Sarah Palin being considered for Secretary of Veterans Affairs

My favorite is when she cited being able to see Russia from Alaska as foreign policy experience.

Cool, she can tell veterans how part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. :badgrin:

Sarah Palin dumbfuck, not Tina Fey.

Why are you leftists too fucking stupid to grasp that parodies on TV are not the actual person?

Well, that's why you're leftists....

Actually, you show your ignorance when you make posts like this. Hear, lemmie clear it up for you so you can see it was actually SARAH who said it.

Why are you too fucking stupid to know this actually happened?
Well, at least Sarah won't be cutting down redwood trees as Secretary of the Interior. That's some relief...
You know, she's shown time and time again that her grasp of the issues is tenuous at best.

Yep, Trump is looking to see how hard he can screw over the veterans.
Oh God...I love you Americans!!!!
The comedy is just long can you keep producing at this high standard though?!

Trump may end our comedy gold by turning it into tragedy gold. We should all be growing bananas in honor of the New Republic.
i think that she'd be ok . If not she gets fired or is given assistance or help . Its just my OPINION that she would approach the assignment with the goal and correct attitude to help military veterans BSailor
Cool, she can tell veterans how part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. :badgrin:

Sarah Palin dumbfuck, not Tina Fey.

Why are you leftists too fucking stupid to grasp that parodies on TV are not the actual person?

Well, that's why you're leftists....

Actually, you show your ignorance when you make posts like this. Hear, lemmie clear it up for you so you can see it was actually SARAH who said it.

Why are you too fucking stupid to know this actually happened?

That's the beauty of Sarah "The Quitter" Palin -- she IS a parody.

Fine by me. It's something she cares about which means its more likely to be fixed
Have you seen some of the crap she did to Alaska?

And like I said, considering that she's already demonstrated she doesn't know much, myself as a retired veteran, think that she's one of the poorest choices he could possibly make.
Faith healers in all VA hospitals, problem solved!!!! Probably would not cost more than several billion dollars and look at all the savings after Jesus heals everyone!!!.
i think that she'd be ok . If not she gets fired or is given assistance or help . Its just my OPINION that she would approach the assignment with the goal and correct attitude to help military veterans BSailor
. She done a good job in Alaska didn't she ??
Based on a news report that I saw this afternoon (link attached at botom), I have to REALLY wonder what is going on in Trump's head. It seems now, his leading choice for the VA is to put Sarah Palin in charge.

Considering that she's shown a very tenuous grasp of issues, as evidenced by her VP run, do you really want her in charge of your health care?

I don't.

Sarah Palin Under Consideration for VA Secretary

You're funny as hell. You want to complain about Palin possibly getting the job and you have no idea if she'll do a good job but you're silent about the shit job barry did helping veterans.:cuckoo:

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