Sarah Palin is scaring the bejeesus out of Floridians

you say this of course knowing they are mostly transplants from New York and New Jersey!

New York and New Jersey are the largest "sending states" to Florida. But certainly Florida isn't mostly composed of NY'ers and NJ'ians..

Surely you aren't implying anything by your comment, are you?
New York and New Jersey are the largest "sending states" to Florida. But certainly Florida isn't mostly composed of NY'ers and NJ'ians..

Surely you aren't implying anything by your comment, are you?

You aren't being hyper-defensive, are you ?
The selection of Palin astounds me. I realize she is an offering to the far right but she is so far out there it is plain scary. Goldwater lost big because he was perceived as a little wacky, now let time pass and an even wackier person is seen as normal. Is the water spiked or what?

What's the Difference Between Palin and Muslim Fundamentalists? Lipstick |

"John McCain announced that he was running for president to confront the "transcendent challenge" of the 21st century, "radical Islamic extremism," contrasting it with "stability, tolerance and democracy." But the values of his handpicked running mate, Sarah Palin, more resemble those of Muslim fundamentalists than they do those of the Founding Fathers. On censorship, the teaching of creationism in schools, reproductive rights, attributing government policy to God's will and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts. What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist? Lipstick."
you say this of course knowing they are mostly transplants from New York and New Jersey!

Originally Posted by xsited1

Floridians don't even know how to vote. They scare easily.

I don't think old people and jewish people from new york scare that easily. Not compared to southern, conservative nuts.

Let me ask you: are you a member of the party that thought Saddam Hussien was a grave and urgent threat to the United States, armed to the teeth with WMD that his socialist secular ass was willing to pass on to muslim jihaddists? Are you a member of the conservative wing of the republican party who is in cyberspace daily wringing your hands about a minor border conflict in Georgia, and beating the war drums for war with Russia, Venezuela, Iran, etc, etc, etc???

It turns out that the Republican enthusiasm for Sarah Palin is just as superficial as she is. They were so eager for someone to cheer for (because they really don’t like you) that they dove face first into the Palin mirage. But, on the issues, even they worry about her.

In a New York Times/CBS News poll conducted this week 77 percent of Republicans said that they had a favorable opinion of Palin. But when asked what specifically they liked about her, their top five reasons were that she was honest, tough, caring, outspoken and fresh-faced. Sounds like a talk-show host, not a vice president. (By the way, her intelligence was in a three-way tie for eighth place, right behind “I just like her.”)

When those Republicans were asked what they liked least about her, they started to sound more like everyone else. Aside from those who said that there was nothing they didn’t like, next on the list were: her lack of experience, her record as governor and her lack of foreign-policy experience.

Also, most Republicans think you only picked her to help with the election, not because she is qualified, and a third said that they would be “concerned” if for some reason she actually had to serve as president.

And Palin is proving to be just as vacant as people suspected. In her interview with Charles Gibson last week, she didn’t know what the Bush doctrine was. At your first joint town hall meeting with her in Michigan on Wednesday, in front of an invitation-only crowd of Republicans no less, she dodged substantive questions about the issues as if they were sniper fire, while issuing a faux challenge to the audience to play a game of “stump the candidate”. Seriously?

Many of your supporters will no doubt cry sexism. Fine with me. But that defense rings hollow. I find many of them to be sexist. Fresh-faced? Delegates on the floor of the Republican National Convention wearing buttons like “Hoosiers for the hot chick”?
New York and New Jersey are the largest "sending states" to Florida. But certainly Florida isn't mostly composed of NY'ers and NJ'ians..

Surely you aren't implying anything by your comment, are you?

Registered User Join Date: Sep 2008
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Floridians don't even know how to vote. They scare easily.

very telling that you question what I mean but not what the ^^^ means isn't it? I think you know. Don't you?
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Little Rock, AR
Posts: 46
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Floridians don't even know how to vote. They scare easily.

very telling that you question what I mean but not what the ^^^ means isn't it? I think you know. Don't you?

No. He was referring to FL2000 and the hanging chads and people who were intimidated out of voting by police.

I don't think old people and jewish people from new york scare that easily. Not compared to southern, conservative nuts.

Let me ask you: are you a member of the party that thought Saddam Hussien was a grave and urgent threat to the United States, armed to the teeth with WMD that his socialist secular ass was willing to pass on to muslim jihaddists? Are you a member of the conservative wing of the republican party who is in cyberspace daily wringing your hands about a minor border conflict in Georgia, and beating the war drums for war with Russia, Venezuela, Iran, etc, etc, etc???

Sorry to burst your bubble Red, but there would be no conflict in Georgia if the Russians thought we had any backbone.

As for WMD's, you'll have to add a lot of Dem's to your list of hand-wringers:

"The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." -- President Bill Clinton in 1998

"I am absolutely convinced that there are weapons...I saw evidence back in 1998 when we would see the inspectors being barred from gaining entry into a warehouse for three hours with trucks rolling up and then moving those trucks out." -- Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen in April of 2003

"Iraq does pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf and we should organize an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Vice President and Democrat Presidential Nominee (2000), Al Gore, 2002

"There's no question that Saddam Hussein is a threat... Yes, he has chemical and biological weapons. He's had those for a long time. But the United States right now is on a very much different defensive posture than we were before September 11th of 2001... He is, as far as we know, actively pursuing nuclear capabilities, though he doesn't have nuclear warheads yet. If he were to acquire nuclear weapons, I think our friends in the region would face greatly increased risks as would we." -- Democrat Vice Presidential Nominee (2000), General Wesley Clark on September 26, 2002

"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last 4 years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons. He has had a free hand for 4 years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation." -- Democrat Presidential Nominee (2004), Senator John Kerry, October 9, 2002

"Saddam Hussein's regime represents a grave threat to America and our allies, including our vital ally, Israel. For more than two decades, Saddam Hussein has sought weapons of mass destruction through every available means. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons. He has already used them against his neighbors and his own people, and is trying to build more. We know that he is doing everything he can to build nuclear weapons, and we know that each day he gets closer to achieving that goal." -- Democrat Vice Presidential Nominee (2004) John Edwards, Oct 10, 2002

"As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -- Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, December 16, 1998

"Iraq made commitments after the Gulf War to completely dismantle all weapons of mass destruction, and unfortunately, Iraq has not lived up to its agreement." -- Barbara Boxer, November 8, 2002

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retained some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capability. Intelligence reports also indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons, but has not yet achieved nuclear capability." -- Robert Byrd, October 2002

And the list goes on and on.

Link here.

Snopes confirmation if you don't like the first site.
Registered User Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Little Rock, AR
Posts: 46
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Floridians don't even know how to vote. They scare easily.

very telling that you question what I mean but not what the ^^^ means isn't it? I think you know. Don't you?

Of course it is --we always have to be on guard for anything that can be remotely construed as anti-semitism.
When I say reasonable limits I mean like not letting the same slut get 3 abortions in 4 years, or not allowing late term abortions.

Do you know this slut? Is she related to Reagan's Welfare Queen?:eusa_boohoo:

No, not everyone who criticizes Sarah, hates Christians, or even some of the fake Christians.
Sarah Palin is a very nice Lady who has a right to hold her own opinions.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, the American people expect that Vice-Presidential candidates base their opinions on a strong knowledge of the issues and deep consideration of all factors. Sarah Palin fails in this.

I would like to poll all female supporters with the following questions:

1. Do you agree with at least most of Sarah Palin's political opinions and positions?

2. Do you feel that you identify in many ways with Sarah Palin as a person?

3. Do you believe that you yourself are qualified to be President of the United States?
Sorry to burst your bubble Red, but there would be no conflict in Georgia if the Russians thought we had any backbone.

As for WMD's, you'll have to add a lot of Dem's to your list of hand-wringers:

Hmm, so we have no backbone, you may be right but for the wrong reasons, 911 demonstrated what fear can do and how it can remove backbone as without that fear Iraq would never have happened. As far as Russia goes, they are doing what Russia does, you recall Chechnya don't you? And Kennedy stood up to them, so stay in your echo chamber, but realize you haven't a clue.
What's extremist about Sarah Palin? She's pro-life? The majority of women in this country are pro-life! If you're talking about the rumors of what she's not--you're obviously not watching any interviews of her.

actually, I think stastics show that the majority of women in this country are pro-choice. Many, like me, would have no problem limiting abortion in some respect but voting history would indicate that there are far more pro-choice Americans than pro-life.

No she didn't burn books, yes she believes in contraception--she wants evolution taught in schools.

she didn't want to burn books, she wanted to know the policy if she wanted to ban them.. The citizens of her community fought back and she dropped it. show me where she favors contraceptives? and I've seen her say she wants creationaism taught in school along with evolution but explain to me how you teach creationism in school when that is based on faith and not on science...

So tell me, what in the world is extremist about her?

extremists in her view that abortion only in the case of life of the mother, not in the case of rape or incest...

she believes, according to her own words that God sends our military out on his "plan"

she believes that women who have been raped should pay for their own rape kits

she believes that hiring your childhood friend cuz they liked cows is a good idea

she believes that her staff and/or her husband making 24 phones calls inquiring about why Mike Wooten was still a trooper is okay and not an abuse of power

she believes that it's okay to take federal money but then talk about the abuse of earmarks

she believes that it's okay to lie about selling the plane for a profit but actually selling it for a loss

she believes that it's okay to preach abstinence only education when that clearly didn't work for her own family

she believes that the pastor mutah (spelling?) laid his hands on her and she become governor

she believes that she is being attacked because people are questioning her record and her actions as mayor and governor.

BTW--you can get a detailed interview she just did on FOX news--that details some of these nonsense rumors spread around about her--"that are not true".

as for the Fox interview...:lol: they talked about Obama more than they talked about her experience and policy plans.
Last edited:
Sarah Palin is a very nice Lady who has a right to hold her own opinions.

Unfortunately for the Republicans, the American people expect that Vice-Presidential candidates base their opinions on a strong knowledge of the issues and deep consideration of all factors. Sarah Palin fails in this.

I would like to poll all female supporters with the following questions:

1. Do you agree with at least most of Sarah Palin's political opinions and positions?

2. Do you feel that you identify in many ways with Sarah Palin as a person?

3. Do you believe that you yourself are qualified to be President of the United States?

I agree with very few of her positions, although I am pro-gun and small government, and I want there to be fewer abortions (but do not wish to tell you that you must feel the same or else be a criminal, gets to small govt imo).

I feel I identify with her in that we are similar in age and raising children.

I am not qualified to be in the white house.
Sorry to burst your bubble Red, but there would be no conflict in Georgia if the Russians thought we had any backbone.

I am still curious if the Georgian thing was encouraged by people in Washington in order to prop up McCain as Putin has said.
I would like to poll all female supporters with the following questions:

1. Do you agree with at least most of Sarah Palin's political opinions and positions? no, I don't agree with her political opinions or positions

2. Do you feel that you identify in many ways with Sarah Palin as a person? yes, I can indentify with her as a person. She seems like a very nice lady who deeply believes in her convictions

3. Do you believe that you yourself are qualified to be President of the United States? no, I am not qualified to be President of the United States but I am probably as qualified as she is :lol:
Sorry to burst your bubble Red, but there would be no conflict in Georgia if the Russians thought we had any backbone.

If you think that there is or has been anytime that Russia has been intimidated by us in their own backyard, you are out of your mind!
If you think that there is or has been anytime that Russia has been intimidated by us in their own backyard, you are out of your mind!

So those missles un Poland don't bother then a bit ? How about our nukes in Turkey ?

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