Sarah Huckabee Sanders erupts: "ESPN must fire host for calling Trump white supremacist"

Give me one example where Trump accepted the mere approval of any known white nationalist.

Just one.
Your wish is my command!
Tramp names one of the country's most prominent White Nationalist leaders, William Johnson, as one of his California delegates to the Republican Convention.
Lol, where is your link, doofus?
Trump Campaign Nominates Prominent White Supremacist To Be Convention Delegate

Johnson, who co-hosts a Christian (!) radio show broadcast in three states and who has previously made national headlines for buying pro-Trump robocalls, tells Mother Jones he did not conceal his identity or beliefs when he applied to the Trump campaign to become a potential delegate:

The robocalls, the radio show, and the "harassment hotline" were all things that Johnson mentioned in his application to become a Trump delegate. He specifically cited an anti-Romney robocall commissioned in Utah this past March, which begins, in part, "My name is William Johnson. I am a farmer and a white nationalist."
Give me one example where Trump accepted the mere approval of any known white nationalist.

Just one.
Your wish is my command!
Tramp names one of the country's most prominent White Nationalist leaders, William Johnson, as one of his California delegates to the Republican Convention.
Lol, where is your link, doofus?
Trump Campaign Nominates Prominent White Supremacist To Be Convention Delegate

Johnson, who co-hosts a Christian (!) radio show broadcast in three states and who has previously made national headlines for buying pro-Trump robocalls, tells Mother Jones he did not conceal his identity or beliefs when he applied to the Trump campaign to become a potential delegate:

The robocalls, the radio show, and the "harassment hotline" were all things that Johnson mentioned in his application to become a Trump delegate. He specifically cited an anti-Romney robocall commissioned in Utah this past March, which begins, in part, "My name is William Johnson. I am a farmer and a white nationalist."
So you cannot find a case where TRUMP himself ever said such a thing.

One man of thousands involved that slipped through the cracks of his organization is not a case of TRUMP applauding White Nationalists.

And how many full-blown pedophiles have Democrats elected as mayors around the country? About a dozen? So by your logic, the Democratic Party must endorse pedophilia, lol.

Thanks for playing, dimwit.
Give me one example where Trump accepted the mere approval of any known white nationalist.

Just one.
Your wish is my command!
Tramp names one of the country's most prominent White Nationalist leaders, William Johnson, as one of his California delegates to the Republican Convention.
Lol, where is your link, doofus?
Trump Campaign Nominates Prominent White Supremacist To Be Convention Delegate

Johnson, who co-hosts a Christian (!) radio show broadcast in three states and who has previously made national headlines for buying pro-Trump robocalls, tells Mother Jones he did not conceal his identity or beliefs when he applied to the Trump campaign to become a potential delegate:

The robocalls, the radio show, and the "harassment hotline" were all things that Johnson mentioned in his application to become a Trump delegate. He specifically cited an anti-Romney robocall commissioned in Utah this past March, which begins, in part, "My name is William Johnson. I am a farmer and a white nationalist."
So you cannot find a case where TRUMP himself ever said such a thing.

One man of thousands involved that slipped through the cracks of his organization is not a case of TRUMP applauding White Nationalists.

And how many full-blown pedophiles have Democrats elected as mayors around the country? About a dozen? So by your logic, the Democratic Party must endorse pedophilia, lol.

Thanks for playing, dimwit.
So who elected pedophile Hastert as Speaker of the House, for the longest period in our History? Republican congress critters.

thanks for playing! :)

this game can go on forever! :lol:
Give me one example where Trump accepted the mere approval of any known white nationalist.

Just one.
Your wish is my command!
Tramp names one of the country's most prominent White Nationalist leaders, William Johnson, as one of his California delegates to the Republican Convention.
Lol, where is your link, doofus?
Trump Campaign Nominates Prominent White Supremacist To Be Convention Delegate

Johnson, who co-hosts a Christian (!) radio show broadcast in three states and who has previously made national headlines for buying pro-Trump robocalls, tells Mother Jones he did not conceal his identity or beliefs when he applied to the Trump campaign to become a potential delegate:

The robocalls, the radio show, and the "harassment hotline" were all things that Johnson mentioned in his application to become a Trump delegate. He specifically cited an anti-Romney robocall commissioned in Utah this past March, which begins, in part, "My name is William Johnson. I am a farmer and a white nationalist."
So you cannot find a case where TRUMP himself ever said such a thing.

One man of thousands involved that slipped through the cracks of his organization is not a case of TRUMP applauding White Nationalists.

And how many full-blown pedophiles have Democrats elected as mayors around the country? About a dozen? So by your logic, the Democratic Party must endorse pedophilia, lol.

Thanks for playing, dimwit.
So who elected pedophile Hastert as Speaker of the House, for the longest period in our History? Republican congress critters.

thanks for playing! :)

this game can go on forever! :lol:

Hastert is a corporate crony perv. Those guys are all in the same party; the DC Ruling Elite Party.
Some Mexicans don't rape.

True statement

I like people who weren't captured.

He said he likes 'heroes who werent captured' which does not exclude those who were captured.

Miss Housekeeping.

You have something against Good housekeeping? roflmao

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

The context was a case involving Mexican immigration, and he believed he had grounds for questioning that racist Mexican judges objectivity.

Some Nazi's are good people.

He did not say that. Not everyone protesting at Charllotesville were Nazis, dumbass.
Fuking liar:

I like people who weren't capture, OK? I hate to tell you.

49 seconds in

Some Mexicans don't rape? True statement? A couple of Republicans don't rape family members. Also a true statement going by your criteria.

Miss Housekeeping to a Hispanic woman who was not a housekeeper. What's wrong with that? Really?

You said: The context was a case involving Mexican immigration, and he believed he had grounds for questioning that racist Mexican judges objectivity.
Which proves you are a complete fuktard since the case had NOTHING to do with immigration. It really bothers me that someone as stupid as you follows an idiot when you don't even know anything.
She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

That does not mean she has the right to slander the President of our country by calling him a White Supremacist.

Wow, you are starting to sound like a White Supremacist yourself.

Does any of your friends know that you are a White Supremacist?


View attachment 149113
The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

They obviously have a LOT more in common with Nazi's than Democxrats.
no, the whitehouse should stay out of it, period!

This isn't her job, and those who like sports should let ESPN know they do not need personal, political, product, or entertainment views along with SPORTS commentary.

"UF about to score against SC, Andrew, two yards short, am I right?" "The softness of my skin after that _____ razor I used this morning is the only thing on my mind".
She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

That does not mean she has the right to slander the President of our country by calling him a White Supremacist.

Wow, you are starting to sound like a White Supremacist yourself.

Does any of your friends know that you are a White Supremacist?


View attachment 149113
The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

They obviously have a LOT more in common with Nazi's than Democxrats.

Uncalled for and an egregious insult to fellow Americans.
She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

That does not mean she has the right to slander the President of our country by calling him a White Supremacist.

Wow, you are starting to sound like a White Supremacist yourself.

Does any of your friends know that you are a White Supremacist?


View attachment 149113
The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

They obviously have a LOT more in common with Nazi's than Democxrats.

Uncalled for and an egregious insult to fellow Americans.
Not really. This from a typical USMB Republican:

Terrorism is a tool of the left. Why would they reject these terrorists?

democrat party = hate, violence, racism and crime

--every time a life is ruined with leftist good intentions, a leftist gets their wings....

Because AntiFa's Cause is Just....
The GOP is 90% white for a reason.

They obviously have a LOT more in common with Nazi's than Democxrats.

Uncalled for and an egregious insult to fellow Americans.
Agreed, but is De'nerd an American?

I believe so, but after seeing NeoNazis on the march in the USA,, we need no horrible name calling.
You mean "NeoNazi's that support Donald Trump:

Neo-Nazis say Trump’s response is ‘really, really good’ and did ‘not condemn them’

World leaders condemn Trump's remarks on neo-Nazis
She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

That does not mean she has the right to slander the President of our country by calling him a White Supremacist.

Wow, you are starting to sound like a White Supremacist yourself.

Does any of your friends know that you are a White Supremacist?


View attachment 149113

She has the right to express her opinion. She did not do it on company time or company property. Trump is a public figure so it is not slander. You really think standing up for the first amendment makes someone a white supremacist. You really have no idea what this country is about you Nazi.
I said he didnt do it on espn's time. Which makes your comments about ESPN pretty silly.

No, it does not, dumbass.

She still is a Talking Head for ESPN and represents their corporation.

If ESPN does not fire her it signals their agreement with her, Nazi.

She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

A company can release an employee under a morality clause which gives an employer a lot of discretion to terminate. I wouldn't fire her for being stupid but she could be sued.

She cannot be sued. Trump is a public official so he is a public figure. I do believe that we need to protect people's right to express their views without fear of retribution.
I said he didnt do it on espn's time. Which makes your comments about ESPN pretty silly.

No, it does not, dumbass.

She still is a Talking Head for ESPN and represents their corporation.

If ESPN does not fire her it signals their agreement with her, Nazi.

She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

A company can release an employee under a morality clause which gives an employer a lot of discretion to terminate. I wouldn't fire her for being stupid but she could be sued.

She cannot be sued. Trump is a public official so he is a public figure. I do believe that we need to protect people's right to express their views without fear of retribution.

You can sue anyone, for anything. Whether it is successful or not is the question.
She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

That does not mean she has the right to slander the President of our country by calling him a White Supremacist.

Wow, you are starting to sound like a White Supremacist yourself.

Does any of your friends know that you are a White Supremacist?


View attachment 149113

She has the right to express her opinion. She did not do it on company time or company property. Trump is a public figure so it is not slander. You really think standing up for the first amendment makes someone a white supremacist. You really have no idea what this country is about you Nazi.

Hank Williams Jr. Made his statements on his own time. He was fired by ESPN.
She has the right to express her opinion.

But she does not have the right to spread lies about someone which is slander.

She did not do it on company time or company property.

She is a talking head for ESPN and thereby associated with that corporation. ESPNs lack of action other than a bland denial of endorsement is in effect saying that while they wouldnt say that publicly they do have some sympathy for the opinion.

This is going to reduce their viewership even more so.

Trump is a public figure so it is not slander.

You cannot slander public figures willy nilly. Allone has to show if suing them is that they knew it was false and were malicious in saying it. No doubt this nitwit has a trail of hostility toward Trump and would be easy pickings for any lawyers.

You really think standing up for the first amendment makes someone a white supremacist.

You are standing up for a divisive, dishonest ideological nitwit who agrees with you despite the harm these ass holes are causing the country.

Shame on you for being such a retard.

You really have no idea what this country is about you Nazi.

roflmao, you really are some kind of idiot, arent you?
Hank Williams Jr. Made his statements on his own time. He was fired by ESPN.
What conservatives have to realize is that they are the targets of all leftists for loss of job, loss of career, destruction of reputation, and even violence by leftists if conservatives let their ideological inclinations be known.

Meanwhile leftists promote each other, hire each other and blackball conservatives.

If your shop hires a leftist, you are working with a silent enemy who will be friendly to your face while putting you on a blacklist and sharing it with other leftists.

These people are scum, conniving liars.

They are different from normal liberals and the litmus test is what they think of Antifa.

If they dislike the lawlessness of Antifa, then they are respectable liberals.

If they like Antifa or defend them, or the Black Panthers or Black Lies Matter, then they are leftist scum.

Conservatives ostracized their own rightwing extremists (racists, Nazis, etc) back in the 1960's but liberals have never purged themselves of their own extremist groups.

They need to very soon if this country is going to hold together and I think that they will.
new Trump eruption on twitter...

Trump should have just stayed above the fray and not commented. Of course the die hard supporters will say he's just punching back, but you have to learn to pick your battles

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