Sarah Palin encourages mask wearing after revealing COVID-19 diagnosis, says she has bizzare symptoms


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Palin has fallen!

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Aw, it's just the flu. It's fake news. A hoax. She'll be fine by tomorrow.
Um. She wore a mask, her son was a major mask enthusiast. They caught the chinese flu anyway. And she says wear a mask! It's better than nothing- even if you are breathing sterile cold air.

Republicans just can't get a freaking break. No matter which way Palin goes the freaking left still hates her.
Bizarre symptoms?...what bizarre symptoms?....
Loss of taste and smell is common with corona viruses...haven't you ever had that sensation when you had a bad cold?...nothing taste good and you can't smell...then other times a cold will make you hungry as I ask again what do you consider bizarre?...did she lose her hair...did her skin peal off?...what?....don't call it bizarre if its not...
Um. She wore a mask, her son was a major mask enthusiast. They caught the chinese flu anyway. And she says wear a mask! It's better than nothing- even if you are breathing sterile cold air.

Her daughter caught it, gave it to Sarah and Trig is what I think the article implied.
Republicans just can't get a freaking break. No matter which way Palin goes the freaking left still hates her.
Generally speaking, I like Palin. But what she's saying doesn't make sense.
Why does it matter whether a politician who ran for VP over a decade ago advocates wearing a mask? It only matters to the left which has an amazing ability to nurture and sustain hatred.
Republicans just can't get a freaking break. No matter which way Palin goes the freaking left still hates her.
Generally speaking, I like Palin. But what she's saying doesn't make sense.
Why does it matter whether a politician who ran for VP over a decade ago advocates wearing a mask? It only matters to the left which has an amazing ability to nurture and sustain hatred.
I know what you're saying. The left sees everything through their own prejudicial lens. That's their problem.

I can only respond to what Palin actually said.
Um. She wore a mask, her son was a major mask enthusiast. They caught the chinese flu anyway. And she says wear a mask! It's better than nothing- even if you are breathing sterile cold air.

Her daughter caught it, gave it to Sarah and Trig is what I think the article implied.
Uh huh. And they wore masks and they breathe sterile air. Yeah. I read the article.
Um. She wore a mask, her son was a major mask enthusiast. They caught the chinese flu anyway. And she says wear a mask! It's better than nothing- even if you are breathing sterile cold air.

Her daughter caught it, gave it to Sarah and Trig is what I think the article implied.
Uh huh. And they wore masks and they breathe sterile air. Yeah. I read the article.
I doubt any young kid, wears their mask, keeps 6ft apart, and sanitized hands all the time, that's why her daughter caught it. Family members tend not to wear masks, separate etc, when with each other. Makes perfect sense to me....
Um. She wore a mask, her son was a major mask enthusiast. They caught the chinese flu anyway. And she says wear a mask! It's better than nothing- even if you are breathing sterile cold air.

Her daughter caught it, gave it to Sarah and Trig is what I think the article implied.
Uh huh. And they wore masks and they breathe sterile air. Yeah. I read the article.
I doubt any young kid, wears their mask, keeps 6ft apart, and sanitized hands all the time, that's why her daughter caught it. Family members tend not to wear masks, separate etc, when with each other. Makes perfect sense to me....
Good for you.
I dont know anybody that wore a mask or anybody that got real sick and we all caught it. Me and the wife had a headache, my 79 year old mom didn't even get sick, my daughter had a fever for a couple days. The virus was real, it just wasn't worth what we did to our economy.
Anybody care what Walter Mondale thinks about wearing masks? Like Palin he was a candidate for V.P. and is still alive. The difference is that Palin was (is) a republican and an attractive and successful female who should have been the best example of what girls and women can become. Unfortunately for modern girls and young women today Palin was a republican and subjected to nothing but ridicule by the homo-sensitive media. It's hard to get a handle on left wing hatred except to wonder why this successful woman who ran for mayor and then governor is still subjected to hate related blogs.
If anyone was going to have bizarre symptoms, it would be Palin. Her entire life is bizarre.

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