Sarah Palin Say's It's Not To Late To Consider Presidential Run

It will be very very interesting to see how the hard core right people will support a mormon.

Well, I won't. Ever. Nominate the Mormon, I'll vote for Obama. Because I really dislike Mormons. But it's not just the "Hard Right" that's going to have the problem. Dislike of Mormons is stronger on the left than it is on the right. While 18% of Republicans said they won't vote for a Mormon, 27% of Democrats said they won't. And the GOP establishment realizes this, which is why they are trying to rig the game in Romney's favor.

Why should Republican let 18% of the party "rig" the election against Romney?

Vote for Obama, JoeBigot: who cares?

Well, maybe because you need that 18% to win.

Maybe because if Southern Evangelicals decide that they really don't have much in common with the GOP, they will switch over to the Democrats, which is where they were before Nixon.

Dirty little secret of the GOP. Once you take out the social issue voters, and those of us who believe in strong defense, all you have left is that little 20% of the population that cheers for Mr. Potter. And you can't win an election anywhere with them.

Again, I don't think the GOP is serious about winning this time, anyway. I think they are more about tamping down on the TEA Movement before it upsets the apple cart. The monster has gotten out of the castle and is now terrorizing the village.
I don't believe in any religion but I don't hold it against anyone either. Who cares what faith someone holds.

I don't believe in any religion, either.

But I have a big problem with religions that are formed as a scam, and people who know it was a scam continue the scam because it gives them power and wealth.

I also wonder about the criticial thinking skills of such a person. Bush was a failure because he was "uncurious". He took what his advisors told him at face value even when they were giving him simply awful advice.

If Mitt Romney really thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, then that disqualifies him in my mind because he lacks the critical thinking skills to effectively analyze the data he makes decisions on.
JoeBigot is a bigger ass.

Southern evangelicals are going to support a Dem before Romney, really?

Romney needs the center to win and to let you in on a secret, JoeBigot, so does Newt. The diff is simple, that Romney can get center and right, and Newt can only get the right.

Go figure.
JoeBigot is a bigger ass.

Southern evangelicals are going to support a Dem before Romney, really?

Romney needs the center to win and to let you in on a secret, JoeBigot, so does Newt. The diff is simple, that Romney can get center and right, and Newt can only get the right.

Go figure.

Romney isn't going to get the center.

Again, let's go back to the math. Romney needs to get either 5 million Obama voters to change their minds while keeping all of McCain's voters.

And, yeah, I see these Evangelicals maybe going third party or supporting Obama before supporting a HERETIC CULT, which is what a lot of them think Mormonism is. Obama is four year sentence. Supporting Heresy is an eternity in hell. It's laughable to me, but these people take this stuff seriously.

Spend a few minutes on Google, type in "Mormon Cult" and see the goodies that come up.

Anyone who thinks THESE people are going to just roll over and fall in line are probably as delusional as... well, Mormons.
You must have failed math. Romney polls well with the center, better than Newt. Once again, JoeBigot loses.
You must have failed math. Romney polls well with the center, better than Newt. Once again, JoeBigot loses.

Still runs behind Obama in nearly every poll.

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

9 polls. Obama wins 7 of them, one is a tie, one has Romney ahead but within the margin of error.

That's before Obama starts hammering the POS with his 1 Billion dollar war chest.

If Romney has to cheat to beat Newt, Obama's gonna kill him.
Also, Snarkey, your whole argument is that conservatives should sell out their principles and vote for Romney because he has a better chance than (Fill in the Blank).

I would never sell out my principles, but even if I were the type to do so, you have to make a convincing case Romney can win.

And I mean, really convincing. NOt running behind Obama.
The deflection is yours. Romney is going to beat Newtie hands down. And you will have to live with it.

It will be very very interesting to see how the hard core right people will support a mormon.

Well, I won't. Ever.

Nominate the Mormon, I'll vote for Obama. Because I really dislike Mormons.

But it's not just the "Hard Right" that's going to have the problem.

Dislike of Mormons is stronger on the left than it is on the right. While 18% of Republicans said they won't vote for a Mormon, 27% of Democrats said they won't.

And the GOP establishment realizes this, which is why they are trying to rig the game in Romney's favor.

I admit I feel the same way.

I will always defend his right to believe in any cult he wants but I've known quite a few Mormons and I believe they're dangerous people. They do not have the country's best interest at heart and neither does Romney.

And, yes, I think its just plain damn weird to wear magic underwear.

Many years ago, he admitted that he did wear the Morm magic underwear but has refused to talk about since.

Its called something like "temple underwear", "temple garments".

They're creepy people. That's the way I see them. Its based on my own experience and I won't apologize for it.

Again though, I will defend his right to follow any belief or cult he wants but not as my president because they have the stated goal to take over the US.

Besides, his family lived in Mexico for three generations just so they could have multiple wives. His father was a crook who could not run for prez because he was born in Mexico but his dream was for the US to be Mormon, from one coast to the other. THAT is not the direction I want MY country going.
Romney is a conservative, you are a failed libertarian atheist, so your points don't mean anything.

Romney can beat Obama, Newt can't.

You want the GOP to fall to libertarian principles, and true Republicans will never permit that.
Romney is a conservative, you are a failed libertarian atheist, so your points don't mean anything.

Romney can beat Obama, Newt can't.

You want the GOP to fall to libertarian principles, and true Republicans will never permit that.

I think we are going to fall to libertarian principles because we can no longer afford to be the world's policeman. Tidal gravity.

We can't afford to have the whole country on welfare either. Someone has to pull the damned cart.

But to the point, as much as I hate TownHall, this guy has some good points about Romney and his myth of electability.

7 Reasons Why Mitt Romney's Electability Is A Myth - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative
Some polls for Fake Snarkey's denial fest...

Poll: 40% of Americans uncomfortable with Mormon president | The Salt Lake Tribune

Washington • More than 40 percent of Americans would be uncomfortable with a Mormon as president, according to a new survey that also suggests that as more white evangelical voters have learned White House hopeful Mitt Romney is Mormon, the less they like him.

A survey by the Public Religion Research Institute released late Monday also shows that nearly half of white evangelical Protestant voters — a key demographic in the Republican primary race — don’t believe that Mormonism is a Christian faith, and about two-thirds of adults say the LDS faith is somewhat or very different than their own.

The most striking part of the survey, however, shows that Romney’s favorability among white evangelical Protestants dropped to 49 percent in the October survey from 63 percent in a July poll. The decline comes as more than half of the voters in that demographic reported that they were aware Romney is Mormon compared to 44 percent who were aware of that fact in a July survey.
Ooops, and then there is this...

Poll: Americans prefer Christian president -

The poll found 67 percent of Americans want the president to be Christian and 52 percent said they consider Mormons to be Christian. Twenty-two percent of those polled said they don't think Mormons are Christians and 26 percent are unsure.

"I do believe they are moral people, but again there is a difference between being moral and being saved," Linda Dameron, an evangelical Republican in Independence, Mo., told the Tribune.

Yeah, ummm, but, ummm, Newt got a divorce. Or two.
Ooops, and then there is this...

Poll: Americans prefer Christian president -

The poll found 67 percent of Americans want the president to be Christian and 52 percent said they consider Mormons to be Christian. Twenty-two percent of those polled said they don't think Mormons are Christians and 26 percent are unsure.

"I do believe they are moral people, but again there is a difference between being moral and being saved," Linda Dameron, an evangelical Republican in Independence, Mo., told the Tribune.

Yeah, ummm, but, ummm, Newt got a divorce. Or two.

I think Romney is taking the primaries.
So was Politician banned because its USArmyPalinSpamBotRacist's sock?
Obama's the luckiest guy in politics. The only better news for him would be if Palin got in.

What a train wreck.

Ooops, and then there is this...

Poll: Americans prefer Christian president -

The poll found 67 percent of Americans want the president to be Christian and 52 percent said they consider Mormons to be Christian. Twenty-two percent of those polled said they don't think Mormons are Christians and 26 percent are unsure.

"I do believe they are moral people, but again there is a difference between being moral and being saved," Linda Dameron, an evangelical Republican in Independence, Mo., told the Tribune.

Yeah, ummm, but, ummm, Newt got a divorce. Or two.

I think Romney is taking the primaries.

Very possibly. the Establishment seems intent on rigging the process.

My point is that this is foolish. Elections are won by enthusiasm. That's how Obama won. A lot of people got into an emotional frevor about him and what a great, transformational figure he was, and they carried him over very sensible questions about whether he could actually do the job.

(For those playing along at home- he couldn't.)

If you impose Romney be excluding everyone else and sandbagging them, there isn't going to be much enthusaism for him. Some just won't show up, others will vote third party in protest.

The GOP victory math is (Everyone who voted for McCain) + (about five million who voted for Obama changing their minds or 10 million of them staying home.)

Romney doesn't hit the first part of that equation. ANd the second part is kind of dubious.
I highly doubt she is jumping in now.

I highly hope you are correct.

I don't think she is...

But I think that there will be a third party challenge if the GOP establishment ramrods Romney to the nomination...

Scenarios I see-

Someone like Mike Huckabee gets in through "America Elects".

Trump runs a third party candidacy.

Ron Paul jumps the GOP train and goes for the LIbertarian ticket.

Any one of these is probably enough to tip the election Obama's way.

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