Sarah Palin: Dying caribou have to ‘take one for the team’ so we can expand oil pipelines

Fact on Palin and aerial animal killing:
Governor Sarah Palin has an extreme anti-conservation record on issues ranging from global warming, energy and drilling to wildlife and habitat protection.
Aerial hunting of wolves and bears

Governor Palin is an active promoter of Alaska's aerial hunting program whereby wolves and bears are shot from the air or chased by airplanes to the point of exhaustion before the pilot lands the plane and a gunner shoots the animals point blank.

Palin offered a $150 bounty for wolves to entice hunters to kill more wolves in certain parts of the state, with hunters having to present a wolf's foreleg to collect the bounty.

She actively opposed a ballot measure campaign seeking to end the aerial hunting of wolves by private hunters and approved a $400,000 state-funded campaign aimed at swaying people's votes on the issue.

She also introduced legislation to make it easier to kill wolves and bears and which would have also removed the aerial hunting initiative from the ballot and block the ability of citizens to vote on the issue.

The Board of Game, which she appoints, has approved the killing of black bear sows with cubs as part of the program and expanded the aerial control programs.

The media is currently looking into reports that state officials implementing one of the aerial wolf killing programs illegally killed five-week old wolf pups just outside their dens.

Polar Bear

The U.S. Geological Survey predicts that loss of summer sea ice - crucial habitat for polar bears - could lead to the demise of two-thirds of the world's polar bears by mid-century, including all of Alaska's polar bears. The Bush administration has proposed listing the polar bears as threatened under the ESA to help protect polar bear habitat from threats such as oil and gas development.

Governor Palin has actively opposed the listing of the polar bear despite the fact that Alaska's top marine mammal biologists agreed with the federal scientists who believed the bear should be listed. She wrote the Secretary of Interior urging him not to list the bear on the ground it might hurt the state's oil- and gas-dependent economy. After the bear was listed, she recently filed suit seeking to overturn the listing of polar bears.
The bears have decreased from 1,300 in the 1980s to about 350 today.

Just a few scant reasons of why I hate that bitch. Ok. Now you can come back in and make it all about Obama, or this report I found on Google is all lies and done by the far right far left, far innie, far outtie, far uppie and far downie, or any other excuse you can find. You wanted a reason of my hatred of her, there it is. Some of MANY reasons.

lol, my gawd you are hysterical over an animal. they have hunts all the time to take down the size of predator animals or else they will over take over the other animals on the land.. I'm sorry but you have no idea about predator animals or how to protect other animals from them. In Alaska the majority of the people there HUNT for their food. so you would rather they starve and the wolf destroy 1000s of other animals and let me tell you it isn't pretty to see a pack of wolves take down moose, caribou, reindeer, etc You just want to rant and rave about palin
we've been through this before it's no use trying to explain things. so I say, good ranting
You can bet your ass rawcrapstrory won't ever post something like this because they don't want you to KNOW THE TRUTH. They have to use something a woman Governor supposedly said to make their money so they can pay for their site


Wind turbines kill up to 39 million birds a year!
Big Wind hides evidence of turbine bird kills – and gets rewarded. Here’s how they do it.

- See more at: Wind turbines kill up to 39 million birds a year

California solar power plants singeing bird feathers
California solar power plants singeing bird feathers

but these birds aren't sacrificed for the Alaskan Pipeline so they don't deserve any outrage or hate towards these plants.
Yer "byes" mean squat don't they?
We are not talking about solar power plants or wind turbines. We are talking about Bimbo Killah Wasilla Palin. Hello?
Fact on Palin and aerial animal killing:
Governor Sarah Palin has an extreme anti-conservation record on issues ranging from global warming, energy and drilling to wildlife and habitat protection.
Aerial hunting of wolves and bears

Governor Palin is an active promoter of Alaska's aerial hunting program whereby wolves and bears are shot from the air or chased by airplanes to the point of exhaustion before the pilot lands the plane and a gunner shoots the animals point blank.

Palin offered a $150 bounty for wolves to entice hunters to kill more wolves in certain parts of the state, with hunters having to present a wolf's foreleg to collect the bounty.

She actively opposed a ballot measure campaign seeking to end the aerial hunting of wolves by private hunters and approved a $400,000 state-funded campaign aimed at swaying people's votes on the issue.

She also introduced legislation to make it easier to kill wolves and bears and which would have also removed the aerial hunting initiative from the ballot and block the ability of citizens to vote on the issue.

The Board of Game, which she appoints, has approved the killing of black bear sows with cubs as part of the program and expanded the aerial control programs.

The media is currently looking into reports that state officials implementing one of the aerial wolf killing programs illegally killed five-week old wolf pups just outside their dens.

Polar Bear

The U.S. Geological Survey predicts that loss of summer sea ice - crucial habitat for polar bears - could lead to the demise of two-thirds of the world's polar bears by mid-century, including all of Alaska's polar bears. The Bush administration has proposed listing the polar bears as threatened under the ESA to help protect polar bear habitat from threats such as oil and gas development.

Governor Palin has actively opposed the listing of the polar bear despite the fact that Alaska's top marine mammal biologists agreed with the federal scientists who believed the bear should be listed. She wrote the Secretary of Interior urging him not to list the bear on the ground it might hurt the state's oil- and gas-dependent economy. After the bear was listed, she recently filed suit seeking to overturn the listing of polar bears.
The bears have decreased from 1,300 in the 1980s to about 350 today.

Just a few scant reasons of why I hate that bitch. Ok. Now you can come back in and make it all about Obama, or this report I found on Google is all lies and done by the far right far left, far innie, far outtie, far uppie and far downie, or any other excuse you can find. You wanted a reason of my hatred of her, there it is. Some of MANY reasons.

lol, my gawd you are hysterical over an animal. they have hunts all the time to take down the size of predator animals or else they will over take the other animals on the land.. I'm sorry but you have no idea about predator animals or how to protect other animals from them. In Alaska the majority of the people there HUNT for their food. so you would rather they starve and the wolf destroy 1000s of other animals and let me tell you it isn't pretty to see a pack of wolves take down moose, caribou, reindeer, etc You just want to rant and rave about palin
From what I have been reading, most of alaskans think Palin is an idiot and hate her as much as I do. And of course I am ranting about the skank. This is a message board. It's full of rants. Kinda like yours ranting at me because I refuse to goosestep to YOUR opinions on the moron.
You know nothing about me, so keep your ASSumptions to yourself.
I am far from hysterical. I answered the question posed to me. Pick it apart all you wish. I stand firm on my own opinion about that bitch. I didn't pay much attention to what most here say about you but I am beginning to "see" now why they say what they say.
Fuck off.
Maybe so. I am not far left. Or far right. I just hate her. Period.

Oh you are not far left?

Then please show with links to all the protests you have made against Obama's illegal wars!


So you support Obama's illegal wars?
Are you stupid?

I am not the one supporting the illegal wars of Obama, so that would fall on others!

Are you stupid?
Personally, I would like a grizzly to sit on Hillary.

A lot of the far left feel that way, but would vote for her anyway if the far left told them to!
You really should stop self projecting on your own lack of self control. I will never vote for Hillary. Unless she is up against Palin. Then I would just to keep Bimbo out of the WH.

When someone has that much hatred is easy to assume that is comes form the far left..

However you said you would never do something then showed that you would!

So where did you protest Obama illegal wars?
Fuck off. I am neither left nor right. Deal with it. Wanna know what I post about? Go huntin' and STFU.

He just spews propaganda just like the liberal left. He's no different. The smart posters can talk about this with a level head. This guys is nuts and in his bunker he made 14 years ago and hasn't come out since.
Oh you are not far left?

Then please show with links to all the protests you have made against Obama's illegal wars!


So you support Obama's illegal wars?
Are you stupid?

I am not the one supporting the illegal wars of Obama, so that would fall on others!

Are you stupid?

I am not the one supporting the illegal wars of Obama, so that would fall on others!
Personally, I would like a grizzly to sit on Hillary.

A lot of the far left feel that way, but would vote for her anyway if the far left told them to!
You really should stop self projecting on your own lack of self control. I will never vote for Hillary. Unless she is up against Palin. Then I would just to keep Bimbo out of the WH.

When someone has that much hatred is easy to assume that is comes form the far left..

However you said you would never do something then showed that you would!

So where did you protest Obama illegal wars?
Fuck off. I am neither left nor right. Deal with it. Wanna know what I post about? Go huntin' and STFU.

He just spews propaganda just like the liberal left. He's no different. The smart posters can talk about this with a level head. This guys is nuts and in his bunker he made 14 years ago and hasn't come out since.

So that means you support the illegal wars of Obama, gotcha!
Fact on Palin and aerial animal killing:
Governor Sarah Palin has an extreme anti-conservation record on issues ranging from global warming, energy and drilling to wildlife and habitat protection.
Aerial hunting of wolves and bears

Governor Palin is an active promoter of Alaska's aerial hunting program whereby wolves and bears are shot from the air or chased by airplanes to the point of exhaustion before the pilot lands the plane and a gunner shoots the animals point blank.

Palin offered a $150 bounty for wolves to entice hunters to kill more wolves in certain parts of the state, with hunters having to present a wolf's foreleg to collect the bounty.

She actively opposed a ballot measure campaign seeking to end the aerial hunting of wolves by private hunters and approved a $400,000 state-funded campaign aimed at swaying people's votes on the issue.

She also introduced legislation to make it easier to kill wolves and bears and which would have also removed the aerial hunting initiative from the ballot and block the ability of citizens to vote on the issue.

The Board of Game, which she appoints, has approved the killing of black bear sows with cubs as part of the program and expanded the aerial control programs.

The media is currently looking into reports that state officials implementing one of the aerial wolf killing programs illegally killed five-week old wolf pups just outside their dens.

Polar Bear

The U.S. Geological Survey predicts that loss of summer sea ice - crucial habitat for polar bears - could lead to the demise of two-thirds of the world's polar bears by mid-century, including all of Alaska's polar bears. The Bush administration has proposed listing the polar bears as threatened under the ESA to help protect polar bear habitat from threats such as oil and gas development.

Governor Palin has actively opposed the listing of the polar bear despite the fact that Alaska's top marine mammal biologists agreed with the federal scientists who believed the bear should be listed. She wrote the Secretary of Interior urging him not to list the bear on the ground it might hurt the state's oil- and gas-dependent economy. After the bear was listed, she recently filed suit seeking to overturn the listing of polar bears.
The bears have decreased from 1,300 in the 1980s to about 350 today.

Just a few scant reasons of why I hate that bitch. Ok. Now you can come back in and make it all about Obama, or this report I found on Google is all lies and done by the far right far left, far innie, far outtie, far uppie and far downie, or any other excuse you can find. You wanted a reason of my hatred of her, there it is. Some of MANY reasons.

lol, my gawd you are hysterical over an animal. they have hunts all the time to take down the size of predator animals or else they will over take the other animals on the land.. I'm sorry but you have no idea about predator animals or how to protect other animals from them. In Alaska the majority of the people there HUNT for their food. so you would rather they starve and the wolf destroy 1000s of other animals and let me tell you it isn't pretty to see a pack of wolves take down moose, caribou, reindeer, etc You just want to rant and rave about palin
From what I have been reading, most of alaskans think Palin is an idiot and hate her as much as I do. And of course I am ranting about the skank. This is a message board. It's full of rants. Kinda like yours ranting at me because I refuse to goosestep to YOUR opinions on the moron.
You know nothing about me, so keep your ASSumptions to yourself.
I am far from hysterical. I answered the question posed to me. Pick it apart all you wish. I stand firm on my own opinion about that bitch. I didn't pay much attention to what most here say about you but I am beginning to "see" now why they say what they say.
Fuck off.

ok, did you get that off raw story too? or Hufferpufferpost?
my dear I lived there when Palin was my governor. she beat out a Republican who had been ENTRENCHED in the good ole boys club and won with an 80% approval rating. not many other politicians can claim that. You want to talk about the oil pipeline she took on the oil companies and got more for Alaska by doing it. but you go on and believe what helps you in your hate for her. you only look quite hysterically out of your mind doing it. but carry on
I support KILLING the terrorist...Yes.
I support building infrastructure that advances this country, yes!
I supported George w Bush after 9-11! I support Barack Hussein Obama today! I am not a back stabber just because my(old!) party is out of power.
I supported George w Bush after 9-11! I support Barack Hussein Obama today! I am not a back stabber just because my(old!) party is out of power.

Yes the far left is out of power, except at the executive branch level.

So you support the illegal wars of Obama and him doing as little as possible to take out the terrorists.
If I am far left...How do you explain my support for George w Bush, McCain and Romney?
Fact on Palin and aerial animal killing:
Governor Sarah Palin has an extreme anti-conservation record on issues ranging from global warming, energy and drilling to wildlife and habitat protection.
Aerial hunting of wolves and bears

Governor Palin is an active promoter of Alaska's aerial hunting program whereby wolves and bears are shot from the air or chased by airplanes to the point of exhaustion before the pilot lands the plane and a gunner shoots the animals point blank.

Palin offered a $150 bounty for wolves to entice hunters to kill more wolves in certain parts of the state, with hunters having to present a wolf's foreleg to collect the bounty.

She actively opposed a ballot measure campaign seeking to end the aerial hunting of wolves by private hunters and approved a $400,000 state-funded campaign aimed at swaying people's votes on the issue.

She also introduced legislation to make it easier to kill wolves and bears and which would have also removed the aerial hunting initiative from the ballot and block the ability of citizens to vote on the issue.

The Board of Game, which she appoints, has approved the killing of black bear sows with cubs as part of the program and expanded the aerial control programs.

The media is currently looking into reports that state officials implementing one of the aerial wolf killing programs illegally killed five-week old wolf pups just outside their dens.

Polar Bear

The U.S. Geological Survey predicts that loss of summer sea ice - crucial habitat for polar bears - could lead to the demise of two-thirds of the world's polar bears by mid-century, including all of Alaska's polar bears. The Bush administration has proposed listing the polar bears as threatened under the ESA to help protect polar bear habitat from threats such as oil and gas development.

Governor Palin has actively opposed the listing of the polar bear despite the fact that Alaska's top marine mammal biologists agreed with the federal scientists who believed the bear should be listed. She wrote the Secretary of Interior urging him not to list the bear on the ground it might hurt the state's oil- and gas-dependent economy. After the bear was listed, she recently filed suit seeking to overturn the listing of polar bears.
The bears have decreased from 1,300 in the 1980s to about 350 today.

Just a few scant reasons of why I hate that bitch. Ok. Now you can come back in and make it all about Obama, or this report I found on Google is all lies and done by the far right far left, far innie, far outtie, far uppie and far downie, or any other excuse you can find. You wanted a reason of my hatred of her, there it is. Some of MANY reasons.

lol, my gawd you are hysterical over an animal. they have hunts all the time to take down the size of predator animals or else they will over take the other animals on the land.. I'm sorry but you have no idea about predator animals or how to protect other animals from them. In Alaska the majority of the people there HUNT for their food. so you would rather they starve and the wolf destroy 1000s of other animals and let me tell you it isn't pretty to see a pack of wolves take down moose, caribou, reindeer, etc You just want to rant and rave about palin
From what I have been reading, most of alaskans think Palin is an idiot and hate her as much as I do. And of course I am ranting about the skank. This is a message board. It's full of rants. Kinda like yours ranting at me because I refuse to goosestep to YOUR opinions on the moron.
You know nothing about me, so keep your ASSumptions to yourself.
I am far from hysterical. I answered the question posed to me. Pick it apart all you wish. I stand firm on my own opinion about that bitch. I didn't pay much attention to what most here say about you but I am beginning to "see" now why they say what they say.
Fuck off.

ok, did you get that off raw story too? or Hufferpufferpost?
my dear I lived there when Palin was my governor. she beat out a Republican who had been ENTRENCHED in the good ole boys club and won with an 80% approval rating. not many other politicians can claim that. You want to talk about the oil pipeline she took on the oil companies and got more for Alaska by doing it. but you go on and believe what helps you in your hate for her. you only look quite hysterically out of your mind doing it. but carry on
I googled. Doesn't matter where it came from. The person that wrote it lives in Alaska. Quite a few people posted other things as well. From Alaska. The only one hysterical is you....all because someone on a message board thinks she is an idiot, a moron, and a bimbo and refuses to grovel at YOUR opinion on why one should change their opinion JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO.
She is a quitter, a liar, stupid, a con artist, idiotic, abused her "pwers" while in office and is known as the killah from wasilla. You can love her all you want. You can also continue to berate me for not thinking as you do while saying "bye" but just can't seem to go away. Knock yerself out.
If I am far left...How do you explain my support for George w Bush, McCain and Romney?
I was actually leaning towards Romney but after his sons acted like assholes and I saw how clueless he was...I was looking at McCain...seriously. Until he got The Bimbo. Sigh. He fucked himself doing that.
Fact on Palin and aerial animal killing:
Governor Sarah Palin has an extreme anti-conservation record on issues ranging from global warming, energy and drilling to wildlife and habitat protection.
Aerial hunting of wolves and bears

Governor Palin is an active promoter of Alaska's aerial hunting program whereby wolves and bears are shot from the air or chased by airplanes to the point of exhaustion before the pilot lands the plane and a gunner shoots the animals point blank.

Palin offered a $150 bounty for wolves to entice hunters to kill more wolves in certain parts of the state, with hunters having to present a wolf's foreleg to collect the bounty.

She actively opposed a ballot measure campaign seeking to end the aerial hunting of wolves by private hunters and approved a $400,000 state-funded campaign aimed at swaying people's votes on the issue.

She also introduced legislation to make it easier to kill wolves and bears and which would have also removed the aerial hunting initiative from the ballot and block the ability of citizens to vote on the issue.

The Board of Game, which she appoints, has approved the killing of black bear sows with cubs as part of the program and expanded the aerial control programs.

The media is currently looking into reports that state officials implementing one of the aerial wolf killing programs illegally killed five-week old wolf pups just outside their dens.

Polar Bear

The U.S. Geological Survey predicts that loss of summer sea ice - crucial habitat for polar bears - could lead to the demise of two-thirds of the world's polar bears by mid-century, including all of Alaska's polar bears. The Bush administration has proposed listing the polar bears as threatened under the ESA to help protect polar bear habitat from threats such as oil and gas development.

Governor Palin has actively opposed the listing of the polar bear despite the fact that Alaska's top marine mammal biologists agreed with the federal scientists who believed the bear should be listed. She wrote the Secretary of Interior urging him not to list the bear on the ground it might hurt the state's oil- and gas-dependent economy. After the bear was listed, she recently filed suit seeking to overturn the listing of polar bears.
The bears have decreased from 1,300 in the 1980s to about 350 today.

Just a few scant reasons of why I hate that bitch. Ok. Now you can come back in and make it all about Obama, or this report I found on Google is all lies and done by the far right far left, far innie, far outtie, far uppie and far downie, or any other excuse you can find. You wanted a reason of my hatred of her, there it is. Some of MANY reasons.

lol, my gawd you are hysterical over an animal. they have hunts all the time to take down the size of predator animals or else they will over take the other animals on the land.. I'm sorry but you have no idea about predator animals or how to protect other animals from them. In Alaska the majority of the people there HUNT for their food. so you would rather they starve and the wolf destroy 1000s of other animals and let me tell you it isn't pretty to see a pack of wolves take down moose, caribou, reindeer, etc You just want to rant and rave about palin
From what I have been reading, most of alaskans think Palin is an idiot and hate her as much as I do. And of course I am ranting about the skank. This is a message board. It's full of rants. Kinda like yours ranting at me because I refuse to goosestep to YOUR opinions on the moron.
You know nothing about me, so keep your ASSumptions to yourself.
I am far from hysterical. I answered the question posed to me. Pick it apart all you wish. I stand firm on my own opinion about that bitch. I didn't pay much attention to what most here say about you but I am beginning to "see" now why they say what they say.
Fuck off.

ok, did you get that off raw story too? or Hufferpufferpost?
my dear I lived there when Palin was my governor. she beat out a Republican who had been ENTRENCHED in the good ole boys club and won with an 80% approval rating. not many other politicians can claim that. You want to talk about the oil pipeline she took on the oil companies and got more for Alaska by doing it. but you go on and believe what helps you in your hate for her. you only look quite hysterically out of your mind doing it. but carry on
I googled. Doesn't matter where it came from. The person that wrote it lives in Alaska. Quite a few people posted other things as well. From Alaska. The only one hysterical is you....all because someone on a message board thinks she is an idiot, a moron, and a bimbo and refuses to grovel at YOUR opinion on why one should change their opinion JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO.
She is a quitter, a liar, stupid, a con artist, idiotic, abused her "pwers" while in office and is known as the killah from wasilla. You can love her all you want. You can also continue to berate me for not thinking as you do while saying "bye" but just can't seem to go away. Knock yerself out.

lol, off someone's blog. yeah real reliable. you want to take their word over me who lived there for 15 years and voted for Palin and she was my governor until she resigned. fine
If I am far left...How do you explain my support for George w Bush, McCain and Romney?

Many supported Bush after 9/11..

How could you support Romney since the claim is he is not for science and infrastructure? You claimed you would never support anyone that was not for those things. So how could you support Romney?
If I am far left...How do you explain my support for George w Bush, McCain and Romney?

Many supported Bush after 9/11..

How could you support Romney since the claim is he is not for science and infrastructure? You claimed you would never support anyone that was not for those things. So how could you support Romney?

I was going along to get along. Not really thinking and one day reality hit me right in the head. I'll admit it. I was a raging right wing loon and found out that I was going against my own best interest.

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