Sarah Palin: "Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism"

Palin isn't going anywhere...

it's great fun how when she talks about Obama, the lefts heads just about explodes..

you know she hit the nail on the head

I can't wait for more...go them even more insane than they already are....:eusa_clap:

There is a cure for that.

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America

if you say so, I don't watch fox so I wouldn't know..I get all my news off the Internet..I find out what fox is saying mostly by the liberals on this board, they are obsessed with it...which cracks me up
and people really should shut off PMSnbc...that station is REALLY bad for Amercia
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No. Saying AA made him PRESIDENT OF THE LAW REVIEW is racist.

Guess Obama is racist, since he was the one who wrote it.

But it was his white half - so it's good that you heap the hate on.

So here's tip: copy and paste to heart's desire, but don't add your own comments and you won't come off as being a racist asshole. Simple.


Leftist definition: Racist, one who failed to worship Obama as a god.

You're a joke, sparky.
Palin isn't going anywhere...

it's great fun how when she talks about Obama, the lefts heads just about explodes..

you know she hit the nail on the head

I can't wait for more...go them even more insane than they already are....:eusa_clap:

There is a cure for that.

Turn off Fox
It's bad News for America

if you say so, I don't watch fox so I wouldn't know..I get all my news off the Internet..
try it and shut off PMSnbc...that station is REALLY bad for Amercia

No conservatives do. It's just too embarrassing to admit, apparently. But they copy-paste Fox News video links and get all giddy when Fox News' ratings surpass CNN and MSNBC. So some of ya'll are watching. Finding any who admit it is the tricky part.

So instead, just say bad shit about Fox News, then see who come to its rescue while also saying they do not watch it. Very telling, not to mention funny as shit.

No. Saying AA made him PRESIDENT OF THE LAW REVIEW is racist.

Guess Obama is racist, since he was the one who wrote it.

But it was his white half - so it's good that you heap the hate on.

So here's tip: copy and paste to heart's desire, but don't add your own comments and you won't come off as being a racist asshole. Simple.


Leftist definition: Racist, one who failed to worship Obama as a god.

You're a joke, sparky.

I agree with that
Actually she no more said she can see "Russia from her house" than Al Gore said "he invented the internet". Both are incorrect, false media projections.

Don't get me wrong I think she is the least qualified person to be nominated for VP at least in my brief 50+ years.

Not quite the same.

Palin said nothing of the sort;

Gore said to Wolf Blitzer: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. "
No. Saying AA made him PRESIDENT OF THE LAW REVIEW is racist.

Guess Obama is racist, since he was the one who wrote it.

But it was his white half - so it's good that you heap the hate on.

So here's tip: copy and paste to heart's desire, but don't add your own comments and you won't come off as being a racist asshole. Simple.


Leftist definition: Racist, one who failed to worship Obama as a god.

You're a joke, sparky.

Thanks. Good to know.

BTW, when they make you Grand Wizard, I will utterly reject the notion that you got there simply for being white. It's all you pal, even if being white helped you join the organization originally.

See how that works?
Thanks. Good to know.

BTW, when they make you Grand Wizard, I will utterly reject the notion that you got there simply for being white. It's all you pal, even if being white helped you join the organization originally.

See how that works?

Are you the #2 man in Al Qaeda?

Sure you are...
Thanks. Good to know.

BTW, when they make you Grand Wizard, I will utterly reject the notion that you got there simply for being white. It's all you pal, even if being white helped you join the organization originally.

See how that works?

Are you the #2 man in Al Qaeda?

Sure you are...

No, praise baby Allah. I try to avoid most group-think activities, especially of religious nature; also careers involving name tags and matching outfits, which cops tend to not like me telling them when I'm pulled over.
No, praise baby Allah.


With Bin Laden gone it opened up the #1 spot for you, huh?

I try to avoid most group-think activities,

Oh yeah, that's why you're a leftist....

especially of religious nature; also careers involving name tags and matching outfits, which cops tend to not like me telling them when I'm pulled over.

You've been munching down extra heavy on the paint chips today, haven't you?
No, praise baby Allah.


With Bin Laden gone it opened up the #1 spot for you, huh?

I try to avoid most group-think activities,

Oh yeah, that's why you're a leftist....

especially of religious nature; also careers involving name tags and matching outfits, which cops tend to not like me telling them when I'm pulled over.

You've been munching down extra heavy on the paint chips today, haven't you?

I wish. But fuck me, I've been kibitzing with a moron and the recreational value is quickly diminishing. Best I be off.

Now then, where does the paint appear loose?
This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Sarah Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism - YouTube
And after laissez faire capitalism comes fascism.

Take your pick.
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Sweden has been socialist for decades, and over time Sweden has moderated its socialism.

I guess the formula doesn't work all the time.

In fact, what countries ever went from socialism to communism?
None that I'm aware of.
Actually she no more said she can see "Russia from her house" than Al Gore said "he invented the internet". Both are incorrect, false media projections.

Don't get me wrong I think she is the least qualified person to be nominated for VP at least in my brief 50+ years.

Not quite the same.

Palin said nothing of the sort;

Gore said to Wolf Blitzer: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. "

His only problem was in not finishing the statement with "as we know it today". Really, before Gore the internet wasn't really the internet at all. It was a government sponsored research network with no commercial aspect to it at all. We can thank him and his allies in Congress for that. The real inventors of the internet say the same, BTW.

Vint Cerf:

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
His only problem was in not finishing the statement with "as we know it today".

Which would have been really fucking stupid since he lobbied for funding for Archie and Veronica search engines that we obsolete by the time Congress funded them. But hey, the key is to throw money at it.

Really, before Gore the internet wasn't really the internet at all.


It was a government sponsored research network with no commercial aspect to it at all.

Oh, and what commercial aspect did Gore add? All those Usenet boards rivaled Amazon, did they sparky?

Lol, you sycophants and the stupid shit you post.

We can thank him and his allies in Congress for that. The real inventors of the internet say the same, BTW.

Vint Cerf:

Ohh, Vint Cerf, CEO of WorldCom who was begging for a bailout and hoping that criminal charges weren't coming down the line...

Damn, if we can't trust him, who CAN we trust....

Say, what did Bob Metcalf - you know, the guy who created Ethernet, that the Internet runs on, have to say about Gores foolish boast? Oh but then, Metcalf isn't a partisan hack like Cerf, so that doesn't count.

Here are some actual facts;

I first used the internet in 1979. It wasn't real impressive, and needed portals to add content. Genie, The Source, and Compuserve were the most popular. I ran a WildCat BBS in the 80's. These were a booming space where Doors create a coast to coast network independent from any Verizon or AT&T backbone (The real owners of the Internet, then and now) It was Tim Berners Lee who changed the internet by promoting HTML and offering a graphical experience. The first VIABLE commercial site was Amazon, with Gore had absolutely zilch to do with.
Sweden has been socialist for decades, and over time Sweden has moderated its socialism.

I guess the formula doesn't work all the time.

In fact, what countries ever went from socialism to communism?

Not to mention China, who went from Communism to a blend of Socialism and Capitalism.
His only problem was in not finishing the statement with "as we know it today".

Which would have been really fucking stupid since he lobbied for funding for Archie and Veronica search engines that we obsolete by the time Congress funded them. But hey, the key is to throw money at it.

Really, before Gore the internet wasn't really the internet at all.


It was a government sponsored research network with no commercial aspect to it at all.

Oh, and what commercial aspect did Gore add? All those Usenet boards rivaled Amazon, did they sparky?

Lol, you sycophants and the stupid shit you post.

We can thank him and his allies in Congress for that. The real inventors of the internet say the same, BTW.

Vint Cerf:

Ohh, Vint Cerf, CEO of WorldCom who was begging for a bailout and hoping that criminal charges weren't coming down the line...

Damn, if we can't trust him, who CAN we trust....

Say, what did Bob Metcalf - you know, the guy who created Ethernet, that the Internet runs on, have to say about Gores foolish boast? Oh but then, Metcalf isn't a partisan hack like Cerf, so that doesn't count.

Here are some actual facts;

I first used the internet in 1979. It wasn't real impressive, and needed portals to add content. Genie, The Source, and Compuserve were the most popular. I ran a WildCat BBS in the 80's. These were a booming space where Doors create a coast to coast network independent from any Verizon or AT&T backbone (The real owners of the Internet, then and now) It was Tim Berners Lee who changed the internet by promoting HTML and offering a graphical experience. The first VIABLE commercial site was Amazon, with Gore had absolutely zilch to do with.

Did he or did he not push for the legislation that resulted in the .coms? He didn't create the sites, he created the enabling legislation that divested the government of its control. You're bringing all sorts irrelevancies into the mix that aren't on point. Of course the net wasn't much back then. Hell, I was doing gopher before the web became the thing, but that doesn't have anything to do with the point I'm making about Gore, either.
Palin isn't going anywhere...

it's great fun how when she talks about Obama, the lefts heads just about explodes..

you know she hit the nail on the head

I can't wait for more...go them even more insane than they already are....:eusa_clap:

Say Stephanie, very early in this thread I gave you the the definition of socialism and asked you to post (in detail) example of real socialism by our current administration. That was about 24 hours ago and still nothing from you. Me thinks you are as clueless about socialism as Palin and many of the right-nutters that post here.
Let's see, we have had to deal with Obama for four years and the United States of America is still the least socialistic country in the world. But I know your favorite talking heads have scared you into pissing in your pants every time you hear that word,,socialism.
Anyway, here is the definition again...not your socks off.

Definition of SOCIALISM

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Socialism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
This is not setting well with Obama supporters today after she made the comments on Fox News. A lot of people seem to be agreeing with her though according to comments around the net. I believe the problem is that the press, the media & entertainment, and our schools promote the idea that Socialism is better than Capitalism. America will cease to be a nation of free people if Socialism becomes the way America operates.

Sarah Palin: Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism - YouTube
And after laissez faire capitalism come fascism.

Take your pick.

After? Fascism is liberalism. The two things are indistinguishable.

So I see Sarah's fans are still thinking that the Left is afraid of her, that her words cause them great concern and worry.

I'm pretty sure that isn't the case, folks, seriously. Maybe you're just kidding.


So I see Sarah's fans are still thinking that the Left is afraid of her, that her words cause them great concern and worry.

I'm pretty sure that isn't the case, folks, seriously. Maybe you're just kidding.


For cryin' out loud, even Dick Cheney dissed her.

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