Sarah Palin is scaring the bejeesus out of Floridians

As many Democrats say she is just a Mom from a small town in Alaska so she should be no threat at all.

So why is there such a huge effort in trashing her? I can understand attacking her political views but why is there a need to atack this average Mom's personal life?

I don's see people attacking her personal life, except the republicans repeating (and repeating and repeating) some early stuff about the pregnancy etc and I have no idea where that started.

But as far as bashing her I do call her out - ON POLITICAL STUFF - on her lack of transparency and daily lying. The things that bother me the most are things like misrepresenting science and trying to hide the emails that showed she was lying, (polar bear study) in order to make a bigger buck.

She is bad news, not becaue of the personal stuff but because she doesn't care about evidence that shows her views are wrong, at all. Not at all. She'd rather hide the evidence that shows she is wrong, than change her mind.

Global warming is not a faith-based issue. It is an issue that can be studied scientifically. She has no interest in that. Approaching this kind of stuff with blinders and sticking your fingers in your ears (hiding emails that show the science and predictions are right) is not what we need in office.

I feel pretty strongly that she would be very bad for this country.

You probably feel that way about Obama or Biden.
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I'm still trying to figure out how she's "extremist".

Being pro-life isn't extremist, folks.
Reasonable limits?

She only wants Abortion if it threatens the mother's life.

But it's reasonable to not allow a pregnant woman to get a abortion if she gets pregnant by rape and or incest?

Fuckin :cuckoo:

you don't need an abortion for rape, that is what the day after pill is for..this is just a ploy the liberals like to toss out cuz it sounds good.
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It's a scare tactic. The whole, "If you don't let girls get abortions, there will be all these rape babies all over the place."
It's a false premise, and meant to evoke an emotional rather than rational response, because there is no rationale for legalized child butchery.
It's a scare tactic. The whole, "If you don't let girls get abortions, there will be all these rape babies all over the place."
It's a false premise, and meant to evoke an emotional rather than rational response, because there is no rationale for legalized child butchery.

The rationale is that you can't allow the government to force a birth upon a woman any more than you could allow a man to force himself upon a her. The law provides that women have a choice as it relates to their own bodies. I think your image of legalized butchery was meant to evoke an emotional response.
So you equate birth with rape. Nice.

A more likely analogy is of forcing a man to pay child support, despite the fact that he never wanted a child.

Women can have all the choice they want over their own bodies. When it comes to pregnancy, however, it's not just one body, it's two. And the other body has a right to decide what it wants to do with itself as well. And until such time as it is able to voice an opinion, then it is our job to protect that life.

Murder isn't ok just because you're talking about babies, or other vulnerable populations. Murder isn't okay because it makes somebody's life easier. Murder is never okay. And abortion is legalized butchery. Take a gander at some abortion film if you doubt it. But I doubt you will, because you don't want to look the hideous nature of the practice you hold so dear.
So you equate birth with rape. Nice.

A more likely analogy is of forcing a man to pay child support, despite the fact that he never wanted a child.

Women can have all the choice they want over their own bodies. When it comes to pregnancy, however, it's not just one body, it's two. And the other body has a right to decide what it wants to do with itself as well. And until such time as it is able to voice an opinion, then it is our job to protect that life.

Murder isn't ok just because you're talking about babies, or other vulnerable populations. Murder isn't okay because it makes somebody's life easier. Murder is never okay. And abortion is legalized butchery. Take a gander at some abortion film if you doubt it. But I doubt you will, because you don't want to look the hideous nature of the practice you hold so dear.

:clap2: Well said!
1. When a person runs for office, especially a major federal office, the public has a right and an obligation to scrutinze every aspect of their lives.

2. If Bill Clinton can't enjoy a cigar without the whole world knowing about it, then don't expect Republicans to enjoy a whole lot of privacy.

3. The Republicans judge everyone on their personal life and constantly want to make laws about things that are non of their business.

4. It's fun.

BTW - Sarah Palin is NOT an 'Average Mom' any more.

Clinton was president when charges of sexual harassment were brought against him, so of course his relations with underage interns were the property of the public.

And really, what life-controlling laws are you talking about that Republicans allegedly purport? And do go into detail about judging everyone on our own personal lives?
So you equate birth with rape. Nice.

A more likely analogy is of forcing a man to pay child support, despite the fact that he never wanted a child.

Women can have all the choice they want over their own bodies. When it comes to pregnancy, however, it's not just one body, it's two. And the other body has a right to decide what it wants to do with itself as well. And until such time as it is able to voice an opinion, then it is our job to protect that life.

Murder isn't ok just because you're talking about babies, or other vulnerable populations. Murder isn't okay because it makes somebody's life easier. Murder is never okay. And abortion is legalized butchery. Take a gander at some abortion film if you doubt it. But I doubt you will, because you don't want to look the hideous nature of the practice you hold so dear.
well said
So you equate birth with rape. Nice.


That was a severe misrepesentation of the poster's point Ali. Don't whine when it comes back to you.

Valeri posted:
The rationale is that you can't allow the government to force a birth upon a woman any more than you could allow a man to force himself upon a her. The law provides that women have a choice as it relates to their own bodies. I think your image of legalized butchery was meant to evoke an emotional response.

This is the essence of the point - the government should not be able to force a woman to give birth. The law doesn't allow a man to force himself upon her, this is rape. There is absolutely no equation in this post of birth with rape. The common point is the will of the woman being overborne - by the state in the instance of her being forced to give birth and by the individual in the case of rape. No equation at all. You are being astoundingly intellectually dishonest.
Clinton was president when charges of sexual harassment were brought against him, so of course his relations with underage interns were the property of the public.

And really, what life-controlling laws are you talking about that Republicans allegedly purport? And do go into detail about judging everyone on our own personal lives?

Which underage interns? If you mean Lewinski then you probably know she was in her early twenties. Not underage. Therefore his relations with her were private.
That was a severe misrepesentation of the poster's point Ali. Don't whine when it comes back to you.

Valeri posted:
The rationale is that you can't allow the government to force a birth upon a woman any more than you could allow a man to force himself upon a her. The law provides that women have a choice as it relates to their own bodies. I think your image of legalized butchery was meant to evoke an emotional response.

This is the essence of the point - the government should not be able to force a woman to give birth. The law doesn't allow a man to force himself upon her, this is rape. There is absolutely no equation in this post of birth with rape. The common point is the will of the woman being overborne - by the state in the instance of her being forced to give birth and by the individual in the case of rape. No equation at all. You are being astoundingly intellectually dishonest.

Technically the government wouldnt be forcing a woman to give birth. It would be punishing her for killing a life.
Ali try not to be so sloppy with the facts when you post. The odd mistake is fine, we're all capable of that but you seem to be making so many factual errors that I think you need to think before you hit that enter button, especially when you go after someone else.
That was a severe misrepesentation of the poster's point Ali. Don't whine when it comes back to you.

Valeri posted:
The rationale is that you can't allow the government to force a birth upon a woman any more than you could allow a man to force himself upon a her. The law provides that women have a choice as it relates to their own bodies. I think your image of legalized butchery was meant to evoke an emotional response.

This is the essence of the point - the government should not be able to force a woman to give birth. The law doesn't allow a man to force himself upon her, this is rape. There is absolutely no equation in this post of birth with rape. The common point is the will of the woman being overborne - by the state in the instance of her being forced to give birth and by the individual in the case of rape. No equation at all. You are being astoundingly intellectually dishonest.

No one is advocating forcing a woman to give birth. We are advocating against allowing a doctor to butcher a body with a beating heart and brain activity.
No one is advocating forcing a woman to give birth. We are advocating against allowing a doctor to butcher a body with a beating heart and brain activity.

So, at what stage of pregnancy will you allow termination?
So, at what stage of pregnancy will you allow termination?

Do you mean in cases of abortion as contraception? None.

Rape, incest, or life of the mother? Morning after pill. Abortion on a case by case basis. each circumstance is different and I don't think you could put a cap on these. The life of the mother could be threatened up to the date of birth. In that case you are talking triage, not ethics.
Do you mean in cases of abortion as contraception? None.

Rape, incest, or life of the mother? Morning after pill. Abortion on a case by case basis. each circumstance is different and I don't think you could put a cap on these. The life of the mother could be threatened up to the date of birth. In that case you are talking triage, not ethics.

Abortion can't be contraception because contraception prevents (well, it's intended to prevent) pregnancy. Here we're talking about a pregnancy. I need to clarify and not assume. Is it the case that where a woman is pregnant from a voluntary act of sexual intercourse you believe the state should force her to allow the pregnancy to continue until childbirth? Just checking.

Rape, incest (if it's not consensual it's also rape but that does complicate things) or life of the mother a pill that aborts the - is it called a zygote? Anyway the drug aborts the fertiised egg.

Do you believe a fertilised egg is a human life, a potential human life, a biological object? I just need to clarify that.
Palin's extremist views have nothing to do with Christianity.

1) What exactly are Palin's beliefs?

2) What are proper Christian beliefs (please seperate between dogma and doctrine)?

3) Are you sure you've got the Wright guy?

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