Sarah Palin is scaring the bejeesus out of Floridians

I am still curious if the Georgian thing was encouraged by people in Washington in order to prop up McCain as Putin has said.

It does seem incredible that the Georgians would launch an attack against South Ossetia knowing that the Russians had a major army stationed at the border as a deterent against such an attack. I can only figured one of the following:

1. The Georgians believed that Putin is an obsolute dictator and with him in Bejing no one in Moscow would have the balls to order an invasion of Georgia.

2. The Georgians and their American advisors believed that the Georgian Army was well trained & supplied and could either stop or slow down a Russian attack to the point of forcing a Russian withdrawl. They were very badly mistaken.

3. The Georgian free liberaterian economy was a gross failure and the governement was bound to be kicked out in the next election, so they hoped that a war with Russia would distract their own people and get them to vote the free liberaterians back in as an act of patriotism.

4. The Georgians decided to destroy Georgia by aggrevating a full Russian conquest of Georgia, which would help their buddy, John McCain, while the Georgian millionaire spent the rest of their lives posing as patriots in exile.

Probably a combination of all of the above.

I also don't know why we should care about Georgia:

1. The Russians created Georgia in the early 1800s by running the Persians out.

2. The only thing that Georgia has ever given the world is: Joseph Stalin

3. Georgia started this war in violation of a 1991 treaty. The Russians end it.
I agree with very few of her positions, although I am pro-gun and small government, and I want there to be fewer abortions (but do not wish to tell you that you must feel the same or else be a criminal, gets to small govt imo).

I feel I identify with her in that we are similar in age and raising children.

I am not qualified to be in the white house.

Would you call yourself a Palin supporter?
So those missles un Poland don't bother then a bit ? How about our nukes in Turkey ?

Russia had an equal or better capability to destroy us as we do them. Their missile subs in the Atlantic & Pacific are at least as threatening to us as our missiles in Turkey & Poland are to them.

If they were intimidated by the misiles in Turkey, they never would have attacked Georgia.
What's extremist about Sarah Palin? She's pro-life? The majority of women in this country are pro-life! If you're talking about the rumors of what she's not--you're obviously not watching any interviews of her.

If you're actually watching the interviews, I'm not sure how you think she isn't what people KNOW she is.

No. The majority of WOMEN in this country are pro choice. There are some variations in terms of how far they go in that regard. The majority of anti-choice activists are men.

No she didn't burn books, yes she believes in contraception--she wants evolution taught in schools.

No one said she wants to burn books. She inquired as to how to ban them from the Wasilla library and then tried to fire the librarian for telling her that she wouldn't take kindly to banning books and neither would the ACLU.

Yes she wants evolution taught in school, ALONG WITH CREATIONISM... you left out that part. Creationism is Christian dogma... not science and doesn't belong in any school.

So tell me, what in the world is extremist about her?

BTW--you can get a detailed interview she just did on FOX news--that details some of these nonsense rumors spread around about her--"that are not true".

Who says they're not true?
You don't really want me to go dig up the Democrats speechs who said exactly that doya. Well doya huh? About the immediate threat from Saddam???

oh shitsky!! rich.. I like the twilight zone music. it applies in so many cases.
You don't really want me to go dig up the Democrats speechs who said exactly that doya. Well doya huh? About the immediate threat from Saddam???

oh shitsky!! rich.. I like the twilight zone music. it applies in so many cases.

you sound really unhinged...

I realize comprehension is totally beyond your ken, but you sound really freaky.
As a Floridian, I will admit, Palin scares the hell out of me. Luckily, people are starting to see how she has no regard for the rule of law and is actually an idiot.
As a Floridian, I will admit, Palin scares the hell out of me. Luckily, people are starting to see how she has no regard for the rule of law and is actually an idiot.

you're a liberal, everything Republican scares the hell out of you.
you're a liberal, everything Republican scares the hell out of you.
Yes, that is very true. And if you had half a brain, everything Republican would scare the hell out of you.

Enjoy our new communist government.
I can tell you, from the standpoint of having many many relatives in South Fl. that a blanket statement that Obama is somehow going to win Fl. is at least to me quite amusing. I think if Obama doesn't get down to Miami and repair some of the damage he did when he spoke of his willingness to sit down with "Castro" He has not made many friends there. His exercise in Fl. is a futile one and his money and resources would be better spent in trying to win Colorado or Va. where in my opinion he has a better chance of winning.
Yes, that is very true. And if you had half a brain, everything Republican would scare the hell out of you.

Enjoy our new communist government.

well, I don't have half a brain, I am stuck with what I got..
Yes, that is very true. And if you had half a brain, everything Republican would scare the hell out of you.

Enjoy our new communist government.

Typical of elitist Liberals. Anyone who does not agree with me has no brain.

You are just one step away from the Soviets, soon you will be advocating the jailing of anyone who does not agree with you I think.
Yes, that is very true. And if you had half a brain, everything Republican would scare the hell out of you.

Enjoy our new communist government.

Funny, I've never voted anything but repub for mayor here. Think she's ever voted for a dem?

I'm figuring no...

It is really interesting though that we're suddenly a socialist nation, but it's ok to be that to save banks, but not give health insurance to people.

We own AIG now, right? Maybe we can get them to provide health coverage. :eusa_whistle:
Typical of elitist Liberals. Anyone who does not agree with me has no brain.

You are just one step away from the Soviets, soon you will be advocating the jailing of anyone who does not agree with you I think.

no, I really really think she generously allowed me half a brain, or did I miscount my brains she alloted to me?? Should I go check at KOS?
Do you know the one thing about communism that many people don't seem to understand? I always am amused by this too, I constantly see some people say well because you think this way or that your somehow "stupid" or not "intelligent", and at the same time they defend communism and radical socialism. What's half amusing about that is that when you look back at history and all the communist purges or revolutions who are the first people executed after the revolution? The so-called "smart people" , so then what will that leave? the very same people the radical socialists are calling dumb. just a thought.
Typical of elitist Liberals. Anyone who does not agree with me has no brain.

You are just one step away from the Soviets, soon you will be advocating the jailing of anyone who does not agree with you I think.

Have you read your posts lately??? Only someone who agrees with YOU doesn't want to destroy the country, eh?

Talk about elitist....

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