Sarah Palin: "Obama Is A Socialist; After Socialism Comes Communism"

I said the Couric interviews, butthead. Can't you read?

Snopes confirms that the claim is false, stupidfuck.

Palin never said it, it was Tina Fey on SNL. But you leftists are devoid of so much as a hint of integrity, so despite knowing it to be false, you continue anyway. Yes, you're a fucking scumbag, but that is the norm for leftists. You hold your shameful party above all things so you blatantly lie without hesitation.

{interviewer Charles Gibson asked her what insight she had gained from living so close to Russia, and she responded: "They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska": }

So even here you got the wrong network, the wrong interviewer, and the statement was entirely correct and nowhere NEAR the fuckartary of Tina Fey that you spew.

Look, you're a pile of shit, so you're drawn to the left and the utter vacuum of integrity that defines the left.

I understand.
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No. Do you fear Blacks?

No, I fear whites. Since Obama is half white, I fear him...

Why do you assume he was elected president of the Law Review because he is Black? Have you something on that, or is your pointy hat showing? Hmmm?


The fucktardation of the left shines again.

{I’d also like to add one personal note, in response to the letter from Mr. Jim Chen which was published in the October 26 issue of the RECORD, and which articulated broad objections to the Review’s general affirmative action policy. I respect Mr. Chen’s personal concern over the possible stigmatizing effects of affirmative action, and do not question the depth or sincerity of his feelings. I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not personally felt stigmatized either within the broader law school community or as a staff member of the Review. Indeed, my election last year as President of the Review would seem to indicate that at least among Review staff, and hopefully for the majority of professors at Harvard, affirmative action in no way tarnishes the accomplishments of those who are members of historically underrepresented groups.} - Barack Obama

Obama’s 1990 note to the Harvard Law Record ” as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career” « thesophic

BTW, Obama made president of the Law Review, by being both among the majority Progressives, but also meeting with and appealing to Conservatives at Harvard Law. Imagine that. Accomplishment. Boy that's gotta fuck with racist assholes, yeah Pal?

Yeah, and Ward Churchill is a bonafide Indian Chief..
No. Do you fear Blacks?

No, I fear whites. Since Obama is half white, I fear him...

Why do you assume he was elected president of the Law Review because he is Black? Have you something on that, or is your pointy hat showing? Hmmm?


The fucktardation of the left shines again.

{I’d also like to add one personal note, in response to the letter from Mr. Jim Chen which was published in the October 26 issue of the RECORD, and which articulated broad objections to the Review’s general affirmative action policy. I respect Mr. Chen’s personal concern over the possible stigmatizing effects of affirmative action, and do not question the depth or sincerity of his feelings. I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year, I have not personally felt stigmatized either within the broader law school community or as a staff member of the Review. Indeed, my election last year as President of the Review would seem to indicate that at least among Review staff, and hopefully for the majority of professors at Harvard, affirmative action in no way tarnishes the accomplishments of those who are members of historically underrepresented groups.} - Barack Obama

Obama’s 1990 note to the Harvard Law Record ” as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career” « thesophic

BTW, Obama made president of the Law Review, by being both among the majority Progressives, but also meeting with and appealing to Conservatives at Harvard Law. Imagine that. Accomplishment. Boy that's gotta fuck with racist assholes, yeah Pal?

Yeah, and Ward Churchill is a bonafide Indian Chief..

Take off the white sheets and fucking read your own copy-pasted content. He says he may have been selected for the Law Review based on its AA policy.

Being elected president of the Law Review was pure brilliance, creating a coalition of both Progressive and Conservative support.

And coalition building is what made him US President, a second time.
Take off the white sheets and fucking read your own copy-pasted content. He says he may have been selected for the Law Review based on its AA policy.

Being elected president of the Law Review was pure brilliance, creating a coalition of both Progressive and Conservative support.

And coalition building is what made him US President, a second time.

Quoting Obama is RASSSSSISST....


Leftists - full of shit...
Take off the white sheets and fucking read your own copy-pasted content. He says he may have been selected for the Law Review based on its AA policy.

Being elected president of the Law Review was pure brilliance, creating a coalition of both Progressive and Conservative support.

And coalition building is what made him US President, a second time.

Quoting Obama is RASSSSSISST....


Leftists - full of shit...

No. Saying AA made him PRESIDENT OF THE LAW REVIEW is racist. So here's tip: copy and paste to heart's desire, but don't add your own comments and you won't come off as being a racist asshole. Simple.

Says Uncensored, the number one fluffer on the board, who can't give us one Democratic Party controlled corporation as a fascist example.

UncensoredFail yet again.

You can blather all you want, kiddo, but the assertion is yours to support and your belief is not assertion.

You use a definition "of party controlled" business as examples of fascist control, without giving us what examples of corporations that are controlled by the Democratic Party. Hint: none.

Conclusion: Uncensored fail.

Post your challenge in Politics, not in Clean Debate Zone. Are you that foolish to think the rest of us don't know what you and bigrebnc (with complacent allies) were attempting to do? I will be here long after both of you are banned.

Second Conclusion: Uncensored always fail.

Good reply fucktard.

Oh, wait..


You're a coward and a retard, Jakematters.
Take off the white sheets and fucking read your own copy-pasted content. He says he may have been selected for the Law Review based on its AA policy.

Being elected president of the Law Review was pure brilliance, creating a coalition of both Progressive and Conservative support.

And coalition building is what made him US President, a second time.

Quoting Obama is RASSSSSISST....


Leftists - full of shit...

No. Saying AA made him PRESIDENT OF THE LAW REVIEW is racist. So here's tip: copy and paste to heart's desire, but don't add your own comments and you won't come off as being a racist asshole. Simple.


lol, so now saying AA might of helped him is RACIST...
did you know that folks?
my gawd:lol:
then if it's racist we should get rid of it
Stephanie: lol, now you sound like a parrot..and a ditz...carry on

Stephanie want a cracker! Squawk!!
"Unfortunately, even more idiots are enamored of little princess Barack, the biggest ditz in the nation," says fluffer Uncensored. He would know.
Quoting Obama is RASSSSSISST....


Leftists - full of shit...

No. Saying AA made him PRESIDENT OF THE LAW REVIEW is racist. So here's tip: copy and paste to heart's desire, but don't add your own comments and you won't come off as being a racist asshole. Simple.


lol, so now saying AA might of helped him is RACIST...
did you know that folks?
my gawd:lol:
then if it's racist we should get rid of it

Nope. MADE HIM, president of the HLR. Try taking a reading comprehension course. Godknows you need one.

Edit: but you know that. Why else try to recast it and soften it up, as you did? Hmmm?
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She did lose. And so did the rest of us. Belly up!

i think the most unpatriotic thing john mccain ever did in his life was to give her a place on the national stage.

so we'll have to disagree on that one, willow... never ever ever ever should she have gotten to walk into the oval office.... even on a tour.

the most unpatriotic thing you people did was electing some inexperienced Junior Senator community agitator to be our President
we've done nothing but SUFFER under him
you talk about Palin, you people have some nerve


i see those anger management classes aren't going real well for ya, steffie...
i think the most unpatriotic thing john mccain ever did in his life was to give her a place on the national stage.

so we'll have to disagree on that one, willow... never ever ever ever should she have gotten to walk into the oval office.... even on a tour.

the most unpatriotic thing you people did was electing some inexperienced Junior Senator community agitator to be our President
we've done nothing but SUFFER under him
you talk about Palin, you people have some nerve


i see those anger management classes aren't going real well for ya, steffie...

yeah yawn..Palin was unpatriotic but Obama wasn't...figures with you
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:badgrin: Watching the ardent conservatives in this thread is like watching a manic depressive going through a psychotic episode. You're really defending a laughing stock like Palin? This is proof that the GOP has no new ideas and nothing but losers in it's ranks.
She would know, she can see Russia from her house.

At least she knows the difference between herself and Tina Fey on a SNL skit. More than you can say about most fucktarded Obamabots....

You might want to investigate this a bit. SNL writers took the actual transcripts from the Katie Courie interviews for their skits. That's pretty embarrassing.

Actually she no more said she can see "Russia from her house" than Al Gore said "he invented the internet". Both are incorrect, false media projections.

Don't get me wrong I think she is the least qualified person to be nominated for VP at least in my brief 50+ years.
:badgrin: Watching the ardent conservatives in this thread is like watching a manic depressive going through a psychotic episode. You're really defending a laughing stock like Palin? This is proof that the GOP has no new ideas and nothing but losers in it's ranks.

watching you post the same shit in every thread is like YAWN
Palin isn't going anywhere...

it's great fun how when she talks about Obama, the lefts heads just about explodes..

you know she hit the nail on the head

I can't wait for more...go them even more insane than they already are....:eusa_clap:
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Palin isn't going anywhere...

it's great fun how when she talks about Obama, the lefts heads just about explodes..

you know she hit the nail on the head

I can't wait for more...go them even more insane than they already are....:eusa_clap:

There is a cure for that.

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