Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

So starts the Democratic Socialist Party and their media's war on women that don't toe their pc line......:laugh:
So starts the Democratic Socialist Party and their media's war on women that don't toe their pc line......:laugh:

YEP, I think this might be ALL PLANNED. stay tuned for the hate show coming at you all. Good move really. bravo
I bet McCain is laughing his ass off.

Your turn Chump, errrr Trump.
Iowa didn't like Palin in 08.
I don't see why people think this is a good thing?

Iowa rubes do and we are in primary season.If this endorsement came after the summer it would be worthless.
good point. but didn't she basically say she supported him months ago? Maybe the "officially" is key here?

I think she has said and attended events in the past with both of them. Honestly, between those two I wasn't sure who she would endorse. Helps now but if Trump is smart he'll pay her to keep her mouth shut in a couple months.
I won't be fully swayed until I know whom Honey Boo Boo is endorsing. lol
Another act of genius with Palin.... Takes away MANY Tea Party and Patriots that were leaning to Ted, also causes the MSM and the subversives idiots on USMB, and RINO moderates to continue to talk about Trump and Palin, thus SHUTTING OUT all other candidates, keeping Trump FIRST in the mind of most voters.....also completely shuts out ANYTHING that the lying, corrupt, criminal, murderous Hildebeast would have to say to the public..... BTW, where is the Hildebeast today, or for that matter, any of the other Republicans?..... PR taken to the NEXT LEVEL!!!
Palin Had Highest Favorability Among Republican Primary Voters 2016.
Sarah Palin.png

Though former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was not included in a Public Policy Polling survey of potential 2016 Republican presidential contenders, she was still overwhelmingly the most liked person among Republican primary voters.

According to Public Policy Polling:

The best liked person we tested on this poll with Republican primary voters is actually Sarah Palin who has a 70/20 favorability rating.

- See more at: Poll: Sarah Palin Has Highest Favorability Rating Among GOP Primary Voters
Keep tract folks. this was the FIRST ONE earlier today.

Trump's Big Surprise Tonight.....Sarah Palin's Botoxed Face?
now this thread

you will see what we are talking about
Well, Palin certainly kicked Joe Biden's ass in their debate, that was a fun event.
Conservatives, do you feel this endorsement will move anyone from Cruz to Trump?

It may be more about stopping any slide from Trump to Cruz.

Trump has the "Change at any cost" conservative vote (ironic, isn't it), Cruz was getting some of that, but a Palin endorsement of Trump may stop the bleeding.

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