Sarah Huckabee Sanders erupts: "ESPN must fire host for calling Trump white supremacist"

Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?

No, but we all know had this person said something comparable about Obama they would have been shit canned for it for sure. ESPN is just another left wing media organization and considerably biased.

Wow, I thought that they did sports.

When did sports become leftwing?

Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?

No, but we all know had this person said something comparable about Obama they would have been shit canned for it for sure. ESPN is just another left wing media organization and considerably biased.

Wow, I thought that they did sports.

I used to think that too
no, the whitehouse should stay out of it, period!
So since when did slander become part of our free speech rights?
it's not slander....why do you think it is? if it were slander then the way to handle it is sue the person...
Trump is not a White Supremacist, that is why it is slander.
is it her opinion that he is a white supremacist? I have not seen or even read what she said...did she say it on ESPN while on the air or did she tweet about it? Has her words harmed Donald Trump financially,

she and thousands if not millions of others have thought and said it a thousand times over? If they believe it, then it is not slander or libel.

It's not slander in any account, (it's free speech, free thought)...and if it were an illegal act, it would not be slander, it would be 'libel'....if she said it on the air, and it was not her opinion but reported as some kind of fact, that's considered libel, which is worse than slander on the legal scale of wrongs....
1. To take a very pernicious word or phrase like 'racist' or 'white supremacist' and give it a private meaning that makes almost anyone white into a 'White Supremacist' is not given exception under liable laws. I cannot have a definition of murder that is peculiar to me or a small group and accuse you of murder publicly, as it is the public's most widely known meaning that would be interpreted to be applied. So it is slander, whether they think it true or not.

2. Free speech does not exempt slander either.

3. Asserting that Trump is a White Supremacist is simply ridiculous and evidence she needs to be locked away for her mental health and put on mind altering pharmaceuticals, lol. ESPN should fire her for being a drooling idiot.
calling someone you think is a racist, a racist, is not against the law Jim, any which way you say's an opinion, which is covered by free speech....we'd have the whole population in jail, if it were.

you all call Hillary a that slander? Any of our members here been locked up for it? Or friends at fox been locked up for it? What's worse, being called crooked and a murderer or being called a white supremacist, which is not even an illegal...compared to being called crooked and a murderer??

neither are slander or libel against hillary or donald....
calling someone you think is a racist, a racist, is not against the law Jim, any which way you say's an opinion, which is covered by free speech....we'd have the whole population in jail, if it were.

Slander, as I understand it, is not a crime, but you can be sued for it.

And if her employer does not take action to correct/clarify their relationship with her and what she said, they can be sued also.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?
Some Mexicans don't rape.

I like people who weren't captured.

Miss Housekeeping.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Some Nazi's are good people.

Pot? Meet Kettle!
Some Mexicans don't rape.

True statement

I like people who weren't captured.

He said he likes 'heroes who werent captured' which does not exclude those who were captured.

Miss Housekeeping.

You have something against Good housekeeping? roflmao

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

The context was a case involving Mexican immigration, and he believed he had grounds for questioning that racist Mexican judges objectivity.

Some Nazi's are good people.

He did not say that. Not everyone protesting at Charllotesville were Nazis, dumbass.
If he's not a white supremacist, than what the fuck is he?
A White Nationalist?
Trump is not a White Nationalist, doofus.

A White Nationalist would not let his kids marry Jews, for one thing, and he does not advocate for racial advantage to be given to whites which a White Nationalist would.

Trump is not even a 'Race Realist', lol.

You leftards just live on your own planet.
"Trump is not a White Nationalist"

True, he just enjoys their applause. He uses them like he uses everyone. He's just a narcissist who happens to be as whitebread as anyone has ever been. A narcissist doesn't "sympathize", and Trump doesn't sympathize with white supremacists. He just has no actual morals or ethics, he merely sees the world and people for their value to him and to get what he wants for himself.
"Trump is not a White Nationalist"

True, he just enjoys their applause. He uses them like he uses everyone. He's just a narcissist who happens to be as whitebread as anyone has ever been. A narcissist doesn't "sympathize", and Trump doesn't sympathize with white supremacists. He just has no actual morals or ethics, he merely sees the world and people for their value to him and to get what he wants for himself.
Oh, that is complete horse shit.

Give me one example where Trump accepted the mere approval of any known white nationalist.

Just one.

You cant because you are making shit up to slander a man who is infinitely ore honest and moral than YOU ARE.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?

No, but we all know had this person said something comparable about Obama they would have been shit canned for it for sure. ESPN is just another left wing media organization and considerably biased.

Wow, I thought that they did sports.

When did sports become leftwing?

"Wow, I thought that they did sports.

When did sports become leftwing?


He didn't do it on ESPN's time, ya goofball...
The government needs to stay out of private business, now if people decide to boycott ESPN over this, then that is up to them.
Sarah Sanders looks like the frumpy heavy chick at a party no one wants to dance with. She can speak better than Spicey but that isn't a great feat. And she isn't a Christian, she's a phony like her daddy.
Sarah Sanders looks like the frumpy heavy chick at a party no one wants to dance with. She can speak better than Spicey but that isn't a great feat. And she isn't a Christian, she's a phony like her daddy.
Why do you leftards engage in the politics of personal destruction so much?

Because you cant simply have them shot any more?
Sarah Sanders looks like the frumpy heavy chick at a party no one wants to dance with. She can speak better than Spicey but that isn't a great feat. And she isn't a Christian, she's a phony like her daddy.

So you have nothing to contribute to the thread. Thanks for trying.
I said he didnt do it on espn's time. Which makes your comments about ESPN pretty silly.

No, it does not, dumbass.

She still is a Talking Head for ESPN and represents their corporation.

If ESPN does not fire her it signals their agreement with her, Nazi.
Sarah Sanders looks like the frumpy heavy chick at a party no one wants to dance with. She can speak better than Spicey but that isn't a great feat. And she isn't a Christian, she's a phony like her daddy.

So you have nothing to contribute to the thread. Thanks for trying.

Any time. Every now and then I like to mimic the cons here. It goes without saying that no one in the White House should be calling for anyone to be fired.

What happened to the 'jobs creators'? That ole double-edge sword, she's got a razor's edge on both yes? Especially when an orange-turd or one of his flying monkey's is swinging it. Et Voila.
I said he didnt do it on espn's time. Which makes your comments about ESPN pretty silly.

No, it does not, dumbass.

She still is a Talking Head for ESPN and represents their corporation.

If ESPN does not fire her it signals their agreement with her, Nazi.
You slide rather effortlessly from the role of insulting prick into the role of whiny little bitch. Jus' sayin'.

Anyhoo, they probably will let her go, precisely because they want to maintain the escapism of their product.

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