Sarah Palin Compares Climate Change 'Hysteria' To Eugenics

She and her dopehead family have no concerns, no one is going to take away her makeup....
So they're dopeheads now? Explain how?
It snows a lot around her family....

That's the Plugs and Drugs family that is certifiably into snorting away there bucko.

You've got them mixed up.
Yes, hunter palin was innocent of coke use, that's why the Navy let him go...Plus he was too old...

So what? I see your 'Hunter Palin used Coke and raise you Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Jose Biden, barack obama and 100% of the Socialists in government throughout the world, the latest demonstrated example being Jose Biden's kid... Jos-B
Wrong thread....
I assume she stuck around to answer questions from environmental Journalists or Scientists...

I doubt it, CowboyTed. She wouldn't want to have another Katie Couric experience.

Well you two are here and you're implying that "SCIENCE!" and its representatives would question her into shame, through their superior understanding of nature and the bio-chemical workings of the universe around us, which, ever so sadly... demonstrates that mankind, through it's use of natural stores of carbon is killing the planet.

Now I speak for Mrs. Palin here... so why don't you two feminized leftist nut-sacks question me, as if I were Mrs. Palin and I'll give ya a taste of what ya had to look forward to, as she dealt common sense in response to the idiotic rants of the modern iteration of Chicken Little.

Holy shit, you sound like an idiot trying to sound smart. Bravo!
She and her dopehead family have no concerns, no one is going to take away her makeup....
So they're dopeheads now? Explain how?
It snows a lot around her family....

That's the Plugs and Drugs family that is certifiably into snorting away there bucko.

You've got them mixed up.
Yes, hunter palin was innocent of coke use, that's why the Navy let him go...Plus he was too old...


Hunter Palin?
She and her dopehead family have no concerns, no one is going to take away her makeup....
So they're dopeheads now? Explain how?
It snows a lot around her family....

That's the Plugs and Drugs family that is certifiably into snorting away there bucko.

You've got them mixed up.
Yes, hunter palin was innocent of coke use, that's why the Navy let him go...Plus he was too old...

So what? I see your 'Hunter Palin used Coke and raise you Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Jose Biden, barack obama and 100% of the Socialists in government throughout the world, the latest demonstrated example being Jose Biden's kid... Jos-B

Why are you deflecting and derailing?
Doesnt she understand that the science is "settled" and that we are doomed if we dont send trillions to third world shitholes, stop having children, become vegetarians, ride bicycles to work and paint our roofs white ....
Before its too late !!!! Lmfao
Pretty much is settled.
Do scientists disagree about global warming PolitiFact

Where is a trillions you are talking about... How about just basic common sense... The coal industry and Oil are the most hevilly subsudized industries in the US... You have no problem with trillion dollar wars to secure Oilfields.

Coal air pollution kills 24,000 americans a year.... But hey no problem there... Don't see the Coal Industry coughing up any money, don't see a tax on it to pay for all the extra respiratory illnesses
Deaths per TWH by energy source

So go ahead and live in the dark...

LOL! Adorable.
I assume she stuck around to answer questions from environmental Journalists or Scientists...

I doubt it, CowboyTed. She wouldn't want to have another Katie Couric experience.

Well you two are here and you're implying that "SCIENCE!" and its representatives would question her into shame, through their superior understanding of nature and the bio-chemical workings of the universe around us, which, ever so sadly... demonstrates that mankind, through it's use of natural stores of carbon is killing the planet.

Now I speak for Mrs. Palin here... so why don't you two feminized leftist nut-sacks question me, as if I were Mrs. Palin and I'll give ya a taste of what ya had to look forward to, as she dealt common sense in response to the idiotic rants of the modern iteration of Chicken Little.

Why are you deflecting and derailing?

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
You can tell someone is a moron the first time they talk about "Carbon footprint" or "Settled science"
Could eugenics have prevented Sarah from having a retarded baby? Did the retard gene come from Sarah?
Could eugenics have prevented Sarah from having a retarded baby? Did the retard gene come from Sarah?

No... Eugenics, like Global warming was an unprincipled, anti-science abyss of socialist idiocy. It couldn't start a match in the middle of a forest fire.
Apparently the Democrat Central Committee got out another fear-filled memo today warning that Ms. Palin will be taking on Fauxahontas in 2016!
And she'll win. The media and libs know she wont be politically correct and will go on a attacking offensive posture calling out the faux squaw and Hillary on their inexperience governing as well as their lack of accomplishments.
Thats right, She has an entire 1/2-term under her belt.
I assume she stuck around to answer questions from environmental Journalists or Scientists...

I doubt it, CowboyTed. She wouldn't want to have another Katie Couric experience.

Well you two are here and you're implying that "SCIENCE!" and its representatives would question her into shame, through their superior understanding of nature and the bio-chemical workings of the universe around us, which, ever so sadly... demonstrates that mankind, through it's use of natural stores of carbon is killing the planet.

Now I speak for Mrs. Palin here... so why don't you two feminized leftist nut-sacks question me, as if I were Mrs. Palin and I'll give ya a taste of what ya had to look forward to, as she dealt common sense in response to the idiotic rants of the modern iteration of Chicken Little.

Isn't that a lovely post.Nice rant but no actual evidence much like Palin.
I assume she stuck around to answer questions from environmental Journalists or Scientists...

I doubt it, CowboyTed. She wouldn't want to have another Katie Couric experience.

Well you two are here and you're implying that "SCIENCE!" and its representatives would question her into shame, through their superior understanding of nature and the bio-chemical workings of the universe around us, which, ever so sadly... demonstrates that mankind, through it's use of natural stores of carbon is killing the planet.

Now I speak for Mrs. Palin here... so why don't you two feminized leftist nut-sacks question me, as if I were Mrs. Palin and I'll give ya a taste of what ya had to look forward to, as she dealt common sense in response to the idiotic rants of the modern iteration of Chicken Little.

Isn't that a lovely post.Nice rant but no actual evidence much like Palin.

There is no evidence that mankind is warming the earth's atmosphere. But we can rest assured that if any ever comes along, that MSNBC will use it to PROVE Gorge Zimmerman was a white racist determined to gun down the innocent 12 year old black teen, whatshisname, who was walking down the middle of a well lit public street, with his hands in the air, singing gospel music, as he made his way home from feeding the poor.

And thank you for your concession. Such is hereby duly noted and summarily accepted.
Apparently the Democrat Central Committee got out another fear-filled memo today warning that Ms. Palin will be taking on Fauxahontas in 2016!
And she'll win. The media and libs know she wont be politically correct and will go on a attacking offensive posture calling out the faux squaw and Hillary on their inexperience governing as well as their lack of accomplishments.
Thats right, She has an entire 1/2-term under her belt.
965 days to be exact and so many policy accomplishments in that timespan that would make Hillary and Faux Squaw Warren run for cover.
Here is a time saving hint for you, Keys. If you just make:

"Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted"

as your signature, you would not have to type this in after virtually every post. Patting oneself on the back for imagined victories has been known to result in sprained wrists and disjointed shoulders.
Here is a time saving hint for you, Keys. If you just make:

"Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted"

as your signature, you would not have to type this in after virtually every post. Patting oneself on the back for imagined victories has been known to result in sprained wrists and disjointed shoulders.

Well, that wouldn't work, as such would not specifically indicate that I am noting and accepting the concessions of the individual at issue, as a result of their having fled the standing point, through one obscurant means or another.

I realize that watching your most closely ideas fail in the arena of ideas is hard on your fragile ego, but I would suggest that instead of weeping and gnashing your teeth about the unsustainable nature of your ideas, you find some ideas of the sustainable variety.

Here's one ya might like:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. ..."

Nature came up with that... it declares principles that cannot fail! Give 'em a try... I think you'll enjoy the change of pace.

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