americans protect themselves and their families and their homes each year through an exercising of their Second Amendment rights.

The Constitution is working as planned and the Universe is unfolding as it should.

All is well.

We could certainly use some common-sense controls with respect to nationwide standardized screening and licensing and tracking standards but that's all that remains to be done.
BATF should try enforcing the current back ground check law.

My son ran a gun counter at an Academy store.

He caught and denied sales to scores of people trying to use girlfriends or buddies to buy guns to which they were not entitled to buy.

BATF never did a damned thing.
every time someone is DENIED a gun sale that means they COMMITTED FEDERAL PERJURY on FORM 4473 because if YOU ACTUALLY ADMIT you are a felon, fugitive, etc, the clerk doesn't DO the background check but denies you summarily.

YET less than one tenth of one percent of those perjurers is ever prosecuted. I spent 24 years as a DOJ attorney and I cannot recall anyone ever being prosecuted for lying on that form
...when you cut away the crap-he's a gun banner...
Oh, horseshit.

...when you think such a scheme will stop crime...
Knowing where the guns are, and who has them, should go a long way towards reducing gun-related crime, even if it takes a couple of decades to make a sufficient difference to make it worth the trouble.

...and won't be misused...
Always a possibility. But if it comes to that, we'll be out rioting in the streets and trying to convince the Army to come over to our side anyway, won't we? are either a fool...
Always a possibility.

...or deep down a (dishonest-aren't they all) gun banner...



And, for the unprovoked insult, blow it out your ass.

...There is no reason for a legitimate government to know what arms its masters own
There are a great many reasons - and meritorious ones, no less - for a legitimate government to know what arms its masters own, and which masters own them.

Accountability of sales, transfers, failures to report theft, licensure, ensuring adequate training and refreshers, etc. are good for starters.
Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan’s widow, recalled the immediate aftermath of the assassination attempt.

In a statement emailed by the Reagan Foundation, she wrote: “Just over 34 years ago, we shared an experience that bonded us for life, as we comforted each other in a tiny, windowless office at the George Washington University Hospital Emergency Room, while awaiting word about whether our husbands would survive the horrific gunshots that had brought them there.”

Reagan also called Brady “a woman of immense courage, strength and optimism.”
Giffords shot by a democrat.
Brady shot by a democrat.
Wow, you are really looney tunes. :cuckoo:

Regardless of political affiliation, they were shot by those exercising their second amendment rights
Indeed they were.

Just as millions upon millions of Americans protect themselves and their families and their homes each year through an exercising of their Second Amendment rights.

The Constitution is working as planned and the Universe is unfolding as it should.

All is well.

We could certainly use some common-sense controls with respect to nationwide standardized screening and licensing and tracking standards but that's all that remains to be done.
BATF should try enforcing the current back ground check law.

My son ran a gun counter at an Academy store.

He caught and denied sales to scores of people trying to use girlfriends or buddies to buy guns to which they were not entitled to buy.

BATF never did a damned thing.
every time someone is DENIED a gun sale that means they COMMITTED FEDERAL PERJURY on FORM 4473 because if YOU ACTUALLY ADMIT you are a felon, fugitive, etc, the clerk doesn't DO the background check but denies you summarily.

YET less than one tenth of one percent of those perjurers is ever prosecuted. I spent 24 years as a DOJ attorney and I cannot recall anyone ever being prosecuted for lying on that form

They never prosecuted the straw buyer when he caught them trying either.

Nor would the sheriff come when denied buyers threatened him.

That is why gun control is a farce.
...when you cut away the crap-he's a gun banner...
Oh, horseshit.

...when you think such a scheme will stop crime...
Knowing where the guns are, and who has them, should go a long way towards reducing gun-related crime, even if it takes a couple of decades to make a sufficient difference to make it worth the trouble.

...and won't be misused...
Always a possibility. But if it comes to that, we'll be out rioting in the streets and trying to convince the Army to come over to our side anyway, won't we? are either a fool...
Always a possibility.

...or deep down a (dishonest-aren't they all) gun banner...



And, for the unprovoked insult, blow it out your ass.

...There is no reason for a legitimate government to know what arms its masters own
There are a great many reasons - and meritorious ones, no less - for a legitimate government to know what arms its masters own, and which masters own them.

Accountability of sales, transfers, failures to report theft, licensure, ensuring adequate training and refreshers, etc. are good for starters.

no there isn't and the potential for harm is far greater than the potential for good. Supposedly "prescriptions" are designed so the government knows who has narcotics. How has that worked out.
...Why would you push registration when it will do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from getting and using guns.....?
Unless the penalty for being caught with an un-registered gun, or being caught with any gun - registered or not - without a License - is so frigging draconian that it scares the shit out of the average second-story man who might want to carry one.

so if you are going away for life for merely owning a gun...
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh? that violates the constitution...
Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

...Better yet, such a person should target the scum who passed such a unconstitutional law.
If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.
...Why would you push registration when it will do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from getting and using guns.....?
Unless the penalty for being caught with an un-registered gun, or being caught with any gun - registered or not - without a License - is so frigging draconian that it scares the shit out of the average second-story man who might want to carry one.

so if you are going away for life for merely owning a gun...
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh? that violates the constitution...
Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

...Better yet, such a person should target the scum who passed such a unconstitutional law.
If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.

what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?
...what part of shall not be infringed don't you get?...
Licensure, Registration and Vetting Standards already exist on the State level in many jurisdictions and have successfully withstood court challenges.

The courts have already held that such an approach does not infringe.

This merely suggests Federalizing the best amongst those Standards and Licensing and Registration and Vettting, and utilizing a centralized database to do it.

...where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?
I dunno... where does the Federal Gubmint get the power to run the ATF?
"Licensure, Registration and Vetting Standards already exist on the State level in many jurisdictions and have successfully withstood court challenges"

There have been a whole host of gun laws at all levels that were proven unconstitutional when the US Supreme Court ruled that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. And a license that can be denied for reasons other than those already listed on the federal form most certainly are an infringement.
...Why would you push registration when it will do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from getting and using guns.....?
Unless the penalty for being caught with an un-registered gun, or being caught with any gun - registered or not - without a License - is so frigging draconian that it scares the shit out of the average second-story man who might want to carry one.

so if you are going away for life for merely owning a gun...
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh? that violates the constitution...
Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

...Better yet, such a person should target the scum who passed such a unconstitutional law.
If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.

what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?
The next time you go to an NFL game, a school, amusement park, etc. where you`re required to go through a metal detector, give the police your cute little speech about infringement. Cops enjoy a good laugh every now and then. I know I do. That`s why I come here.
We must get rid of all the guns.
Sarah Brady
My condolences to the Brady family and friends.

We should expect no less (such a statement) from a woman who has suffered so much due to the existence of guns in the hands of the general public, God bless her.

But, her personal tragedy cannot (and will not) serve as the basis for disarming the American People in direct contravention to the provisions of the Constitution and its accurate and historic interpretation in this context.

The Brady Bill did nothing to disarm Americans
Of course it did

Gun crime can't be constrained with a sweeping bill outside of total banning. But we know we can't have that
Small measures help in small steps

Sarah Brady was a great Republican
...Why would you push registration when it will do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from getting and using guns.....?
Unless the penalty for being caught with an un-registered gun, or being caught with any gun - registered or not - without a License - is so frigging draconian that it scares the shit out of the average second-story man who might want to carry one.

so if you are going away for life for merely owning a gun...
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh? that violates the constitution...
Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

...Better yet, such a person should target the scum who passed such a unconstitutional law.
If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.

what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?

I guess the part about well regulated militias
My condolences to the Brady family and friends.

We should expect no less (such a statement) from a woman who has suffered so much due to the existence of guns in the hands of the general public, God bless her.

But, her personal tragedy cannot (and will not) serve as the basis for disarming the American People in direct contravention to the provisions of the Constitution and its accurate and historic interpretation in this context.

The Brady Bill did nothing to disarm Americans

Above you applauded her for fighting for the Brady Bill saying "she made a difference". Apparently you don't think so now claiming that what she fought for didn't make one.

Forced poor gun buyers to wait a day before they kill

Conservative Ron Reagan supported the bill. But of course, he took a bullet and understood the impact guns have on our society

We also understand the actual, real impact....Americans use guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times a year........ while criminals use guns 8-9,000 times a year illegally to commit murder with guns...

We can actually do math.......
Repeating that NRA fantasy does not make it true

Denying true numbers doesn't make them false.
...Why would you push registration when it will do absolutely nothing to stop criminals from getting and using guns.....?
Unless the penalty for being caught with an un-registered gun, or being caught with any gun - registered or not - without a License - is so frigging draconian that it scares the shit out of the average second-story man who might want to carry one.

so if you are going away for life for merely owning a gun...
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh? that violates the constitution...
Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

...Better yet, such a person should target the scum who passed such a unconstitutional law.
If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.

what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?

I guess the part about well regulated militias

I guess the part about shall not be infringed . . .

Don't think I should own guns, be a man and attempt to take them from me. Bet you won't try.
Unless the penalty for being caught with an un-registered gun, or being caught with any gun - registered or not - without a License - is so frigging draconian that it scares the shit out of the average second-story man who might want to carry one.

so if you are going away for life for merely owning a gun...
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh? that violates the constitution...
Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

...Better yet, such a person should target the scum who passed such a unconstitutional law.
If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.

what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?

I guess the part about well regulated militias

I guess the part about shall not be infringed . . .

Don't think I should own guns, be a man and attempt to take them from me. Bet you won't try.
You can't have well regulated militias without gun registration
so if you are going away for life for merely owning a gun...
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh? that violates the constitution...
Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

...Better yet, such a person should target the scum who passed such a unconstitutional law.
If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.

what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?

I guess the part about well regulated militias

I guess the part about shall not be infringed . . .

Don't think I should own guns, be a man and attempt to take them from me. Bet you won't try.
You can't have well regulated militias without gun registration

Are you saying the militias at the time the Constitution was written registered their guns. Doubt it.
Not for OWNING a gun... for owning an UNREGISTERED gun... or owning a gun without a personal LICENSE to do so... get it right, eh?

Firearms registration and owner licensing laws at the State level have withstood the scrutiny of the courts time and again, in a Constitutional context.

I cannot imagine that a series of Federal laws and regulations pertaining to Standards and Centralized Databases for such purposes would violate it, either.

If you act in contravention to the Will of the People in committing such violence you will be crushed without mercy, no doubt.

what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?

I guess the part about well regulated militias

I guess the part about shall not be infringed . . .

Don't think I should own guns, be a man and attempt to take them from me. Bet you won't try.
You can't have well regulated militias without gun registration

Are you saying the militias at the time the Constitution was written registered their guns. Doubt it.
They knew everyone who was in their militia and what weapons they had

What we call....well regulated
what part of shall not be infringed don't you get? where does the federal government get the proper power to demand people register guns they already own?

I guess the part about well regulated militias

I guess the part about shall not be infringed . . .

Don't think I should own guns, be a man and attempt to take them from me. Bet you won't try.
You can't have well regulated militias without gun registration

Are you saying the militias at the time the Constitution was written registered their guns. Doubt it.
They knew everyone who was in their militia and what weapons they had

What we call....well regulated

I'm still trying to grasp what's the leftist fascination with guns? Seems they're obsessed by such a minor issue in the grand scheme of things

I guess the part about well regulated militias

I guess the part about shall not be infringed . . .

Don't think I should own guns, be a man and attempt to take them from me. Bet you won't try.
You can't have well regulated militias without gun registration

Are you saying the militias at the time the Constitution was written registered their guns. Doubt it.
They knew everyone who was in their militia and what weapons they had

What we call....well regulated

I'm still trying to grasp what's the leftist fascination with guns? Seems they're obsessed by such a minor issue in the grand scheme of things


They don't have a fascination with guns. They have a fascination with thinking that whatever they want is what everyone else should want. They'll tell you when it comes to same sex marriage, if you don't want one don't have one and it's a private matter. They'll tell you when it comes to abortion that if you don't want one, don't have one but it's a private matter. However, when it comes to guns, if they don't want one, they'll do whatever they see as necessary to make sure no one else has one.

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