Sarah Palin Questions Obama's Incompetence Over The Wikileaks Scandal


May 29, 2010
She is right. After the first round with wikileaks, why didn't Obama go after them and since he suppose to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic as he said he would when he took the oath, he has failed to do so. Palin raises serious questions about this and what could have been done that wasn't. We actually froze the Iranian Forces assets if I remember when Bush was president. You would think Obama would have done the same. Palin has the courage to ask the QUESTIONS that the lame media should be demanding. For all those concerned about Palin’s “gravitas” and wondering where she stands on the issues, she has been out front on nearly every issue of importance. My question is where are all the other “so-called” presidential candidates at on this national security issue? Palin hits the nail on the head with this question that Obama needs to answer:

"Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?"

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco | Facebook

We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

More of Palin hammering Obama in link
She is right. After the first round with wikileaks, why didn't Obama go after them and since he suppose to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic as he said he would when he took the oath, he has failed to do so. Palin raises serious questions about this and what could have been done that wasn't. We actually froze the Iranian Forces assets if I remember when Bush was president. You would think Obama would have done the same. Palin has the courage to ask the QUESTIONS that the lame media should be demanding. For all those concerned about Palin’s “gravitas” and wondering where she stands on the issues, she has been out front on nearly every issue of importance. My question is where are all the other “so-called” presidential candidates at on this national security issue? Palin hits the nail on the head with this question that Obama needs to answer:

"Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?"

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco | Facebook

We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

More of Palin hammering Obama in link


Not that HIS opinion means much but even Bush doesn't think Palin is worth a shit.

Bush Palin Unqualified

For being the darling to the Tea Party movement most Tea Partiers also don't want her as POTUS.

Most Tea Partiers deem Palin unqualified for president: poll | Raw Story

Personally the only thing she's qualified for is beauty pageants. She's too stupid to vote for but I wouldn't kick her out of bed either. :razz:
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If Palin is so smart why didn't she make recommendations BEFORE anything on wikileaks came out?
What exactly did Palin expect to be done about Wikileaks BEFORE it happened? Where were her recommendations then?
She is right. After the first round with wikileaks, why didn't Obama go after them and since he suppose to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic as he said he would when he took the oath, he has failed to do so. Palin raises serious questions about this and what could have been done that wasn't. We actually froze the Iranian Forces assets if I remember when Bush was president. You would think Obama would have done the same. Palin has the courage to ask the QUESTIONS that the lame media should be demanding. For all those concerned about Palin’s “gravitas” and wondering where she stands on the issues, she has been out front on nearly every issue of importance. My question is where are all the other “so-called” presidential candidates at on this national security issue? Palin hits the nail on the head with this question that Obama needs to answer:

"Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?"

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco | Facebook

We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

More of Palin hammering Obama in link


Not that HIS opinion means much but even Bush doesn't think Palin is worth a shit.

Bush Palin Unqualified

For being the darling to the Tea Party movement most Tea Partiers also don't want her as POTUS.

Most Tea Partiers deem Palin unqualified for president: poll | Raw Story

Personally the only thing she's qualified for is beauty pageants. She's too stupid to vote for but I wouldn't kick her out of bed either. :razz:
You are a liar. Bush never said that about Palin. He confirmed it to Rush Limbaugh. Here are the facts:


RUSH: I want to give you a chance to comment on something. There are stories going around that do not quote you -- that quote "associates" or "friends" -- saying that you are telling them that Sarah Palin was a bad choice by Senator McCain to be vice president --


RUSH: -- and that she --

PRESIDENT BUSH: I have never said that, of course, nor have I read about it. You know, I'm not gonna comment on anybody who might be running for president. But that's what happens in today's world, the blogosphere. You know, people get to hide behind some codename or something. They toss out a gossip or rumor and it floats around the Internet. I never said that, never would have said that.

More Proof. Bush in his own words:
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she's going to make an awesome president, her foreign policy is way better than obama's
i'm glad she o seems to be listening to his military advisors
She is right. After the first round with wikileaks, why didn't Obama go after them and since he suppose to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic as he said he would when he took the oath, he has failed to do so. Palin raises serious questions about this and what could have been done that wasn't. We actually froze the Iranian Forces assets if I remember when Bush was president. You would think Obama would have done the same. Palin has the courage to ask the QUESTIONS that the lame media should be demanding. For all those concerned about Palin’s “gravitas” and wondering where she stands on the issues, she has been out front on nearly every issue of importance. My question is where are all the other “so-called” presidential candidates at on this national security issue?

Bush policies were carried over for Iran, so if Bush froze assets, I assume they remain that way. Have you heard any different? Palin asks questions which are fine in mind, cept she attempts to answer questions and that is the crux of her problem.

Palin hits the nail on the head with this question that Obama needs to answer:

"Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?"

I suppose he had clearance to get the information. What was highly sensitive about it? He probably used a copy machine to copy it, then stuck it in his brief case. They probably noticed him copying papers, as they probably did daily on the job. I am sure it was noticed that he copied papers. Why would anyone suspect security was compromised by a person with security clearances? Silly question, but easily answered with logic.
The opinion expressed is illogical, and would require a God to handle Security. But then, in Palin's mind the Unicorn's are dancing and prancing on the roof tops. A person with a photographic memory could easily copy reams of papers without a machine.

First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

More of Palin hammering Obama in link

Palin would like a return to the Bush Fascist government of secrecy I assume. But Retards want transparency in government, or have the old fascist way endured. Classified information is an excuse to deny the public their 1st Amendment rights. If it can't be said to them, it shouldn't be said. Mark it secret if you dare, and keep the rest transparent.
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Yeah, questioning Obama's incompetence rather than his competence sounds like something that dumb bitch would get wrong. Nice catch. :thup:
You are a liar. Bush never said that about Palin. He confirmed it to Rush Limbaugh. Here are the facts:

A few problems. First, Bush is a habitual liar, so you can't believe anything he says, BUT, here is what he said about the traitor Palin whether you believe it or not.

'I'm trying to remember if I've met her before. I'm sure I must have.' [Bush's] eyes twinkled, then he asked, 'What is she, the governor of Guam?'"

"This woman is being put into a position she is not even remotely prepared for. She hasn't spent one day on the national level. Neither has her family. Let's wait and see how she looks five days out."

George Bush Thinks Sarah Palin Is 'Unqualified,' Lost Election For McCain, Says GOP Source
This is pretty huge. I'm surprised more aren't questioning his competence on this. The focus from the MSM seems to be on the Wikileak guy. Hardly no talk about how this happened and who's responsible. Right now i'm more concerned with how this happened than i am with the Wikileak guy. The MSM should start focusing on this instead. Stay tuned i guess.
She is right. After the first round with wikileaks, why didn't Obama go after them and since he suppose to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic as he said he would when he took the oath, he has failed to do so. Palin raises serious questions about this and what could have been done that wasn't. We actually froze the Iranian Forces assets if I remember when Bush was president. You would think Obama would have done the same. Palin has the courage to ask the QUESTIONS that the lame media should be demanding. For all those concerned about Palin’s “gravitas” and wondering where she stands on the issues, she has been out front on nearly every issue of importance. My question is where are all the other “so-called” presidential candidates at on this national security issue? Palin hits the nail on the head with this question that Obama needs to answer:

"Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?"

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco | Facebook

We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

More of Palin hammering Obama in link


Not that HIS opinion means much but even Bush doesn't think Palin is worth a shit.

Bush Palin Unqualified

For being the darling to the Tea Party movement most Tea Partiers also don't want her as POTUS.

Most Tea Partiers deem Palin unqualified for president: poll | Raw Story

Personally the only thing she's qualified for is beauty pageants. She's too stupid to vote for but I wouldn't kick her out of bed either. :razz:
You are a liar. Bush never said that about Palin. He confirmed it to Rush Limbaugh. Here are the facts:


RUSH: I want to give you a chance to comment on something. There are stories going around that do not quote you -- that quote "associates" or "friends" -- saying that you are telling them that Sarah Palin was a bad choice by Senator McCain to be vice president --


RUSH: -- and that she --

PRESIDENT BUSH: I have never said that, of course, nor have I read about it. You know, I'm not gonna comment on anybody who might be running for president. But that's what happens in today's world, the blogosphere. You know, people get to hide behind some codename or something. They toss out a gossip or rumor and it floats around the Internet. I never said that, never would have said that.

More Proof. Bush in his own words:

Don't call me a liar. I linked it. You gotta problem wuith that take it up with the website I linked it too.

So until you prove the link wrong (no, Rush doesn't do it) I stand by my link.....

She is right. After the first round with wikileaks, why didn't Obama go after them and since he suppose to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic as he said he would when he took the oath, he has failed to do so. Palin raises serious questions about this and what could have been done that wasn't. We actually froze the Iranian Forces assets if I remember when Bush was president. You would think Obama would have done the same. Palin has the courage to ask the QUESTIONS that the lame media should be demanding. For all those concerned about Palin’s “gravitas” and wondering where she stands on the issues, she has been out front on nearly every issue of importance. My question is where are all the other “so-called” presidential candidates at on this national security issue? Palin hits the nail on the head with this question that Obama needs to answer:

"Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?"

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco | Facebook

We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

More of Palin hammering Obama in link

i question sarah palins incompetence due to the fact that she has her own reality show on TLC. i could only imagine how much the right would jump that if Obama has his own reality show before he was president.

and btw, there was actually no highly classified materials in the wikileaks posting. some was actually declassified materials as well. im not condoning the release, but take it form ArmyRetard, he'll jump on anything Palin says as the truth from god.

Not that HIS opinion means much but even Bush doesn't think Palin is worth a shit.

Bush Palin Unqualified

For being the darling to the Tea Party movement most Tea Partiers also don't want her as POTUS.

Most Tea Partiers deem Palin unqualified for president: poll | Raw Story

Personally the only thing she's qualified for is beauty pageants. She's too stupid to vote for but I wouldn't kick her out of bed either. :razz:
You are a liar. Bush never said that about Palin. He confirmed it to Rush Limbaugh. Here are the facts:


RUSH: I want to give you a chance to comment on something. There are stories going around that do not quote you -- that quote "associates" or "friends" -- saying that you are telling them that Sarah Palin was a bad choice by Senator McCain to be vice president --


RUSH: -- and that she --

PRESIDENT BUSH: I have never said that, of course, nor have I read about it. You know, I'm not gonna comment on anybody who might be running for president. But that's what happens in today's world, the blogosphere. You know, people get to hide behind some codename or something. They toss out a gossip or rumor and it floats around the Internet. I never said that, never would have said that.

More Proof. Bush in his own words:

Don't call me a liar. I linked it. You gotta problem wuith that take it up with the website I linked it too.

So until you prove the link wrong (no, Rush doesn't do it) I stand by my link.....

Again you are a liar. Here is President Bush in his own damn words confirming you are a liar.!
I soooooooooooooooooooooooooo love watching the Obamabots getting their undies in such a twist over a woman they deem nonsensical.
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She is right. After the first round with wikileaks, why didn't Obama go after them and since he suppose to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic as he said he would when he took the oath, he has failed to do so. Palin raises serious questions about this and what could have been done that wasn't. We actually froze the Iranian Forces assets if I remember when Bush was president. You would think Obama would have done the same. Palin has the courage to ask the QUESTIONS that the lame media should be demanding. For all those concerned about Palin’s “gravitas” and wondering where she stands on the issues, she has been out front on nearly every issue of importance. My question is where are all the other “so-called” presidential candidates at on this national security issue? Palin hits the nail on the head with this question that Obama needs to answer:

"Most importantly, serious questions must also be asked of the U.S. intelligence system. How was it possible that a 22-year-old Private First Class could get unrestricted access to so much highly sensitive information? And how was it possible that he could copy and distribute these files without anyone noticing that security was compromised?"

Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks Fiasco | Facebook

We all applaud the successful thwarting of the Christmas-Tree Bomber and hope our government continues to do all it can to keep us safe. However, the latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months? Assange is not a “journalist,” any more than the “editor” of al Qaeda’s new English-language magazine Inspire is a “journalist.” He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?

More of Palin hammering Obama in link

i question sarah palins incompetence due to the fact that she has her own reality show on TLC. i could only imagine how much the right would jump that if Obama has his own reality show before he was president.

and btw, there was actually no highly classified materials in the wikileaks posting. some was actually declassified materials as well. im not condoning the release, but take it form ArmyRetard, he'll jump on anything Palin says as the truth from god.
So why did Hillary have a press conference this morning and condemn them from leaking very sensitive materials that could put the US in jeopardy with other nations if it wasn't nothing important.

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