Sarah Huckabee Sanders erupts: "ESPN must fire host for calling Trump white supremacist"

Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?

Eggshell-ego Rump can't figure out the difference between "ESPN" and "Twitter" :rofl:


Say, how come Sarah Huckabee-Sanders always looks like she just swallowed an onion?
>> Upbraiding the ESPN anchor Jemele Hill for calling Donald Trump a “white supremacist,” the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Wednesday that “no one has done more than President Trump to prove that white people are not superior.​


”“It’s grossly unfair that Ms. Hill sought to portray Donald Trump as an upholder of white supremacy, when everything he says or does directly undermines that whole concept,” Sanders said. “Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump is on some mission to make white people look good hasn’t been paying attention.” << -- Andy Borowitz
I said he didnt do it on espn's time. Which makes your comments about ESPN pretty silly.

No, it does not, dumbass.

She still is a Talking Head for ESPN and represents their corporation.

If ESPN does not fire her it signals their agreement with her, Nazi.

She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

A company can release an employee under a morality clause which gives an employer a lot of discretion to terminate. I wouldn't fire her for being stupid but she could be sued.

She cannot be sued. Trump is a public official so he is a public figure. I do believe that we need to protect people's right to express their views without fear of retribution.

You can sue anyone, for anything. Whether it is successful or not is the question.

I would think a President would have better things to do with his time. It would be a political disaster for something that will be bounced out of court.
She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

That does not mean she has the right to slander the President of our country by calling him a White Supremacist.

Wow, you are starting to sound like a White Supremacist yourself.

Does any of your friends know that you are a White Supremacist?


View attachment 149113

She has the right to express her opinion. She did not do it on company time or company property. Trump is a public figure so it is not slander. You really think standing up for the first amendment makes someone a white supremacist. You really have no idea what this country is about you Nazi.

Hank Williams Jr. Made his statements on his own time. He was fired by ESPN.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
She has the right to express her opinion.

But she does not have the right to spread lies about someone which is slander.

She did not do it on company time or company property.

She is a talking head for ESPN and thereby associated with that corporation. ESPNs lack of action other than a bland denial of endorsement is in effect saying that while they wouldnt say that publicly they do have some sympathy for the opinion.

This is going to reduce their viewership even more so.

Trump is a public figure so it is not slander.

You cannot slander public figures willy nilly. Allone has to show if suing them is that they knew it was false and were malicious in saying it. No doubt this nitwit has a trail of hostility toward Trump and would be easy pickings for any lawyers.

You really think standing up for the first amendment makes someone a white supremacist.

You are standing up for a divisive, dishonest ideological nitwit who agrees with you despite the harm these ass holes are causing the country.

Shame on you for being such a retard.

You really have no idea what this country is about you Nazi.

roflmao, you really are some kind of idiot, arent you?

Trump is a public figure so slander laws do not apply here. The fact is that she said this on her personal twitter account not her ESPN account nor did she do it on the air. As a public citizen she has a right to her opinion. You apparently believe that she should be punished for that. That is in-American.

ESPN's problems have nothing to do with politics. The problem is that exploding tv rights for sports is pushing ESPN's fees so high that it is prompting subscribers to drop it.

You are the retard. I believe people have the right to say things that I may or may not agree with. That is what the First Amendment was designed for. Political speech that may not be popular to some people. You do not have the right to use laws to silence people.
>> Upbraiding the ESPN anchor Jemele Hill for calling Donald Trump a “white supremacist,” the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Wednesday that “no one has done more than President Trump to prove that white people are not superior.​


”“It’s grossly unfair that Ms. Hill sought to portray Donald Trump as an upholder of white supremacy, when everything he says or does directly undermines that whole concept,” Sanders said. “Anyone who thinks that Donald Trump is on some mission to make white people look good hasn’t been paying attention.” << -- Andy Borowitz

I agree. Trump has done more to prove white people are not superior than anyone else. He clearly is a moron and runs his mouth without thinking. He proves that every day.
I would think a President would have better things to do with his time. It would be a political disaster for something that will be bounced out of court.

You leftists seem to think that calling the President a Nazi is just another day at the office.

No, it is not.

You are slandering the President of the United States and should pay dearly for that slander.
I would think a President would have better things to do with his time. It would be a political disaster for something that will be bounced out of court.

You leftists seem to think that calling the President a Nazi is just another day at the office.

No, it is not.

You are slandering the President of the United States and should pay dearly for that slander.

What are you gonna do, "knock the hell"? "Beat the crap out of 'im"? Have him "carried out on a stretcher"?

Sorry Muffy, the First Amendment was here first and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it.

But there is something you can do about having no clue what the word "slander" means.
Trump is a public figure so slander laws do not apply here.

Lol, you are a special kind of retard, arent you?

The fact is that she said this on her personal twitter account not her ESPN account nor did she do it on the air.


As a public citizen she has a right to her opinion. You apparently believe that she should be punished for that. That is in-American.

Lol, that is ironic coming from a leftard like you.

Goose stepping still hurt your kankles?

ESPN's problems have nothing to do with politics. The problem is that exploding tv rights for sports is pushing ESPN's fees so high that it is prompting subscribers to drop it.


You are the retard. I believe people have the right to say things that I may or may not agree with. That is what the First Amendment was designed for. Political speech that may not be popular to some people. You do not have the right to use laws to silence people.

And people do not have the right to abuse their freedom of speech to spread slander and if you had a cerebral cortex you would know that, idiot.
Trump is a public figure so slander laws do not apply here.

Lol, you are a special kind of retard, arent you?

The fact is that she said this on her personal twitter account not her ESPN account nor did she do it on the air.


As a public citizen she has a right to her opinion. You apparently believe that she should be punished for that. That is in-American.

Lol, that is ironic coming from a leftard like you.

Goose stepping still hurt your kankles?

ESPN's problems have nothing to do with politics. The problem is that exploding tv rights for sports is pushing ESPN's fees so high that it is prompting subscribers to drop it.


You are the retard. I believe people have the right to say things that I may or may not agree with. That is what the First Amendment was designed for. Political speech that may not be popular to some people. You do not have the right to use laws to silence people.

And people do not have the right to abuse their freedom of speech to spread slander and if you had a cerebral cortex you would know that, idiot.

I'm uh, afraid you ain't the arbiter of what other people can say, Fascist. That hasn't changed in the last two minutes. I know you applied for a gig with the Thought Police but they're not hiring.

Ring for the nurse and have her change your diaper. And grow the hell up.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?
Really its slander to accuse someone of something like white supremacy when they have absolutely no proof.
oh for goodness sake! No it is NOT slander or libel... we have freedom of speech in this country...Millions and millions of Americans have said and believe in their own minds through many of Trump's actions that he is a white supremacist.... how can what she said, (though I have not heard or read what she said, other than what you guys here have mentioned) be libelous and not simply freedom of speech and thought????

We'd all be sued and charged at USMB for some of the not true things we have said about other people.

Shoot, Hillary would be able to sue a million and one people that have made derogatory statements about her... "Crooked Hillary" ring a bell? Trump and his lying BIRTHER CLAIMS for four straight years about Obama not being a citizen and illegitimately president... there was no proof for either of those things being true...

but she can not sue and Obama can not sue, even if not true, because she and he are famous politicians, and because these enemies of hers and his, are allowed to say whatever they want or think....without the government interfering.
It is slander and she has the right to say it. At the same time people have every right to turn her and her company off and not support it if that is what that company represents.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?
Really its slander to accuse someone of something like white supremacy when they have absolutely no proof.
oh for goodness sake! No it is NOT slander or libel... we have freedom of speech in this country...Millions and millions of Americans have said and believe in their own minds through many of Trump's actions that he is a white supremacist.... how can what she said, (though I have not heard or read what she said, other than what you guys here have mentioned) be libelous and not simply freedom of speech and thought????

We'd all be sued and charged at USMB for some of the not true things we have said about other people.

Shoot, Hillary would be able to sue a million and one people that have made derogatory statements about her... "Crooked Hillary" ring a bell? Trump and his lying BIRTHER CLAIMS for four straight years about Obama not being a citizen and illegitimately president... there was no proof for either of those things being true...

but she can not sue and Obama can not sue, even if not true, because she and he are famous politicians, and because these enemies of hers and his, are allowed to say whatever they want or think....without the government interfering.
It is slander and she has the right to say it. At the same time people have every right to turn her and her company off and not support it if that is what that company represents.

Do NONE of you dips know what "slander" actually means??

IF opinion DID qualify as slander -- then she would not have the right to say it without legal consequences.

Those consequences would come from the target --- not from her employer on whose behalf she was not "speaking" anyway.

The ingredients about not wanting black guys counting his money etc, are all based in fact. The characterization "white supremacist" is an opinion. Just as associating "Islam" with "terrorism" is an opinion.

Neither is productive, neither is based on fact. But opinions, everybody has one and they're entitled to.

ESPN has ZERO to do with this, and all Rump is doing by threatening them is trying to bully his way around the concept of individual free speech with his usual threats. He can't shut her up directly so he threatens an entity that employs her --- even though the comments were personal, not the responsibility of ESPN. Just as my post here is mine and has nothing to do with who may employ me elsewhere.

This is just another Rump butthurt derived from his inability to mature beyond the level of a nine year old ----- which is a trait anyone who cared to look has known about all along.

And Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is a fucking moron for parroting it like a whore.
No, it does not, dumbass.

She still is a Talking Head for ESPN and represents their corporation.

If ESPN does not fire her it signals their agreement with her, Nazi.

She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

A company can release an employee under a morality clause which gives an employer a lot of discretion to terminate. I wouldn't fire her for being stupid but she could be sued.

She cannot be sued. Trump is a public official so he is a public figure. I do believe that we need to protect people's right to express their views without fear of retribution.

You can sue anyone, for anything. Whether it is successful or not is the question.

I would think a President would have better things to do with his time. It would be a political disaster for something that will be bounced out of court.

How many times have I heard "political disaster" along with Trump. His "political disasters " were supposed to end his campaign before the first primary. Now he is President.
She is also a private citizen and has a right to speak out as a private citizen. If you work for a company maybe you should be fired for speaking as a private citizen.

That does not mean she has the right to slander the President of our country by calling him a White Supremacist.

Wow, you are starting to sound like a White Supremacist yourself.

Does any of your friends know that you are a White Supremacist?


View attachment 149113

She has the right to express her opinion. She did not do it on company time or company property. Trump is a public figure so it is not slander. You really think standing up for the first amendment makes someone a white supremacist. You really have no idea what this country is about you Nazi.

Hank Williams Jr. Made his statements on his own time. He was fired by ESPN.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

If that was the issue I'd understand, the issue is who says it. Schilling was let go from ESPN because of his politics.
She has the right to express her opinion.

But she does not have the right to spread lies about someone which is slander.

She did not do it on company time or company property.

She is a talking head for ESPN and thereby associated with that corporation. ESPNs lack of action other than a bland denial of endorsement is in effect saying that while they wouldnt say that publicly they do have some sympathy for the opinion.

This is going to reduce their viewership even more so.

Trump is a public figure so it is not slander.

You cannot slander public figures willy nilly. Allone has to show if suing them is that they knew it was false and were malicious in saying it. No doubt this nitwit has a trail of hostility toward Trump and would be easy pickings for any lawyers.

You really think standing up for the first amendment makes someone a white supremacist.

You are standing up for a divisive, dishonest ideological nitwit who agrees with you despite the harm these ass holes are causing the country.

Shame on you for being such a retard.

You really have no idea what this country is about you Nazi.

roflmao, you really are some kind of idiot, arent you?

Trump is a public figure so slander laws do not apply here. The fact is that she said this on her personal twitter account not her ESPN account nor did she do it on the air. As a public citizen she has a right to her opinion. You apparently believe that she should be punished for that. That is in-American.

ESPN's problems have nothing to do with politics. The problem is that exploding tv rights for sports is pushing ESPN's fees so high that it is prompting subscribers to drop it.

You are the retard. I believe people have the right to say things that I may or may not agree with. That is what the First Amendment was designed for. Political speech that may not be popular to some people. You do not have the right to use laws to silence people.

Cable and satellite providers aren't dropping ESPN, the fees are $9 plus a month to providers, not subscribers. It is part of a satellite and cable packages. I and many of my friends have quit watching ESPN because we are tired of politics mixing with sports. Sports are strictly entertainment, I am not interested in an athletes or broadcasters political opinions, that is why I watch sports, to enjoy sports. What a concept.
Are right-wing free speech crusaders OK with the WH publicly demanding that a private company fire an employee for her political views?
Really its slander to accuse someone of something like white supremacy when they have absolutely no proof.
oh for goodness sake! No it is NOT slander or libel... we have freedom of speech in this country...Millions and millions of Americans have said and believe in their own minds through many of Trump's actions that he is a white supremacist.... how can what she said, (though I have not heard or read what she said, other than what you guys here have mentioned) be libelous and not simply freedom of speech and thought????

We'd all be sued and charged at USMB for some of the not true things we have said about other people.

Shoot, Hillary would be able to sue a million and one people that have made derogatory statements about her... "Crooked Hillary" ring a bell? Trump and his lying BIRTHER CLAIMS for four straight years about Obama not being a citizen and illegitimately president... there was no proof for either of those things being true...

but she can not sue and Obama can not sue, even if not true, because she and he are famous politicians, and because these enemies of hers and his, are allowed to say whatever they want or think....without the government interfering.
It is slander and she has the right to say it. At the same time people have every right to turn her and her company off and not support it if that is what that company represents.

Do NONE of you dips know what "slander" actually means??

IF opinion DID qualify as slander -- then she would not have the right to say it without legal consequences.

Those consequences would come from the target --- not from her employer on whose behalf she was not "speaking" anyway.

The ingredients about not wanting black guys counting his money etc, are all based in fact. The characterization "white supremacist" is an opinion. Just as associating "Islam" with "terrorism" is an opinion.

Neither is productive, neither is based on fact. But opinions, everybody has one and they're entitled to.

ESPN has ZERO to do with this, and all Rump is doing by threatening them is trying to bully his way around the concept of individual free speech with his usual threats. He can't shut her up directly so he threatens an entity that employs her --- even though the comments were personal, not the responsibility of ESPN. Just as my post here is mine and has nothing to do with who may employ me elsewhere.

This is just another Rump butthurt derived from his inability to mature beyond the level of a nine year old ----- which is a trait anyone who cared to look has known about all along.

And Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is a fucking moron for parroting it like a whore.

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders speaking her mind about what she thinks that ESPN should do with such a nasty type person who speaks as ESPN's representative with an International audience slandering the president of the United States claiming he is a White Supremacist. Sarah is now Donald talking in your mind because she is at the White House but you don't think ESPN's employee's slanderous bullshit shouldn't reflect back on ESPN? You have really gone off the deep end. As usual you are such an f'ing hypocrite and it shows clearly in your own word's in your post. You are absolutely pathetic generally I tune out anything you have to say but it is worth responding to you as it may possibly happen that you can see yourself for the hack that you truly are. Unless the bitch has absolute proof that Donald J. Trump is a White Supremacist and she states it publicly in any setting that he is one without that proof that is slander dumb ass.

noun: slander
  1. 1.
    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
    "he is suing the TV network for slander"
    • a false and malicious spoken statement.
      plural noun: slanders
      "I've had just about all I can stomach of your slanders"
      synonyms: defamation (of character), character assassination, calumny, libel; More
      scandalmongering, malicious gossip, disparagement, denigration, aspersions, vilification, traducement, obloquy;
      lie, slur, smear, false accusation;
      informalmudslinging, bad-mouthing, smack talk;
      "he could sue us for slander"
verb: slander; 3rd person present: slanders; past tense: slandered; past participle: slandered; gerund or present participle: slandering
make false and damaging statements about (someone).
"they were accused of slandering the head of state"
synonyms: defame (someone's character), blacken someone's name, tell lies about, speak ill/evil of, sully someone's reputation, libel, smear, cast aspersions on, spread scandal about, besmirch, tarnish, taint;
malign, traduce, vilify, disparage, denigrate, run down, slur;
informalbadmouth, dis, trash;
"they were accused of slandering the minister"
Huckabee Sanders should be fired for saying he is not a white supremacist
Sarah Huckabee-Sanders speaking her mind about what she thinks that ESPN should do

Correct. Which is the same right to opinion the ESPN gal has. Like it or lump it.

with such a nasty type person who speaks as ESPN's representative

She did not tweet as "ESPN's representative".

slandering the president of the United States claiming he is a White Supremacist

How is that "slander"? Ask Steve McRacist or Cnelsen or Conservative65 if they mind being white supremacists. They're proud of it. "And if the rest of the country had followed our lead we wouldn'ta had all these problems over all these years either" :rofl:

generally I tune out anything you have to say

It shows.

Unless the bitch has absolute proof that Donald J. Trump is a White Supremacist

There's no such thing. It's a value judgment. You know --- like "bitch". You know -- like "nasty". It can't be quantified. Like "slanderous bullshit". Like "hypocrite". Like "hack". You can't quantify value judgments and you sure as fuck can't exercise your fascistic little fantasies of controlling other people's feelings and thoughts.

Sucks2BU huh. :itsok:

Man up and face it finally. You drool at the feet of a moron who paints himself orange and can't take the heat.
Last edited:
Sarah Huckabee-Sanders speaking her mind about what she thinks that ESPN should do

Correct. Which is the same right to opinion the ESPN gal has. Like it or lump it.

with such a nasty type person who speaks as ESPN's representative

She did not tweet as "ESPN's representative".

slandering the president of the United States claiming he is a White Supremacist

How is that "slander"? Ask Steve McRacist or Cnelsen or Conservative65 if they mind being white supremacists. They're proud of it. "And if the rest of the country had followed our lead we wouldn'ta had all these problems over all these years either" :rofl:

generally I tune out anything you have to say

It shows.

Unless the bitch has absolute proof that Donald J. Trump is a White Supremacist

There's no such thing. It's a value judgment. You know --- like "bitch". You know -- like "nasty". It can't be quantified. Like "slanderous bullshit". Like "hypocrite". Like "hack". You can't quantify value judgments and you sure as fuck can't exercise your fascistic little fantasies of controlling other people's feelings and thoughts.

Sucks2BU huh. :itsok:

Man up and face it finally. You drool at the feet of a moron who paints himself orange and can't take the heat.
You just keep showing your ignorance over and over again but carry on as that is what you are.

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