Sarah Huckabee Sanders erupts: "ESPN must fire host for calling Trump white supremacist"

She's a lying POS. She's one of the nastiest, blatantly dishonest online personalities I've ever come across, and I've come across a lot of online personalities.
Other than that, why dont you like her?

Sorry, KG, I get along with both of you and I'm just having some fun since I think your two's differences are more political than personal.
She's a lying POS. She's one of the nastiest, blatantly dishonest online personalities I've ever come across, and I've come across a lot of online personalities.
Other than that, why dont you like her?

Sorry, KG, I get along with both of you and I'm just having some fun since I think your two's differences are more political than personal.
No, it's personal. I personally loathe lying commie scumbags who preach baby killing.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?

That's not a political view, that's offensive slander.

They can keep the tool on ESPN, but I hope they suffer even further losses to their brand. The standard race card has grown old, especially when people are fighting to keep their jobs, opportunities for their kids and only tune in to sports to escape the world. Now all his supporters have to deal with accusations of racism, the general knee jerk, reflexive reaction from the some on the left against Republicans. This, because we all see how much opportunity and peace is present in the inner cities of Democratic cities. Now THAT is racism.

Instead of focusing on sports, she brings in her personal biases and hyperbole in a low brow, uninformed manner. Another self important Snowflake who if fired wouldn't work in the industry again.

If it's asking too much to compete with the world, stop abuses of foreign governments, be patriotic and reach your potential which in the process will Make America Great Again, than I suppose she should stick to her voting choices. She provides no benefits to anyone in the nation with whining, slandering accusations. Furthermore, does she support BLM or antifa? If so, she has a few labels to explain herself.

Oh, and the constant race discussion in the media and even on this forum is excessive when compared to the challenges facing America.
"That's not a political view, that's offensive slander."

No, because that would mean it wasn't true. ;)

This is where care says the source isn't valid lol.

AP isnt valid? Since when?

Has she said that before?

I'm surprised you two dont get along more; maybe you two should have a thread on how evil men are. :)

I don't hate men....I love men....they are awesome! My husband is an awesome person and so is my dad! 3 of my male bosses were mentors...

I think men are interesting, they are wired completely different than us females...that's intriguing....makes me wanna figure them out...

Don't worry about Allie/Kosher Girl.... it's all in her head and heart....she's simply a person that is filled with hatefulness from the crap life has dealt her....the devil found the opening to have his grip on her....hopefully God will win in the end to break that grip! I just ignore her when she goes on her hateful rants about me....I've NEVER done a thing to her...ever....and have no idea where her hatred comes from....and don't really care either.... it's not my problem, it's hers!
Sarah Sucker-bitch......needs to fire herself for the many many many many many many lies she's told on behalf of the liar in chief....the sista is right and she and the fuckin white house needs to get over the fact, Trump, his racist dad a former Klan member are white suckers too.
If he's not a white supremacist, than what the fuck is he?
A White Nationalist?
Trump is not a White Nationalist, doofus.

A White Nationalist would not let his kids marry Jews, for one thing, and he does not advocate for racial advantage to be given to whites which a White Nationalist would.

Trump is not even a 'Race Realist', lol.

You leftards just live on your own planet.
Even if it does qualify as slander the President has always kinda been forced to act as if they are above responding with litigation. Hell, George W. has been accused of masterminding the murder of 3000 people on 9/11. For decades the Clintons have been accused of being involved in murder, rape and pedophilia. I'd say all those charges are way worse than some chick almost nobody has ever heard of calling the POTUS a racist.
If he's not a white supremacist, than what the fuck is he?
A White Nationalist?
Trump is not a White Nationalist, doofus.

A White Nationalist would not let his kids marry Jews, for one thing, and he does not advocate for racial advantage to be given to whites which a White Nationalist would.

Trump is not even a 'Race Realist', lol.

You leftards just live on your own planet.
Trump White Nationalists like Steve Bannon and Jared Taylor see Jews as white.
no, the whitehouse should stay out of it, period!
So since when did slander become part of our free speech rights?
it's not slander....why do you think it is? if it were slander then the way to handle it is sue the person...
Trump is not a White Supremacist, that is why it is slander.
is it her opinion that he is a white supremacist? I have not seen or even read what she said...did she say it on ESPN while on the air or did she tweet about it? Has her words harmed Donald Trump financially,

she and thousands if not millions of others have thought and said it a thousand times over? If they believe it, then it is not slander or libel.

It's not slander in any account, (it's free speech, free thought)...and if it were an illegal act, it would not be slander, it would be 'libel'....if she said it on the air, and it was not her opinion but reported as some kind of fact, that's considered libel, which is worse than slander on the legal scale of wrongs....
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?
Really its slander to accuse someone of something like white supremacy when they have absolutely no proof.
oh for goodness sake! No it is NOT slander or libel... we have freedom of speech in this country...Millions and millions of Americans have said and believe in their own minds through many of Trump's actions that he is a white supremacist.... how can what she said, (though I have not heard or read what she said, other than what you guys here have mentioned) be libelous and not simply freedom of speech and thought????

We'd all be sued and charged at USMB for some of the not true things we have said about other people.

Shoot, Hillary would be able to sue a million and one people that have made derogatory statements about her... "Crooked Hillary" ring a bell? Trump and his lying BIRTHER CLAIMS for four straight years about Obama not being a citizen and illegitimately president... there was no proof for either of those things being true...

but she can not sue and Obama can not sue, even if not true, because she and he are famous politicians, and because these enemies of hers and his, are allowed to say whatever they want or think....without the government interfering.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders has a big mouth and is a liar like her father. It is not a fireable offense. She has a right to her opinion. She did not use her ESPN account nor did she say it on the air. I would have no problem with watching her show as long as there is no political commentary.
If he's not a white supremacist, than what the fuck is he?
A White Nationalist?
Trump is not a White Nationalist, doofus.

A White Nationalist would not let his kids marry Jews, for one thing, and he does not advocate for racial advantage to be given to whites which a White Nationalist would.

Trump is not even a 'Race Realist', lol.

You leftards just live on your own planet.
Trump White Nationalists like Steve Bannon and Jared Taylor see Jews as white.
And White Nationalists dont see Jews as White either except a very small splinter group formerly organized around the efforts of Jared Taylor.

They use the term 'white' to mean Aryans, or Indo-European people and that excludes semitic people.
no, the whitehouse should stay out of it, period!
So since when did slander become part of our free speech rights?
it's not slander....why do you think it is? if it were slander then the way to handle it is sue the person...
Trump is not a White Supremacist, that is why it is slander.
is it her opinion that he is a white supremacist? I have not seen or even read what she said...did she say it on ESPN while on the air or did she tweet about it? Has her words harmed Donald Trump financially,

she and thousands if not millions of others have thought and said it a thousand times over? If they believe it, then it is not slander or libel.

It's not slander in any account, (it's free speech, free thought)...and if it were an illegal act, it would not be slander, it would be 'libel'....if she said it on the air, and it was not her opinion but reported as some kind of fact, that's considered libel, which is worse than slander on the legal scale of wrongs....
1. To take a very pernicious word or phrase like 'racist' or 'white supremacist' and give it a private meaning that makes almost anyone white into a 'White Supremacist' is not given exception under liable laws. I cannot have a definition of murder that is peculiar to me or a small group and accuse you of murder publicly, as it is the public's most widely known meaning that would be interpreted to be applied. So it is slander, whether they think it true or not.

2. Free speech does not exempt slander either.

3. Asserting that Trump is a White Supremacist is simply ridiculous and evidence she needs to be locked away for her mental health and put on mind altering pharmaceuticals, lol. ESPN should fire her for being a drooling idiot.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?

No, but we all know had this person said something comparable about Obama they would have been shit canned for it for sure. ESPN is just another left wing media organization and considerably biased.

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