Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

How many under Bush were part time? How many under Bush were illegal How many under Bush were minimum wage.

You assholes have an excuse for everything. Obama started with an ecomony losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Your buddy Bush started with a balanced budget on the path to paying down the debt & left with an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month & shrinking at a rate of 6.2%.

Eat that, asswipe.

when did I ever say that Bush was a great president? eat that asswipe.

the facts are that Bush screwed up and Obama made his screw ups worse.

Bush ..... 4.2% to 7.8% (+86%)
Obama .. 7.8% to 4.9% (-37%)


Bush ..... 10.6K to 8.3K (-22%)
Obama .... 8.3K to 19.2K (+132%)

Lying Redfish calls that worse under Obama.


I already explained how they no longer count people who have given up looking for work in the unemployment numbers.

Liar = you
Your "explanation" is a lie since they didn't count those people when Clinton was president or when Bush was president. Nothing changed in that regard during Obama's presidency.

I am still waiting for you to tell us which specific obozo policies CAUSED the market rally.
The same policies rightwingnuts offer as the reason for the rise in the stock market since the election.

U.S. changes how it measures long-term unemployment -

The Official Unemployment Rate Is Wrong, Says Guy Who Used To Calculate It | The Huffington Post

Note the date on the articles - compare that date to the change in the unemployment rate on the charts you posted.

Quite a coincidence, huh?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

File this under 'C' for conservatives are fucking retards. :cuckoo:

That's not a change to how the unemployment rate is calculated. That changed the definition of long term unemployment, which was folks out of work from 2 years, to include anyone out of work for 5 years. That had absolutely no affect on the unemployment rate.

And moron .... long term unemployment is not part of the methodology employed to calculate any of the BLS's measures of labor underutilization, U-1 through U-6.

"The change will not affect how the unemployed are counted or the unemployment rate is computed nor how long those eligible for unemployment benefits receive them."

Last edited:
Rightards can't even get on the same page with each other because they don't know what they're talking about...

The housing bubble did not burst because of loans to minorities and no one ever said it was the reason.

The housing collapse started thanks to regulations the Dems forced down Congress's throat that allowed people (blacks) with poor credit to buy a home with no money down and no income to speak of.

You really ought to stick to subjects that you know at least a little bit about. I (like 99.9% of other Vietnam veterans) consider Kerry a coward, traitor and monumental sleeze who brought extreme discredit upon himself, the Navy, the military, and his Country.
McCain served courageously and with considerable distinction under extremely adverse circumstances. But that does not make him a hero. Trump is correct in that the act of surrender is not heroic.

" And Clinton landed under the threat of sniper fire."

Idiotic bullshit.
Speaking of idiotic bullshit....

99.9%, huh? You do know Kerry got 41% of the military vote, right?

No, I don't; neither do you. And the subject was Vietnam veterans in any case.
Sure I do... Election 2004

...and now, so do you.

Wrong. After this election only an idiot would take a CNN poll as anything more than a wild guess heavily weighted by their own agenda.
You don't know what you're talking about. CNN was not far off and within the margin of error

CNN .... Hillary: 49%; Trump: 44%
Actual ... Hillary: 48%; Trump: 46%

Their election map, which predicted Hillary ahead 268 to Trump's 204, not counting swing states too close to call, accurately predicted 48 out of 50 states and D.C.. And the 3 states they got wrong, Trump won by narrow margins.

The fact remains they had a 50/50 shot at guessing the winner just by pure luck and they still blew it just as they have in so many polls over the last year. Would have been right more often flipping a coin.
Speaking of idiotic bullshit....

99.9%, huh? You do know Kerry got 41% of the military vote, right?

No, I don't; neither do you. And the subject was Vietnam veterans in any case.
Sure I do... Election 2004

...and now, so do you.

Wrong. After this election only an idiot would take a CNN poll as anything more than a wild guess heavily weighted by their own agenda.
You don't know what you're talking about. CNN was not far off and within the margin of error

CNN .... Hillary: 49%; Trump: 44%
Actual ... Hillary: 48%; Trump: 46%

Their election map, which predicted Hillary ahead 268 to Trump's 204, not counting swing states too close to call, accurately predicted 48 out of 50 states and D.C.. And the 3 states they got wrong, Trump won by narrow margins.

The fact remains they had a 50/50 shot at guessing the winner just by pure luck and they still blew it just as they have in so many polls over the last year. Would have been right more often flipping a coin.
Not even close to reality. Polls are not a "50/50" shot. And they didn't blow it. They were close in their national polling and accurately predicted Hillary would get the plurality of popular votes. And their state-by-state polling did not predict a winner.
when did I ever say that Bush was a great president? eat that asswipe.

the facts are that Bush screwed up and Obama made his screw ups worse.

Bush ..... 4.2% to 7.8% (+86%)
Obama .. 7.8% to 4.9% (-37%)


Bush ..... 10.6K to 8.3K (-22%)
Obama .... 8.3K to 19.2K (+132%)

Lying Redfish calls that worse under Obama.


I already explained how they no longer count people who have given up looking for work in the unemployment numbers.

Liar = you
Your "explanation" is a lie since they didn't count those people when Clinton was president or when Bush was president. Nothing changed in that regard during Obama's presidency.

I am still waiting for you to tell us which specific obozo policies CAUSED the market rally.
The same policies rightwingnuts offer as the reason for the rise in the stock market since the election.

U.S. changes how it measures long-term unemployment -

The Official Unemployment Rate Is Wrong, Says Guy Who Used To Calculate It | The Huffington Post

Note the date on the articles - compare that date to the change in the unemployment rate on the charts you posted.

Quite a coincidence, huh?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

File this under 'C' for conservatives are fucking retards. :cuckoo:

That's not a change to how the unemployment rate is calculated. That changed the definition of long term unemployment, which was folks out of work from 2 years, to include anyone out of work for 5 years. That had absolutely no affect on the unemployment rate.

And moron .... long term unemployment is not part of the methodology employed to calculate any of the BLS's measures of labor underutilization, U-1 through U-6.

"The change will not affect how the unemployed are counted or the unemployment rate is computed nor how long those eligible for unemployment benefits receive them."


Dang, I don't know exactly how to respond ....

1) I could tell you to stick it in your ass because of your moronic and childish personal attacks.

2) I could explain to you just how wrong you are --- that you can't compare pre-2010 unemployment rates with post 2010 because the computation methodology was changed in order to hide the people driven from the unemployment rolls.

I think I'll go for no. 1.

Since you can't see the difference between what you write and I write, I would be wasting my time. Rather than try to change your addled little mind, I guess the best thing I can do is just tell you to fuck off.

Consider it done.
Rightard, it was a joke targeted at Bristol Palin, who was an adult at the time.

Bristol was not present, Comrade Pot.
This is yet another reason why you're such an idiot. Letterman apologized -- not just for the content of the joke, but because he based the joke on the knowledge that Sarah Palin went to a Yankee's game with her daughter, mistakenly and for which he took full responsibility, for assuming the daughter who accompanied Sarah to the game was Bristol as she was the daughter who was most often in the news; and for getting knocked up out of wedlock, despite the "family values" position of the right. Hence the joke, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez." Targeting Bristol made the joke contextually valid, if even in poor taste. But with Willow being the daughter at the game, and not Bristol, it made his comment highly offensive. For which, Letterman apologized...

The issue is the incessant demagoguery from you of the Khmer Rouge in your war on women. The call to rape a 14 year old is but one of a thousand instances. I actually find the dispatch of Creepy Joe McGinnis to stalk the Palin family far more disturbing. George Soros paid for a house next door to the Palin's so his agent could stalk and harass the entire family for two years. Straight out of the STASI playbook.

It doesn't bother you that your new Khmer Rouge uses methods identical to the KGB, Gestapo, and STASI, but it sure bothers decent people.
Again, no one called for a 14 year old to be raped. You only think that happened because you're a brain-dead knuckle-dragging lowbrow-troglodyte conservative.
. Says the Uber Ultra leftist turning himself into a pretzel trying to defend the indefensible... There is no way to make this stuff up... lol
People who don't even rise to the level of 'amateur' are assuming places of power. We have only laughing or crying as choices of response.
Rightards can't even get on the same page with each other because they don't know what they're talking about...

The housing bubble did not burst because of loans to minorities and no one ever said it was the reason.

The housing collapse started thanks to regulations the Dems forced down Congress's throat that allowed people (blacks) with poor credit to buy a home with no money down and no income to speak of.

Probably because we aren't all getting our information from the same source like you snowflakes.

BTW, I used to work in the mortgage industry. I saw things that were going on that wasn't being blasted all over the net. People were getting into homes they couldn't qualify for because of numerous reasons. My wife is black. She was allowed to buy Duplexes and Tri-plexes that normally she didn't qualify for because of the color of her skin. The difference between her and alot of those ACORN people is she didn't default on her mortgages. They had no intention of paying theirs.

There were dozens of reason why the housing bubble burst. Unqualified borrowers was only one of them.
Last edited:
The left doesn't hate Sarah Palin! We pity her and anyone who mistakenly thinks she's competent.

And could you please tell us specifically who in the Democrat party is encouraging flag burning and the abandonment of veterans? Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
Problem with you snowflakes is you actually believe your own Bullshit....
I don't hate Palin! Hate is something the Trumpians traffic in, not Liberals. We just see her as a buffoon who should not be around the levers of power for her own good and ours.

If you can show me that Sarah Palin of Wassila Alaska is a competent leader of anything beyond the night shift at Wendy's, I'll listen.
No point in trying.
If you actually believe Trumpers are killing cops and burning CVS stores in our inner cities then you're a lost cause.

In case you missed it this guys an idiot.

He doesn't even know what Palin did as Gov. of Alaska.

He has no problem criticizing her but has no idea what an effective Governor she was.

You can't cure stupid.

Her biggest accomplishment as Governor of Alaska was the huge windfall profits tax she put on Alaska oil producers.
She did that in league with Alaskan Democrats, against the opposition of the conservatives in the legislature.

That was how she was an effective governor,

before the national spotlight turned her into a rightwing lunatic.

As you see by Claudette's reaction, she had no clue who the real Sarah Palin was.
Hey, go ahead, put Palin in a prominent position. Maybe that will jolt some Americans into recalling why they didn't elect McCain/Palin eight years ago.
Simple truth: Being a POW doesn't make a person a hero and some Generals (like other politicians) are very very stupid. Stating simple truth is not "trashing" anybody. Another simple truth is that anyone who would appoint John Kerry to any government position is going to earn the scorn of veterans and active military. Also someone needs to make Hillary aware that children throwing flowers is not actual sniper fire.
Another POW basher & calling the military stupid all to defend their orange buddy. John Kerry served, he volunteered for dangerous duty in Vietnam. Kerry is a prime example of how asshats like you trash veterans. And Clinton landed under the threat of sniper fire.

John McCain flew dangerous missions over enemy territory under enemy fire & you & your orange fuckhead buddy claim that he is not a hero. WOW.

I'm a veteran ...

John Kerry, on the other hand, doesn't deserve the title of veteran. He is, and was, a self serving egotist focused only on enhancing his own career while willingly, and intentionally, sacrificing his men in order to forward his career goals.

He is an embarrassment to the veteran community.

I'm a retired US Navy sailor, with over 20 years of service, and I respectfully disagree with you.

ANYONE who has served a full term and was discharged with Under Honorable Conditions discharge or better, gets to have the title of veteran. They earned it, regardless of what I think of their politics.

There are people on this board who are also veterans and we disagree quite a bit, but we recognize each others service and honor that part of them, if not the rest.

You should do so as well, even if you don't like Kerry. He served the time, he's a vet.

I disagree ... it has nothing to do with politics.

It has to do with his performance AS a veteran. He has forfeited my respect. (The operative word is "honor")

You gotta admit if you're being honest, that there are people currently in the military and those who have served honorably and gotten out, who were pretty crappy human beings. I had a LT on my first ship who was a ring knocker who thought he knew everything (he didn't), as well as have worked with enlisted people who did their job, did it fairly well, but were miserable to be around.

Even though I didn't like those people and thought they were piss poor excuses for human beings, I still recognized their service as veterans if they had a General Under Honorable Conditions or better discharge.

The only ones I don't consider veterans are those whose DD214s say General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (OTH), Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD, also known as Big Chicken Dinner), or Dishonorable, because the military said they didn't recognize their service as honorable.

Everyone else? If the military recognizes their service as Honorable, that's good enough for me, even if I don't like them.

Kerry did serve and managed to come home after a shortened tour due to three band aid injuries. He did get an Honhiorable discharge and then got lower than whale shit as a veteran by throwing his military ribbons over the White House wall to protest the Vietnam war. He then testified before Congress:

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

4/22/71 War ended on 8/15/73

He gave aid and comfort to the enemy while we were still engaged in armed conflict and is in a tie with Jane Fonda for being a traitor and a sorry human being, IMHO.

Bush ..... 4.2% to 7.8% (+86%)
Obama .. 7.8% to 4.9% (-37%)


Bush ..... 10.6K to 8.3K (-22%)
Obama .... 8.3K to 19.2K (+132%)

Lying Redfish calls that worse under Obama.


I already explained how they no longer count people who have given up looking for work in the unemployment numbers.

Liar = you
Your "explanation" is a lie since they didn't count those people when Clinton was president or when Bush was president. Nothing changed in that regard during Obama's presidency.

I am still waiting for you to tell us which specific obozo policies CAUSED the market rally.
The same policies rightwingnuts offer as the reason for the rise in the stock market since the election.

U.S. changes how it measures long-term unemployment -

The Official Unemployment Rate Is Wrong, Says Guy Who Used To Calculate It | The Huffington Post

Note the date on the articles - compare that date to the change in the unemployment rate on the charts you posted.

Quite a coincidence, huh?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

File this under 'C' for conservatives are fucking retards. :cuckoo:

That's not a change to how the unemployment rate is calculated. That changed the definition of long term unemployment, which was folks out of work from 2 years, to include anyone out of work for 5 years. That had absolutely no affect on the unemployment rate.

And moron .... long term unemployment is not part of the methodology employed to calculate any of the BLS's measures of labor underutilization, U-1 through U-6.

"The change will not affect how the unemployed are counted or the unemployment rate is computed nor how long those eligible for unemployment benefits receive them."


Dang, I don't know exactly how to respond ....

1) I could tell you to stick it in your ass because of your moronic and childish personal attacks.

2) I could explain to you just how wrong you are --- that you can't compare pre-2010 unemployment rates with post 2010 because the computation methodology was changed in order to hide the people driven from the unemployment rolls.

I think I'll go for no. 1.

Since you can't see the difference between what you write and I write, I would be wasting my time. Rather than try to change your addled little mind, I guess the best thing I can do is just tell you to fuck off.

Consider it done.

I see you're stuck on stupid. A rather common affliction for conservatives like you.

If that change altered the unemployment rate then how do you explain your own link stating...
The change will not affect how the unemployed are counted or the unemployment rate is computed nor how long those eligible for unemployment benefits receive them.

Your own link! :eusa_doh:

This proves how stupid you are. Show the conservative he's wrong by his own link and he's still incapable of learning.

Rightard, it was a joke targeted at Bristol Palin, who was an adult at the time.

Bristol was not present, Comrade Pot.
This is yet another reason why you're such an idiot. Letterman apologized -- not just for the content of the joke, but because he based the joke on the knowledge that Sarah Palin went to a Yankee's game with her daughter, mistakenly and for which he took full responsibility, for assuming the daughter who accompanied Sarah to the game was Bristol as she was the daughter who was most often in the news; and for getting knocked up out of wedlock, despite the "family values" position of the right. Hence the joke, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez." Targeting Bristol made the joke contextually valid, if even in poor taste. But with Willow being the daughter at the game, and not Bristol, it made his comment highly offensive. For which, Letterman apologized...

The issue is the incessant demagoguery from you of the Khmer Rouge in your war on women. The call to rape a 14 year old is but one of a thousand instances. I actually find the dispatch of Creepy Joe McGinnis to stalk the Palin family far more disturbing. George Soros paid for a house next door to the Palin's so his agent could stalk and harass the entire family for two years. Straight out of the STASI playbook.

It doesn't bother you that your new Khmer Rouge uses methods identical to the KGB, Gestapo, and STASI, but it sure bothers decent people.
Again, no one called for a 14 year old to be raped. You only think that happened because you're a brain-dead knuckle-dragging lowbrow-troglodyte conservative.
. Says the Uber Ultra leftist turning himself into a pretzel trying to defend the indefensible... There is no way to make this stuff up... lol

It's really not my problem you can't understand the intended target of Letterman's joke was Bristol, not Willow. But that's ok. You're a conservative, no one expects you to understand.

Rightards can't even get on the same page with each other because they don't know what they're talking about...

The housing bubble did not burst because of loans to minorities and no one ever said it was the reason.

The housing collapse started thanks to regulations the Dems forced down Congress's throat that allowed people (blacks) with poor credit to buy a home with no money down and no income to speak of.

Probably because we aren't all getting our information from the same source like you snowflakes.

BTW, I used to work in the mortgage industry. I saw things that were going on that wasn't being blasted all over the net. People were getting into homes they couldn't qualify for because of numerous reasons. My wife is black. She was allowed to buy Duplexes and Tri-plexes that normally she didn't qualify for because of the color of her skin. The difference between her and alot of those ACORN people is she didn't default on her mortgages. They had no intention of paying theirs.

There were dozens of reason why the housing bubble burst. Unqualified borrowers was only one of them.
They were getting into homes because greedy lenders could get them loans that the lenders could turn around and sell for a profit. And they got away with it because there was insufficient oversight. I know stories too. I have a friend who was offered $30K to buy a house from a lender, sight unseen and with no intention of living in it, if he would let the house fall into default. He would make no payments and the lender would sell the loan to another lender before the house went into foreclosure knowing full well it was a bad loan. That's the kind of shit that was going on unfettered.
Rightard, it was a joke targeted at Bristol Palin, who was an adult at the time.

Bristol was not present, Comrade Pot.
This is yet another reason why you're such an idiot. Letterman apologized -- not just for the content of the joke, but because he based the joke on the knowledge that Sarah Palin went to a Yankee's game with her daughter, mistakenly and for which he took full responsibility, for assuming the daughter who accompanied Sarah to the game was Bristol as she was the daughter who was most often in the news; and for getting knocked up out of wedlock, despite the "family values" position of the right. Hence the joke, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez." Targeting Bristol made the joke contextually valid, if even in poor taste. But with Willow being the daughter at the game, and not Bristol, it made his comment highly offensive. For which, Letterman apologized...

The issue is the incessant demagoguery from you of the Khmer Rouge in your war on women. The call to rape a 14 year old is but one of a thousand instances. I actually find the dispatch of Creepy Joe McGinnis to stalk the Palin family far more disturbing. George Soros paid for a house next door to the Palin's so his agent could stalk and harass the entire family for two years. Straight out of the STASI playbook.

It doesn't bother you that your new Khmer Rouge uses methods identical to the KGB, Gestapo, and STASI, but it sure bothers decent people.
Again, no one called for a 14 year old to be raped. You only think that happened because you're a brain-dead knuckle-dragging lowbrow-troglodyte conservative.
. Says the Uber Ultra leftist turning himself into a pretzel trying to defend the indefensible... There is no way to make this stuff up... lol

It's really not my problem you can't understand the intended target of Letterman's joke was Bristol, not Willow. But that's ok. You're a conservative, no one expects you to understand.


Another POW basher & calling the military stupid all to defend their orange buddy. John Kerry served, he volunteered for dangerous duty in Vietnam. Kerry is a prime example of how asshats like you trash veterans. And Clinton landed under the threat of sniper fire.

John McCain flew dangerous missions over enemy territory under enemy fire & you & your orange fuckhead buddy claim that he is not a hero. WOW.

I'm a veteran ...

John Kerry, on the other hand, doesn't deserve the title of veteran. He is, and was, a self serving egotist focused only on enhancing his own career while willingly, and intentionally, sacrificing his men in order to forward his career goals.

He is an embarrassment to the veteran community.

I'm a retired US Navy sailor, with over 20 years of service, and I respectfully disagree with you.

ANYONE who has served a full term and was discharged with Under Honorable Conditions discharge or better, gets to have the title of veteran. They earned it, regardless of what I think of their politics.

There are people on this board who are also veterans and we disagree quite a bit, but we recognize each others service and honor that part of them, if not the rest.

You should do so as well, even if you don't like Kerry. He served the time, he's a vet.

I disagree ... it has nothing to do with politics.

It has to do with his performance AS a veteran. He has forfeited my respect. (The operative word is "honor")

You gotta admit if you're being honest, that there are people currently in the military and those who have served honorably and gotten out, who were pretty crappy human beings. I had a LT on my first ship who was a ring knocker who thought he knew everything (he didn't), as well as have worked with enlisted people who did their job, did it fairly well, but were miserable to be around.

Even though I didn't like those people and thought they were piss poor excuses for human beings, I still recognized their service as veterans if they had a General Under Honorable Conditions or better discharge.

The only ones I don't consider veterans are those whose DD214s say General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (OTH), Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD, also known as Big Chicken Dinner), or Dishonorable, because the military said they didn't recognize their service as honorable.

Everyone else? If the military recognizes their service as Honorable, that's good enough for me, even if I don't like them.

Kerry did serve and managed to come home after a shortened tour due to three band aid injuries. He did get an Honhiorable discharge and then got lower than whale shit as a veteran by throwing his military ribbons over the White House wall to protest the Vietnam war. He then testified before Congress:

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

4/22/71 War ended on 8/15/73

He gave aid and comfort to the enemy while we were still engaged in armed conflict and is in a tie with Jane Fonda for being a traitor and a sorry human being, IMHO.
I recall an interview with Kerry's wife where she spoke of Kerry being awakened often from the pain from one of his wounds. Degrading his service just shows what a dick you are. Actually, Kerry's post war actions helped end the Vietnam war earlier & that save soldier's lives

Those atrocities did happen.
This is yet another reason why you're such an idiot. Letterman apologized -- not just for the content of the joke, but because he based the joke on the knowledge that Sarah Palin went to a Yankee's game with her daughter, mistakenly and for which he took full responsibility, for assuming the daughter who accompanied Sarah to the game was Bristol as she was the daughter who was most often in the news; and for getting knocked up out of wedlock, despite the "family values" position of the right. Hence the joke, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez." Targeting Bristol made the joke contextually valid, if even in poor taste. But with Willow being the daughter at the game, and not Bristol, it made his comment highly offensive. For which, Letterman apologized...

So, Leftist Letterman didn't do it, but he apologized for it, so Obama Akbar...

Again, no one called for a 14 year old to be raped.

And besides, Letterman apologized - well for something - because he didn't suggest Alex Rodriguez "knock up" a 14 year old (that's rape.) He didn't say what he said and apologized for not saying it because Obama Akbar.

You only think that happened because you're a brain-dead knuckle-dragging lowbrow-troglodyte conservative.

I only think it happened because it was on national TV - but you are a good Communist and reality is only what the part says it is, you are doublegood newspeak. :thup:

Oh, and you danced around Soros setting up STASI stalker Creepy Joe McGinnis...

Take some time and go over the ThinkProgress to find out what lie you are required to tell about that...

You of the Khmer Rouge cannot tell reality from the party fantasy that you spew. Nor do you care, party is all.
Last edited:
Hey, go ahead, put Palin in a prominent position. Maybe that will jolt some Americans into recalling why they didn't elect McCain/Palin eight years ago.

McCain and Palin lost because obozo is half black and the media was ejaculatory over him.
I'm a veteran ...

John Kerry, on the other hand, doesn't deserve the title of veteran. He is, and was, a self serving egotist focused only on enhancing his own career while willingly, and intentionally, sacrificing his men in order to forward his career goals.

He is an embarrassment to the veteran community.

I'm a retired US Navy sailor, with over 20 years of service, and I respectfully disagree with you.

ANYONE who has served a full term and was discharged with Under Honorable Conditions discharge or better, gets to have the title of veteran. They earned it, regardless of what I think of their politics.

There are people on this board who are also veterans and we disagree quite a bit, but we recognize each others service and honor that part of them, if not the rest.

You should do so as well, even if you don't like Kerry. He served the time, he's a vet.

I disagree ... it has nothing to do with politics.

It has to do with his performance AS a veteran. He has forfeited my respect. (The operative word is "honor")

You gotta admit if you're being honest, that there are people currently in the military and those who have served honorably and gotten out, who were pretty crappy human beings. I had a LT on my first ship who was a ring knocker who thought he knew everything (he didn't), as well as have worked with enlisted people who did their job, did it fairly well, but were miserable to be around.

Even though I didn't like those people and thought they were piss poor excuses for human beings, I still recognized their service as veterans if they had a General Under Honorable Conditions or better discharge.

The only ones I don't consider veterans are those whose DD214s say General Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (OTH), Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD, also known as Big Chicken Dinner), or Dishonorable, because the military said they didn't recognize their service as honorable.

Everyone else? If the military recognizes their service as Honorable, that's good enough for me, even if I don't like them.

Kerry did serve and managed to come home after a shortened tour due to three band aid injuries. He did get an Honhiorable discharge and then got lower than whale shit as a veteran by throwing his military ribbons over the White House wall to protest the Vietnam war. He then testified before Congress:

"They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

4/22/71 War ended on 8/15/73

He gave aid and comfort to the enemy while we were still engaged in armed conflict and is in a tie with Jane Fonda for being a traitor and a sorry human being, IMHO.
I recall an interview with Kerry's wife where she spoke of Kerry being awakened often from the pain from one of his wounds. Degrading his service just shows what a dick you are. Actually, Kerry's post war actions helped end the Vietnam war earlier & that save soldier's lives

Those atrocities did happen.

it was a war, dipshit. War is hell. Shit happens, innocents die. I repeat, war is hell.

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